Wikidata:Fifth Birthday/Stories

Blog posts, essays and thoughts written by Wikidata editors.

Wishes for the year to come, by Tpt

The exciting lexicographical data project, new tools and toolkits, and efforts data quality: Tpt explains his hopes and wishes for the next year on Wikidata. Read more

Happy Birthday Wikidata! by the Gene Wiki Team

The Gene Wiki project added Wikidata-entities for all human genes. This project was completed by October 6 2014. Since then, they have continued enriching Wikidata with gene annotations from other species. Read their birthday wishes here

Some random thoughts on the occasion of Wikidata's fifth birthday, by PKM

We all like to worry, but on Wikidata's fifth birthday, PKM also finds a lot to look forward to in the next five years. Read more

Birthday wishes and a personal story, by Spinster

Quite some time ago, User:Spinster already hoped that something like Wikidata would once be invented. Now Wikidata has turned five, and she loves it :-) On this special occasion she also has thoughts and wishes for its future. Read her story here.

Happy Birthday, Wikidata by RolandUnger

Roland sends birthday wishes from Wikivoyage and takes a closer look at the opportunities and challenges of the two projects. Read his story here.

Happy Birthday, Wikidata by Katherine Maher

video wishes by Katherine

Happy Birthday, Wikidata by ArthurPSmith

Two years of Wikidata experience from ArthurPSmith, and some thoughts on the future. Happy Birthday Wikidata! Read his story here.

Happy Birthday Wikidata from Wikimedia Deutschland

Happy birthday wishes from Wikimedia Deutschland