Wikidata:WikiProject Chronic Pain/Diseases

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The goal of these tables is to link to important items for this project and evaluate data completness on important properties.

/!\ Work in progress : the lists are far from exaustive.

Main diseases


Syndromes and unknown causes


Auto-immune diseases


Infectious diseases




Potentially linked or to be investigated further


By symptoms

Title Description Diseases Subtypes Articles
type of unpleasant feeling Diseases Subtypes Articles
acute pain extending beyond the usual healing process Diseases Subtypes Articles
defined by 3 months of persistent pain in one or more anatomical regions that is unexplainable by another pain condition Diseases Subtypes Articles
Chronic primary visceral pain is chronic pain localized in the thoracic, abdominal or pelvic region, and that is associated with significant emotional distress or functional disability. Diseases Subtypes Articles
chronic diffuse pain in at least 4 of 5 body regions Diseases Subtypes Articles
chronic pain in the muscles, bones, joints or tendons Diseases Subtypes Articles
headache or orofacial pain that occurs on at least 50% of the days during at least three months Diseases Subtypes Articles
array of painful conditions in humans Diseases Subtypes Articles
defined as cancer or treatment related visceral, musculoskeletal, or bony pain Diseases Subtypes Articles
pain lasting 3 months post trauma or surgery, excluding infectious or preexisting conditions Diseases Subtypes Articles
chronic pain originating in the bones, muscles, joints or connective tissue Diseases Subtypes Articles
pain originating in an internal organ Diseases Subtypes Articles
pain caused by damage to the somatosensory nervous system damage Diseases Subtypes Articles
chronic pain that originates in the head or face, and occurs for 50% or more days over a 3 months period Diseases Subtypes Articles
muscle pain Diseases Subtypes Articles
pain in the head or neck Diseases Subtypes Articles
stomach aches Diseases Subtypes Articles
discomfort or pain felt anywhere along the front of the body between the neck and upper abdomen Diseases Subtypes Articles
type of pain Diseases Subtypes Articles
type of pain felt in the back Diseases Subtypes Articles
human health condition or disease that is persistent or otherwise long-lasting in its effects Diseases Subtypes Articles
acute pain extending beyond the usual healing process Diseases Subtypes Articles

Others potential associated symptoms


The set of symptoms heavily depends on the source of the chronic pain.

Title Description Diseases Subtypes Articles
fatigue Q9690 medical symptom usually of physical and/or mental weakness that does not resolve with rest or sleep Diseases Subtypes Articles
fever Q38933 common medical sign characterized by elevated body temperature Diseases Subtypes Articles
inflammation Q101991 signs of activation of the immune system Diseases Subtypes Articles
nausea Q186889 medical symptom or condition Diseases Subtypes Articles
heart arrhythmia Q189331 group of conditions in which the heartbeat is irregular, too fast, or too slow Diseases Subtypes Articles
mental confusion Q557945 state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something Diseases Subtypes Articles
memory loss Q989365 loss of memory content, or of the faculties for creating or retrieving memories Diseases Subtypes Articles
fever of unknown origin Q1405631 symptom Diseases Subtypes Articles
malaise Q2673323 feeling of uneasiness, hardship, and pain Diseases Subtypes Articles

Template for diseases subpages


Use search & replace :

  • change all "Qid_main" to your actual Qid
  • change all "keyword" to the item name with spaces replaced by %20
{{Disease short description|Qid_main}}

== Articles list ==

* [ List of articles] with {{P|P921}} settled to {{Q|Qid_main}}, most recents first.
* [ List of articles] with {{Q|Qid_main}} in the title, most recents first.

== Reading list ==

{{List of scholarly articles/Header}}
{{List of scholarly articles/Row|Qid_article}}
{{List of scholarly articles/Footer}}

== Articles related to Chronic Pain ==

Articles in this list are gathered by a bot if they have {{P|P921}} settled to {{Q|Qid_main}} and to wether {{Q|Q1088113}} or {{Q|Q540571}}.

{{Wikidata list
|sparql=SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P921 wd:Qid_main . { { ?item wdt:P921 wd:Q1088113 } UNION { ?item wdt:P921 wd:Q540571 } } }
{{Wikidata list end}}