Wikidata:WikiProject Women/Wiki monitor/nlwiki 50 newest items

List of 50 most recently created human (Q5) items with sex or gender (P21) = female (Q6581072) and an article in Wikipedia, but without occupation (P106) on Wikidata.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT DISTINCT ?item where { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5 . ?item wdt:P21 wd:Q6581072 . FILTER EXISTS { ?wikip schema:about ?item; schema:isPartOf ?wiki . FILTER regex (str(?wiki), ""). } OPTIONAL {?item wdt:P106 ?occupation . } FILTER(!bound(?occupation)) . BIND (xsd:integer(STRAFTER(str(?item), "Q")) AS ?qid) } ORDER BY DESC(?qid) LIMIT 50
label image date of birth place of birth date of death place of death VIAF ID ISNI item
Lucia Rescia 1902-06-08 Vignole Borbera 1995-07-07 Amsterdam Q125654901
Agnes of Guigoven Q125560265
Volie Schermer-De Jong Q125504406
Nicole Henriquez 1950-03-16 Curaçao Q125427197
Sutume Kebede 1994 Q124963554
Catharina Helena Bolhuis-Schilstra
1988-11-18 Q124846857
Adriana Dekker-Kempe Q124790178
Augustine Flore de Lathuy
1798 Gembloux 1867 Q124789718
Marie van Caloen 1890-02-19 Koolkerke Q124789144
J.V. Neylen 1989 Q124759455
Miny Dekkers
Bramine Eelcoline Meertens 1893-09-17 Batavia 1945-02-21 Ravensbrück concentration camp Q124718785
Efimija Matranga Q124611476
Lucy Laridon
1872 1950 Q124512327
Wang Yin Q124476787
KJ Johnson Q124445444
Stephanie Rummens Q124413646
Laura Patriarche Q124409347
Ruth Willemse Q124406751
Joy Jouret Q124397999
Virginie Hermans Q124397997
Brigitte Motte Q124395605
Dominique Savelkoul Q124364921
Nadya Sewradj Q124353848
Anna Bron Q124348130
Morgane Vouche Q124332495
Maureen Beernaert Q124332494
Anne-Sophie De Scheemaekere Q124332493
Farah Jacquet Q124285663
Laura Bekaert Q124254196
Nathalie Clauwaert Q124246536
Daniele Di Stefano Q124213009
Vlajka Kastrioti 15th century Q124101509
Simonne Danneels 1922-08-14 Bredene 2004-08-11 Sint-Kruis Q124015744
Emine Gül Isçi Q123943376
Hanne Stevens Q123906901
Geisa van Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains Q123753285
Ogiva van Mesen Q123751031
Sonita Muluh Kyen Q123550506
Rina Rabau Nkandu Q123516193
Petra Comoth Q123514169
Josephine Rombouts 938154381069730292223 000000047790899X Q123505000
Krista Fleming Q123488693
Marianne Rector Q123392256
Mariëtte van Leeuwen Q123350281
Jasja Nottelman 1970-02-08 Kampen 283719332 0000000390157695 Q123348004
Rebecca Onderstal 1969-05-23 Franeker 288303341 0000000393931906 Q123312710
Femke van der Steen
Beppie de Rooy Q123165843
Barbara Geusens Q123129690
End of automatically generated list.