Wikidata:Flemish art collections, Wikidata and Linked Open Data/KMSKA/20th Century

Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen (KMSKA)

Collection of Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (Q1471477)  View with Reasonator View with SQID.

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20th-Century works (from Wikidata) in the collection of Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (Q1471477)  View with Reasonator View with SQID:

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image instance of title description creator collection inventory number inception made from material genre movement depicts described at URL
painting Seated Nude painting by Amedeo Modigliani (1917) Amedeo Modigliani Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2060 1917 oil paint
nude gaze towards the viewer
sculpture The Mad Maiden sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Middelheim Museum
1912 bronze Nel Duerinckx
painting The blind man painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2043 1910 oil paint
portrait person with visual disabilities
painting The Ironer painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1932 1912 oil paint
portrait Nel Duerinckx
clothes iron
kerosene lamp
painting Within the Walls of Antwerp in 1550 painting by Charles Boom Charles Boom Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1355 1901 oil paint
painting Before Blessing at the Church of Hoogstraten painting by Charles Boom Charles Boom Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1355bis 1910 oil paint
painting Winter painting by Emile Claus Emile Claus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1356 1900 oil paint
landscape painting
painting The Bill of the Dressmaker painting by Henri De Smeth Henri De Smeth Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1362 1901 oil paint
painting Showery Weather in Nieuwpoort painting by Victor Gilsoul Victor Gilsoul Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1364 1901 oil paint
landscape painting
painting The Archers painting by Leo Van Aken Leo Van Aken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1374 1901 oil paint
painting Sorrow painting by Pierre Jacques Dierckx Pierre Jacques Dierckx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1413 19th century oil paint
painting Shrimpers on the Lower Scheldt painting by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1415 1904 oil paint
painting Breton Women in Mourning painting by Charles Cottet Charles Cottet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1416 1903 oil paint
painting The Blue Thistle painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1417 1904 oil paint
painting Equinox painting by Rodolphe Wytsman Rodolphe Wytsman Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1418 1901 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Het Zoute painting by Paul Mathieu Paul Mathieu Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1420 19th millenium oil paint
landscape painting
painting Alongside the beach painting by Evert Pieters Evert Pieters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Frans Buffa & sons
1422 1903 oil paint
landscape painting
painting n/a painting by Henri François Schaefels Hendrik Frans Schaefels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1442 1903 oil paint
painting Fighting Cocks painting by Piet Van Engelen Piet van Engelen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1444 1902 oil paint
painting The annual fair painting by Albert De Vriendt Albrecht De Vriendt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1460 1900 oil paint
painting Gypsies painting by Constant Wauters Constant Wauters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1497 19th century
painting The Painter Alexandre Nestor Nicolas Robert painting by Herman Richir Herman Richir Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1593 1901 oil paint
portrait Alexandre Robert
painting Self Portrait painting by Pierre Jean Van der Ouderaa Pieter Van der Ouderaa Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1597 1904
oil paint
Kaarskensprocessie in Scherpenheuvel painting by Frans Van Leemputten Frans van Leemputten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1599 190s oil paint
painting Candle Procession at Scherpenheuvel painting by Frans Van Leemputten Frans van Leemputten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1599a 190s oil paint
painting Arrival of the Procession painting by Frans Van Leemputten Frans van Leemputten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1599b 190s oil paint
painting Candle procession in Scherpenheuvel (right panel} - Pilgrims arrive at the church painting by Frans Van Leemputten Frans van Leemputten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1599c 190s oil paint
painting The Saint Anthony Church in Antwerp painting by Anna Kernkamp Anna Kernkamp Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1609 1904 cityscape
painting Return from the Vintage painting by Auguste Leveque Auguste Levêque Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1611 190s oil paint
painting Portrait of Edmond Picard painting by Auguste Leveque Auguste Levêque Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1627 1900 oil paint
portrait Edmond Picard
painting Love Hymn painting by Auguste Leveque Auguste Levêque Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1629 1901 oil paint
painting Gabrielle Frederic, the Artist's Daughter painting by Léon Frédéric Léon Frédéric Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1646 1907 oil paint
painting Woman at the table painting by Richard Emile Miller Richard Edward Miller Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1672 19th millenium oil paint
painting Oude brug in Vlaanderen painting by Emmanuel Viérin Emmanuel Viérin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1695 1910 oil paint
painting Winter in Brabant painting by Jean-François Taelemans Jean-François Taelemans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1698 1908 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Summer on the Maas painting by Juliette Wytsman-Trullemans Juliette Wytsman Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1705 1911 oil paint
landscape painting Meuse
flowering plant
painting Dood van de heilige Godelieva van Gistel painting by Ernest Wante Ernest Wante Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1706 1911 oil paint
religious art
painting The Busybody painting by Charles Van der Eycken Charles van der Eycken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1707 1911 oil paint
painting Birdcages painting by Joseph Posenaer Joseph Posenaer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1709 1911 oil paint
painting Erasmus and Quentin Matsys painting by Eugène Siberdt Eugène Siberdt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1711 1908 oil paint
painting The Painter Charles Verlat painting by Edouard De Jans Edouard de Jans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1745 19th millenium oil paint
portrait Charles Verlat
painting The Retoucher painting by Léon Brunin Leon Brunin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1747 1919 oil paint
painting The Architect Leonard Blomme painting by Gustave Vanaise Gustaaf Vanaise Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1750 1901 oil paint
portrait Léonard Blomme
painting Justin Peeters-Lacroix painting by Edouard De Jans Edouard de Jans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1770 1913 oil paint
painting Strozzi tegen Doria painting by Charles Dominique Fouqueray Charles Fouqueray Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1773 1911 oil paint
painting The Painter Alfred Elsen painting by Edouard De Jans Edouard de Jans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1786 1915 oil paint
portrait Alfred Elsen
painting Dike Building on the Beach at Knokke painting by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1792 1909 oil paint
painting Sombeke in de winter painting by Edmond Verstraeten Edmond Verstraeten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1795 1919 oil paint
landscape painting
painting The Sow painting by Jan Stobbaerts Jan Stobbaerts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1802 1914 oil paint
painting To the stabes painting by Jan Stobbaerts Jan Stobbaerts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1803 19th millenium oil paint
painting Sunken Road painting by Jan Stobbaerts Jan Stobbaerts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1806 1914 oil paint
painting Bowlers painting by Ramah Ramah Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1885 1921 oil paint
painting Christ Showing His Wounds painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1925 1921 oil paint
religious art
painting Under the glass ceiling painting by Marie Antoinette Marcotte Marie Antoinette Marcotte Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1928 1921 floral painting greenhouse
flowering plant
painting Winterlandschap painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1929 1912 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Still life painting by Jan Sluijters Jan Sluijters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1934 1921 oil paint
still life flower
painting Vrouw in het blauw painting by Willem Paerels Willem Paerels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1936 1921 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Stilleven painting by Jos Albert Jos Albert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1945 1923 oil paint
still life
painting The Last Journey painting by Frans Hens Frans Hens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1947 1923 oil paint
painting Spring painting by Auguste Oleffe Auguste Oleffe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1954 1911 oil paint
mythological painting
painting Flowers and Lemons painting by Albéric Coppieters Albéric Coppieters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1955 1900 oil paint
still life flower
painting Ostend Harbour painting by James Ensor James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1957 190s oil paint
marine art port
painting Still Life with Chinoiseries painting by James Ensor James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1959 1906 oil paint
still life mask
painting De wilg painting by Louis Clesse Louis Clesse Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1981 1921 oil paint
painting The Painter Jacques Rosseels painting by Jan Hendrik Luyten Henry Luyten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2002 1907 oil paint
portrait Jacques Rosseels
painting Suffer the Little Children come to Me painting by Juliaan De Vriendt Juliaan De Vriendt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2010 1923 oil paint
religious art
painting Portrait of the engraver Frans Lauwers painting by Jozef Marie Louis Janssens Jozef Janssens de Varebeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2011 1924 oil paint
portrait Frans Lauwers
painting Education painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2024 1912 oil paint
painting Windmill in the Kempen painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2027 1923 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Woman at the Window painting by Auguste Oleffe Auguste Oleffe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2029 1924 oil paint
painting Still Life with Flowers painting by Auguste Oleffe Auguste Oleffe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2030 1924 oil paint
still life flower
painting Interior in the Kempen painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2032 1922 oil paint
painting Interior with Cradle painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2033 19th century oil paint
painting Kobeke Smits painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2034 19th century oil paint
painting Rode vis painting by Walter Vaes Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2035 1906 oil paint
painting De architect Richard Vaes painting by Walter Vaes Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2036 1912 oil paint
portrait Richard Vaes
painting Two Springs painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2044 1910 oil paint
painting Still Life painting by Maurice Wagemans Maurice Wagemans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2047 1920 oil paint
still life
painting Self-portrait with cigar painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2062 1913 oil paint
self-portrait Rik Wouters
painting De staatsman Camille Huysmans painting by Isidoor Opsomer Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2080 1927 oil paint
portrait Camille Huysmans
painting Dieppe painting by Jacques-Emile Blanche Jacques-Émile Blanche Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2085 1926 oil paint
landscape painting Beach of Dieppe
painting Nude with Arms Crossed painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2092 1927 oil paint
painting Coffee Drinkers painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2093 1927 oil paint
painting Kroegtafereel painting by Francis d' Erdely Francis de Erdely Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2096 1928 oil paint
painting Avond in de Kempen painting by Leopold Haeck Leopold Haeck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2097 1922 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Zelfportret painting by Pieter De Mets Pieter De Mets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2098 1914 oil paint
painting Speed painting by Jules Schmalzigaug Jules Schmalzigaug Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2099 1914 oil paint
painting Light painting by Jules Schmalzigaug Jules Schmalzigaug Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2100 1914 oil paint
painting Impression in a Dance Hall painting by Jules Schmalzigaug Jules Schmalzigaug Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2100bis 1914 oil paint
painting The Rialto Bridge in Venice painting by Jules Schmalzigaug Jules Schmalzigaug Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2101 1913 oil paint
painting San Marco from the Piazetta painting by Jules Schmalzigaug Jules Schmalzigaug Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2101bis 1913 oil paint
painting Snow in Flanders painting by Valerius De Saedeleer Valerius de Saedeleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2104 1928 oil paint
landscape painting snow
painting Harlekinade painting by Floris Jespers Floris Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2110 1929
painting Communicante verlaat het huis painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2114 1920 oil paint
painting Het boerenleven painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2114-2125 1920 oil paint
painting Uitreiken van de hostie painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2115 1920 oil paint
religious art
painting Communicanten op weg naar de kerk painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2116 1920 oil paint
painting Bruiloftstoet op weg naar de kerk painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2117 1920 oil paint
painting Inzegening van het huwelijk painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2118 1920 oil paint
religious art
painting Verloving painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2119 1920 oil paint
painting Bezoek aan de kraamvrouw painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2120 1920 oil paint
painting Doopsel painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2121 1920 oil paint
religious art
painting Doopstoet op weg naar de kerk painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2122 1920 oil paint
painting Het kisten van de dode painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2123 1920 oil paint
painting Lijkdienst painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2124 1920 oil paint
religious art
painting Lijkstoet painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2125 1920 oil paint
painting The Virgin painting by Felix Gogo Felix Gogo Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2129 190s oil paint
religious art Mary
Christ Child
painting Woman and Children at the Harbour painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem Eugeen Van Mieghem Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2151 1923
painting Harmonica Player painting by Eugeen Van Mieghem Eugeen Van Mieghem Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2152 1928 oil paint
painting Pally painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2159 1922 oil paint
painting The Mussel Eaters painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2160 1923 oil paint
Mytilus edulis
painting Interior painting by Louis Thevenet Louis Thevenet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2162 1929 oil paint
painting De schets painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2163 1929 oil paint
painting Oude vrouw painting by Henri Victor Wolvens Henri-Victor Wolvens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2166 1928 oil paint
painting Etching Table painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2167 1909 oil paint
painting Self Portrait painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2168 190s oil paint
painting Ironing painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2169 1916 oil paint
painting Interior with Embroiderer painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2170 1915
painting The Cemetery painting by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2171 1912 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Interior in the Kempen painting by Jakob Smits (KMSKA 2181) Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2181 1910 oil paint
painting Woman in White painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2186 1915 oil paint
painting White Horse painting by Philibert Cockx Philibert Cockx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2187 1928 oil paint
painting Rain on the Scheldt painting by Frans Hens Frans Hens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2189 1907 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Sunset in Nieuwpoort painting by Auguste Oleffe Auguste Oleffe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2192 1906 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Pietà painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2193 1909 oil paint
religious art Jesus
painting Frans Smits, the Artist's Father painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2206 19th century oil paint
painting Frans Smits, the Artist's Father painting by Jakob Smits (KMSKA 2212) Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2212 19th century oil paint
painting Selfportrait Jozef Israëls painting by Jozef Israëls Jozef Israëls Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Frans Buffa & sons
2217 1905 oil paint
painting De rede van Antwerpen painting by Isidoor Opsomer Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2226 1930 oil paint
painting Landscape painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2228 1931 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Serenity painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2229 1932 oil paint
painting Portret van een kind painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2234 1931 oil paint
portrait child
painting De wolk painting by Alfred Bastien Alfred Bastien Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2235 19th century oil paint
landscape painting
painting Oosterse dans painting by Alfons Proost Alfons Proost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2267 1929 oil paint
painting Clown painting by Floris Jespers Floris Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2268 1932 oil paint
painting Avond aan de Schelde painting by Ernest Albert Ernest Albert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2270 1925 oil paint
painting Kazematten painting by Floris Jespers Floris Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2274 1932 oil paint
painting Child painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2275 1933 oil paint
painting Oogst painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2276 1922 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Woman from Spakenburg painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2281 1917 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Zonnig landschap painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2285 1933 oil paint
painting Tuin in Bretagne painting by Edith van Leckwyck Edith van Leckwyck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2288 1930 oil paint
painting De beeldhouwer Josuë Dupon painting by Antoon van Welie Antoon van Welie Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2290 190s oil paint
portrait Josue Dupon
painting Woman at the Window painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2292 1915 oil paint
painting Danseressen painting by Alfons Proost Alfons Proost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2297 1932 oil paint
painting Azure painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2299 1928
painting Grauwvuur painting by Pierre Paulus Pierre Paulus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2303 1934 oil paint
painting Hellas painting by Louis Buisseret Louis Buisseret Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2304 1932 oil paint
painting Naakten painting by Marie Howet Marie Howet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2314 1934 oil paint
painting Zee painting by Jan Cockx Jan Cockx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2316 19th century oil paint
painting Green Sea painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2317 1930 oil paint
painting Flowers painting by Juliette Cambier Juliette Cambier Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2321 19th century oil paint
still life flower
painting The Parade of the Magi painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2325 1925 oil paint
painting The Caravan painting by William Degouve de Nuncques William Degouve de Nuncques Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2331 1910 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Stilleven met vis painting by Julien Creytens Julien Creytens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2335 1936 oil paint
still life
painting De schrijver Felix Timmermans painting by Isidoor Opsomer Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2337 1936 oil paint
portrait Felix Timmermans
painting Azaleas painting by James Ensor James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2346 19th century oil paint
still life azalea
painting Seringen painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2349 1931 oil paint
painting Girl painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2350 1933 oil paint
painting Portrait of Monseigneur Gerassimos Mesara, metropolitan of Beirut painting by Kees van Dongen Kees van Dongen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2351 1928 oil paint
painting Noordelijke Madonna painting by Paul Joostens Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2352 1930 oil paint
religious art
