Wikidata:Edit groups/CB/7a7abf4f0b00

Edit group CB/7a7abf4f0b00

Summary There is no "native" label for anatomical structures. Author FischBot
Number of edits 2,823 (more statistics) Example edit Q2200632



@FischBot, Pyfisch: Before simply removing native label (P1705) claims, you should have at least moved them to [la] label fields. Some valid Latin labels were lost (ex. inner cell mass (Q1335221)). --Okkn (talk) 14:04, 12 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your comment. It did not occur to me to move the native label (P1705) claim to the Latin label (or alias if there are multiple I guess). How different is medical latin from the language spoken in the ancient world? Previous discussion can be found at the bot requests page and the removal was suggested by @ChristianKl:. Maybe the WikiProject Anatomy can decide if and how alternative latin names should be stored. --Pyfisch (talk) 18:07, 12 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]