Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Christian religious art/Suggestions/Label

main subject (P921) suggestions based on same label in a language

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item ?itemLabel ?label ?item2 ?mainsubject ?addlink ?count WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?label WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; wdt:P136 wd:Q2864737 . # Remove when we run out of suggestions MINUS { ?item wdt:P136 ?genre . FILTER ( ?genre!=wd:Q2864737 ) } . MINUS { ?item wdt:P921 [] } . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1278452 } . ?item rdfs:label ?label . } } AS %missingmainsubject WITH { SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?mainsubject (COUNT(CONCAT(LANG(?label),STR(?label), STR(?mainsubject))) AS ?count) (SAMPLE(?item2) AS ?item2) WHERE { ?item2 wdt:P136 wd:Q2864737 ; wdt:P921 ?mainsubject ; wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 ; rdfs:label ?label . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item2 wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q1278452 } . } GROUP BY ?label ?mainsubject ORDER BY DESC(?count) } AS %mainsubjects WHERE { INCLUDE %missingmainsubject. INCLUDE %mainsubjects. BIND(CONCAT("[", REPLACE(STR(?item), "", ""), "&action=edit&withJS=MediaWiki:AddQuickClaim.js&propertyid=P921&entityid=", REPLACE(STR(?mainsubject), "", ""), " Add]") AS ?addlink) SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". } } ORDER BY DESC(?count) LIMIT 400
image label description Main subject Add creator collection inventory number location inception depicts Based on item Based on label Number of hits
adoration of the shepherds Add The Adoration of the Shepherds
Adoration of the Shepherds
Adoration of the Shepherds
The Adoration of the Shepherds
The Adoration of the Shepherds
De aanbidding van de herders
Die Anbetung der Hirten
Поклонение пастухов
Addoliad y Bugeiliaid
Поклонение на овчарите
Poklon pastirjev
A Adoração dos Pastores
Adoraţia păstorilor
Pokłon pasterzy
La Adoración de los pastores
L'Adorazione dei pastori
L’Adoration des bergers
Assomption de la Vierge Assumption of Mary Add The Assumption of the Virgin Assomption de la Vierge 80
Assomption de la Vierge Assumption of Mary Add Église Saint-Antoine The Assumption of the Virgin Assomption de la Vierge 80
Assumption of the Virgin painting by Constance Blanchard Assumption of Mary Add Constance Blanchard Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Collégiale Notre-Dame de Vitry-le-François
LP 1093 Collégiale Notre-Dame de Vitry-le-François 18th century Assumption of the Virgin Assumption of the Virgin 54
Assumption of the Virgin painting by Annibale Carracci Assumption of Mary Add Annibale Carracci Pinacoteca Nazionale di Bologna 15th century Assumption of the Virgin Assumption of the Virgin 54
Caritas painting by Jean-François Millet charity Add Jean-François Millet Kröller-Müller Museum KM 101.014 Kröller-Müller Museum Charity Caritas 20
Caritas painting by Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem charity Add Cornelis van Haarlem Musée des Beaux-Arts de Valenciennes P.46.1.149 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Valenciennes 15th millenium Charity Caritas 20
Caritas painting attributed to Jacob de Backer charity Add Jacob de Backer National Museum in Wrocław 1744 National Museum in Wrocław 15th century Charity Caritas 20
Caritas charity Add No/unknown value 1610 Charity Caritas 20
Caritas charity Add Cornelis van Haarlem 1636 Charity Caritas 20
Charity painting by Francesco Salviati in the Uffizi charity Add Francesco Salviati Uffizi Gallery 00192834 Uffizi Gallery 1543 Charity Caritas 20
Charity painting by Vincent Sellaert charity Add Vincent Sellaer Museo del Prado P002207 Museo del Prado 15th century Charity Caritas 20
Charity painting by Lucas Cranach (II) charity Add Lucas Cranach the Younger 1540 Charity Caritas 20
