
Periodical task, normally one time for week using weekly dump.


  • For all items that have the value of instance of (P31) in the following list, the BOT add the label in language copying it from sitelinks. The bot trim the disambiguation (parentheses)
  • If sitelink start with one of the letters in the following list, the BOT add the label in language copying it from sitelinks. The bot trim the disambiguation (parentheses)
    • ( ! ? " $ ' . , ' 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • For category and template item with label+description conflict I try to fix the problem deleting the labels and rewrite them. The problem normally is caused from sitelink moving.

The bot create also a list of conflict Label+Description. I can create a report if someone can work on it



For all items that have instance of (P31)=Wikimedia category (Q4167836) or Q29848066 and no other value for P31 the BOT add the standard description. Source of the description is autoEdit.

The bot create also a list of conflict Label+Description. I can create a report if someone can work on it



For all items that have instance of (P31)=Wikimedia template (Q11266439) and no other value for P31 the BOT add the standard description. Source of the description is autoEdit.

The bot create also a list of conflict Label+Description. I can create a report if someone can work on it



For all items that have instance of (P31)=Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410) and no other value for P31 and have only 1 sitelink the BOT add the standard description. Source of the description is autoEdit, The BOT add also the label in all language with latin alphabet (see the following list) copying it from sitelinks. The bot trim the disambiguation (parentheses). The label are added only if are composed only with the following char: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789- ()

  • Lang with latin alphabet:
    • en
    • de
    • fr
    • it
    • es
    • af
    • an
    • ast
    • bar
    • br
    • ca
    • co
    • cs
    • cy
    • da
    • de-at
    • de-ch
    • en-ca
    • en-gb
    • eo
    • et
    • eu
    • fi
    • frp
    • fur
    • ga
    • gd
    • gl
    • gsw
    • hr
    • ia
    • id
    • ie
    • is
    • io
    • kg
    • lb
    • li
    • lij
    • mg
    • min
    • ms
    • nap
    • nb
    • nds
    • nds-nl
    • nl
    • nn
    • nrm
    • oc
    • pcd
    • pl
    • pms
    • pt
    • pt-br
    • rm
    • ro
    • sc
    • scn
    • sco
    • sk
    • sl
    • sr-el
    • sv
    • sw
    • vec
    • vi
    • vls
    • vo
    • wa
    • wo
    • zu

The bot create also a list of conflict Label+Description. I can create a report if someone can work on it. It's very long...