User:MartinPoulter/queries/memory of the world

Baseline report edit

Initial data collected 16 and 19 February 2024

External links edit

There is a data table on Commons of basic information that was scraped from this old website in January of 2019. All its URLs are broken.

Data completeness edit

#title:Memory of the World inscriptions known to Wikidata
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription (YEAR(?date) AS ?year) WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858 # Heritage designation: MotW
  OPTIONAL{?s pq:P580 ?date} # Start date
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
ORDER BY ?year
Memory of the World inscriptions known to Wikidata
  • Of these, 2707 lack associated images.
#title:Memory of the World inscriptions without associated images
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription (YEAR(?date) AS ?year) WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858 # Heritage designation: MotW
  OPTIONAL{?s pq:P580 ?date} # Start date
  MINUS {?item wdt:P18 ?img}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
} GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?date
ORDER BY ?year
Memory of the World inscriptions without associated images

This is an image gallery of the (presently 80) inscriptions that have images:

#title:Memory of the World inscriptions with associated images
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription (YEAR(?date) AS ?year) (SAMPLE(?img) AS ?image) WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858 # Heritage designation: MotW
  OPTIONAL{?s pq:P580 ?date} # Start date
  ?item wdt:P18 ?img
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
} GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription ?date
ORDER BY ?year
Memory of the World inscriptions with associated images
  • The 2787 items have a total of 6318 labels in 184 different languages.
#title:Labels for Memory of the World inscriptions
SELECT ?langname (COUNT(?item) AS ?count)  WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858. # Heritage designation: MotW
 ?item rdfs:label ?label BIND(lang(?label) AS ?langcode)
OPTIONAL { ?language wdt:P218 ?langcode; rdfs:label ?langlabel FILTER(lang(?langlabel) = "en") } # Convert short code to full language name
BIND(COALESCE(?langlabel, ?langcode) AS ?langname)
} GROUP BY ?langname
Labels for Memory of the World inscriptions
Top 15 languages
Language Labels Missing label
Korean 2468 319
English 1856 931
French 242 2545
German 88 2699
Spanish 69 2718
Japanese 68 2719
Dutch 65 2722
Chinese 53 2734
Russian 51 2736
Italian 49 2738
Polish 40 2747
Portuguese 39 2748
Indonesian 38 2749
Esperanto 34 2753
Catalan 33 2752
#title:Memory of the World inscriptions without a type statement
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel (YEAR(?date) AS ?year) WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858 # Heritage designation: MotW
  OPTIONAL{?s pq:P580 ?date} # Start date
  MINUS{?item wdt:P31 ?type}
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} ORDER BY ?year
Memory of the World inscriptions without a type statement
#title:Memory of the World inscriptions and their properties
SELECT ?prop ?propLabel ?count ?missing WHERE {
        SELECT ?prop (COUNT(DISTINCT ?item) AS ?count) (2787 - COUNT(DISTINCT ?item) AS ?missing) WHERE {
           hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" .
           ?item wdt:P1435 wd:Q473858 .
           ?item ?p ?id .
           ?prop wikibase:directClaim ?p FILTER(?prop != wd:P1435)
        }  GROUP BY ?prop
    SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
} ORDER BY DESC (?count)
Memory of the World inscriptions and their properties

This is a summary table with all of the properties had by more than 1000 items:

property with statement without
instance of (P31) 2783 4
country (P17) 2773 14
collection (P195) 2502 285
location (P276) 2494 293
language of work or name (P407) 2479 308
country of origin (P495) 2468 319
title (P1476) 2466 321
main subject (P921) 2464 323
inception (P571) 2454 333
inventory number (P217) 2453 334
time period (P2348) 2449 338
location of creation (P1071) 2449 338
archives at (P485) 2448 339
collection creator (P6241) 2442 345
online access status (P6954) 2439 348
access restriction status (P7228) 2438 349
width (P2049) 2186 601
length (P2043) 2174 613
thickness (P2610) 2171 616

Files edit

Petscan finds 39,086 files on Commons in the category Memory of the World Register, with a depth of 6 (larger depths don't give a result; the tool times out). It's difficult to tell how many of these are images are directly of objects that are part of a MotW inscription: a lot seem to be only tangentially related.

GLAMorgan reports 247,169,844 image views for these images in January 2024. However, a lot of these image views are from flags and emblems such as commons:Flag of Queensland.svg, so the category seems insufficiently precise.