Christ and the Woman of Samaria painting by Michelangelo Anselmi Christ and the Woman of Samaria Add Michelangelo Anselmi Lakeview Museum of Arts and Sciences 1550 Christ and the Woman of Samaria Christ and the Woman of Samaria 56
Christ carrying the Cross Christ carrying the cross Add No/unknown value Museo del Bigallo Christ carrying the Cross
Christ Holding the Cross
Christ carrying the Cross
cristo portacroce
Coronation of Mary painting by Master of Maria am Gestade Coronation of the Virgin Add Master of Maria am Gestade Maria am Gestade 1460 Coronation of Mary Coronation of Mary 18
Coronation of the Virgin painting by Andrea di Bartolo Coronation of the Virgin Add Andrea di Bartolo Ca' d'Oro Coronation of the Virgin Coronation of the Virgin 51
Deposition painting by Antioco Mainas Descent from the Cross Add Antioco Mainas Sardinian Art Collection "Luigi Piloni" Jesus The Deposition
Die Kreuzabnahme
Descente de Croix Descent from the Cross Add The Descent from the Cross Descente de Croix 58
Descente de croix Descent from the Cross Add The Descent from the Cross Descente de croix 86
Descente de croix Descent from the Cross Add The Descent from the Cross Descente de croix 86
Donation du rosaire Donation of the rosary Add 1746 Donation du rosaire Donation du rosaire 55
Donation du rosaire Donation of the rosary Add Donation du rosaire Donation du rosaire 55
Donation du rosaire Donation of the rosary Add Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Peille Donation du rosaire Donation du rosaire 55
Déposition de croix Descent from the Cross Add Église Saint-Urbain de Mennetou-sur-Cher 1847 Déposition de croix Déposition de croix 22
Déposition de croix Descent from the Cross Add Collégiale Saint-Laurent de Salon-de-Provence Déposition de croix Déposition de croix 22
Déposition de croix Descent from the Cross Add Déposition de croix Déposition de croix 22
Eve painting by Armand Berton Fall of man Add Armand Berton Musée d'Orsay Musée de la Chartreuse de Douai Eve Eve 22
Eve painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig) Fall of man Add Lucas Cranach the Elder Museum der bildenden Künste 1512 Eve Eve
Eve painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder (Norton Simon Art Foundation, Pasadena, California) Fall of man Add Lucas Cranach the Elder Norton Simon Museum Norton Simon Museum 1530 Eve
Eve painting by Tom Wood (b.1955), Cliffe Castle Museum Fall of man Add Tom Wood Cliffe Castle Museum 1983-071 Cliffe Castle Museum 1979 Eve Eve 22
Eve painting by Robert Sivell (1888–1958), City Art Centre Fall of man Add Robert Sivell City Art Centre CAC312/1964 City Art Centre Eve Eve 22
Eve painting by Sue Ryland (b.1955), The Museum in the Park Fall of man Add Sue Ryland Eve Eve 22
Immaculée Conception Immaculate Conception of Mary Add No/unknown value Ouerre No/unknown value Église Saint-Cyr-et-Sainte-Julitte, Ouerre 17th century
18th century
Immaculate Conception of Mary Immaculate Conception Immaculée Conception 55
Judith painting by Marie Laurencin Judith and Holofernes Add Marie Laurencin Nantes Museum of Arts 960.6.2.P Nantes Museum of Arts 1930 Judith Judith Judith 16
Judith painting by Jean-Jacques Henner Judith and Holofernes Add Jean-Jacques Henner Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner JJHP 283 Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner 1889 Judith Judith 16
Judith painting by Jean-Jacques Henner Judith and Holofernes Add Jean-Jacques Henner Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner JJHP 284 Musée national Jean-Jacques Henner 1889 Judith Judith 16
Judith Judith and Holofernes Add Virginia Vezzi Nantes Museum of Arts 09.1.1.P Nantes Museum of Arts 160s Judith Judith Judith 16
Jésus et la Samaritaine Christ and the Woman of Samaria Add Christ and the Samaritan Woman Jésus et la Samaritaine 16
Jésus et la Samaritaine Christ and the Woman of Samaria Add église Saint-Michel de Roulans Christ and the Samaritan Woman Jésus et la Samaritaine 16
