Wikidata:Database reports/Complex constraint violations/P3182

Complex constraint violations report for FANTOIR code (discussion, uses, items, changes): unique identifier for streets and public squares in France and Monaco; format: 10 digits/characters

Data time stamp: (UTC)

The report is generated based on the settings on Property talk:P3182.

Updates overwrite this page. Some may already be fixed since the last update: check RecentChangesLinked.

The report can include false positives. No need to "fix" them.

Localisation inconsistency edit

Localisation inconsistency
Inconsistency between this identifier and the INSEE municipality code (P374) of the commune of the located in the administrative territorial entity (P131).
34 violations
Query time: 8.61 s

Type inconsistency edit

Type inconsistency
Inconsistency between the type and the instance of (P31).
2522 violations
Query time: 23.32 s

This complex constraint violation list is limited to 2000 cases; 522 cases have been skipped.

Type inconsistency edit

Type inconsistency
When there is multiple value, the Rivoli codes (last four digit before the final control key) should be the same.
0 violations
WDQS HTTP status: 500; WDQS query timeout
Errors during constraint evaluation:
Cannot parse WDQS response as JSON object (likely reason: query timeout)