Wikidata:WikiProject Chess/Lists/IM/1969

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?start_time WHERE { ?item p:P2962 ?statement. ?statement ps:P2962 wd:Q752119; pq:P580 ?start_time. FILTER (?start_time >= "1969-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) . FILTER (?start_time < "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime) . }
portrait name gender country federation date of birth date of death FIDE player ID
Bruce Amos male Canada Canada 1946-12-30 2600161
Ardiansyah male Indonesia Indonesia 1951-12-05 2017-10-28 7100027
Walter Browne male United States of America
United States of America
1949-01-10 2015-06-24 2000210
Géza Füster male Hungary Hungary
1910-02-19 1990-12-30
Hans-Joachim Hecht male Germany Germany 1939-01-29 4600320
Robert Hübner male Germany Germany 1948-11-06 4600010
Shimon Kagan male Israel Israel 1942-04-06 2800284
Anatoly Karpov male Russia Russia 1951-05-23 4100026
David Levy male United Kingdom Scotland 1945-03-14 2400120
Sergio Mariotti male Italy Italy 1946-08-10 800023
Silvino García Martínez male Cuba Cuba 1944-07-04 3500179
Ljubomir Masic male Yugoslavia Yugoslavia 1936-07-05 2002-11-06
Dieter Mohrlok male Germany Germany 1938-11-04 2010-03-02 4600339
Renato Naranja male Philippines Philippines 1940-09-24 5200148
Albin Planinc male Slovenia
Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia 1944-04-18 2008-12-20 14600730
Jorge Rubinetti male Argentina Argentina 1945-03-31 2016-09-19 100161
Anthony Saidy male United States of America United States of America 1937-05-16 2000903
Zvonko Vranesic male Canada Canada 1938-10-04 2600390
Laszlo Witt male Hungary Canada 1933-04-02 2005-12-27
Max Arie Wotulo male Indonesia Indonesia 1932-08-05 2000 7102747
Olavo Yépez male Ecuador Ecuador 1937-08-20 2021-05-17 3600033

∑ 21 items.

End of automatically generated list.