painting Snow Landscape painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2354 1929 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Badende vrouwen painting by Carlo De Roover Carlo De Roover Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2356 1931 oil paint
painting Vlissingen painting by Reimond Kimpe Reimond Kimpe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2360 1937 oil paint
painting Huis in het bos painting by Jules Boulez Jules Boulez Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2366 19th century oil paint
landscape painting
painting Portret van een vrouw painting by Alice Frey Alice Frey Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2370 1936 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Stilleven met groenten painting by Taf Wallet Taf Wallet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2372 1935 oil paint
still life
painting Gezicht op de Tuileriën painting by Suzanne Van Damme Suzanne Van Damme Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2375 1938 oil paint
painting Steel Foundry painting by Armand Jamar Armand Jamar Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2377 1932 oil paint
painting Still Life with Herring painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2380 1934 oil paint
still life
painting Stilleven met speenvarken painting by Walter Vaes Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2382 1906 oil paint
still life
painting Grootmoeder painting by Louis De Maeyer Louis De Maeyer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2383 1936 oil paint
portrait woman
painting De dochter van de schilder painting by Georges Van Raemdonck George Van Raemdonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2385 1934 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Zelfportret painting by Rodolphe Strebelle Rodolphe Strebelle Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2386 1938 oil paint
painting Landschap painting by Albert Jozef Claeys Albert Jozef Claeys Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2390 19th century oil paint
landscape painting
painting De rede van Antwerpen painting by Cornelis Bender Cornelis Bender Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2391 19th century oil paint
painting Vissershaven painting by Julien Creytens Julien Creytens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2392 1938 oil paint
painting Zelfportret met grijze hoed painting by Anne Pierre De Kat Anne-Pierre de Kat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2398 1936 oil paint
self-portrait Anne-Pierre de Kat
painting Het koren painting by Robert Buyle Robert Buyle Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2401 1936 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Bruidsboeket painting by Gerard Baksteen Gerard Baksteen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2404 1935 oil paint
painting De vuurtoren painting by Ernest Albert Ernest Albert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2412 19th century oil paint
painting Herberg painting by Leo Bervoets Leo Bervoets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2413 190s oil paint
painting Summer painting by Hippoliet Van Heesvelde Hippoliet Van Heesvelde Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2414 1932 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Schoorstenen painting by Albert De Roover Albert De Roover Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2415 1936 oil paint
painting Place du Luxembourg in Parijs painting by Albert Dasnoy Albert Dasnoy Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2419 1936 oil paint
painting Britton Landscape painting by Félix Denayer Félix Denayer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2420 1932 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Silver Wedding painting by Louis Thevenet Louis Thevenet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2428 1913 oil paint
painting Madame Richard Baseleer painting by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2432 1905 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Roses painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2433 1925 oil paint
painting Interior painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2434 1900 oil paint
painting The Booth of Jan van Gent painting by George Morren George Morren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2436 1938 oil paint
painting Stilleven painting by Armand Vanderlick Armand Vanderlick Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2437 1938 oil paint
still life
painting De beeldhouwer Alfons van Beurden I painting by Julien Creytens Julien Creytens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2442 1936 oil paint
portrait Alfons Van Beurden
painting Vlaams dorp painting by Armand Deweerdt Armand Deweerdt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2444 1938 oil paint
painting Girl in Pink painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2446 1937 oil paint
painting Portrait Georg Brandes painting by Lovis Corinth Lovis Corinth Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2452 1925 oil paint
portrait Georg Brandes
painting Vier Männer am Tisch painting by Karl Hofer Karl Hofer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2453 1926 oil paint
painting The Writer Walter Mehring painting (1926) by Georg Grosz George Grosz Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2454 1926 oil paint
portrait Walter Mehring
painting Little Jeanne painting by Jules Pascin Jules Pascin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2455 1908 oil paint
portrait woman
painting 'Place de France' in Buenos Aires painting by Carlos Washington Aliseris Genta Carlos Washington Aliseris Genta Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2456 1937 oil paint
landscape painting
painting De schrijver, kunsthistoricus en politicus August Vermeylen painting by Isidoor Opsomer Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2459 1939 oil paint
portrait August Vermeylen
painting The Entrance of the Harbour at Zeebruges painting by Alfons Vermeylen Alfons Vermeylen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2467 1929 oil paint
painting Huis achter bomen painting by Mayou Iserentant Mayou Iserentant Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2469 1939 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Zelfportret painting by Georges Van Raemdonck George Van Raemdonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2470 1929 oil paint
painting Tree in Bloom painting by Frits Van den Berghe Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2473 1930 oil paint
painting The Pig Slaughterman painting by Marten Melsen Marten Melsen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2476 19th century oil paint
landscape painting tree
painting The Bee Keepers painting by Marten Melsen Marten Melsen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2477 1937 oil paint
painting De advocaat Charles Dumercy painting by Georges Van Raemdonck George Van Raemdonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2479 1929 oil paint
portrait Charles Dumercy
painting Girl from the Kempen painting by Albert Van Dyck Albert Van Dyck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2481 19th century oil paint
painting Moeder en kind painting by Pierre Paulus Pierre Paulus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2482 1940 oil paint
religious art
painting Sneeuwlandschap painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2486 1938 oil paint
landscape painting
painting The Hofberg at Brussels painting by Arthur Navez Arthur Navez Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2487 1921 cityscape
painting Meisje met mand painting by Léon Devos Léon Devos Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2488 1943 oil paint
painting Interieur painting by Léon De Smet Léon de Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2490 1937 oil paint
painting Nanette de Spoelberch, Madame Louis de Baillet-Latour painting by Jacques De Lalaing Jacques de Lalaing Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2492 1902 oil paint
painting Herfstvruchten painting by Maurice Felbier Maurice Felbier Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2497 1941 oil paint
painting Still Life with Pewter Jar painting by Paul Claes Paul Claes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2498 1915 oil paint
still life
painting Flowers painting by Maurits Niekerk Maurits Niekerk Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2500 1925 oil paint
still life flower
painting Self Portrait painting by Jean Van den Eeckhoudt Jean Vanden Eeckhoudt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2504 1941 oil paint
painting Woman with Toque painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2511 1934 oil paint
painting Georgette painting by Jacques Maes Jacques Maes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2515 1942 oil paint
painting Sournia bij Perpignan painting by Victor Dolphyn Victor Dolphyn Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2516 1940 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Hoevetjes painting by Jan Van der Loo Jan Van der Loo Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2523 1942 oil paint
painting Dorpje painting by Gust Van Steenwegen Gust Van Steenwegen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2524 1921 oil paint
painting Kind painting by Anna Martinowa Zarina Anna Martinowa Zarina Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2525 1939 oil paint
painting Life painting by Frits Van den Berghe Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2527 1924 oil paint
painting Namiddag painting by Bruno Capacci Bruno Capacci Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2558 1938 oil paint
painting Mevrouw Charles Counhaye painting by Charles Counhaye Charles Counhaye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2559 19th century oil paint
painting Tuin met bloemen painting by Rachel Baes Rachel Baes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2566 1943 oil paint
landscape painting
painting De engel en de kinderen painting by Alice Frey Alice Frey Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2572 1939 oil paint
religious art
painting Barinterieur painting by Robert Buyle Robert Buyle Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2573 1930 oil paint
painting Het venster painting by Henri Victor Wolvens Henri-Victor Wolvens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2574 1931 oil paint
painting Acrobaten in Spaans dorp painting by Adrien Dupagne Adrien Dupagne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2576 1935 oil paint
painting Golden Clouds painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2581 1940 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Interieur met bloemen painting by Jean Milo Jean Émile Van Gindertael Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2583 1943 oil paint
painting Charleroi bij nacht painting by Pierre Paulus Pierre Paulus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2592 1945 oil paint
painting The Mirror painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2600 1905 oil paint
painting Hooimaand painting by Gustaaf De Bruyne Gustaaf De Bruyne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2604 1944 oil paint
painting Zeegezicht painting by Cornelis Bender Cornelis Bender Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2609 1938 oil paint
painting Chapel of Our Lady of Bonne-Odeur painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2614 1913 oil paint
painting Portrait d'une femme painting by Edouard Vuillard Édouard Vuillard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2615 1912 portrait woman
Lucie Hessel
painting Spring painting by Philibert Cockx Philibert Cockx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2627 1948 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Collioure in blauw painting by René Guiette René Guiette Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2628 1947 oil paint
painting Gezicht van Céret painting by Cedric Morris Cedric Morris Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2640 1923 oil paint
painting Standing nude painting by Jan Sluijters Jan Sluijters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Jan Esser collection
2653 1910 oil paint
painting The Harbour of Le Havre painting by Achille Emile Othon Friesz Othon Friesz Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2662 1921 oil paint
painting De twee zusters painting by Jan Cox Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2666 1948 oil paint
painting Bathing children painting by Eugène Laermans Eugène Laermans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2670 19th century oil paint
painting Lying Nude painting by Philibert Cockx Philibert Cockx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2672 1928 oil paint
painting Landscape with Black Italian Poplars painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2673 1942 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Haystacks painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2674 1942 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Sunset painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2675 1942 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Clouds painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2676 1933 oil paint
landscape painting
painting White Farm painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2677 1941 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Stable painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2678 1939 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Grijze zee painting by Henri Victor Wolvens Henri-Victor Wolvens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2679 1946 oil paint
painting Gespan painting by Hubert Malfait Hubert Malfait Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2681 1944 oil paint
painting Girl in Brown painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2682 1944 oil paint
painting Zelfportret painting by Albert Crommelynck Albert Crommelynck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2683 1949 oil paint
painting The Sleepers painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2685 1918 oil paint
painting Fair painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2688 1921 oil paint
painting Oasis painting by Eugène Laermans Eugène Laermans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2691 1905 oil paint
painting Mijn portret en mijn dorp painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2695 1909 oil paint
painting Het blauwe vestje painting by Carlo De Roover Carlo De Roover Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2705 1946 oil paint
painting Chartres painting by Louis Van Lint Louis Van Lint Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2707 1950 oil paint
painting Haven in blauw painting by Anne Bonnet Anne Bonnet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2713 1950 oil paint
painting Landschap in Finland painting by Aarre Heinonen Aarre Heinonen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2716 1950 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Gezicht op Lier painting by Isidoor Opsomer Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2718 1937 oil paint
painting Lying Nude painting by Philibert Cockx (KMSKA 2719) Philibert Cockx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2719 1927 oil paint
painting The Peasant painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2720 1934 oil paint
painting Woman at Prayers painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2724 1925 oil paint
painting Young Girl painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2727 1948 oil paint
painting De beeldhouwer vereeuwigt zijn liefdes painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2728 1951 oil paint
painting The Well painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2730 1920 oil paint
landscape painting
painting The Liqueur Drinkers painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2732 1922 oil paint
genre art
painting Marokkaanse kruik painting by Rik Slabbinck Rik Slabbinck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2768 1951 oil paint
painting Naar een vierde dimensie painting by Gaston Bertrand Gaston Bertrand Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2772 1952 oil paint
painting Zelfportret painting by Louis De Maeyer Louis De Maeyer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2773 1936 oil paint
painting De stenen tafel painting by War Van Overstraeten War van Overstraeten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2776 1952 oil paint
painting Kleine baadster painting by Leo Bervoets Leo Bervoets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2777 19th century oil paint
painting Vespers painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2779 1927 oil paint
painting Weesmeisje painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2781 1939 oil paint
painting Rode boot painting by René Guiette René Guiette Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2790 1952 oil paint
painting Krantenverkoper painting by Georges Rouault Georges Rouault Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2792 1909
painting After the Mourning painting by Louis Thevenet Louis Thevenet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2793 1908 oil paint
painting De zee, symfonie in grijs painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2798 1928 oil paint
painting De witte muur painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2799 1933 oil paint
painting De schilder James Ensor painting by Walter Vaes Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2807 1929 oil paint
portrait James Ensor
painting De kleine slachterij painting by Walter Vaes Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2808 1905 oil paint
painting Hoeve in Herbet painting by Jack Godderis Jack Godderis Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2810 1954 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Het zwart schilderij painting by Luc Peire Luc Peire Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2812 1953 oil paint
painting Doek 52/44 painting by Hans Hartung Hans Hartung Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2814 1952 oil paint
painting Doek 52/46 painting by Hans Hartung Hans Hartung Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2815 1952 oil paint
painting Processie in Veurne painting by Paul Joostens Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2817 1931 oil paint
painting Afrikaanse vrouwen op oranje grond painting by Floris Jespers Floris Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2818 1952
painting Rood stilleven painting by Gustave Camus Gustave Camus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2819 19th century oil paint
still life
painting Homo ludens painting by Jan Vaerten Jan Vaerten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2822 1953 oil paint
painting Midzomer painting by Marc Mendelson Marc Mendelson Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2824 1954 oil paint
painting Halfrond ovaal painting by Ben Nicholson Ben Nicholson Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2825 1950
painting Straat in Sammois painting by Maurice Utrillo Maurice Utrillo Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2826 19th century oil paint
painting Vrouw met Koghai painting by Naondo Nakamura Naondo Nakamura Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2827 1955
painting De markt voor de schouwburg in Antwerpen painting by Emile Claus Emile Claus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2831 19th century oil paint
painting The Bride Josine painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2836 19th century portrait woman
painting Ruimte painting by Jozef Vinck Jozef Vinck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2839 1956 oil paint
painting Torso C painting by Auguste Mambour Auguste Mambour Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2842 1944 oil paint
painting Personages op het scherm painting by Gianni Dova Gianni Dova Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2848 1956 oil paint
painting Standing Nude painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2849 1935 oil paint
painting Pink Ribbons painting by Paul Delvaux Paul Delvaux Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2850 1937 oil paint
painting The Painter on the Hoogbrug in Mechelen painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2851 1908 oil paint
painting Entrance of the Abbey of Tongerlo painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2867 1900 oil paint
landscape painting Tongerlo Abbey
painting Choir Stalls in the Salvator Church in Bruges painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2868 1901 oil paint
painting A Choral Dance painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2869 1912 oil paint
religious art
painting The Chess Game painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2870 19th century oil paint
Lucy Laridon
Louise Laridon
painting The Alhambra in Granada painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2871 1901 oil paint
painting Portrait of a Child painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2873 1900 oil paint
painting Gouden avond painting by Helene Riedel Helene Riedel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2875 1959 oil paint
painting Ecce homo painting by Paul Delvaux Paul Delvaux Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2877 1957 oil paint
religious art Jesus
painting Naakt met rood gordijn painting by Alice Frey Alice Frey Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2879 1955 oil paint
painting The "Finch" painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2880 1930 oil paint
painting Open Window on Bosvoorde painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2881 1914 oil paint
painting Witte Pomona painting by Zlatko Prica Zlatko Prica Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2892 1957 oil paint
painting Still Life painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2894 1940 oil paint
still life
painting Landschap nr. 37 painting by Roger Dudant Roger Dudant Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2896 1958 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Vliegende man painting by Karel Appel Karel Appel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2897 1958 oil paint
painting Rozen painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2899 1933 oil paint
painting The Kiss of Judas painting by Jakob Smits Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2902 1908 oil paint
religious art
painting Landschap painting by Jacques Maes Jacques Maes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2903 1958 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Seascape painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2905 1913
painting Hunne Hoogheden painting by Emiel Creado Emiel Creado Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2911 1959 oil paint
painting Veerhuis bij de Schelde painting by Jan Claessens Jan Claessens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2912 1943 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Louis Franck, minister van Staat painting by Walter Vaes Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2913 1927 oil paint
portrait Louis Franck
