Wikidata:WikiProject Manuscripts/Pinakes




Pinakes (Q63953164) is the most authoritative source on Greek manuscripts on the web. Maintained by the Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes (IRHT), is is used as an authority file, resource for bibliography and node for other databases, catalogs and data repositories (digital or analog).

On Wikipedia (in various language editions, predominantly in English, German and Polish) many articles on Greek manuscripts have already been written, especially on the more famous or important specimens like the Cotton Genesis, the richly illustrated Vienna Dioscorides or the Venetus A. Although it is outside the scope of Wikipedia to attempt and describe all Greek manuscripts in sufficient quality, Wikidata can do just that.

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Progress and documentation: Matching Pinakes with Wikidata


This is a collection of findings during our matching of the Pinakes (Q63953164) identifiers to Wikidata. As of now it is just an unsorted agglomeration of isolated points. Before feeding them back to Pinakes, we need to sort and weigh them carefully.

Country IDs


City IDs


Map Query

islands (need not be changed)
mountains (need not be changed)
Name change only
Pinakes Wikidata Remarks
155 Nafpaktos (Q782278) "Dorida" is the name of a region, the ville should be renamed "Nafpaktos" (or "Naupaktos").
259 Isle of Wight (Q9679) Linked to depot 530, the private collection of James Shackley Dearden (Q88240567). His place of residence on the Isle of Wight was Bembridge (Q2624470), and the ville should be renamed accordingly.
117 Chalkidiki (Q204728) A peninsula linked to depot 278 = Monastery of St. Anastasia the Pharmakolitria. The monastery is part of the municipality of Thermi (Q2072599), and the ville should be renamed accordingly.
664 Akrotiri, Crete (Q421226) A peninsula. The two monasteries depot 1360 and depot 1361 listed in the catalog are located in Chania Municipality (Q12875801), and the ville should be renamed accordingly.
9 Aetolia-Acarnania Regional Unit (Q202624) (modern region) or Acarnania (Q416070) (historical region) Used for the Holy Monastery Θεοτόκου Μυρτιάς = depot 9. The city is Myrtus (Q165152), and the ville should be renamed accordingly.
32 Arundel Castle (Q716667). The town is Arundel (Q716658), the ville should be renamed accordingly.
149 Derveni (Q3556127) is the designated city for depot 328 "Ιερά Μονή Προφήτη Ηλία Ζάχολης". However, depot 328 seems to be a duplicate of depot 376 which is located in Evrostina (Q12877397). The two depot IDs should be merged and ville#149 deleted.
446 Deçan (Q939112) Location of depot 963 = Visoki Dečani (Q849517). The name of the town should be changed.
376 Milia (Q6851817) As of 1916 it is located in Greece (not Turkey, see above), and the modern name should be "Miliá".
317 Lasithi Regional Unit (Q210450) A region with depot 649 "Μονή της Κυρίας Ακρωτηριανής ή Τοπλού" = Toplou Monastery (Q930841) which is located in Sitia Municipality (Q4421087). The ville might be renamed accordingly.
460 Pieria Regional Unit (Q19896675) A region with three monasteries: 984 = Kanalon Monastery (Q12878086) located in , and 985 and 986, both located in Kolindros (Q2636829). The ville might be renamed accordingly.
307 South Kynouria Municipality (Q769120) Since 2011 the name of the municipality is "Southern Kynuria".
393 Monte Cassino (Q154372) A monastery in the comune Cassino (Q116592). Perhaps the ville should be renamed.
412 Neamț County (Q188661) A county in Romania. Both linked depots are located in Vânători-Neamț (Q12089397) and the ville should be renamed.
637 Zavordas Monastery (Q11090468) A monastery located in Deskati Municipality (Q2015637). The ville should be renamed.
661 Preveli (Q388579) A monastery complex located in Agios Vasileios municipality (Q394026). The ville should be renamed accordingly.
Name change and/or changes to linked entities
Pinakes Wikidata Remarks
141 Balamand Monastery (Q1774990) The monastery is located in the city Tripoli (Q168954). The name of the city should be changed to "Tripoli" (in Lebanon) and the name of the linked depot 318 from "[Bibl. du monastère]" to "Dayr Balamand".
364 Mantineia (Q1160195) : As the town ID is for depot 729 = Monastery of Agios Nikolaos Varson (Q17574645), which is part of the Tripoli Municipality (Q3539555), the city should be renamed "Tripoli" (in Greece).
