Wikidata:AutoList/List of queries

(Redirected from Wikidata:List of queries)

This page contains useful/interesting queries for AutoList, a Wikidata item list generation tool. The query results are generated "on the fly", though they might be a few minutes out of date, compared with the Wikidata site (see WDQ statistics). Feel free to add a query you find worthwhile!

Main groups of items


These groups may overlap and percentages may not be directly comparable.

Combine with one of the claims to search within the group.

Group claim %
Items related to countries claim[17] 22% [1]
Geographical objects claim[31:(tree[618123%0A][][279])] 20% [2]
Humans claim[31:5] 19% [3]
Works claim[31:(tree[386724%0A][][279])] 21% [4]
Taxa claim[31:16521] 13% [5]
Wikimedia categories claim[31:4167836] 17% [6]
Disambiguation claim[31:4167410] 5,5% [7]
Items with no claims ? 23,7% [8]
  1. 3 271 456 on August 19, 2015 (total: 14 708 254)
  2. 2 997 780 on August 19, 2015, overlap with claim[17]: 2 734 125 items, 18.6%
  3. 2 855 758 on August 19, 2015
  4. 3 107 090 on August 19, 2015, overlap with geographical objects: 7% (784,282 items)
  5. 1 950 013 on August 19, 2015
  6. 2 478 758 on August 19, 2015
  7. 823 130 on August 19, 2015
  8. 3,491,441 on July 6, 2015
See also:



Missing, inconsistent or suspicious entries for clean up


Recent deaths


Some selections:

To check and complete Wikidata:

Unlikely values

Military History



  1. Chemicals with EC no. and without CAS
  2. Chemicals with IChIKey and without CAS
  1. Chemicals with CAS and without EC no.



Find missing property "instance of" (P31):

Find Entries without property "instance of" (P31) OR "subclass" (P279):

Find some missing properties:

Missing IMDb-IDs (Internet Movie Database)