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Sumanuil (talkcontribs)

Enwiki infoboxes can't take more than one image. If you put in a second, neither will display. Please don't do this again.~~~~

Tiginbeg (talkcontribs)

What page are you talking about?

Sumanuil (talkcontribs)

IEEE Medal of Honor. It doesn't really matter, though, as the problem is not limited to one article. I don't know if it's a bug or not, but it applies to all of English Wikipedia at least. A linked wikidata item with more than one image won't display, as the system will string all the file names together into one, obviously invalid file name.

Tiginbeg (talkcontribs)

As far as I know, only the first row image is reflected in the infobox. Many other articles have more than one image, but this is the first time I have heard of such an error.

Sumanuil (talkcontribs)

The problem may be with Wikidata, it might be with enwiki, but either way I'd try to avoid it by using only one image at a time.

Modern primat (talkcontribs)
Reply to "Q678414"

ermeni soykırımı ve "sistematik katli"

Modern primat (talkcontribs)
Tiginbeg (talkcontribs)

tr wiki için taraflı şablonu bulunmakta, 1 önceki geri alışınızda " sistematik katli gerçektir" diyerek kişisel çıkarımınızı aktarmış bulunuyorsunuz.

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