Wikipedia articles edit

  • There are a total of 1560 articles about individual inscriptions in 159 languages, including 74 in English and 58 in French.
#title:Wikipedia articles about specific Memory of the World inscriptions
SELECT ?langname (COUNT(?item) AS ?count)  WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858. # Heritage designation: MotW
 ?site schema:about ?item ; schema:inLanguage ?langcode. FILTER(CONTAINS(str(?site), "") )
OPTIONAL { ?language wdt:P218 ?langcode; rdfs:label ?langlabel FILTER(lang(?langlabel) = "en") } # Convert short code to full language name
BIND(COALESCE(?langlabel, ?langcode) AS ?langname)
} GROUP BY ?langname
Wikipedia articles about specific Memory of the World inscriptions
Top 10 languages
Language Wikipedia articles
English 74
German 64
French 58
Spanish 54
Russian 49
Dutch 48
Italian 42
Polish 39
Indonesian 38
Japanese 37
  • There are 115 inscriptions that are the subject of a Wikipedia article. The most-documented is the Magna Carta, with articles in 94 languages.
#title:The most popular Memory of the World inscriptions by number of Wikipedia articles 
SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription (COUNT(?site) AS ?count) WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858. # Heritage designation: MotW
 ?site schema:about ?item .
  FILTER(CONTAINS(str(?site), "") )
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
} GROUP BY ?item ?itemLabel ?itemDescription 
The most popular Memory of the World inscriptions by number of Wikipedia articles
The top ten inscriptions with the most Wikipedia articles
Inscription Description Articles
Magna Carta (Q12519) charter of rights agreed between King John of England and the nobility in 1215 94
Rigveda (Q727413) most ancient Veda of the Hindus 92
Phoenician script (Q26752) abjad found in Canaanite and Aramaic inscriptions across the Mediterranean from the 11th–2nd centuries BCE 89
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen (Q169759) foundational document of the French Revolution 72
Treaty of Tordesillas (Q180897) treaty 62
Bayeux Tapestry (Q187483) embroidered wall-hanging art depicting the Norman invasion of England 61
The Wizard of Oz (Q193695) 1939 movie based on the book by L. Frank Baum & Mass Mason 51
Tabula Peutingeriana (Q12767) map of the road network in the Roman Empire 48
Book of Kells (Q204221) 8th-century illuminated manuscript Gospel book, held in Trinity College, Dublin 48
Treaty of Waitangi (Q472802) treaty signed on 6 February 1840 by representatives of the British Crown and various Māori chiefs from the North Island of New Zealand 47

Wikisource transcriptions edit

  • There are a total of 58 Wikisource pages (complete or partial transcriptions) in 27 different languages.

This query gives a count of the Wikisource pages in each language.

#title:Wikisource pages about specific Memory of the World inscriptions
SELECT ?langname (COUNT(?item) AS ?count)  WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858. # Heritage designation: MotW
 ?site schema:about/wdt:P629? ?item ; schema:inLanguage ?langcode. FILTER(CONTAINS(str(?site), "") )
OPTIONAL { ?language wdt:P218 ?langcode; rdfs:label ?langlabel FILTER(lang(?langlabel) = "en") } # Convert short code to full language name
BIND(COALESCE(?langlabel, ?langcode) AS ?langname)
} GROUP BY ?langname
Wikisource pages about specific Memory of the World inscriptions
Top 5 languages
Language Wikisource pages
English 7
Chinese 6
Japanese 5
Korean 5
Spanish 4

This query gives links to each Wikisource transcription, grouped by language.

#title:Wikisource transcriptions of specific Memory of the World inscriptions
SELECT ?langname ?itemLabel ?site  WHERE {
  ?item p:P1435 ?s. ?s ps:P1435 wd:Q473858. # Heritage designation: MotW
 ?site schema:about/wdt:P629? ?item ; schema:inLanguage ?langcode. FILTER(CONTAINS(str(?site), "") )
OPTIONAL { ?language wdt:P218 ?langcode; rdfs:label ?langlabel FILTER(lang(?langlabel) = "en") } # Convert short code to full language name
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
BIND(COALESCE(?langlabel, ?langcode) AS ?langname)
ORDER BY ?langname
Wikisource transcriptions of specific Memory of the World inscriptions