উইকিউপাত্ত:কোনও কারিগরি সমস্যা জানান/জড়িত হন

This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Report a technical problem/Get involved and the translation is 17% complete.
Report a problemHow to report a problemHelp with PhabricatorGet involvedWDQS and Search

Aside from reporting bugs or making feature requests, there are other ways in which you can get involved.

Help answering problems
  • You’re welcome to respond to reports or features or feedback written on Report a problem.
  • You can also help people in finding the existing Phabricator task related to their problem, or creating a new Phabricator task (please check the guidelines for Phabricator)
  • Feel free to help to identify and ping people who are maintaining gadgets, scripts and other tools. If you're a tool maintainer please watchlist the "report a problem" page and answer questions regarding your tools
  • In responding to other people, please do not make promises on behalf of the development team.
  • Avoid pinging individual developers, but rather channel concerns/feedback/suggestions to the communications team.
Help with Phabricator tasks

You are welcome to help improve the problem descriptions on Phabricator tickets

  • Rephrase texts to a concise description of the problem
  • Add relevant tags
  • Add screenshot
Help with translation

We do not use the translation extension on bug reports. You are welcome to help in the translation of

Be part of our user research
  • If you would like to be contacted to participate in user research, you can sign up to this mailing list, and our UX designers may contact you if they need feedback on a new function
  • Read more about how to participate in UX Activities