painting Stilleven met schelp painting by Armand Vanderlick Armand Vanderlick Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2914 1956 oil paint
still life
painting Tulpen painting by Albert De Roover Albert De Roover Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2915 19th century oil paint
painting Jong meisje painting by George Creten Georges Creten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2916 1929 oil paint
painting Composition painting by Jozef Peeters Jozef Peeters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2924 1921 oil paint
painting De rede van Antwerpen painting by Dis Van Raemdonck Dis Van Raemdonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2925 1959 oil paint
painting Het mazen van visnetten painting by Gustave Camus Gustave Camus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2926 1961 oil paint
painting Hoeve painting by Maurice Schelck Maurice Schelck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2927 1947 oil paint
painting Oude baan in Schilde painting by Albert Van Dyck Albert Van Dyck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2928 19th century oil paint
painting Sunday painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2931 1921 oil paint
flag of the Netherlands
painting Fishing Port in Brittany painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2932 1951 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Paul-Gustave van Hecke painting by Ramah Ramah Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2933 1920 oil paint
portrait Paul Gust Van Hecke
painting Stilleven painting by Marthe Donas Marthe Donas Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2948 1917 oil paint
still life
painting Adrienne painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2949 1919 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Processie in 's-Gravenwezel painting by Edmond Van Offel Edmond Van Offel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2954 1951 oil paint
painting Kathedraal painting by Lode Sebregts Lode Sebregts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2958 1961
painting Self Portrait painting by Frans Huygelen Frans Huygelen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2961 1932 oil paint
painting The Stone Age painting by Frits Van den Berghe Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2963 1928
painting The Daughters of Fire painting by Frits Van den Berghe Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2964 1930
painting Pajottenland painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2965 1938 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Noordzee painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2966 1939 oil paint
painting Spring painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2967 1935 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Bathing painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2968 1928 oil paint
painting Nude Child painting by Hippolyte Daeye Hippolyte Daeye Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2969 1931 oil paint
painting The Man with the Jacket painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2976 1928 oil paint
painting Girl with a Bouquet painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2978 1938 oil paint
painting White Shirt on Black Ground painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2979 1941 oil paint
painting Model painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2980 1926 oil paint
painting Zaragoza 1962 painting by Luc Peire Luc Peire Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2984 1962 oil paint
painting Witte lente painting by Louis Van Lint Louis Van Lint Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2985 1962 oil paint
painting Miss Armstrong painting by Maria Aldernaght Maria Aldernaght Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2990 1947 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Pastry Stall painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2991 1922 oil paint
painting Mevrouw Antoine Franck painting by Walter Vaes Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3003 1914 oil paint
portrait woman
painting Before spring painting by Valerius De Saedeleer Valerius de Saedeleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3004 19th century oil paint
landscape painting tree
painting Model in atelier painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3014 1918 oil paint
painting Winterlandschap painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3015 1917 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Stilleven met fles painting by Armand Vanderlick Armand Vanderlick Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3019 1943 oil paint
still life
painting Orchard in winter painting by Valerius De Saedeleer Valerius de Saedeleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3020 1907 oil paint
landscape painting tree
painting Farm painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3021 1939 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Distances painting by Frits Van den Berghe Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3022 1935
painting Fair at Vrijdagmarkt in Ghent painting by Gustave De Smet Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3025 1907 oil paint
painting Breakwater at Nieuwpoort painting by Auguste Oleffe Auguste Oleffe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3028 1901 oil paint
painting Ciel painting by René Guiette René Guiette Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3029 1962 oil paint
painting Ainsi painting by René Guiette René Guiette Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3030 1964 oil paint
painting De stille machine painting by Rudolf Meerbergen Rudolf Meerbergen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3031 1962 oil paint
painting De laatste dag painting by Pierre Alechinsky Pierre Alechinsky Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3039 1964 oil paint
painting Dode rede painting by Engelbert Van Anderlecht Englebert Van Anderlecht Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3040 1958 oil paint
painting Florence III painting by Gaston Bertrand Gaston Bertrand Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3041 1961 oil paint
painting In elkaar painting by Jan Burssens Jan Burssens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3043 190s oil paint
painting Kleur - vorm painting by Jo Delahaut Jo Delahaut Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3044 1967
painting Een bladzijde op wit geschreven painting by Marc Mendelson Marc Mendelson Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3046 1964 oil paint
painting Het derde paar painting by Antoine Mortier Antoine Mortier Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3047 1966 oil paint
painting Vertigo painting by Luc Peire Luc Peire Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3048 1967 oil paint
painting Compositie painting by Guy Vandenbranden Guy Vandenbranden Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3049 1967
painting Zelfportret painting by Serge Vandercam Serge Vandercam Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3050 1963 oil paint
painting Wandel Pjeeroo painting by Pieter Vlerick Pierre Vlerick Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3051 1966 oil paint
painting Het domein van het water painting by Victor Servranckx Victor Servranckx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3059 1927
painting Compositie met kruis painting by Dan Van Severen Dan Van Severen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3061 190s oil paint
painting Duizendjarige aanwezigheid painting by Louis Van Lint Louis Van Lint Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3062 1967 oil paint
painting Tragische figuur painting by Roger Somville Roger Somville Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3064 1968 oil paint
painting Compositie nr. 37 painting by Serge Largot Serge Largot Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3067 1967 oil paint
painting Kluizenaar painting by Lucebert Lucebert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3069 1962 oil paint
abstract art
painting Landschap painting by Louis Van Lint Louis Van Lint Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3071 1962 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Boerentram painting by Henri Victor Wolvens Henri-Victor Wolvens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3077 1948 oil paint
painting De ontmoeting painting by Robert Geenens Robert Geenens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3084 1967 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Twee heksen painting by Jan Cox Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3085 1962 oil paint
painting Kruisdraging painting by Prosper De Troyer Prosper De Troyer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3088 1937 oil paint
religious art Jesus
painting Eglise et Basilique Sacré-Coeur à Montmartre painting by Maurice Utrillo Maurice Utrillo Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3096 1912 cityscape
painting Amenophis painting by Carlo De Roover Carlo De Roover Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3097 1970 oil paint
painting Landschap met omgevallen beeld painting by Carel Willink Carel Willink Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3100 1942 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Stilleven met veer painting by Raoul Hynckes Raoul Hynckes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3101 1969 oil paint
still life
painting Hij droomt dat het putwater het houten beeld terugwerpt painting by Matija Skurjeni Matija Skurjeni Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3103 1964 oil paint
painting Troubadours van Ohrid painting by Djordje Sijakovic Djordje Sijakovic Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3104 1969 oil paint
painting Het uur U III painting by Pyke Koch Pyke Koch Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3106 1969 oil paint
landscape painting
painting The Sick Woman with the White Shawl painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3111 1912 oil paint
painting Gusta in a Little Hat painting by Albert Van Dyck Albert Van Dyck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3121 19th century oil paint
portrait woman
painting Mijn vader in coma painting by Jan Cox Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3131 1972 oil paint
painting De verschijning painting by Jan Cox Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3135 1948 oil paint
painting Vrouw met rode hoed painting by Roland Bierge Roland Bierge Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3138 1969 oil paint
painting Opus 20 painting by Victor Servranckx Victor Servranckx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3142 1922 oil paint
painting Morgen painting by Jef Verheyen Jef Verheyen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3143 1965
painting Compositie painting by Jozef Peeters (KMSKA 3149) Jozef Peeters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3149 1922
painting Quatre Bras painting by Maurice Wyckaert Maurice Wyckaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3151 1975 oil paint
painting Ciertos signos lo presagian painting by Marc Mendelson Marc Mendelson Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3152 190s oil paint
painting Le Cap des tempêtes painting by René Magritte René Magritte Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3155 1964 oil paint
painting The Prima Donna painting by Fernando Botero Fernando Botero Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3157 1967 oil paint
painting Zonder titel painting by Eduardo Oliveira Cézar Eduardo Oliveira Cézar Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3158 190s
painting De wandeling painting by Roger Raveel Roger Raveel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3159 1964 oil paint
painting Bekoring van een provo painting by Etienne Elias Etienne Elias Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3160 1967 oil paint
painting Cat and man painting by Etienne Elias Etienne Elias Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3161 1967 oil paint
painting Bevreemdend personage painting by Fred Bervoets Fred Bervoets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3168 1976 oil paint
painting Zelfportret painting by Walter Goossens Walter Goossens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3169 1973 oil paint
painting The Unknown Temple painting by Frits Van den Berghe Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3177 1929 oil paint
painting Zelfportret painting by Carel Willink Carel Willink Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3181 1973 oil paint
painting Zwarte ruimte painting by Jef Verheyen Jef Verheyen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3182 1959 oil paint
painting Twisted Strings painting by Walter Leblanc Walter Leblanc Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3184 1970
painting Groen Wiel Rood painting by Bram Bogart Bram Bogart Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3187 1965
painting Large sun painting by Otto Piene Otto Piene Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3196 1965 oil paint
painting Spatial Concept painting by Lucio Fontana Lucio Fontana Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3197 1965 oil paint
painting Stilleven painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3198 1936 oil paint
still life
painting De juwelier A. Storck painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3199 1939 oil paint
portrait man
painting Werklieden bij het kanaal painting by Jean Brusselmans Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3200 1920 oil paint
painting Suzanna en de grijsaards painting by Floris Jespers Floris Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3206 1927 oil paint
religious art
painting Gaston and his Sister painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3211 1923 oil paint
portrait man
painting Quarantaine painting by Bert De Leeuw Bert De Leeuw Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3212 1960 oil paint
painting Bloemen in een vaas painting by Isidoor Opsomer (KMSKA 3222) Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3222 1942 oil paint
still life flower
painting Emigrants painting by Prosper Colmand Prosper Colmant Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3230 1905 oil paint
painting Vrouwennaakt in landschap painting by Gustaaf De Bruyne Gustaaf De Bruyne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3233 1941 oil paint
painting The statesman Camille Huysmans and Reinaert de Vos painting by Gustaaf De Bruyne Gustaaf De Bruyne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3234 1947 oil paint
painting Still Life with Grapes painting by Gustave Van De Woestyne Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3235 1937 still life flower
painting Boerin en kind in landschap painting by Gustaaf De Bruyne Gustaaf De Bruyne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3236 1936 oil paint
painting Snowy Day painting by William Henry Singer William Henry Singer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3239 1915 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Vaas met rozen painting by Amedée Degreef Amedée Degreef Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3246 19th century oil paint
painting Allegorie van de liefde painting by Charles Mertens Charles Mertens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3251 1909 allegory
painting Liquid Space painting by Hugo Heyrman Hugo Heyrman Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3252 19th century oil paint
painting Vriendschap painting by Jan Kiemeney Jan Kiemeney Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3260 1921 oil paint
painting Kermistent painting by Marcel Maeyer Marcel Maeyer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3266 1978 oil paint
painting Paul-Gustave van Hecke and His Wife Norine De Schrijver painting by Frits Van den Berghe Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3268 1923 oil paint
portrait Paul Gust Van Hecke
painting De Leie painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3274 1904 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Dying painting by Albert Servaes Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3281 1910 oil paint
religious art
painting White Façades and Garden at Bosvoorde painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3288 1907 oil paint
painting Self Portrait in Black Hat painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3289 1908 oil paint
painting Nude Study painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3290 1912 oil paint
nude nudity
painting The Red House, Late Snow painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3291 190s oil paint
painting Woman Reading painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3292 1913 oil paint
painting Autumn painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3293 1913 oil paint
landscape painting house
painting The Ravine A painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3294 1913 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Tulips painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3295 1913 oil paint
painting Woman in Black Reading a Newspaper painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3296 1912 oil paint
painting Self-Portrait in a Black Eyepatch painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3297 1915 oil paint
self-portrait Rik Wouters
painting The Old Walnut Tree B painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3298 1912 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Self Portrait in a Green Hat painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3299 1915 oil paint
painting Haddock painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3300 1916
painting Lichtwerk painting by Paul Van Hoeydonck Paul Van Hoeydonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3318 1961
painting De val van Pegasus painting by Bill Orix Guillaume Hoorickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3322/1 190s oil paint
painting Serendipiteit painting by Bill Orix Guillaume Hoorickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3322/2 1959 oil paint
painting Innominato painting by Bill Orix Guillaume Hoorickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3322/3 1960 oil paint
painting Archipel painting by Bill Orix Guillaume Hoorickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3322/4 1949 oil paint
painting Mauthausen painting by Bill Orix Guillaume Hoorickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3322/8 1945 oil paint
painting Kosmische indruk painting by Bill Orix Guillaume Hoorickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3322/10 1960 oil paint
painting Ezel en uil painting by Roger Somville Roger Somville Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3324/5 1960 oil paint
painting De staatsman Louis Major painting by Isidoor Opsomer Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3325 1952 oil paint
portrait Louis Major
painting Sibille painting by Paul Joostens Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3329 1920 oil paint
painting Het paar painting by Edmond Van Dooren Edmond Van Dooren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3330 1920 oil paint
painting Stilleven met kolen painting by Willem Paerels Willem Paerels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3336 1914 oil paint
still life
painting Twee vrouwen met de heilige Sebastianus van Rome painting by Paul Joostens Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3338 1935
painting Groen/ zwart painting by Amédée Cortier Amédée Cortier Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3410 1970 oil paint
painting 't Zoete Land - Oostduinkerke painting by Cecilia Vanderbeek Cecilia Vanderbeek Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3414 1962 oil paint
landscape painting
painting Elisabeth, zuster van de schilder painting by Cecilia Vanderbeek Cecilia Vanderbeek Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3417 1966 oil paint
portrait woman
painting De acteur Domien De Gruyter painting by Jan Cox Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3429 1946 portrait Domien De Gruyter
painting Descente painting by Anna Staritsky Anna Staritsky Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3446 1972 oil paint
religious art
painting Temps variables painting by Co Westerik Co Westerik Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3450 1996
painting De dood van Socrates painting by Jan Cox Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3452 1978
painting Sitting Nude painting by Ramah Ramah Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3457_N.I.I. 1921
painting Zelfportret met witte hemdskraag painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3532 1937 self-portrait Jan de Smedt
painting Aline painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3533 1938
painting Camilla in parmezaans blauw painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3534 1941
painting Lezende vrouw painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3535 1941
painting Voor de spiegel painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3536 1941
painting Interieur met wieg painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3537 1942
painting Golfslag painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3539 1947
watercolor painting In Axel watercolor painting by Henry Cassiers Henri Cassiers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1247 19th century
sculpture Diana sculpture by Josuë Dupon Josue Dupon Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1263 19th century
watercolor painting De weduwnaar watercolor painting by Franz Charlet Frantz Charlet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1381 1900
watercolor painting Lost in Thought watercolor painting by Pierre Jacques Dierckx Pierre Jacques Dierckx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1389 1903
watercolor painting De Bloedberg te Antwerpen watercolor painting by Léon Eugène Auguste Abry Léon Abry Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1447 1904
sculpture Prinses Elisabeth sculpture by Hippolyte Le Roy Hippolyte Leroy Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1449 1901
sculpture De lelie sculpture by Jules Anthone Jules Anthone Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1606 1904
sculpture Beatrice sculpture by Alfons Strymans Alfons Strymans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1626 1906
sculpture Dog sculpture by Camille Sturbelle Camille Sturbelle Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1655 1903
sculpture Dromende knaap sculpture by Alfons Van Beurden Alfons Van Beurden Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1657 1908
sculpture Gevleugelde genius sculpture by Juliaan Dillens Julien Dillens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1659 190s
watercolor painting In Volendam watercolor painting by Henry Cassiers Henri Cassiers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1665 19th century
sculpture Bust of a Man sculpture by George Minne Georges Minne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
1714 1910
