Wikidata:Pencari Ketidakcocokan

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Mismatch Finder and the translation is 28% complete.
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Mismatch Finder
Tackling mismatching data between Wikidata and external databases.

Video yang memperkenalkan alat kualitas data Mismatch Finder.

Mismatch Finder adalah alat yang dikembangkan oleh Wikimedia Jerman untuk membantu penyunting menangani ketidakcocokan anatara data Wikidata dan basis data/situs web lainnya. Alat ini menyimpan data yang tidak cocok antara di Wikidata dan di basis data eksternal, kemudian menunjukkannya kepada penyunting untuk ditinjau dan diperbaiki.

What is the purpose of Mismatch Finder?

The tool helps highlight differences in the data between Wikidata and other databases, in order to improve data quality in the open linked data ecosystem. The tool itself doesn’t browse databases automatically: it is necessary to upload a list of possible mismatches first, so they can be analyzed and processed by Wikidata editors. With providing such a tool, we hope to support the Wikidata editors to spot and fix mistakes in Wikidata as well as organizations reusing Wikidata’s data, who now have a convenient way to contribute back by reporting lists of possible mismatches as well as suggestions for new statements.

Siapa yang sebaiknya menggunakan alat ini?

Alat ini utamanya dibuat untuk:

  • Penyunting, yang peduli tentang kualitas data dan ingin alat lain untuk membantu memperbaiki masalah dalam data Wikidata's
  • Pengguna dan peneliti data yang menemukan masalah di data Wikidata dan ingin membalas Wikidata dengan menyediakan daftar kemungkinan masalah kualitas data

Bagaimana cara kerja alat ini?

At its core, this system has a store for mismatches. Different people and organizations can load mismatches they find into this system. Various tools can then get mismatches from the system to help editors resolve them.

Sources for the mismatches can be many. Sources for mismatches may include categories on Wikipedia that indicate a mismatch between the local value on that Wikipedia and the corresponding value on Wikidata. Research organizations as well as large data re-users can also contribute mismatches they find in their internal processes when doing quality assurance on Wikidata’s data. Read more about how you can provide mismatches.

One of the tools that will process the mismatches is the Mismatch website.

Simply put, the system's workflow is:

  • Get mismatching data.
  • Add the mismatches to a mismatches store via an API.
  • Allow the user to look for mismatches on multiple Items through the mismatches website.
  • Display all the mismatches between Wikidata and the external databases in a table.
  • Provide the user with the links to the statement on Wikidata and the other database. There the user can have a closer look, find out the nature of the mismatch and (hopefully) resolve it.

Editors who want to help review mismatches may install a gadget that shows mismatches directly on an Item page.