Wikidata:Reimagining Wikidata from the margins/Reflection points/sh

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Reimagining Wikidata from the margins/Reflection points and the translation is 45% complete.
"Reimagining Wikidata"
Reimagining Wikidata from the margins

⚙️ Overview

📗 How to participate?

💠 Reflection points

⌛ Timeline

📆 WikidataCon 2021

Za razjašnjavanje kakvu diskusiju želimo potaknuti sa projektom Reimaginiranje Wikipodataka s margina, evo nekih početnih pitanja za refksiju i diskusiju:

  • Kako Wikipodatci mogu pomoći riješiti stvarne probleme u tvojoj zajednici?
  • Od kud dolaze podatci koje dodaješ u Wikipodatke? Kakav je pristup drugim lokalnim bazama?
  • Koji je profil suradnika Wikipodataka u tvojoj zajednici?
  • Postoje li glavne teme u tvojim aktivnostima u Wikipodatcima?
  • Kakav je tvoj odnos sa zajednicama drugih jezika?
  • Kako se osjećaš unavigiranju široke zajednice Wikipodataka? Je li različito od drugih Wikimedija projekata?
  • Jesi li bio/bila suočen_a sa sistemskom pristranošću/sklonošću suradnika i sadržaja na Wikipodatcima?
  • What community and technical resources would be needed to make Wikidata be more equitable in reflecting the full breadth of human knowledge?
  • What kind of local knowledge aren’t you able (yet) to model on Wikidata?
  • How do you think adding oral history or unpublished knowledge to Wikidata would support the representation of your culture on Wikidata?
  • Is there any notability or source policies that does not support adding your local community's knowledge on Wikidata?
  • What prevents people in your community that edit other Wikimedia from contributing to Wikidata?
  • What major knowledge gaps regarding your culture do you encounter on Wikidata?
  • Is your community working on covering specific knowledge gaps on Wikidata?
  • How can we ensure that Wikidata doesn’t replicate solely colonial knowledge?
  • How do local institutions contribute to Wikidata? And what are the challenges they face doing so?

We encourage you to ask more questions. Don’t worry: the idea is not to raise closed answers in any way, but to spark the discussion among our community so we can better understand how to envision a more inclusive environment for us all!