watercolor painting Interior watercolor painting by Pierre Jacques Dierckx Pierre Jacques Dierckx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1737 19th century
sculpture De kunstkenner Henri Hymans sculpture by Jules Anthone Jules Anthone Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1738 1912
sculpture Gedenkplaat Charles Lejeune sculpture by Paul Du Bois Paul Du Bois Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1741
sculpture Gedenkplaat Charles Lejeune sculpture by Paul Du Bois (KMSKA 1741/1) Paul Du Bois Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1741/1 1909
watercolor painting Kaai in Brugge watercolor painting by Louis Titz Louis Titz Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1766 1911 oil paint
sculpture Beduchtheid sculpture by Léandre Grandmoulin Léandre Grandmoulin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1796 1920
sculpture Esperanza sculpture by Frans Huygelen Frans Huygelen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1798 1915
watercolor painting De dode watercolor painting by Charles Billoin Charles Billoin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1822/59 19th century
sculpture Buste de Louis Dupuis sculpture by Louis Dupuis Louis Dupuis Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1844 1905
sculpture De schilder Liéven De Winne sculpture by Paul De Vigne Paul De Vigne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1876
sculpture De architect Auguste Perret sculpture by Antoine Bourdelle Antoine Bourdelle Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1951 1922 Auguste Perret
sculpture Opstandelinge sculpture by Alfred Courtens Alfred Courtens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1952 1920
sculpture De beeldhouwer Jan Frans Deckers sculpture by Edward Deckers Edward Deckers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2007 1921 oil paint
sculpture Jan Breydel sculpture by Paul De Vigne (KMSKA 2015) Paul De Vigne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2015 1922
sculpture Pieter de Coninck sculpture by Paul De Vigne (KMSKA 2016) Paul De Vigne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2016 1922
sculpture Marnix van Sint-Aldegonde sculpture by Paul De Vigne (KMSKA 2017) Paul De Vigne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2017 1922
sculpture Dromerij sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2056 1907
sculpture De kapmantel sculpture by Oscar Jespers Oscar Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2066 1922
watercolor painting Avond (de visser, Nieuwpoort) watercolor painting by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2126 1912 oil paint
watercolor painting Liggend naakt watercolor painting by Toon Kelder Toon Kelder Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2131 1927
sculpture Dromerij sculpture by Rik Wouters (KMSKA 2140) Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2140 1907
sculpture Arend sculpture by Albéric Collin Albéric Collin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2210 1928
sculpture De schilder André Cluysenaar, vader van de kunstenaar sculpture by John Cluysenaar John Cluysenaar Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2219 1924
watercolor painting Hoevewerk watercolor painting by William A. Sherwood William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/74 1919
sculpture Torso van een vrouw sculpture by Ossip Zadkine Ossip Zadkine Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2263 1929
watercolor painting Rustende vrouw watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2264 1912
watercolor painting Landschap watercolor painting by Georges Rouault Georges Rouault Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2273 1930
sculpture De schilder Claude Lyr sculpture by Adolphe Wansart Adolphe Wansart Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2298 1930
sculpture Broer en zuster sculpture by Oscar Jespers Oscar Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2302 1934
sculpture Paul-Emile Janson sculpture by Charles Despiau Charles Despiau Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2307 1934
sculpture Beer sculpture by Georges Collard Georges Collard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2309 1926
sculpture Vrouw in avondjurk sculpture by Rembrandt Bugatti Rembrandt Bugatti Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2327 1908
sculpture De ellende van Job sculpture by Ossip Zadkine Ossip Zadkine Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2338 1914
sculpture Hebe sculpture by Henri Puvrez Henri Puvrez Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2362 1932
watercolor painting Straatje in Marseille watercolor painting by Jean Timmermans Jean Timmermans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2396 1938
sculpture Mevrouw Floris De Cuyper geboren Johanna Hens sculpture by Floris De Cuyper Floris De Cuyper Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2403 1923
sculpture Pièta sculpture by George Minne Georges Minne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2443 1938
sculpture Zelfportret sculpture by Josuë Dupon Josue Dupon Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2461 1929
sculpture De dichter Fernand Crommelynck sculpture by Adolphe Wansart Adolphe Wansart Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2496 1942
sculpture Bust of Mme Arthur Cornette, born Emma J. Wagner sculpture by Rachel van Dantzig Rachel van Dantzig Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2513 19th century
sculpture De schilder Hippolyte Daeye sculpture by Henri Puvrez Henri Puvrez Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2552
watercolor painting
La vengeance watercolor painting by René Magritte René Magritte Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2569 190s watercolor paint
sculpture Torso van een man sculpture by Arthur Dupon Arthur Dupon Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2586 1925
watercolor painting Azalea watercolor painting by Louise Laridon Louise Laridon Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2599 1906
sculpture Huiselijke zorgen sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Middelheim Museum
sculpture Torso van een vrouw sculpture by Charles Leplae Charles Leplae Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2621 1940
sculpture De schilder Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres sculpture by Antoine Bourdelle Antoine Bourdelle Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2658 1908
sculpture The Artist and Architect Henry Van de Velde sculpture by Georg Kolbe Georg Kolbe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2686 1913
sculpture Buste van Nel Wouters sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2693 1908
watercolor painting Vrouw bij de zee watercolor painting by Léon Spilliaert Léon Spilliaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2696 1909
watercolor painting Self-portrait with a Blue Sketchbook watercolor painting by Léon Spilliaert Léon Spilliaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2697 1907 self-portrait Léon Spilliaert
sculpture Suzanna sculpture by Oscar Jespers Oscar Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2731 190s
watercolor painting Silhouetten van vrouwen watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2764 1912
sculpture Danseres aan haar toilet sculpture by Charles Leplae Charles Leplae Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2771 1946
sculpture Vrede sculpture by Mark Macken Mark Macken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2774 1952
sculpture Beschouwing sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2775 1911
sculpture Vrouw met krab sculpture by Aristide Joseph Bonaventure Maillol Aristide Maillol Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2788 1930
watercolor painting De laatste reis van een hoogmoedige edelvrouw, in gezelschap van twee meisjes van lichte zeden watercolor painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2791 1951 oil paint
sculpture Danspas sculpture by Giacomo Manzù Giacomo Manzù Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2800 1953
sculpture Hoofd van een vrouw sculpture by Giacomo Manzù Giacomo Manzù Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2801 1948
sculpture Suzanna sculpture by Marcello Mascherini Marcello Mascherini Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2802 1950
sculpture De grote danseres sculpture by Marino Marini Marino Marini Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2811 1952
sculpture De schilder Edgard Tytgat sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2832 1910
sculpture De literator en directeur van Galerie Georges Giroux Jules Elslander sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2834
watercolor painting Landschap watercolor painting by Jos Hendrickx Jos Hendrickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2841 1956
sculpture Bronzen toren sculpture by Roel D'Haese Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2846 1955
sculpture Paul Jespers sculpture by Oscar Jespers Oscar Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2847 1942
sculpture Vogel sculpture by Fritz Koenig Fritz Koenig Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2857 1951
sculpture Amazone sculpture by Priska von Martin Priska von Martin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2858 1956
sculpture Masker sculpture by Toni Stadler Toni Stadler Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2860 1953
sculpture Hoofd sculpture by Fritz Wotruba Fritz Wotruba Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2863 1954
sculpture Ontwerp voor brugbeeld van Esslingen sculpture by Bernhard Heiliger Bernhard Heiliger Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2865 1956
watercolor painting Dikke boom watercolor painting by Léon Spilliaert Léon Spilliaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2878 1945
sculpture Camarque VIII sculpture by Fritz Koenig Fritz Koenig Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2884 1957
sculpture Gesprek met de tijd sculpture by Pietro Consagra Pietro Consagra Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2885 1957
watercolor painting Christus watercolor painting by Arie Van de Giessen Arie Van der Giessen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2893 1949
sculpture Suzette sculpture by Henri Puvrez Henri Puvrez Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2901 1945
sculpture Vriendinnen sculpture by Clemens Pasch Clemens Pasch Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2907 1957
watercolor painting Kikvors watercolor painting by Octave Landuyt Octave Landuyt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2910 1928 oil paint
sculpture Mutatie sculpture by Shinkichi Tajiri Shinkichi Tajiri Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2930 1960
sculpture Picador sculpture by Cristino Mallo Cristino Mallo Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2938 1958
sculpture Muilezelin sculpture by Lorenzo Pepe Lorenzo Pepe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2939 1957
sculpture De schrijver Bertolt Brecht sculpture by Gustav Seitz Gustav Seitz Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2941 1959
sculpture Eddie sculpture by Georges Grard George Grard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2951 1962
sculpture Het water sculpture by Georges Grard George Grard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2952 1960
sculpture De aarde sculpture by Georges Grard George Grard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2953 1960 bronze
sculpture Omaggio al cosmonauta sculpture by Arnaldo Pomodoro Arnaldo Pomodoro Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2981 1962
sculpture Zittend meisje sculpture by Clemens Pasch Clemens Pasch Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2983 1961
watercolor painting Scheldehaven in Doel watercolor painting by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2986
sculpture Regen sculpture by Mark Macken Mark Macken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2992 1957
sculpture Ademend leven sculpture by Jan Dries Jan Dries Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2995 1963
watercolor painting Meisjes op een duin watercolor painting by Léon Spilliaert Léon Spilliaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3005 190s
sculpture The Murdered One sculpture by Floriano Bodini Floriano Bodini Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3008 1960
sculpture Aggregaat in wording 2 en 5 sculpture by Giacomo Benevelli Giacomo Benevelli Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3009 1964
sculpture Vrouw sculpture by Max Eugen Seiz Max Seiz Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3010 1964
sculpture De Afrikaanse sculpture by Georges Grard George Grard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3018 1958
watercolor painting Koninklijk Paleis in Brussel watercolor painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3027 1942
sculpture The Song of Evil sculpture by Roel D'Haese Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3038 1964
watercolor painting Gezegend bos watercolor painting by Anne Bonnet Anne Bonnet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3042 19th century
sculpture De denker sculpture by Robert Van de Velde Robert Van de Velde-Delvaux Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3065 1918
temporary exhibition
Hulde aan Permeke sculpture by Vic Gentils Vic Gentils Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3070 1964
sculpture Transition sculpture by Jean Paul Laenen Jean-Paul Laenen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3073 1964
sculpture Ekster sculpture by Venancio Blanco Venancio Blanco Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3074 1964
sculpture Zittende sfinks sculpture by Rik Poot Rik Poot Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3079 1969
sculpture Immanent teken sculpture by Willy Anthoons Willy Anthoons Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3080 1959
watercolor painting De slaap der vrouwen doet de mannen dromen watercolor painting by Edgard Tytgat Edgard Tytgat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3087 1937
watercolor painting Ontmoeting watercolor painting by Carl Hentze Carl Hentze Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3093 1967
sculpture Saturn sculpture by Julio Gero Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3102 1962 iron
watercolor painting Zelfportret watercolor painting by Léon Spilliaert Léon Spilliaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3107 1908 portrait
sculpture Curtain Call sculpture by Reinhoud Reinhoud D'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3108 1970
sculpture Geste professionel sculpture by Reinhoud Reinhoud D'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3109 1970
sculpture Sur les Ramblas sculpture by Reinhoud Reinhoud D'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3110 1970
sculpture Kubus II sculpture by Uli Pohl Uli Pohl Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3123 1964
sculpture Marat spiraal sculpture by Gio Pomodoro Giò Pomodoro Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3125 1972
sculpture Space Torso sculpture by Paul Van Hoeydonck Paul Van Hoeydonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3128 1963
sculpture 1 / 24 x 23 x 22 ... x 1 sculpture by Bert De Leeuw Bert De Leeuw Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3134 1970
sculpture Jason sculpture by Roel D'Haese Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3146 1974
sculpture Lachend masker sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3153 1910
sculpture Lachend masker sculpture by Rik Wouters (KMSKA 3154) Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3154 1910
watercolor painting Zicht op zee watercolor painting by Jan Vanriet Jan Vanriet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3164 1977
watercolor painting Dorpsperikelen watercolor painting by Jan Vanriet Jan Vanriet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3165 1977
watercolor painting Que reste-t-il d' un slow ? watercolor painting by Jan Vanriet Jan Vanriet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3166 1977
watercolor painting De appel watercolor painting by Fernando Botero Fernando Botero Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3167 1977 oil paint
sculpture Beeldobject KF 77 sculpture by Hermann Goepfert Hermann Goepfert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3179 1977
sculpture 700 Points blancs sculpture by Pol Bury Pol Bury Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3180 1970
sculpture Aan mijn grootmoeder sculpture by Rik Poot Rik Poot Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3214 1981
watercolor painting Reinaert de Vos watercolor painting by Gustaaf De Bruyne Gustaaf De Bruyne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3218 1944
sculpture Bust of a Woman sculpture by George Minne Georges Minne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
3226 1926
sculpture Madame Récamier sculpture by René Magritte René Magritte Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3250 1967 bronze
watercolor painting Aanbidding watercolor painting by Paul Joostens Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/2 1919
watercolor painting De zeilboot watercolor painting by Jos Leonard Jos Leonard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3269 1919
watercolor painting Amersfeld - Amersfoort watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3301 1916
watercolor painting Dageraad - Bosvoorde watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3302 1913
watercolor painting Nachtmerrie - oorlog watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3303 1914
watercolor painting Weg onder de regen - Amersfoort watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3304 1914
watercolor painting Het kamp in Zeist watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3305 1914
watercolor painting Personages in het woud watercolor painting by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3306 1913
sculpture Kwijlende baby sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3310 1908
sculpture Glimlachend meisje sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3311 1908
sculpture Masker van een pottenbakker. De schilder Edgard Tytgat sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3312 1908
sculpture Buste van Nel Wouters sculpture by Rik Wouters (KMSKA 3313) Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3313 1909 bust Nel Duerinckx
sculpture Zelfportret sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3314 1911
sculpture Masker van mevrouw Paterson sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3315 1911
sculpture Het zotte geweld - torso sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3316 1912
sculpture Houding sculpture by Rik Wouters Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3317 1908
watercolor painting Handen met bloementuil watercolor painting by Albert Crommelynck Albert Crommelynck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3324/4 1963
watercolor painting Gehurkt naakt watercolor painting by Albert De Deken Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3359 1991
watercolor painting Fauve watercolor painting by Albert De Deken Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3362 1993
watercolor painting Geknielde ballerina watercolor painting by Albert De Deken Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3368 1994
watercolor painting Zittend leunend naakt watercolor painting by Albert De Deken Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3369 1993
watercolor painting Naaktstudies watercolor painting by Albert De Deken Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3370 1992
watercolor painting De stamgasten watercolor painting by Albert De Deken Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3373 1975
sculpture De man met de trui sculpture by Oscar Jespers Oscar Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3379 1917
sculpture Wasmodel sculpture by Roel D'Haese (KMSKA 3427/53) Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3427/53 1910
sculpture Wasmodel sculpture by Roel D'Haese (KMSKA 3427/61) Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3427/61 1910
sculpture Wasmodel sculpture by Roel D'Haese (KMSKA 3427/174) Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3427/174 1913
drawing In de voorstad painting by Frans Hens, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Frans Hens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1391 1900
drawing Het kind Charles Mertens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1397 1900
drawing Reading the Bible painting by Paul Delvaux, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Pierre Jacques Dierckx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1625 19th century
drawing De verloofden Edmond Van Offel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1633 1902
drawing Onrust painting by Firmin Baes, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Firmin Baes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1663 19th century
drawing De twee beproefden painting by Theo Van Dormael, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Theo Van Doormael Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1666 1909
drawing Bloemen voor een barones painting by Théo Van Doormael, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Theo Van Doormael Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1690 1909
painting Self-portrait painting by Therese Schwartze Thérèse Schwartze Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1692 1910 pastel
self-portrait Thérèse Schwartze
drawing Bretoense van Pont-l' Abbé painting by Firmin Baes, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Firmin Baes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1727 1910 portrait
drawing De deurwaarder Amédée Lynen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1768 1907
drawing Boot Arthur Van Daele Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/3 1910
drawing Hoofd van een vrouw Tony Van Os Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/4 1910
drawing Sleeping Child Herman Verbrugge Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/6 1905 child
drawing Meisje Arthur Dupon Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/9 1910
drawing Hoofd van een vrouw Oscar Jespers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/11 1910
drawing Kempens interieur drawing by Paul Verrees Paul Verrees Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/12 1908
drawing Molen van het Kiel Jos De Swerts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/14 1909
drawing Hoofd van een vrouw Franz Claessens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/20 1908
print Hoofd van een man René Mallet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/22 1900
print Landschap Arseen Kennes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823/26 1909
print Rust Marten Melsen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823 bis/55 19th century
print Het Godshuis 'De Meulenaere' te Brugge Paul Saintenoy Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1823 bis/58 1917
drawing De dood van Ieper Jules De Bruycker Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1882 190s
