Wikidata:WikiProject Sculpture/Creator/Alexander Calder

instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Alexander Calder (Q151580).

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q151580 . # ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . } LIMIT 1000
image label creator collection inventory number RKDimages ID described at URL
Mercury Fountain Alexander Calder Fundació Joan Miró
Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (1937)
Araignée rouge Alexander Calder
Cirque Calder Alexander Calder Whitney Museum of American Art
Flamingo Alexander Calder
Horizontal Alexander Calder National Museum of Modern Art AM 1983-61
The Three Peaks Alexander Calder
Teodelapio Alexander Calder
Cheval Rouge Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art Sculpture Garden
Eagle Alexander Calder
Flying Dragon Alexander Calder Art Institute of Chicago
Gwenfritz Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1969.116
Aula Magna Alexander Calder
La Grande Vitesse Alexander Calder
Lobster Trap and Fish Tail Alexander Calder Museum of Modern Art
Tribute to Jerusalem Alexander Calder
Mountains and Clouds Alexander Calder Hart Senate Office Building
Sky Hooks Alexander Calder
The Four Elements Alexander Calder
De tre vingarna Alexander Calder
Stabile-mobile Alexander Calder
Man, Three Disks Alexander Calder
Joséphine Baker IV Alexander Calder National Museum of Modern Art AM 1518 S
Bent Propeller Alexander Calder
Mobile Alexander Calder Finnish National Gallery A-1992-47
4 wings Alexander Calder Fundació Joan Miró
Black Clouds Alexander Calder Metropolitan Museum of Art 2012.448.2a–c
"Calder #1" Textile (Model No. 1-145) Alexander Calder Metropolitan Museum of Art 1984.565
Red Gongs Alexander Calder Metropolitan Museum of Art 55.181.1a-f
Red Curlicue with Six Davits Alexander Calder Metropolitan Museum of Art 2012.448.3a, b
Mobile Alexander Calder Metropolitan Museum of Art 42.176a-d
Four Directions Alexander Calder Metropolitan Museum of Art 2006.32.4
Across the Orange Moons Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1968.152
Le Tamanoir Alexander Calder International Sculpture Collection
The Corcovado Alexander Calder Fundació Joan Miró FJM 10506
The Crab Alexander Calder
#8 Alexander Calder Phoenix Art Museum 1962.146
Nancy Alexander Calder
Spiral Alexander Calder
Untitled Alexander Calder The Phillips Collection 0257
Red Polygons Alexander Calder The Phillips Collection 0259
Hollow Egg Alexander Calder The Phillips Collection 2001.012.0001
Le chien Alexander Calder Middelheim Museum MID.B.383
Untitled Alexander Calder Indianapolis Museum of Art 71.181
Self-Portrait Alexander Calder National Portrait Gallery NPG.71.35
Surveyor’s Instrument Alexander Calder Yale University Art Gallery 2008.19.39
Composição Alexander Calder São Paulo Museum of Art MASP.00585
Composição Alexander Calder São Paulo Museum of Art MASP.00586
Composição com meia lua Alexander Calder São Paulo Museum of Art MASP.00583
Composição com fundo amarelo e vermelho Alexander Calder São Paulo Museum of Art MASP.00584
Spiral and Propeller Alexander Calder San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 72.2
The Whirling Ear Alexander Calder Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 7651
The Sun at Croton Alexander Calder Israel Museum 194222
Fish Bones Alexander Calder National Museum of Modern Art AM 1983-57
Two Systems Alexander Calder Cleveland Museum of Art 1999.194
White Loops and Red Spiral Alexander Calder Cleveland Museum of Art 1961.195.b
White Loops and Red Spiral on Black Stabile Alexander Calder Cleveland Museum of Art 1961.195
White Loops and Red Spiral Alexander Calder Cleveland Museum of Art 1961.195.a
Model for East Building Mobile Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Untitled Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Obus Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Crinkly Taureau Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
La vache Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Deux Angles Droits Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Horse Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Crinkly Worm Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Red and Yellow Bull with Blue Head Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Blue and Red Bull with Yellow Head Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Black Camel with Blue Head and Red Tongue Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Red Cow with Black Head Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Les flèches Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Rearing Stallion Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Cow Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Little Spider Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Vertical Constellation with Bomb Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Untitled (The Wood Mobile) Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Untitled (The Constellation Mobile) Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Ruby-Eyed Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Cascading Flowers Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Finny Fish Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
