User:Magnus Manske/Mix'n'match report/1222

A report for the Mix'n'match tool. This page will be replaced regularly! Please note:

  • If you fix something from this list on Wikidata, please fix it on Mix'n'match as well, if applicable. Otherwise, the error might be re-introduced from there.
  • 'External ID' refers to the IDs in the original (external) catalog; the same as the statement value for the associated property.
  • The external catalog used here may be outdated, and probably does not reflect data (IDs) well.
See ISO 4217 (Q37431) for the formal data sources (in XLS). As of November 2022, I am working on ISO 4217 from enwiki; the bot should not edit ISO 4217 code (P498)'s). -DePiep (talk) 14:04, 13 November 2022 (UTC)

code de monnaie ISO 4217 (inclut le bitcoin)

Unknown external ID

External ID External label Item
ARA Argentine austral (Q781218)
ARG Argentine argentino (Q79407110)
ATS Austrian schilling (Q208730)
BAD Bosnia and Herzegovina dinar (Q2538687)
BEF Belgian franc (Q232415)
BOP Bolivian peso (Q2414435)
BRB cruzeiro novo (Q44904)
BRB cruzeiro (Q10261894)
BRC Brazilian cruzado (Q926028)
BRE cruzeiro (Q10261896)
BRN Brazilian cruzado novo (Q1764812)
BRR Brazilian cruzeiro real (Q831578)
BYB Belarusian ruble (Q108555034)
BYN Belarusian ruble (Q21531507)
CHW WIR franc (Q107543281)
CKD Cook Islands dollar (Q507737)
CSK Czechoslovak koruna (Q622599)
CYP Cypriot pound (Q193716)
DDM East German mark (Q157011)
DEM Deutsche Mark (Q16068)
ECS Ecuadorian sucre (Q911562)
EEK Estonian kroon (Q129983)
ESP peseta (Q189097)
FIM Finnish markka (Q203354)
FOK Faroese króna (Q191068)
FRF French franc (Q184172)
GNS Guinean syli (Q496938)
GQE Equatorial Guinean ekwele (Q971818)
GRD Greek drachma (Q1546443)
GWE Portuguese Guinean escudo (Q2340666)
GWP Guinea-Bissau peso (Q1329465)
HRD Croatian dinar (Q595634)
HUP Hungarian pengő (Q207669)
IEP Irish pound (Q270642)
ILP Israeli lira (Q1674712)
ILR Old Israeli shekel (Q2720762)
ITL Italian lira (Q204992)
KID Kiribati dollar (Q1049963)
LTL Lithuanian litas (Q25627)
LTT Lithuanian talonas (Q1130620)
LUF Luxembourg franc (Q213940)
LVL Latvian lats (Q133011)
LVR Latvian rublis (Q2472225)
MCF Monegasque franc (Q1047040)
MDC Moldovan cupon (Q2713155)
MGF Malagasy franc (Q1440737)
MLF Malian franc (Q2629054)
MTL Maltese lira (Q174467)
MZE Mozambican escudo (Q600213)
NHF New Hebrides franc (Q1852872)
NKD Artsakh dram (Q94418)
NLG Dutch guilder (Q788472)
NUD Niue dollar (Q4165057)
PEI Peruvian inti (Q1531048)
PES Peruvian sol (Q1606309)
PND Pitcairn Islands dollar (Q4165058)
PTE Portuguese escudo (Q468474)
SDD Sudanese dinar (Q1511773)
SIT Slovenian tolar (Q208133)
SKK Slovak koruna (Q178874)
SML Sammarinese lira (Q1063029)
SRG Surinamese guilder (Q2192949)
STN São Tomé and Príncipe dobra (Q193712)
SUR Soviet ruble (Q615640)
TJR Tajikistani ruble (Q2423956)
UAK Ukrainian karbovanets (Q308765)
UYN nuevo peso (Q25712645)
UYW Unidad Previsional (Q107631325)
VAL Vatican lira (Q183354)
VEB bolívar (Q203757)
VES sovereign bolivar (Q56349362)
XEU European Currency Unit (Q221828)
XFO gold franc (Q1509365)
XFU UIC franc (Q3080510)
XSU SUCRE (Q1148329)
XUA ADB Unit of Account (Q112107910)
YDD South dinar (Q618162)
YUD Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
YUF Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
YUG Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
YUM Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
YUN Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
YUO Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
YUR Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
YUS Yugoslav dinar (Q373429)
ZMK Old Zambia kwacha (Q21596813)
ZRN zaire (Q167922)
ZRZ zaire (Q167922)
ZWC Rhodesian dollar (Q392858)
ZWL Zimbabwean dollar (Q182803)
ZWL Zimbabwean dollar (Q65067684)

Different items for the same external ID

External ID External label Item in Wikidata Item in Mix'n'Match Mix'n'match entry
ANG Florin des Antilles néerlandaises Caribbean guilder (Q737779) Netherlands Antillean guilder (Q522701) 52039400
ARS Peso argentin Argentine Peso 1983 (Q1640286) Argentine convertible peso (Q199578) 52039402
MRO Ouguiya mauritanien Mauritanian ouguiya (Q56302633) Mauritanian ouguiya (Q207024) 52039493
TRY Lire turque New Turkish lira (Q14961002) Turkish lira (Q172872) 52039541
VEF Bolivar fuerte vénézuélien hard bolívar (Q114000593) bolívar (Q203757) 52039551
YER Riyal yéménite North Yemeni rial (Q618653) rial (Q240512) 52039565

Multiple items for the same external ID in Wikidata

External ID Items in Mix'n'Match
ANG Netherlands Antillean guilder (Q522701)
Caribbean guilder (Q737779)
ARS Argentine convertible peso (Q199578)
Argentine Peso 1983 (Q1640286)
BRB cruzeiro novo (Q44904)
cruzeiro (Q10261894)
MRO Mauritanian ouguiya (Q207024)
Mauritanian ouguiya (Q56302633)
TRY Turkish lira (Q172872)
New Turkish lira (Q14961002)
YER rial (Q240512)
North Yemeni rial (Q618653)
ZWL Zimbabwean dollar (Q182803)
Zimbabwean dollar (Q65067684)