drawing Vrouwen aan de haven painting by Eugeen Karel Van Mieghem, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Eugeen Van Mieghem Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1949 1923
drawing De schilder Frans Van Leemputten painting by Charles[peintre] Mertens, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Charles Mertens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2006 1913 portrait
print Henri Fester Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2054 1926 Henri Fester
drawing Christus Georges Minne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2067 1921
drawing Moeder en kind Georges Minne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2068 1920
drawing Pater Hieronymus Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2070 1927
drawing Pietà Georges Minne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2071 1926
gouache painting
Fisherman's Wife painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2179 1920 gouache paint
drawing Jonge vrouw William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/01 1900
drawing Man met hoed William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/02 1900
drawing Cabarettafereel William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/04 1903
drawing Terug van de kerk William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/05 1903
drawing Koffie William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/06 1903
print Lokkende vrouw William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/22 1903
drawing Types William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/23 1902
drawing De zingende marktkramer William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/24 1902
drawing Blozende visvrouwen William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/25 1902
drawing Mei William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/26 1902
drawing De rustplaats van onbekende notabelen William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/27 1902
drawing De ouderwetse tuin William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/28 1902
drawing Stadhuis en burgemeesterswoning William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/29 1902
drawing Een beginnelinge-kantwerkster William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/30 1902
drawing Een belangrijk werkstuk William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/31 1902
drawing In de schaduw van de hoeve William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/32 1902
drawing Straatje met kantwerkster William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/33 1902
drawing Heilig Bloedprocessie William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/34 1902
drawing Vrijdagmorgen in de bovenkapel William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/35 1902
drawing Kapel van de Heilige Basiel William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/36 1902
drawing Oude ingang van een broedersverblijf William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/37 1902
drawing Toegang tot de kapellen van het H. Bloed en van de H. Basiel William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/38 1902
drawing Op weg naar Tilligem William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/39 1902
drawing Oude poort van de erekoer William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/40 1902
drawing Brug over de gracht William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/41 1902
drawing Het kasteel William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/42 1902
drawing De hall van het kasteel William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/43 1902
drawing De wapenzaal William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/44 1902
drawing Decoratie William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/45 1902
drawing Venetië William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/77 1923
drawing Brugge William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/82 1912
drawing Nieuwpoort William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/83 1912
drawing Smedenpoort te Brugge William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/84 1912
drawing Markt William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/87 1919
drawing Antwerpen William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/88 1920
drawing Op de uitkijk William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/89 1920
drawing Brugge William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/91 1920
drawing Rozenhoedkaai te Brugge William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/92 1920
drawing De veldkapel William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/95 1920
drawing Smedenpoort te Brugge William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/97 1921
drawing Damme William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/100 1921
drawing Brugge William A. Sherwood Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2223/101 1921
drawing De schilder Valerius De Saedeleer Valentijn Van Uytvanck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2225 1930
drawing Vrouwen en kinderen bij de hoeve painting by Gustave De Smet, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA / Ministerie Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Afd. Beeldende Kunst en Musea Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2251 1923 oil paint
pedestal Interior painting by George Morren George Morren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2266 1930 oil paint
gouache painting
Bij het raam painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2280 190s gouache paint
drawing Daken in Perugia drawing by Alberto Tutino Alberto Tutino Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2306 1933 mountain
drawing Saint Bernard Gustave Van de Woestijne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2405 19th century
drawing Gezicht op Antwerpen painting by Siebe Johannes Ten Cate, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Siebe Johannes ten Cate Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2451 1908
drawing Volksvrouw Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2471 1920
drawing Jong meisje painting by Franz Maris Joseph Adophe Melchers, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Franz Melchers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2506 1928
carpet Het wereldrad painting by Jean Delville Jean Delville Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2607 1940 oil paint
drawing Damesportret painting by Lucien Wollès, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Lucien Wolles Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2618 1905
drawing Vrouwenhoofd Pieter Rottie Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2620 1942
drawing Haan en kippen Cedric Morris Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2645 1920
drawing Apen Cedric Morris drawing Cedric Morris Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2646 1922
drawing Detail van afsluiting James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2709/2 19th century
drawing Hoofden James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2709/48 19th century
drawing Heer en dame aan tafel James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2711/164 1912
drawing Mijn dode moeder II James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/1 1915
drawing Balletscène James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/2 19th century
drawing Streaming water James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/17 1913
drawing Mijn dode moeder III James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/35 1915
drawing Mijn dode moeder IV James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/36 1915
drawing Slapende moeder van Ensor James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/37 1915
drawing Selbstporträt umringt von Köpfen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/48 190s
drawing Silhouetten James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/156 1918
drawing Silhouetten James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/157 1917
drawing Groteske figuren James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/158a 1912
drawing Zittend meisje en twee figuurtjes James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/160 1917
drawing Toneelscène James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/163 1910
drawing Man in profiel James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/164a 1917
drawing Marine met duin en zeilboten James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/170 1917
drawing Hoeve James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/171 1920
drawing Drie zeilboten en een windmolen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/175 1920
drawing Twee zeilboten en een windmolen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/176a 1950
drawing Hoed en silhouet James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2712/185b 1918
drawing Staand naakt Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2721 1944
drawing Zittend naakt Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2722 190s
drawing Mijn dode moeder James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2736 1915
drawing Staand naakt Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2756 R° 1915
drawing Kaïn en Abel painting by Ossip Zadkine, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Ossip Zadkine Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2778 1951
drawing Haven Jules Lismonde Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2823 1953
drawing Het intellectuele leven Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2835 190s
tapestry Nouveau jardin Marcenac tapestry designed by Jean Lurçat Jean Lurçat Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2838 1995
gouache painting
Droom painting by Pol Mara Pol Mara Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2840 1958 gouache paint
painting The Sixteenth of September painting by René Magritte René Magritte Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2843 1956 oil paint
landscape painting
gouache painting
Bedreiging painting by Pol Mara Pol Mara Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2898 1958 gouache paint
drawing Double Self Portrait James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
2919 19th century self-portrait James Ensor
drawing Dansend naakt Jean Van Noten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2921 1931
drawing Aïra, zonderling meisje Jean Van Noten Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2922 1934
drawing Vlucht naar Egypte Albert Servaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2943 1927
drawing Staand naakt Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2945 1925
drawing Man en vrouw painting by Marthe Donas, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Marthe Donas Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2950 1920
drawing Groot liggend naakt Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2974 1941
drawing De drinker Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2975 1926
drawing Het leven van de boer Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2977 1939
drawing Naaktstudie Marino Marini Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3006 1947
assemblage Zonexplosie nr. 43/ 65 Vic Gentils Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3023 1965
drawing Vissersvolk Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3026 1919
gouache painting
Dier en kind op blauwe achtergrond painting by Karel Appel Karel Appel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3036 1953 gouache paint
assemblage Spaceman Paul Van Hoeydonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3045 1967
collage Slecht voorteken E. L. T. Mesens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3052 1965
collage Het geschenk van Stefan en Franceska Thamerson E. L. T. Mesens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3053 1965
collage Goodbye my Beautiful Darling E. L. T. Mesens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3054 1966
collage Mijn arme lieveling E. L. T. Mesens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3055 1965
drawing De processie Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3058 1919
assemblage Le roi Narquois Pierre Caille Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3066 1967
assemblage Cercle en contorsion sur trame julio le parc Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3068 1966
drawing Studietekening Rik Poot Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3081 1965
drawing Studietekening Rik Poot Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3082 1965
drawing Studietekening Rik Poot Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3083 1967
assemblage Spiraal Günther Uecker Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3086 1966
drawing Insectendans René De Lannoy Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3090 1969
gouache painting
Landschap in Devon painting by Constant Permeke Constant Permeke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3118 190s gouache paint landscape painting
assemblage Het grote orgel Camiel Van Breedam Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3132 1968
assemblage Labyrint Ecbatan Joe Tilson Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3133 1973
drawing Bomen en serre in Beveren Jos Hendrickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3136 1932
drawing Ateliervenster Falconplein Jos Hendrickx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3137 1968
assemblage Torsions Mobilo-Static work of art by Walter Leblanc (SMAK 3105) Walter Leblanc Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Stedelijk Museum voor Actuele Kunst
drawing Pourquoi un lapin Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3147 1973
drawing Lage bak gebouwd uit potlood Hugo Duchateau Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3162 1978
drawing Lage houten kist gevuld met zacht potlood Hugo Duchateau Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3163 1977
drawing De auteur Herman Teirlinck Frits Van den Berghe Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3170 190s
drawing Zelfportret Léon Spilliaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3171 1915 self-portrait Léon Spilliaert
drawing Jozef en Maria tonen Jezus de heilige Anna Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3172/22 1913
drawing Krijgers en vrouw Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3172/82 1915
drawing Mythologisch tafereel Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3172/83 1915
drawing Tafereel met krijgers Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3172/87 1915
drawing Drie (bijbelse?) figuren in gesprek Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3172/88 1915
drawing Tafereel in kerker Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3172/89 1913
drawing De opwekking van Lazarus Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3172/92 1914
drawing Portret van een vrouw Jan Antoon Verschaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3173/3 1912
drawing series
Boomse pannen Jef Van Grieken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3178 1979
drawing Boomse pannen I painting by Jef Van Grieken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jef Van Grieken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3178/1 1979
drawing Boomse pannen II painting by Jef Van Grieken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jef Van Grieken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3178/2 1979
drawing Boomse pannen III painting by Jef Van Grieken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jef Van Grieken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3178/3 1979
drawing Boomse pannen IV painting by Jef Van Grieken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jef Van Grieken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3178/4 1979
drawing Boomse pannen V painting by Jef Van Grieken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jef Van Grieken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3178/5 1979
drawing Boomse pannen VI painting by Jef Van Grieken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jef Van Grieken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3178/6 1979
drawing A5/VIII 59 Oskar Holweck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3185 1959
drawing 19B/VIII 60 Oskar Holweck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3186 1960
drawing Oostduinkerke Karel Roelants Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3188 1980
drawing Belvaux II (Ardennes) Karel Roelants Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3189 1980
drawing De schilder Edmond Van Dooren painting by Jozef[1988 fl.] Peeters, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jozef Peeters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3190 1918 portrait
drawing Pour Subirachs Michel Seuphor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3193 1962
assemblage Nagelobject Günther Uecker Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3205 1979
picture frame Ruzie in de galerij painting by Fred Bervoets Fred Bervoets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3209 1982 oil paint
drawing Staand naakt Georges Minne Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3215 1929
drawing Kinderkopje Jakob Smits Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3217 1905
print Nocturne Frans Masereel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3219 1932
print De profeet Frans Masereel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3220 1937
drawing Vrouw met gedrapeerd gewaad Herman Richir Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3228 1935
drawing Untitled painting by Luc Hoenraet, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Luc Hoenraet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3253 1984
drawing Untitled painting by Luc Hoenraet, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Luc Hoenraet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3254 1984
print Zeebrugge Léon Smets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3256/11
print De rede van Antwerpen Léon Smets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3256/12 1927
print Zeiljachten Léon Smets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3256/13 1928
print Twee vissersboten Léon Smets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3256/14 1931
print Boten Léon Smets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3256/16 1955
drawing Graflegging Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/1 1919
drawing Figuren bij dode Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/6 1918
drawing Beeld (mannenfiguur) Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/12 190s
drawing Aanbidding Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/15 1910
drawing Feest in Brussel Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/19 190s
drawing Zittend meisje met vogel Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/94 R° 1920
collage Wij de westerlingen op de aftocht Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/119 1946
collage Het is niet moeilijk, een eenvoudig spel Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/120 1957
collage To wipe out the cruelty, and stop the malice... collage by Paul Joostens Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/121 1946
collage De levenscel 'Primus' Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/123 1955
collage Alleluia - in Memoriam Jeanne d'Arc zut à Cauchon Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/126 1950
collage Alleluia - 'De geëmacipeerde' of de gewaarschuwde Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/127 1950
collage Atomisch overlijden Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/128 1946
collage Mysterie van de valies Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/129 1950
collage Hier wijdt het planetarium van Marstentop zich in Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/130 1957
collage Ursulatje in het verzet Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/131 1950
collage Alleluia voor de dood Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/132 1950
drawing Vrouw (schaatsen of ballet) Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/154 1947
drawing Naakte vrouw met dier (Poezeloes) Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/166 1949
drawing Visionair tafereel Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3257/167 1947
drawing Dans Jan Kiemeney Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3262 1922
collage Collage painting by Walter Leblanc, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Walter Leblanc Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3263 1958
drawing Bouwslaven Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/1 1922
drawing Kermismolen Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/2 1930
drawing Biddende mensen Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/3 1925
drawing Verschijning Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/4 1931
drawing De Sint-Jacobskerk te Antwerpen Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/5 1939
drawing De dronkaard Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/6 1930
drawing Eenzaam paard Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/7 1926
drawing Pegasus Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/8 1931
drawing Alva Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/9 1924
drawing Door de sneeuw Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/10 1924
drawing Na de foor Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/11 1924
drawing Het sportpaleis te Antwerpen Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/12 1933
drawing Figuren in een landschap Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/13 1924
drawing Fragment uit de reeks 'De man met de steen' Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/14 1922
drawing In 't schipperskwartier (Ost op wandel in de volksbuurt) Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/15 1930
drawing Kunstenaar-zwerver Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/16 1930
drawing De uitvaart Alfred Ost Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3265/17 1910
De roeiers painting by Jos Leonard, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jos Leonard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3270 1919 ink
drawing Compositie in zwart, grijs, rood painting by Jos Leonard, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jos Leonard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3272 190s
drawing Harlekijn en Colombine painting by Rik Wouters, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3307 1913
drawing Zich schoeiende vrouw Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3308 1914
drawing Aan de oevers van de Seine - Nel en Simon-Levy Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/1 1912
drawing In de trein Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/5 1915
drawing Kostverlorenvaart in Amsterdam Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/7 1915
drawing Naaiende vrouw voor Amersfoort Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/10 1915