529 Schloss Zeil (Q1305559) Location of depot 1104 "Schloss". As the castle is located in the municipality of Leutkirch im Allgäu (Q539645), the ville should be named "Leutkirch im Allgäu" and the dépôt "Schloss Zeil".
363 Mainalo (Q2703145) Links to depot 728 = Monastery of Upper Chrepa (Q18402508) which is located in Mainalo (Q2703145), so the ville should be renamed accordingly.
7 Ain Traz (Q405885) A monastery and seminary located in Aley District (Q246077). The designation "Ain Traz" should perhaps be moved down to the depot level.
743 Saint Elias Monastery (Q18404993) A monastery located in Zaghrin (Q12214396). The ville should be renamed to "Zaghrin", depot 1572 to "Dayr Mar-Elias Shuwaiya" and fonds 1969 to "Bibliothèque du monastère".
124 Cheverells And Attached Stables (Q17542399) . Cheverells (sic, two LLs) is a castle located in the municipality of Flamstead (Q2569452). The ville should be renamed accordingly. Additionally we suggest that depot 287 be named after the castle ("Cheverells") and its fonds 287 be renamed "Coll. Walter Sneyds".
174 Elshieshields Tower (Q17571251) Name of a building located near Templand (Q7698384) and part of the civil parish Lochmaben (Q68816087). Houses depot 363 ("Coll. St. Runciman"= Collection Steven Runciman (Q49979)) with fonds 363 ("fonds principale"). We recommend the fonds be named "Coll. St. Runciman", the depot "Elshieshield Tower library", and name the ville "Elshieshield".
244 Helmingham Hall (Q12059832) A house located in the civil parish of Helmingham (Q5709430). Houses depot 487 "Libr. Earl of Tollemache" with fonds 487 "fonds principale". Maybe "Libr. Earl of Tollemache" should be fonds, "Helmingham Hall" depot and "Helmingham" city.
481 Redlynch House (Q122999951) A manor estate. Could be renamed to the town name Redlynch (Q2131216), although the collection may not be there anymore as the estate was sold in 1968 and Abbey's books were auctioned off between 1970 and 1975 (with exception to "his manuscripts" which remained in his family's possession).
553 Skokloster Castle (Q1891413) A castle located in Håbo Municipality (Q511253). Should maybe renamed "Håbo", while depot 1138 can be named "Skokloster Castle" (holding institution) and fonds 1138 "fonds principal" could be "Greek manuscripts in the castle library".
738 Maria Laach (Q113186315) A town with depot 1568 "Bibliothek der Abtei" with fonds 1967 "fonds principal". Maybe the depot should be renamed "Abtei Maria Laach" = Maria Laach Abbey (Q334032) and the fonds "Bibliothek der Abtei", as the library is no institution in its own right.
140 Monastery of Saint Macarius the Great (Q3320218) The monastery is located in the Scetic Desert (Wadi El Natrun) = Wadi El Natrun (Q1074945). The ville should be renamed accordingly, the name of the monastery be given to the connected depot 317 and the fonds 317 be renamed "Bibliothèque du monastère".
398 Mount Stuart House (Q1545344) "Mount Stuart (Rothesay)", a building located in the civil parish of Kingarth (Q68815879) on the Isle of Bute (Q1147435). Maybe the city can be named "Isle of Bute" (analogous to the Greek islands), the depot 790 "Mount Stuart (Rothesay)" and the fonds can be named "Marquess of Bute collection".
658 "Arkadi", location of depot 1349 = Arkadi Monastery (Q541696), a monastery located in the Rethymno Municipality (Q2366186). The depot should be linked to 485 and ville#658 should be deleted.
Creation of new IDs
Pinakes Wikidata Remarks
172 Elis Regional Unit (Q1063649) A region with six monasteries: depots 356 in Ancient Olympia Municipality (Q3252409), 357 in Andravida-Kyllini Municipality (Q2321253), 358 in Pyrgos Municipality (Q15243882), 359 = Poretsou monastery (Q29342948) in Kalavryta Municipality (Q16005641), 360 = Monastery of Skafidia (Q16329608) in Pyrgos Municipality (Q15243882), 361 = Moni Kremastis (Q12881181) in Pyrgos Municipality (Q15243882).
188 Evritania Prefecture (Q201945) A prefecture with three monasteries: 377 = Monastery Prousou (Q16735656) located in Karpenisi Municipality (Q6856965), 378 = Moni Tatarnas (Q12881193) located in Agrafa Municipality (Q1241397), 1494 (Αγίου Νικολάου του Νέου του εν Βουνένοις). The latter still has to be located by checking the literature in Pinakes.

Institution IDs

IDs which may be out of scope
  • "Indéterminé"(not matched to Wikidata): 382, 748, 797
  • 1346 Basel, "Dépôt de test PTB": Seems to be a node for tests done by the Paratexbib.

Fonds IDs


Copyist or possessor IDs
