Adding painting with QuickStatements:

,Q3305213,"La Joconde","painting by Léonard de Vinci","""Mona Lisa - the Louvre.jpg""",Q762,+1600-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,Q19675

In french:

,Q3305213,"La Joconde","peinture de Léonard de Vinci","""Mona Lisa - the Louvre.jpg""",Q762,+1600-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,Q19675

,Q3305213,"In the Meadow","painted by Rosa Bonheur","tableau de Rosa Bonheur","""In the Meadow - Rosa Bonheur.jpg""",Q241732,+1900-00-00T00:00:00Z/7
,Q3305213,"Watching His Flock","painted by Rosa Bonheur","tableau de Rosa Bonheur","""Watching His Flock - Rosa Bonheur.webp""",Q241732,+1860-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
,Q3305213,"In the Meadow","painted by Rosa Bonheur","tableau de Rosa Bonheur","""In the Meadow - Rosa Bonheur.jpg""",Q241732,+1900-00-00T00:00:00Z/7
,Q3305213,"Watching His Flock","painted by Rosa Bonheur","tableau de Rosa Bonheur","""Watching His Flock - Rosa Bonheur.webp""",Q241732,+1860-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
  • Described at url = P973
  • Location = P276
  • Artist = P170
  • Date = P571

MBA Dijon :

,Q3305213,"La Joconde","peinture de Léonard de Vinci","""Mona Lisa - the Louvre.jpg""",Q762,+1600-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,Q1955739

Link wiki commons file to wikidata (to use the Artwork template) :


"M143974824" : found here

P180 = P921 = wikidata ID

Créer un artiste :

,Q5,"Michel Dumas","Michel Dumas","peintre français","french painter",Q6581097,Q142,+1812-06-19T00:00:00Z/11,+1885-06-26T00:00:00Z/11,Q1028181,Q456,Q3354
,Q5,"Anne-Nicolas Dubois","Anne-Nicolas Dubois","peintre français","french painter",Q6581097,Q142,+1759-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,+1835-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,Q1028181,Q7003,Q118867901
,Q5,"Jean-Baptiste Tonnesse","Jean-Baptiste Tonnesse","peintre français","french painter",Q6581097,Q142,+1755-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,+1838-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,Q1028181,Q7003,Q38380

  • P21 = sex/gender (Q6581097 = homme Q6581072 = femme)
  • P27 = country of citizenship
  • P569 / P570 = date de naissance/mort (11 = au jour près, 10 = au mois près, 9 = à l'année près) (
  • P106 = occupation (Q1028181 = peintre Q1281618 = sculpteur)
  • P19 / P20 = lieu de naissance/mort (inconnus : Q118867832 / Q118867901)
  • !!! P735 et P734 sont prénom et nom de famille, mais doivent être reliés à une valeur wikidata (ex : Paul = Q4925623), plus pratique donc de rajouter à la main par la suite