drawing Nel de krant lezend Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/13 1912
drawing Zieke vrouw Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/18 1915
drawing Liggende kat Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/19 1915
drawing Zich schoeiende vrouw Rik Wouters Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3309/25 1915
drawing The statesman Camille Huysmans drawing by Isidore Opsomer Isidoor Opsomer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3321 1934
drawing Vissersboten in Nieuwpoort, 1925 Willem Paerels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3323/5 1925
drawing Menton Willem Paerels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3323/8 1951
drawing Klein kanaal in Dordrecht Willem Paerels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3331/34 1912
drawing Danig in wat rood painting by Octave Landuyt Octave Landuyt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3334 1990
drawing Waarin ik kruip painting by Octave Landuyt Octave Landuyt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3335 1990
drawing Eline in verwachting van Arno Renaat Veris Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3345 1992
drawing Stilleven met Oosterse sjaal, 1981 painting by Jozef Benedikt Van Ruyssevelt, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Jozef Van Ruyssevelt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3346 1981
drawing Vissers aan de Seine in Ablon, 1936 Willem Paerels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3352 1936
drawing Interieur Maurice Van den Dries Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3353 1971
drawing Dirigent Ernest Maes Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3354 1987
drawing De cellist Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3355 R° 1987
drawing Naakt in verkorting Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3355 V° 1988
drawing Zittend naakt Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3356 1988
drawing Het tekenatelier l Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3357 1993
drawing Het tekenatelier 2 Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3358 1993
drawing Annemie poseert Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3360 1990
drawing Naakt op bloemendoek Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3361 1993
drawing Zittend op divan Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3363 1990
drawing Naakt-impressie painting by Albert De Deken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3364 1990
drawing Naakt-impressie painting by Albert De Deken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3365 1990
drawing Grillige boom, Picardiëlaan Schilde Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3366 1989
drawing De aquarellist aan het werk painting by Albert De Deken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3367 1990
drawing Marleen in vakantie Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3371 1978
drawing Lya in atelier Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3372 1956
drawing Portretstudie Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3374 1989
drawing Zelfportret Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3375 1943
drawing Groot naakt in tegenlicht painting by Albert De Deken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3376 1989
drawing Groot naakt zittend painting by Albert De Deken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3377 1989
drawing Groot naakt op de rug gezien painting by Albert De Deken, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3378 1990
literary work Vanuit mijn raam book by Anton Van Wilderode Anton van Wilderode Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3421 1990
drawing De vrolijke uitstap Maria Aldernaght Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3422 1902
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/1 1915
drawing Schetsboek Noordwijk-Katwijk 1915 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/1-92 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/2 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/3 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/4 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/5 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/6 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/7 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/8 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/9 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/10 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/11 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/12 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/13 1915
drawing Den Rijn Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/14 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/15 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/16 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/17 1915
drawing Briel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/18 1915
drawing Briel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/19 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/20 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/21 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/22 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/23 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/24 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/25 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/26 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/27 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/28 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/29 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/30 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/31 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/32 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/33 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/34 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/35 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/36 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/37 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/38 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/39 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/40 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/41 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/42 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/43 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/44 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/45 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/46 1915
drawing Katwijk binnen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/47 1915
drawing Den Rijn bij Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/48 1915
drawing Leiden Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/49 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/50 1915
drawing Katwijk drawing made by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/51 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/52 1915
drawing Katwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/53 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/54 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/55 1915
drawing Leiden Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/56 1915
drawing Den Rijn bij Leiden Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/57 1915
drawing Den Rijn bij Koudekerk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/58 1915
drawing Koudekerk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/59 1915
drawing Heimans Wetering Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/60 1915
drawing Braassemermeer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/61 1915
drawing De Ringvaart Haarlemmerpolder Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/62 1915
drawing De Ringvaart Haarlemmerpolder Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/63 1915
drawing Kagermeer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/64 1915
drawing Kagermeer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/65 1915
drawing De Zijl bij Leiden Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/66 1915
drawing Bij Leiden Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/67 1915
drawing Noorderkanaal Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/68 1915
drawing Amsterdam Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/69 1915
drawing Amsterdam Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/70 1915
drawing Het IJ Amsterdam Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/71 1915
drawing Amsterdam Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/72 1915
drawing Het IJ Amsterdam Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/73 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/74 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/75 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/76 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/77 1915
drawing Noordwijk aan zee Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/78 1915
drawing Noordwijk aan zee Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/79 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/80 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/81 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/82 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/83 1915
drawing Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/84 1915
drawing Zuid Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/85 1915
drawing Noord Noordwijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/86 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/87 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/88 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/89 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/90 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/91 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3430/92 1915
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/1 1928
drawing Schetsboek Doel 1928 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/1-38 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/2 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/3 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/4 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/5 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/6 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/7 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/8 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/9 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/10 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/11 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/12 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/13 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/14 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/15 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/16 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/17 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/18 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/19 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/20 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/21 1928
drawing Temsche Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/22 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/23 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/24 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/25 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/26 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/27 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/28 1928
drawing Doel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/29 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/30 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/31 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/32 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/33 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/34 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/35 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/36 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/37 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3431/38 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/1 1928
drawing Schetsboek Zuid-Frankrijk 1928 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/1-42 1928
drawing Nice Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/2 1928
drawing Juan les Pins Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/3
drawing Juan les Pins Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/4 1928
drawing Cannes Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/6 1928
drawing Cannes Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/7 1928
drawing Les iles de Lérius Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/8 1928
drawing Les iles de Lérius Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/9 1928
drawing Les iles de Lérius Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/10 1928
drawing Les iles de Lérius Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/11 1928
drawing Les iles de Lérius Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/12 1928
drawing Les iles de Lérius Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/13 1928
drawing Cannes Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/14 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/15 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/16 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/17 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/18 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/19 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/20 1928
drawing L'auberge blanche et le Trayes Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/21 1928
drawing L'Esterel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/22 1928
drawing Chez le père Jean l'Esterel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/23 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/24 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/25 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/26 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/27 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/28 1928
drawing Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/29 1928
drawing Esterel-Trayas Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/30 1928
drawing Toulon Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/31 1928
drawing Marseille Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/32 1928
drawing Marseille Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/33 1928
drawing Marseille Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/34 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/35 1928
drawing Marseille Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/36 1928
drawing Marseille Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/37 1928
drawing Marseille Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/38 1928
drawing Marseille Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/39 1928
drawing Mastiques Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/40 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/41 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3432/42 1928
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/1 1929
drawing Schetsboek Nieuwpoort 1929 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/1-40 1929
drawing Nieuwpoort Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/2 1929
drawing zonder titel drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/3 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/4 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/5 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/6 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/7 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/8 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/9 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/10 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/11 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/12 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/13 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/14 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/15 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/16 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/17 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/18 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/19 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/20 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/21 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/22 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/23 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/24 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/25 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/26 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/27 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/28 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/29 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/30 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/31 1929
drawing Dunkerque drawing by Richard Baseleer (KMSKA 3433/32) Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/32 1929
drawing Dunkerque drawing by Richard Baseleer (KMSKA 3433/33) Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/33 1929
drawing Dunkerque naar schilderij van Van Goyen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/34 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/35 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/36 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/37 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/38 1929
drawing Nieuwpoort Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/39 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3433/40 1929
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/1 1930
drawing Schetsboek Bretagne 1930 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/1-40 1930
drawing Douarnenez Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/2 1930
drawing Douarnenez Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/3 1930
drawing Douarnenez Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/4 1930
drawing Douarnenez Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/5 1930
drawing Douarnenez Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/6 1930
drawing Tréboul Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/7 1930
drawing Audierne Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/8 1930
drawing Concarneau Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/9 1930
drawing Pont Aven Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/10 1930
drawing Quimperlé Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/11 1930
drawing Vannes Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/12 1930
drawing Quiberon la plage Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/13
drawing Quiberon la plage Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/14 1930
drawing Quiberon les jardienières Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/15 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Port Caton Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/17 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/18 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/19 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/20 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/21 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/22 1930
drawing Belle-Ile, la maison de Sarah Bernhardt Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/23 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/24 1930
drawing Belle-Ile en mer / le Palais drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/25 1930
drawing Belle-Ile, le restaurant Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/26 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/27 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/28 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/29 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/30 1930
drawing Le palais Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/31 1930
drawing Sauzon Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/32
drawing Sauzon Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/33
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/37 1930
drawing Belle-Ile Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/38 1930
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/39 1930
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3434/40 1930
drawing Mont St. Michel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/1 1930
drawing Bretagne Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/1-41 1930
drawing Mont St. Michel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/2 1930
drawing Mont St. Michel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/3
1930 Le Mont-Saint-Michel
drawing Mont St. Michel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/5 1930
drawing Dol Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/6 1930
drawing St. Malo Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/7 1930
drawing Dinard Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/8 1930
drawing Dinard St. Malo Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/9 1930
drawing Dinard St. Servan Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/10 1930
drawing Dinan Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/11 1930
drawing Dinan Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/12 1930
drawing Cantale Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/13
drawing Cantale Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/15 1930
drawing St. Malo Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/16 1930
drawing St. Malo Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/17 1930
drawing St. Malo Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/18 1930
drawing St. Malo Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/19 1930
drawing St. Servan, la Tour Solidor Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/20 1930
drawing Servan Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/21 1930
drawing La Ranche St. Servan Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/22 1930
drawing Pen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/23 1930
drawing Cap Fréhel drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/24 1930
drawing St. Brieuc Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/25 1930
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/26 1930
drawing Lanloup Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/27 1930
drawing Paimpol Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/28 1930
drawing Trégastel drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/29
drawing Le Faou Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/31 1930
drawing Morgat Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/32 1930
drawing Morgat Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/33 1930
drawing Locronan Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/34 1930
drawing Bénodet Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/35
drawing Bénodet Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/36 1930
