
Wikidata Bot This user account is a bot with a bot flag. The bot is operated by FelixReimann.
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This bot is used to mass add taxonomic data based on third party literature and taxonomic databases.



If you want to add taxonomic data based on citable sources, there is a simple syntax available which can control this bot.

  1. Choose one scientific article you want to add.
  2. Create an item for the article to be referenced: Annotated checklist of the recent and extinct pythons (Serpentes, Pythonidae), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and distribution (Q14405740)
  3. Create the hierarchy as given by the article. This can be written in wiki syntax, as this is easiest for human input. See example.
  • Create the hierarchy with *** (see example)
  • Add the taxon name or ? in case of incertae sedis
  • The taxon authors string is surrounded by "": "(Gray & Linnaeus, 1766)"
  • The rank can be defined by a hash followed by the latin name of the rank: #species

4. Inform me and the bot will start



The bot currently adds taxon name (P225), P107 (P107), parent taxon (P171), taxon rank (P105).
taxon author (P405) and year of publication of scientific name for taxon (P574) are hopefully soon to come.