Svenska etiketter/Swedish labels


Får jag föreslå att du avstår från att redigera svenska (sv) etiketter. Det är uppenbart att du inte behärskar svenska tillräckligt bra för att kunna avgöra vad ett bra svenskt namn är.

May I suggest that you hesitate from editing Swedish (sv) labels. It's obvious that your knowledge of Swedish is not good enough to make a good choise of Swedish labels.

Några exempel/Some examples:

  • Good: [1] Yes, Swedish labels should use lower case when it's not a name
  • Less good: [2] I do not know any Swedish name here, but seting the descriptive part in front of the naming part of a word looks strange to a Swede.
  • half good/half bad: [3] changing the orders of the words was a good choise, but "av" is wrong choise of preposition, and I can see you have used it several times in Swedish labels.
  • bad [4] does not make sense at all. It is a word by word translation from English, but it does not make much sense in Swedish.

Bästa hälsningar/Best regards! -- Innocent bystander (talk) 18:24, 1 August 2015 (UTC)Reply