I am Marketing and Communications manager at mySociety, the UK not-for-profit that runs EveryPolitician.

My job is to tell the world about the projects we're involved in, so I help with communications for the EveryPolitician/Wikidata project to improve the data on politicians -- although lots of this is also done by the wider team too. In order to learn more about what it all involves, I am using this account as a training ground, hopefully adding some small amount of value to the data as I do so!

Working for mySociety, I have a broad interest in Civic Technology and particularly in technologies that aid democracy, support Freedom of Information, and make government to citizen communication easier. I enjoy my niche in that organisation, which is basically to try and explain complex concepts to people with as little technical/coding knowledge as myself, and to tell the stories of how people are changing the world or exerting power through the tools that we supply.

Outside work, my main interest is illustration and particularly self-made small press comics.