chromic bromide hexahydrate (Q107406522)


Hi Data4chem, could you please double-check, whether your merge is really correct. It seems to me that one item was about the dihydrate and the other about the hexahydrate. Leyo 18:11, 6 April 2023 (UTC)Reply

@Leyo: Sorry about the slow reply to this comment. I haven't logged on in several weeks. Looking at the state of the two Items before the merge, it seems to me that both were about the hexahydrate, with the exception that Q27258530 had "dihydrate" in the label/synonyms. All the data in Q27258530 was for the hexahydrate, so I think a merge was appropriate. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If I'm correct, then I suggest the best thing to do is to create a new Item for the dihydrate, which I'll do shortly unless you object. Data4chem (talk) 21:14, 25 April 2023 (UTC)Reply