Wikidata:WikiProject PCC Wikidata Pilot/Participants/Columbia University Libraries

Aim and Scope


Columbia University Libraries (CUL) is participating in the PCC Wikidata Pilot Project with the following aims and scope:

  • Align with the PCC Strategic Directions, especially “SD4: Accelerate the movement toward ubiquitous identifier creation and identity management at the network level”
  • Align with the strategic directions of CUL: commit to inclusion; advance knowledge; catalyze discovery; empower staff; shape discourse; inspire inquiry
  • Support MARC and non-MARC data environments used by CUL, including Hyacinth
  • Create and benefit from more sustainable, efficient and inclusive pathways for creation and use of URIs to effectively manage data
  • Widen the sources from which we accept data and URIs, for instance ISNI or FAST -- and most recently Wikidata for certain types of entities.
  • Leverage the collaborative environment of the PCC to advance this work we are already doing on our own, to share strategies and learn together with colleagues outside of CUL
  • Lower barriers to contribution to our data compared to traditional NACO and SACO participation, allowing us to better take advantage of expertise and parallel efforts outside of the cataloging departments
  • Increase understanding of and access to our own special collections and archives, which are filled with resources and agents that could be exposed and promoted through Wikidata




  • General work relating to the institution--creating items for all academic units of Columbia University (carry-over from ISNI Pilot work)
  • Authority control relating to digitized library collections and special collections:
    • Potential focus: oral histories, uncontrolled access points from finding aids, uncontrolled access points in digital library collections
    • broadening pool of staff who can participate in authority record creation
    • build tools / workflows to move from NACO/SACO to Wikidata
    • compare efficiency of working in Wikidata vs. NACO/SACO
    • compare other advantages/disadvantages of Wikidata over NACO/SACO
    • Better document use cases: when to create NACO/SACO record vs. when to create Wikidata item or ISNI record
    • Time permitting: explore Wikidata for NYC Buildings and Landmarks (CUL is a major SACO contributor for these terms)
  • Experiment via a local Wikibase sandbox, with the following goals:
  1. explore multilingual labels, items, properties
  2. explore how local Wikibase can act as a local identity management hub
  3. explore how Wikibase could help us use locally preferred labels while still referring to LC and other standardized vocabularies
  4. explore creating items for entities that cannot be disambiguated or "cannot be identified"--how could using Wikibase help us create connections?
  5. time permitting: explore possibilities for using Wikidata and/or a local Wikibase instance as an education and outreach tool
  6. time permitting: explore using WbStack for provenance metadata, which currently is often unstructured or semi-structured in our ILS





We are using the CUL Program Dashboard to gather statistics for the PCC Wikidata Pilot, as part of the PCC Wikidata Pilot Campaign.

In some cases, we may use the property on focus list of Wikimedia project (P5008) to associate an item with either the main CUL Wikidata Pilot Project (Q101440912) or with a specific subproject such as the Oral History Subproject (Q100325511).
