Wikidata:WikiProject Informatics/Configured environments



What is a configured computing environment?


Computing environments are abstractions that represent sets of operating systems and other application software that are configured to run on sets of computing hardware, hardware that may be physical/real or virtualized/emulated.

It would be useful to be able to describe relationships such as that the computing environment "Commodore 64 Games System (Q1115883)" can be PROPERTYNEEDED: "emulated by" VICE (Q647098).

  • If we consider the use case of a digital preservation professional:

A digital preservation professional who administers the preservation system for an organization (such as Preservica (Q25422568), Rosetta, Fedora (Q1400825), DuraSpace, Archivematica, RODA, LibNova, EArk etc.) would like to have their system automatically describe the technical aspects of their preserved content.

One feature of such a preservation system will be the automatic identification of file formats using tools such as: the NLNZ Metadata Extraction Tool, JHOVE (Q16927990), Digital Record Object Identification (Q24305922), or Sigfried. The digital preservation professional is providing emulation as a service (Eaas) at her organization and would like to describe the configured environments that are available, the hardware components the environments emulate, the software available for the various emulated environments and the file formats that can be read and written by the available software.

A configured environment may consist of both a computing software environment and a computing hardware environment. Together they form a computing environment.

A disk image file can be seen as a container for a software environment. A docker/package file may possibly fit this description/definitions also Cnaue (talk) 20:20, 29 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

We will also want to be able to describe that certain plugins or libraries or frameworks are being used with a piece of software. YULdigitalpreservation (talk) 17:44, 26 January 2017 (UTC)[reply]

We can say that particular configured software environments are instance of (P31) of configured software environment (Q28812506).YULdigitalpreservation (talk) 15:09, 21 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]

How are configured environments described by other WMF projects?







Title ID Data type Description Examples Inverse
License copyright license (P275) item license under which this copyrighted work is released Example -
Software version software version identifier (P348) string version of the software Example -
Depends on software depends on software (P1547) item subject software depends on object software Example -
Developer developer (P178) item software developer and software house: organization or person that developed this item Example -
Operating system operating system (P306) item operating system (OS) on which a software works Example -
programming language programmed in (P277) item the programming language(s) in which the software is developed Example -

Many of these properties are relevant for the software described within configured environments

Properties Needed

  • a property to get at the concept "emulated by" so that we could say IBM Z (Q2141460) "emulated by" Hercules (Q1609610).
  • a property to get at the concept of "hardware environment" as a functional/runable configuration of computer hardware. To describe a PDP-11 (Q1327833) with a "hardware environment" that includes Unibus (Q2071236).
  • a property to get at the concept of "software environment" as a functional configuration of software.
  • a property to indicate "executable binary available at URL"
  • a property to indicate "part of configured environment" that would point to the Wikidata item for that configured environment.
  • a property to indicate "popularity" to get at how popular a piece of software was as compared to functional alternatives at a given point in time





1. Return a list of all instances of emulator in Wikidata

SELECT ?emulator ?emulatorLabel 

  ?emulator wdt:P31 wd:Q202871 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
		bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .

Try it!

Operating Systems


1. Return a list of all instances of operating system in Wikidata

SELECT ?os ?osLabel 

  ?os wdt:P31 wd:Q9135 .
  SERVICE wikibase:label {
		bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .

Try it!

Queries it would be great to support


1. Return a list of all hardware configurations that a specific emulator can emulate.

2. Return a list of all software configurations that are compatible with a particular hardware configuration and vice versa.

How configured environments are described in other standards/ ontologies/ contexts


Discussions of configured environment requirements