drawing Bénodet, la rivièra de Quimper Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/37 1930
drawing Bénodet, la rade Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/38 1930
drawing Bénodet, la plage Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/39 1930
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3435/41 1930
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/1 190s
drawing Kalmthout/ Noorwegen 1933-1934 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/1-38 190s
drawing Kalmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/2 190s
drawing Kalmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/3 190s
drawing Kalmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/4 190s
drawing Kalmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/5 190s
drawing Kalmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/6 190s
drawing Zijpe Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/7 190s
drawing Bij Zijpe Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/8 190s
drawing Bruinisse Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/9 190s
drawing Bruinisse Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/10 190s
drawing Calmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/11 190s
drawing Vanuit mijn kamer. Fretheim Hotel Flaam Noorwegen. Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/12 190s
drawing Sognefjorden Aurlandfjord 30 mei Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/13 190s
drawing Flaam Aurlandfjord Fretheim Hotel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/14 190s
drawing Aurland Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/15 190s
drawing Aurland Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/16 190s
drawing Aurlandfjord Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/17 190s
drawing Aurland Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/18 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/19 190s
drawing Aurland Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/20 190s
drawing Embarcadère Fretheim Aurlandfjord Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/21 190s
drawing Myrdal Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/22 190s
drawing Aurlandfjord 30 mei '34 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/23 190s
drawing Myrdal Fretheim Hotel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/24 190s
drawing Aurland Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/25 190s
drawing Aurlandfjord Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/26 190s
drawing Stege Aurlandfjord Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/27 190s
drawing Nordfjord drawing Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/28 190s
drawing Nordfjord drawing Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436-29 190s
drawing Nordfjord Bakke drawing Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/30 190s
drawing Naerodal Stalheim Hotel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/31 190s
drawing Bergen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/32 190s
drawing Bergen voor de afvaart Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/33 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/34 190s
drawing Avond in Bergen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/35 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/36 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/37 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3436/38 190s
drawing Vis Lissa Dalmatië Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/1 1934
drawing Schetsboek Dalmatië/ Griekenland 1934 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/1-37 1934
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/2 1934
drawing Lagosta Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/3 1934
drawing At Corfu drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/4 1934
drawing Canone Corfu Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/5 1934
drawing Corfu Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/6 1934
drawing Corfu Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/7 1934
drawing Zante Céphalonië Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/8 1934
drawing Kataklon Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/9 1934
drawing Olympos Heraeon Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/10 1934
drawing Olympos Zeus tempel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/11 1934
drawing Olympos de Kladheos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/12 1934
drawing Ghyteio Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/13
drawing Sparta Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/14 1934
drawing Sparta l'Eurotus van Lakidemonia Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/15 1934
drawing Mistras Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/16 1934
drawing Theresia Santorini Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/18 1934
drawing Theresia Santorini Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/19 1934
drawing Santorini Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/20 1934
drawing Santorini - Thira Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/21 1934
drawing Santorini - Thira Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/22 1934
drawing Santorini Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/23 1934
drawing Santorini Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/24 1934
drawing Nea Kaimeni Santorini Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/25 1934
drawing Syra - Syros Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/26 1934
drawing Délos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/27
drawing Délos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/28 1934
drawing Délos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/30 1934
drawing Mykonos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/31 1934
drawing Mykonos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/32 1934
drawing Nauplië Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/33 1934
drawing Nauplië Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/34 1934
drawing Tyrinthe Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/35 1934
drawing Kaap Sounio Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3437/36
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/1 1934
drawing Schetsboek Griekenland II 1934 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/1-34 1934
drawing Athene Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/2 1934
drawing Athene Akropolis Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/3 1934
drawing Athene Akropolis Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/4 1934
drawing Acropolis Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/5 1934
drawing Parthenon Erectheon Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/6 1934
drawing Athene Propyleën Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/7 1934
drawing Tempel Nike Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/8 1934
drawing Tempel van Zeus Athene Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/9 1934
drawing Daphni Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/10 1934
drawing Elevsinos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/11 1934
drawing Elevsinos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/12 1934
drawing Golf van Athene/ Salaminos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/13 1934
drawing Salaminos Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/14 1934
drawing Parnassos Itea drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/15 1934
drawing Delfi Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/16 1934
drawing Twee Phaidriades Delfi Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/17 1934
drawing Hélikon Delfi drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/18 1934
drawing Itea Parnassos drawing by Richard Baseleer Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/19 1934
drawing Achaei, Golf van Corinthië Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/20 1934
drawing Golf van Corinthië Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/21 1934
drawing Lepante Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/22 1934
drawing Golf van Corinthië, eiland Zante Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/23 1934
drawing Patras Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/24 1934
drawing Golf van Corinthië van de Golf van Patras Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/25 1934
drawing Mesolongi Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/26 1934
drawing Corfu Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/27 1934
drawing Corfu Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/28 1934
drawing Corfu Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/29 1934
drawing Corfu. Op het uiterste punt van Griekenland Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/30 1934
drawing Raguse Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/31 1934
drawing Kust van Dalmatië Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/32 1934
drawing Dalmatië/ Kaap Pellegrino Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/33 1934
drawing Dalmatië/ Vis Lissa Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3438/34 1934
drawing Dordrecht Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/1 1938
drawing Schetsboek Nederland 1938 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/1-24 1938
drawing Waal Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/2 1938
drawing Gorkum Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/3 1938
drawing Woudrichem Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/4 1938
drawing Haaften Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/5 1938 Haaften
De Blauwe Reiger
drawing De Waal bij Bommel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/6 1938
drawing Zaltbommel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/7 1938
drawing Tiel de Waal Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/8 1938
drawing Den Bosch Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/9 1938
drawing Breda Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/10 1938
drawing Breda Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/11 1938
drawing Kloetinge Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/12 1938
drawing Veere Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/13 1938
drawing Veere Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/14 1938
drawing Veere Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/15 1938
drawing Veere Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/16 1938
drawing Westkapelle Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/17 1938 Westkapelle
drawing Zoutelande Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/18 1938 Zoutelande
drawing Middelburg Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/19 1938
drawing Middelburg Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/20 1938
drawing Vlissingen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/21 1938
drawing Vlissingen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/22 1938
drawing Sluis Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/23 1938
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3439/24 1938
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/1 1938
drawing Schetsboek Normandië/ België 1938 en Kalmthout 1940 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/1-47 190s
drawing De Schelde bij Valenciennes Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/2 1938
drawing Bij Valenciennes Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/3 1938
drawing Cambrai Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/4 1938
drawing Belfort - Amiens Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/5 1938
drawing Amiens Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/6 1938
drawing Amiens Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/7 1938
drawing Vers Beauvais Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/8 1938
drawing Beauvais Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/9 1938
drawing Bij Rouen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/10 1938
drawing Rouen Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/11 1938
drawing De Seine Duclair Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/12 1938
drawing Normandische hoeve Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/13 1938
drawing De Seine bij Caudebec Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/14 1938
drawing Le Havre drawing by Richard Baseleer 1/2 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/15 1938
drawing Le Havre drawing by Richard Baseleer 2/2 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/16 1938
drawing Etretat Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/17 1938
drawing Etretat Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/18 1938
drawing Fécamp Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/19 1938
drawing Fécamp Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/20 1938
drawing St Valery en Caux Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/21 1938
drawing Dieppe Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/22 1938
drawing Le Tréport Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/23 1938
drawing St Valery sur Somme Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/24 1938
drawing St Valery sur Somme Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/25 1938
drawing Nieuwpoort Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/26 1938
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/27 1938
drawing Nieuwpoort Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/28 1938
drawing Nieuwpoort Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/29 1938
drawing De Panne Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/30 1938
drawing Veurne Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/31 1938
drawing Elzendamme Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/32 1938
drawing Ieper Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/33 1938
drawing Kortrijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/34 1938
drawing Kortrijk Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/35 1938
drawing Doornik Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/36 1938
drawing Doornik, de Schelde Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/37 1938
drawing Doornik Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/38 1938
drawing Oudenaarde - de Schelde Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/39 1938
drawing Oudenaarde Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/40 1938
drawing Kalmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/41 1940
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/42 1940
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/43 1940
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/44 1940
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/45 1940
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/46 1940
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3440/47 1940
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/1 1939
drawing Schetsboek Frankrijk 1939 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/1-36 1939
drawing Laon Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/2 1939
drawing Fontainebleau Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/3 1939
drawing La Loire Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/4
drawing Orleans Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/5 1939
drawing Meung Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/7 1939
drawing Chambord Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/8 1939
drawing Blois Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/9 1939
drawing Blois Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/10 1939
drawing Blois Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/11 1939
drawing Amboise Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/12 1939
drawing Chenonceaux Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/13 1939
drawing Chinon Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/14 1939
drawing Chartres Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/15 1939
drawing Versailles Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/16 1939
drawing Versailles Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/17 1939
drawing Fraize Col de Bonhomme Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/18 1939
drawing Kaiserberg Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/19 1939
drawing Riquewihr drawing Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/20 1939
drawing De col van Hundsruck, route Joffre Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/21 1939
drawing Ballon d'Alsace Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/22 1939
drawing Ballon d'Alsace Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/23 1939
drawing le Boules Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/24 1939
drawing Mont Blanc Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/25 1939
drawing Genève Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/26 1939
drawing Genève Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/27 1939
drawing Yvoire Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/28 1939
drawing Vernier, Lac de Genève Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/29 1939
drawing Mont Blanc bij Chamonix Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/30 1939
drawing St Gervais Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/31 1939
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/32 1939
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/33 1939
drawing Meer van Annecy Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/34 1939
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/35 1939
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3441/36 1939
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/1 190s
drawing Schetsboek Kalmthout '38 -'39 -'40 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/1-53 190s
drawing Kluisberg Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/2 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/3 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/4 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/5 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/6 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/7 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/8 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/9 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/10 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/11 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/12 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/13 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/14 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/15 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/16 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/17 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/18 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/19 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/20 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/21 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/22 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/23 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/24 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/25 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/26 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/27 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/28 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/29 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/30 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/31 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/32 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/33 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/34 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/35 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/36 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/37 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/38 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/39 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/40 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/41 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/42 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/43 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/44 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/45 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/46 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/47 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/48 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/49 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/50 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/51 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/52 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3442/53 190s
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/1 1950
drawing Schetsboek Nieuwpoort 1950 Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/1-40 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/2 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/3 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/4 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/5 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/6 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/7 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/8 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/9 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/10 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/11 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/12 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/13 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/14 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/15 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/16 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/17 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/18 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/19 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/20 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/21 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/22 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/23 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/24 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/25 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/26 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/27 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/28 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/29 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/30 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/31 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/32 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/33 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/34 1950
drawing Kalmthout Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/35 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/36 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/37 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/38 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/39 1950
