Wikidata:WikiProject Dutch Literary Awards

This project is part of the Wikidata efforts of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek Nederland

The Wikidata item for this Wikiproject is: WikiProject Dutch literary awards (Q99485207)

Project aims edit

This project aims to

  • describe the most important Dutch language literary awards (Netherlands, Flanders, Dutch Antilles, Surinam), including
  • their winners, nominees, jury members, locations, events etc.,
  • for all the years these awards have been granted, all on Wikidata,

as well as

  • create and improve Wikipedia articles related to these awards, winners, nominees, jury members etc.

Project description edit

  • To add

Rationale edit

Als onderdeel van de geplande uitfasering van Literatuurplein is eind 2018 een project gestart om Nederlandse literaire prijzen op Wikidata (en Wikipedia) te beschrijven. Dit project brengt informatie over literaire prijzen voor volwassen en kinderen (en daarmee verbonden boeken, winnaars, genomineerden en juryleden) uit niet-open en niet-machine-leesbare websites als, en naar een 5-sterren Linked-Open-Data-omgeving en sluit deze dataset dus aan op het semantisch web, met alle voordelen en meerwaarden van dien. Het maakt nieuwe diensten, onderzoek en inzichten mogelijk.

De uitkomsten van dit project kunnen (op termijn)

  • en (overeenkomstige delen van) vervangen
  • Nieuwe inzichten in het literaireprijzenlandschap geven t.b.v. Neerlandici, onderzoekers, journalisten, Wikipedia-lezers etc.


Project input - work in progress edit

Award structure edit

Awards edit

  • Highest level item, subclass of literary awards. The P.C. Hooft Award is a series of annual Dutch language literary lifetime achievement awards for prose (fiction), essays (non-fiction)....

Award editions edit

Nominees + nominated works edit

  • Shortlisters (longlisters are out of scope)
  • Nominated works

Winners + nominated works edit

  • Winners
  • Their winning works

Jury members + roles edit

  • Chairpersons
  • Normal members

Questions we would like to ask, in human words edit

About the awards & editions edit

  • Give me the names of all Dutch literary awards ever
  • and the periods they existed
  • Give me the names of all awards that have existed:
  • since <year>,
  • until <year>,
  • between <startyear> and <endyear>
  • I also want to know the number of awards (in these periods)
  • Give me the distribution of the number of awards over time. Did the number of awards increase/decrease over time?
  • Give me all followers and predecessors of the AKO award
  • Give me all editions of the PC Hooft award
  • their winners
  • their nominees
  • their jury members
  • the prize money
  • Give me all awards that were given out in <year>, and
  • their winners
  • their nominees
  • their jury members
  • Give me the total amount of prize money for the AKO awards and its subblings (ECI, Bookspot)

About the persons (winners, nominees, jury members) edit

  • Give me all authors who were winners more that once/twice/3x
  • for a given awards
  • for any awards
  • Give me all authors who were nominated more that once/twice/3x
  • for a given awards
  • for any awards
  • Give me the first (or last) names of all winners of <an award name>
  • Give me all winners/nominees/juries whose last names start with "K"
  • Give me the top 10 of authors that won most awards
  • Who's the person(s) that held most jury positions, and how many ? (Top 10)
  • Give me all male vs female nominees/winners/jury members
  • Give me all Dutch vs Belgium (or Maroccan, Antillian, Surinam) nominees/winners/jury members
  • How old was the winner of the AKO award 2007?
  • Give me the ages of the winners of the PCHoofdprijs
  • Give me the age distributions of all winners of all awards
  • Give me all jury members that were also nominees /winners
  • for a given award
  • for any award
  • Give me all jury chairpersons of <awardname> (and the # of chairpersons)

About the works/books/oeuvres (winning, nominated) edit

  • Give me all works that ever won (or were nominated for) an award
  • Give me all works that won awards between <startyear> and <endyear>
  • Give me all nominated works in the genre/type <roman, novelle, fictie, non-fictie, thriller, sci-fi, kinderboek, liefdesverhaal, erotische vertelling, gedichten, (auto)biografie, essay, korte zin, beeldverhaal, historische roman, column etc.>
  • Give me all nominated works for the AKO-award ever
  • Give me all nominated works that have a male/female author
  • Give me all nominated works that have a Dutch/Belgian author
  • Give me all nominated works that have an author whose last name starts with a 'L'
  • Give me all works that won (or were nominated for) multiple awards, an in which years
  • Did the winning work of the AKO-award in 1997 receive (or was nominated for) any other awards?
  • How many awards were given for entire oeuvres, in which years, for which persons?
  • etc.. etc..

Considerations, background and queries for Boudewijn edit

Sources for the project edit

The orignal primary sources for this project -, and are no longer online. Here are the sources we can use instead:

Structured edit

  • Wikidata - both for persons and titles.
  • Plusside: fully flexible and adaptable to our needs
  • Downside: book modeling in WD is still primirive , genres and types are not yet correctly dscribed, orderen in hierarcvies and interlinked. This is the second reason wht I'd like to do it in Phase 3 onmly
  • Excel dumps from
  • Moist completee overview available, pm 500 award + their editions
  • Mailed by Boudewijn on 30-10-2019
  • Stored offline so far --> move to Github
  • Downside: were only pm 100 awards, while had pm 500

Unstructured edit

  • Assorted online & offline sources, such as Delpher, other online newspaper archives, newspapers, websites, books, social media, NRC, Parool, etc -
  • Relevant for the recent years(2015-now), foe which no data was recorded in,
  • Also relevant for source referencing awards that were not part of and are thus not in TIA

Phasing of the project edit

Phase 1 - Describe awards and editions edit

  • Model, test, fill, query (itertivcely)
We'll give priority to the top 10 awards:
  1. Libris Literatuurprijs (juryprijs)
  2. P.C. Hooft-prijs (juryprijs)
  3. Bookspot Literatuurprijs (voorheen AKO/ECI) (juryprijs)
  4. Prijs der Nederlandse Letteren (juryprijs)
  5. VSB Poëzieprijs (juryprijs)
  6. Gouden Ganzenveer (juryprijs)
  7. Constantijn Huygensprijs (juryprijs)
  8. Jan Campertprijs (juryprijs)
  9. Bordewijkprijs (juryprijs)
  10. Greshoffprijs (juryprijs)
  • Match agains existng awards in WD

Phase 2 - Describe persons edit

  • winners, nominees, jury members, others (bv prijsuitreikers)===
  • Help from crowdsourcing LM : This subproject will contribute.....
  • Match agains existng persons in WD

Phase 3 - Describe titles/books/works edit

  • Help from crowdsourcing LM This subproject will contribute.....
  • Match agains existng titles in WD

Current (30-5-2022) status of Dutch literary awards in Wikidata edit (but times out)

Project output - work in progress edit

SPARQL Queries - in progress

Resources edit

OpenRefine schemas edit

tbd Upload schema to Github

ShapeExpression edit - in progress

Python scripts edit

Contact & contributors edit

  • OlafJanssen - primary contact person
  • Andra Waagmeester
  • Boudewijn Ridder (Literatuurmuseum The Hague)

Overview of subpages edit