Wikidata:WikiProject Climate Change/Models

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Data modeling


This section assists in modeling Wikidata content related to climate change — items, properties, lexemes, forms, senses, entity schemas, functions and so on. Feel free to help sketch this out.



Suggested model for emissions from an organization, based on the categories defined in the GHG Protocol (Q56296245):

carbon footprint
  1 000 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent
start time 2021-01-01
end time 2021-12-31
determination method GHG Protocol
0 references
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  50 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent
start time 2021-01-01
end time 2021-12-31
object has role Scope 1
determination method GHG Protocol
0 references
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  100 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent
start time 2021-01-01
end time 2021-12-31
object has role Scope 2 market-based
determination method GHG Protocol
0 references
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  88 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent
start time 2021-01-01
end time 2021-12-31
object has role Scope 2 location-based
determination method GHG Protocol
0 references
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  250 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent
start time 2021-01-01
end time 2021-12-31
object has role Scope 3
applies to part Waste generated in operations
determination method GHG Protocol
  600 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalent
start time 2021-01-01
end time 2021-12-31
object has role Scope 3
applies to part End-of-life treatment of sold products
determination method GHG Protocol
0 references
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add value

The following query uses these:

  • Properties: subclass of (P279)     , carbon footprint (P5991)     , object has role (P3831)     , applies to part (P518)     
    #title: Organizations GHG emissions using scopes (as defined by the GHG protocol) 
    SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?scopeLabel ?emission_amount ?unitLabel ?typeLabel WHERE {
      ?scope wdt:P279* wd:Q120897419 . # Finds all scope items
      ?item p:P5991 ?p . # Finds all items with carbon footprint statements
      ?p pq:P3831 ?scope ; # ..but only use those qualified with one of the scopes
         ps:P5991 ?emission_amount ; # Get the emission amount
         psv:P5991 / wikibase:quantityUnit ?unit . # Get the emission unit
      OPTIONAL {?p pq:P518 ?type} # Get the type of scope (for Scope 3 emissions)
      SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "sv,en". }
    } ORDER BY ?itemLabel ?scopeLabel

Showcase content


In this section, we are gathering content that gives a good idea about certain aspects of Wikidata, climate-related matters or the WikiProject.



Main items


For the time being, these are sorted in ascending order of their Wikidata identifier, i.e. from oldest to youngest. In the longer term, we may want to give that a more useful structure. See also the query for items within scope.

Other items




See also the query for lexemes linked to items within the scope of the project.

Main lexemes


Other lexemes




Main properties




Other properties


Properties under discussion