drawing zonder titel Richard Baseleer Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3443/40 1950
print La poudre aux yeux Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/1 1994
print A Peche 'Herle Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/2 1994
print Arlechino Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/3 1994
print Ange Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/4 1994
print 11 Augutus Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/5 1994
print Ich stehe im Regen Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/6 1994
print De Prins Verlangen Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/7 1994
print Met een kleine Ooster Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/8 1994
print Deokens l' Armorre Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/9 1994
print Der Tod in Flandern Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/10 1994
print le Désastre d' Avril Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/11 1994
print L' étang Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/12 1994
print et même les autres Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/13 1994
print Met twee streepjes 1994 print by Roel D’Haese in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/14 1994 ink abstract art line segment
print Nuage Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/15 1994
print L' Archeude reste Introu Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/16 1994
print Petite Bôte d'Ombre Roel d'Haese Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3449/17 1994
drawing Ideeschets voor Temps variables Co Westerik Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3453 1967
drawing Coin d' atelier au Picasso Mig Quinet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3455 1948
work of art Mon fauteuil Mig Quinet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3456 1944
drawing De boeteprocessie van Veurne James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
3459 190s
print De maaier Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/1 1920
work of art Album Gustave De Smet. Oeuvres Graphiques - Grafiek, Het Roode Zeil, Brussel, 1920, kaft Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/1-15 1920
print Zittende vrouw bij het venster Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/2 1920
print Lente Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/3 1920
print Naakt in interieur Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/4 1920
print Aardappeloogst Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/5 1920
print Landschap met hoeve Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/6 1920
print Winteravond Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/7 1920
print Zittende vrouw Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/8 1920
print Vissersdorp Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/9 1920
print Gezicht op Amsterdam Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/10 1920
print Landschap Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/11 1920
print Vrouw aan het venster Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/12 1920
print Landschap met aardappelrooier Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/13 1920
print Hollandse vissers Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/14 1920
print De boer Gustave De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3463/15 1920
print Maria Boodschap James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/1 1921
print Taferelen uit het leven van Christus James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/1-32 1921
print Aanbidding door de koningen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/2 1921
print De moord op de onnozele kinderen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/3 1921
print Vlucht naar Egypte James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/4 1921
print Heilige Familie James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/5 1921
print De besnijdenis James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/6 1921
print Het doopsel van Christus James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/7 1921
print Christus en de schriftgeleerden James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/8 1921
print De zilverling van Caesar James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/9 1921
print Laat de kleinen tot mij komen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/10 1921
print Christus drijft de duivel uit het het lichaam aan een bezetene James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/11 1921
print Christus bedaart de storm James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/12 1921
print De wonderbare visvangst James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/13 1921
print Christus wandelt op de golven James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/14 1921
print Intrede in Jeruzalem James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/15 1921
print Het laatste avondmaal James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/16 1921
print De kus van Judas James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/17 1921
print De bespotting van Christus James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/18 1921
print Christus voor zijn rechters James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/19 1921
print De geseling James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/20 1921
print Calvarie James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/21 1921
print De kruisiging James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/22 1921
print Christus tussen de moordenaars James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/23 1921
print De kruisafneming James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/24 1921
print De terugkeer van de kalvarieberg James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/25 1921
print Christus op de knieën van zijn moeder James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/26 1921
print Christus en de Engelen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/27 1921
print Hemelvaart James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/28 1921
print De Heilige Geest verlicht de apostelen James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/29 1921
lithograph Tenhemelopneming van Maria painting by James Ensor James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/30 1921 lithographic ink
print De engelen vereeren Maria James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/31 1921
print Frontispice James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3469/32 1921
drawing Tafereel uit de oudheid Andries Cornelis Lens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3472 1957
literary work "La Gamme d'Amour" by James Ensor book by James Ensor Jimmy Carter Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3714 1929
literary work George Grard book by Georges Grard George Grard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 23038 1978
literary work Het jaar van de jicht book by Remco Campert Remco Campert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 33064 1977
literary work August Vermeylenfonds 40, 1945-1985: kunstmap book by August Vermeylen August Vermeylen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 33076 1985
literary work Sphinge: quelques notes sur l'oeuvre de F. Khnopff (1881-1887) book by Emile Verhaeren Emile Verhaeren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 33091 1977
literary work Alsof zij niets was book by Freddy De Vree Freddy de Vree Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 33102 1973
literary work Nulgedichten book by Rudy De Rybel Rudy De Rybel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58700 1979
literary work Weer-spiegelingen book by Jef Verheyen Jef Verheyen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58701 1979
literary work Dertien manieren om een fragment van Alechinsky te zien book by Hugo Claus Hugo Claus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58702 1979
literary work Visconti book by Jean-Marie De Smet Jean-Marie De Smet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58703 1979
literary work Ascensional sutra book by Paul-Armen Sarafian Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58704 1968
literary work Nykta: 5 nachtdichters book by Claire Laffay Claire Laffay Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58705 1975
literary work Een gefilmde droom book by Willem M. Roggeman Willem Roggeman Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58706 1973
literary work Cheap Chelsea in the Lowlands: een verhaal book by Rudy Witse Rudy Witse Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58708 1978
literary work Kafka in de onderwereld book by Gust Gils Gust Gils Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58709 1978
literary work Op het tweede gezicht book by Luc Claus Luc Claus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58710 1982
literary work Zonder onderschriften: een dramatische dialoog book by Jeroen Brouwers Jeroen Brouwers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58711 1980
literary work De toekomst voorspeld book by Louis Paul Boon Louis Paul Boon Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58712 1975
literary work Orphée book by Jan Cox Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58713 1973
literary work Nykta: 5 nachtdichters book by Claire Laffay Claire Laffay Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58714 1975
literary work Construc book by Ivo Michiels Ivo Michiels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58715 1978
literary work Portrait-pétales: biopsie 13 book by Bernard Heidsieck Bernard Heidsieck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58716
literary work De afgerukte bloem (een moordverhaal) book by Tony Rombouts Tony Rombouts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58717 1977
literary work Wij, de zachte scherven book by Marleen De Crée-Roex Marleen De Crée-Roex Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58718 1978
literary work Een penseel van wachten book by Roel Richelieu van Londersele Roel Richelieu Van Londersele Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58719 1977
literary work Tussen krop en keel book by Marcel Van Maele Marcel van Maele Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58720 1979
literary work Het Vlaamse land book by Laure Malclès-Masereel Laure Malclès-Masereel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58721 1976
literary work De acht hoofzonden book by Vic Gentils Vic Gentils Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58722 1970
literary work L'invitato clandestino book by Raffaele Carrieri Raffaele Carrieri Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58723 1981
literary work Dertig dagen robot zijn book by Piet Sterckx Piet Sterckx Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58724 1981
literary work Paul Van Hoeydonck book by Paul Van Hoeydonck Paul Van Hoeydonck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58725 1977
literary work Fuga book by Hugo Claus Hugo Claus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58726 1979
literary work 68-78 book by Galerie De Zwarte Panter De Zwarte Panter Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58727 1978
literary work Antiphon book by Hugo Claus Hugo Claus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58728 1978
literary work Overpeinzingen bij 5 etsen van Fred B. book by Jan Christiaens Jan Christiaens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58730 1977
literary work Een beter verstaander voor Camille D' Havé een beter verstaander book by Roger Serras Roger Serras Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58731 1979
literary work De 7 werken van barmhartigheid book by Willem M. Roggeman Willem Roggeman Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58732 1980
literary work Exodus book by Hugues C. Pernath Hugues C. Pernath Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58734 1970
literary work Voor God verloren book by Gaston Burssens Gaston Burssens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58735 1976
literary work Het bos bij nacht book by Louis Paul Boon Louis Paul Boon Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58736 1978
literary work Honest arts map book by Marc Andries Marc Andries Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58737 1975
literary work Litanie book by Nic Van Bruggen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58739 1977
literary work De wangebeden book by Hugo Claus Hugo Claus Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58740 1973
literary work Je zal er nooit meer opnieuw zijn book by Claude Van de Berge Claude van de Berge Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58741 1977
literary work Itinerarium book by Ivo Michiels Ivo Michiels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58742 1979
literary work Een code voor vriendschap book by Alfred Klinkan Alfred Klinkan Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58745 1981
literary work Tegen een bizarre achtergrond van algemeen verderf book by Claude C. Krijgelmans Claude C. Krijgelmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58746 1979
literary work Toinot . Aan het strand book by Jan Vanriet Jan Vanriet Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58747 1973
literary work Bookmultiple Jef Verheyen 40 book by Ivo Michiels Ivo Michiels Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58748 1972
literary work Papiers-oiseaux book by Henri Chopin Henri Chopin Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58749 1975
literary work Encoconnage book by Bernard Heidsieck Bernard Heidsieck Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58750 1974
literary work Le dernier livre de Schmoll book by Eduard Bal Eduard Bal Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58751 1977
literary work Rendez-vous book by Françoise Janicot Françoise Janicot Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58752 1973
literary work Metamorphosis (illegible color variation book) book by Paul Ibou Paul Ibou Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58753 1968
literary work Axe book by Guy Schraenen Guy Schraenen Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58754 190s
literary work This is not a book book by Mark Verstockt Mark Verstockt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58755 1971
literary work Apostolorum Limina: litterae apostolicae sub plumbo datae quibus universale iubilaeum Anni Sacri 1975 indicitur book by paus Paulus VI Paul VI Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58756 1975
literary work 50 kunstenaars 1977 book by Atelier Peter Bekaert Atelier Peter Bekaert Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58757 1977
literary work L'oeil de la cathédrale: treize réflexions écrites et gravées book by Yves Rhayé Yves Rhayé Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58758 1976
literary work Adaptation (12 owl variations/Paul Ibou) book by Paul Ibou Paul Ibou Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58759 1975
literary work Tekeningen book by Cecilia Vanderbeek Cecilia Vanderbeek Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58760 1981
literary work Emile Verhaeren: conférence faite à la Maison du livre book by Georges Eekhoud Georges Eekhoud Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58761 1918
literary work Esquisse du problème de l'art abstrait book by Alain Beckers Alain Beckers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58762 1951
literary work Spirale: internationale Zeitschrift für junge Kunst Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 58763 19th century
literary work Facetten van de geometrisch-abstrakte en konstruktieve kunst na 1945: André Beullens, Amédée Cortier, Gilbert Decock, Jo Delahaut, Luc Peire, Willy Plompen, Jan Van den Abbeel, Guy Vandenbranden, Dan Van Severen, Mark Verstockt book by Roland Patteeuw Roland Patteeuw Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 60758 1971
literary work Geoform: hulde aan Vantongerloo book by Maurits Bilcke Maurits Bilcke Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 60760 1967
literary work Jakob Smits book by Ernest Van den Bosch Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 61159 1930
literary work Formes book by Pierre Bourgeois Pierre Bourgeois Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 63057 1956
literary work Cornemuse book by Roger Avermaete Roger Avermaete Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 63058 1921
literary work Artworker star book by Hugo Heyrman Hugo Heyrman Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 64889 190s
literary work Maurice Gilliams. Paul Citroen book by Maurice Gilliams Maurice Gilliams Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 64890 1980
literary work Contes book by Horace Van Offel Horace Van Offel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 65849 1935
sculpture Mother with child on a bench sculpture by Jan Frans Deckers Jan Frans Deckers Collection Van Herck
Heritage Fund
Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
King Baudouin Foundation
inv 102
19th century terracotta sculpture
sculpture Perle fine sculpture by Oscar Jespers Oscar Jespers King Baudouin Foundation
Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Museum of Fine Arts Ghent (MSK)
KBS 0200 1925 marble
statue Het Water statue George Grard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1960 bronze
painting De verminkte Victorie painting by Robert Geenens Robert Geenens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp
Collectie Vlaamse Gemeenschap
1942 oil paint
painting Zijn painting by Raoul Hynckes Raoul Hynckes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp IB005 1934 oil paint
painting Schorseneren painting by Raoul Hynckes Raoul Hynckes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp IB006 1962 oil paint
painting Naakt painting by Paul Joostens Paul Joostens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3773 1917
painting Caroussel painting by Maria Segers Maria Segers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3665 1961
painting Twee mannen op straat painting by Maria Segers Maria Segers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3666 1955
painting Mending of the Edegem Flag painting by Georges Nauwelaerts Georges Nauwelaerts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3674 1902
painting Interior with a Lady painting by Georges Nauwelaerts Georges Nauwelaerts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3677 1918 oil paint
painting Three Bigots painting by Georges Nauwelaerts Georges Nauwelaerts Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3678 1918
painting Portret van een man painting by Jan De Smedt Jan de Smedt Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3581a 190s oil paint
portrait man
painting Development of a Theme in Red: Carnival painting by Jules Schmalzigaug Jules Schmalzigaug Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4081 1914
painting Interieur van de San Marco painting by Walter Vaes Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4145 1905
painting Tribolo painting by Ysbrant Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4163 1994 oil paint
painting Het beest en de schone painting by Ysbrant Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4164 1938 oil paint
painting Cleopatra painting by Ysbrant Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4165 1978 oil paint
painting Zelfportret met draak painting by Fred Bervoets Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4166 1985
painting Fred in Zijn Eeuwige Storm painting by Jan Cox Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4168 1979 oil paint
painting Allegorical Scene painting by Emile Vloors Emile Vloors Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4010 19th century
painting Machinezang painting by Edmond Van Dooren Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3988 190s oil paint
painting Monique Segers-Brasseur painting by Maria Segers Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3776 1963
painting Agnes painting by Pieter Rottie Pieter Rottie Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3855 1941 oil paint
painting Self Portrait painting by Pieter Rottie Pieter Rottie Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3856 1941 oil paint
painting Nuit agitée painting by Jean-Jacques Gailliard Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3859 1964
painting Torso van een vrouw painting by Roger Wittevrongel Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3879 1975 oil paint
painting Nachtelijke figuren painting by Jean Lambert-Rucki Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3889 1927 oil paint
painting Forest painting by Vladimir Davidovich Baranov-Rossiné Vladimir Baranov-Rossiné Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3915 19th century oil paint
painting De vrouw van de kunstenaar painting by Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3939 1947 oil paint
painting The Temptation of Saint Anthony the Great painting by James Ensor James Ensor Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4003 1927 oil paint
religious art
painting The Homeric Laughter painting by Lovis Corinth (1919) Lovis Corinth Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4006 1919-04 oil paint
painting Winter in de Braamstraat painting by Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4076 1962 oil paint
painting Mijn atelier painting by Albert De Deken Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 4077 1965 oil paint
painting De twee Muzen painting by Paul Joostens, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1985 oil paint
painting Het ravijn B painting by Rik Wouters, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1913 oil paint
painting Christus toont zijn wonden painting by Gustave Van de Woestijne, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA / Ministerie Vlaamse Gemeenschap - Afd. Beeldende Kunst en Musea Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2013 1921 oil paint
painting Vriendschap painting by Jan Kiemeneij, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3262.3 1920 oil paint
painting Compositie painting by Jozef[1988 fl.] Peeters, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1922
painting Poseren painting by Edgard Tytgat, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1918 oil paint
painting Dijk painting by Henri-Victor Wolvens, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1948 oil paint
painting Saint Cloud painting by Henri-Victor Wolvens, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten - KMSKA Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 1947 oil paint
painting Interior of a mill painting by Charles Mertens Charles Mertens Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2057 19th millenium pastel
painting Lente Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2967 1935 oil paint
painting Stilleven Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 3198 1936 oil paint
painting Rozen Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2899 1933 oil paint
painting Noordzee Jean Brusselmans Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 2966 1939 oil paint
End of automatically generated list.