This is the bot account I've set up for running contributions driven from software code. I use the excellent work from LeMyst on wikibaseintegrator for work in and its wikidataintegrator counterpart. My code for this work is in this repo. This account is intended for what will be one-off processing of source content or processes that only need to be periodically refreshed and re-run. Anything that I set up on some kind of scheduled operation will be done under separate, dedicated bot accounts.



If you follow or come across any of my work in places like, you'll probably figure out that I do some of my work in the public space as part of my official role as a scientist with the U.S. Geological Survey. That's separate from anything I do with this bot account or my User:Skybristol account in the Wikiverse. These contributions are my own. They may stem from knowledge gained while working in the U.S. Government but do not, in any way, serve as official contributions from my institution.

  This user account is a bot with a bot flag. The bot is operated by Skybristol.
  • Block this bot if it is malfunctioning.
  • Check its work.
  • Contact the operator about mistakes.
  • See all Requests for Permissions related to this bot: 1
  • License: