Wikidata:WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group/Wikidata Working Hours/2021-September-3 Wikidata Working Hour

September 3, 2021 Wikidata Working Hour


Friday, September 3, 2021 at 10:00 am PT / 1:00 pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 7:00 pm CET



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The WikiCite initiative has focused largely on STEM disciplines, examples include adding citations from PubMed or on subject specific articles such as the Zika virus. Humanities and social science researchers and their scholarly publications have not yet been the focus of efforts to add scholarly citations to Wikidata. Furthermore, the large abstract & indexing services tend not to cover humanities thoroughly. Humanities publisher and aggregator sites don't have the same easy citation export features as the big A&I databases (JSTOR, Project Muse, publisher sites). Can adding citation data to Wikidata improve visibility and create open, reusable datasets for humanities disciplines? Is it technically feasible given the limitations of humanities databases?

To quote Sandra Oh as Ji-Yoon in the Netflix series, The Chair, humanities disciplines have experienced tremendous change and transformation over the last 30 years. In a scene with David Duchovny, she challenges that his scholarship is out of date, citing “Affect theory, ecocriticism, digital humanities, new materialism, book history, developments in gender studies and critical race theory" as major threads. With the social justice implications of humanities scholarship, is it desirable to aggregate citations and scholarly profiles into Wikidata for public consumption? Sarah undertook a small project to load citations from the journal, Native American and Indigenous Studies, to help explore some of these questions.

Ways to Contribute


Citations from the journal, Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS), have been loaded into Wikidata with author names documented in the P2093 "Author Name String" property. Many of the author names searched did not return results for an item in Wikidata. Today we are going to create author items for these indigenous studies scholars, and update their article item in Wikidata to properly link the two items.

NAIS Articles with Author Name Strings

Creating an Author Item



  • Web search of the author's name. Look for:
    • an academic institution's web page for them
    • their own website or blog
    • Google Scholar profile
  • Search the name in Wikidata. If you find a name match, check the item carefully to verify that it is the scholar you've chosen (not an Australian footballer or 17th century British peer, etc.). Proceed with enhancing the Wikidata item based on the suggested data models.
  • If you don't find a match in Wikidata, create a New Item for your scholar. Consult the suggested data models for statements. The Wikidata ReCoin user script can also recommend statements based on typical statements made for that type of item.

Stanford Libraries data models for Academic Faculty: provides basic to extended recommended statements.

IUPUI Libraries properties for describing affiliates: core and additional properties recommended.

Consider installing the ReCoin gadget, or "Relative Completeness Indicator," which will show you what properties may be missing from your entry based on comparisons with similar items. To install, Log In to your Wikidata Account. Click preferences on top right menu, and go to the Gadgets tab. Select ReCoin and save your settings.

A Note on creating Ethnicity Statements: Of the names I searched online, many of these scholars proudly state their tribal memberships and/or ethnic backgrounds. If your author makes this declaration about themselves in their bio, consider adding a statement for their Ethnic Group (P172). The documentation for this property suggests that these statements, given their potential sensitivity, require a high standard of proof, such as if the author has made this statement about themselves (and the Wikidata statement is properly documented with a reference). What kinds of risks and benefits exist in adding this kind of ethnicity information (or gender, race, sexuality, etc.) to Wikidata?

Updating the NAIS article item in Wikidata

  • Go to the Wikidata item for the journal article.
  • Create new statement: Author, P50.
  • Type the name of the author and select the correct Wikidata item.
  • Check the author name string field, and add the qualifier "Series Ordinal" to the author statement. Include the value from the author name string field.
  • Copy the "author name string" value. Add another qualifier to the Author statement, "Stated As." Paste that value into the qualifier.
  • Publish Author statement.
  • On the Author Name String statement, click Edit, then Remove.