White Flower, Red Flower Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Tower with Pinwheel Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Triple Gong Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Black, White, and Ten Red Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Four White Petals Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Untitled (The McCausland Mobile) Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Blue Elephant with Red Ears Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Maquette for "Deux Discs I" Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Calderberry Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
A. Lucien Archambault, III Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
13 Leaves Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
French Poodle Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Birdsong (Vogelgesang) Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Sculptures in the National Gallery of Art
Painting Alexander Calder Whitney Museum of American Art 83.36.49a-b
Firemen's Dinner for Brancusi Alexander Calder Whitney Museum of American Art 63.58
Untitled Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Rosenwald Collection
Flying Colors Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Floating Clouds Alexander Calder
Le Crane de la Nio Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Score for Ballet 0-100 Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Untitled Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
The Big I Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Untitled (Man and Woman Walking a Dog) Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Crossroads Alexander Calder National Gallery of Art
Prints in the National Gallery of Art
Optimistic Curve Alexander Calder Buffalo AKG Art Museum 1965:17
Untitled Alexander Calder Buffalo AKG Art Museum 1975:19
Untitled Alexander Calder Buffalo AKG Art Museum 1986:8
Harlequin's Dream Alexander Calder Buffalo AKG Art Museum K1969:19
Untitled Alexander Calder Seattle Art Museum 2009.45
Abstraction Alexander Calder Saint Louis Art Museum 32:1952
Red, Blue and Black Balls on a Yellow Ground Alexander Calder Dallas Museum of Art 1971.89
Mobile-Stabile Alexander Calder Israel Museum 192039
Maquette for the Jerusalem Stabile Alexander Calder Israel Museum 193739
La Grande Voile Alexander Calder
Man, Three Discs Alexander Calder
Snow Flurry Alexander Calder
Necklace Alexander Calder Metropolitan Museum of Art 2006.32.5
Five Wings Alexander Calder
Ráfaga de nieve Alexander Calder
Abstraction (from Derriere le Miroìr) Alexander Calder Vanderbilt Museum of Art 1970.044
Cactus Provisoire Alexander Calder
Sin título Alexander Calder Institut Valencià d'Art Modern
Red Sun Alexander Calder
Cutlery Alexander Calder Museum of Modern Art 1207.1979.a-c
Zonder titel Alexander Calder Knecht-Drenth Collection kd-5251
Zonder titel Alexander Calder Knecht-Drenth Collection KD-5432
Heads and tail Alexander Calder
France Forever Alexander Calder Musée de l'Armée Inv. 2020.1.1
Crinkly avec disque rouge Alexander Calder Kunstmuseum Stuttgart P-0218
France forever Alexander Calder 2020.1.1
Janey Waney Alexander Calder
Les Trois Pics Alexander Calder
Monsieur Loyal Alexander Calder
Hellebardier Alexander Calder -Hellebardier
Red Mobile Alexander Calder Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
A R Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1979.144.1
The Acrobats Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1971.358A-B
The Antlers Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1971.359
The Fawn Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1971.357
Maquette for Flamingo Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1980.49.3
The Flower Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1971.356
Model for Nenuphar Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1968.62.2
Nenuphar Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1968.62.1
The Racket Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1971.355
Three Fingers Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1971.353
The Vine Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1971.354
Bracelet Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1968.7.3
Hair Comb Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1968.7.4
Les Masques Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1977.48.42
Necklace Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1968.7.2
Pin Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1968.7.1
Tache Bleu Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1978.167.2
Trois Spirales Alexander Calder Smithsonian American Art Museum 1978.167.1
La Cornue Alexander Calder
Five Disks One Empty Alexander Calder
Totem Alexander Calder
Composition Alexander Calder
Gobelins Tapestry Manufactory
Mobilier National Collection
The Falcon Alexander Calder
End of automatically generated list.