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Previous discussion was archived at User talk:TB5ivVaO1y55FkAogw1X/Archive 1 on 2019-02-12.

Fichier STEP (Q3509055) vs ISO 10303 (Q302726)

Donatello29 (talkcontribs)

Hello, I have changed one of the modification that you have done on Wikidata, for FreeCAD Q251322, because Fichier STEP (Q3509055) is not working properly in French. It was pointed to the English page instead of the French page, which is however existing. That's why I have restaured ISO 10303 (Q302726) which is visible in the FreeCAD French page (and which is working fine towards the French page). I think that these two items should be merged, but I am not able to do it. If you know how to solve the problem…

Thanks for contributing.


Donatello29 (talkcontribs)

I have posted a message on the Talk page too.

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