Please stop and double-check your work with duplicate authors!


Hi - I just reviewed many of your "duplicate authors" merges and most of them were very wrong. Do *not* merge when:

  • the full names are incompatible with one another. If the middle initial is different it is a different person. If the names are spelled out and differ, if one is not clearly a nickname or other abbreviated version of the other, they are different people.
  • Even if the names are the same, please check the other identifiers. If they have different ORCID id's or other similar identifiers, they are probably different people. Unless you are sure they are the same, do not merge.

Also please review the ones you have already merged and fix the merges that were bad (restore both items to before you started making changes). If you cannot do this in the next few days I will ask for all your edits to be reverted; there are too many errors in the ones I checked. ArthurPSmith (talk) 21:03, 31 March 2024 (UTC)Reply

I have gone through all your merges and fixed the bad ones. There were a large number that were wrong. It may be we need to contact the author of this tool to make it work better. Anyway, you should review them but there shouldn't be anything still needing fixing now and I won't ask for the full revert. ArthurPSmith (talk) 20:11, 2 April 2024 (UTC)Reply