LONELINESS ( A friend of A Friend)

When I sit, eat or walk with Friends I feel lonely, not of body but of mind

As I laid my head firm to sleep After toils of long hours

Echo's a strange voice, A calm soothing tune, a humble vibe

It waves, musing my inner peace, 

It's feelings of tranquility, an humble pace

Only to have my eyes opened!!! Alas, a dream, realizing loneliness accompanies friendship Words of lips, tales of laughter

"I feel at ease when the realization that my friend (s) don't have utmost importance in my life than the OWNER of my life, the ONE who created me. I decide not to seek validation from anyone but ALLAH The moment I know these, I know I have conquered the spirit of LONELINESS. May ALLAH continue to be our lead towards the right path".