User:Malore/Wikidata ideas/automate property creation


  • create a property requires a lot of time;
  • a property must be created before being used;
  • properties that are equivalent to another one but in a narrower field are not accepted;


  • if something can't be done without that property it's easier that it won't get done at all if it requires to wait for a month in order to do it;
  • there's no way to extensively try a property to check how it behaves before accepting it;
  • sometimes it's difficult to know if there's a property for a specific use case because the most obvious one doesn't exist. For example, there isn't a "software version" property but only edition or translation of (P629).
  • sometimes it's difficult to know how a property is used because it is too generic. This causes confusion and wrong edits, and makes it harder to search for information. Examples:
    • P1112 (P1112) is nothing but a more specific catalog code (P528); however, someone interested to add information about Pokémon will easily find and intuitively know how to use the former, while he would find problems with the latter;
    • memory capacity (P2928) is too broad and this causes issues.



Solution 1: automatic creation


Automatically create properties if:

  • it is given a correct shape expression;
  • the shape expression applies to at least ... items;
  • the property is associated with an item (created at least x days before);

Properties created in such a way can be checked and deleted afterwards.

Solution 2: two-levels system


Divide properties in "accepted" and "others":

  • "others" properties are not suggested (or suggested after the "accepted") in the item pages;
  • "others" properties can be created as easily as items;
  • "others" properties can become "accepted" if the community agrees (in a process similar to the current "property proposal"),