Jésus et la Samaritaine Christ and the Woman of Samaria Add Christ and the Samaritan Woman Jésus et la Samaritaine 16
Jésus et la Samaritaine Christ and the Woman of Samaria Add église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Charbonnières-les-Bains Christ and the Samaritan Woman Jésus et la Samaritaine 16
Jésus et la Samaritaine Christ and the Woman of Samaria Add Christ and the Samaritan Woman Jésus et la Samaritaine 16
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add 1758 The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add 1872 The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add 1767 The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption Assumption of Mary Add The assumption L'Assomption 99
L'Assomption de la Vierge Assumption of Mary Add Église Notre-Dame de La Limouzinière 1868 Assumption of the Virgin Mary L'Assomption de la Vierge 59
L'Assomption de la Vierge Assumption of Mary Add 1667 Assumption of the Virgin Mary L'Assomption de la Vierge 59
L'Assomption de la Vierge Assumption of Mary Add 1757 Assumption of the Virgin Mary L'Assomption de la Vierge 59
L'Assomption de la Vierge Assumption of Mary Add 1763 Assumption of the Virgin Mary L'Assomption de la Vierge 59
L'Éducation de la Vierge Education of Virgin Mary Add The Education of the Virgin L'Éducation de la Vierge 16
L'Éducation de la Vierge Education of Virgin Mary Add The Education of the Virgin L'Éducation de la Vierge 16
L'Éducation de la Vierge Education of Virgin Mary Add Église Saint-Wandrille du Pecq The Education of the Virgin L'Éducation de la Vierge 16
La Circoncision circumcision of Jesus Add Circumcision La Circoncision 21
La Descente de Croix Descent from the Cross Add The Descent from the Cross La Descente de Croix 43
La Descente de Croix Descent from the Cross Add 1722 The Descent from the Cross La Descente de Croix 43
La Descente de Croix Descent from the Cross Add The Descent from the Cross La Descente de Croix 43
La Naissance de la Vierge birth of the Virgin Mary Add The Birth of the Virgin La Naissance de la Vierge 18
La Naissance de la Vierge birth of the Virgin Mary Add 1776 The Birth of the Virgin La Naissance de la Vierge 18
La Nativité Nativity of Jesus Add Église Saint-Didier de Neyron Nativity La Nativité 69
La Présentation de la Vierge au Temple presentation of Mary Add église Saint-Georges de Chalautre-la-Grande 1663 Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple La Présentation de la Vierge au Temple 16
La Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add 1654 The Resurrection La Résurrection 56
La Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add The Resurrection La Résurrection 56
La Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add The Resurrection La Résurrection 56
La Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add The Resurrection La Résurrection 56
La Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add The Resurrection La Résurrection 56
La Résurrection de Lazare Raising of Lazarus Add église Saint-André de Vézénobres The Raising of Lazarus La Résurrection de Lazare 45
La Transfiguration Transfiguration of Jesus Add 1768 Transfiguration La Transfiguration 20
La Visitation Visitation Add Lyon Cathedral Visitation La Visitation 73
Lady writing a letter Mary Magdalene Add Master of the Female Half-Lengths 15th century Mary Magdalene writing at her desk De H. Maria Magdalena schrijvend 17
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Abbaye de Montbenoît The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Église Saint-Martin d'Étiolles 1860 The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add 1659 The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add 1756 The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add The Baptism of Christ Le Baptême du Christ 105
Le Bon Samaritain parable of the Good Samaritan Add The good samaritan Le Bon Samaritain 28
Le Christ en croix Crucifixion of Jesus Add Besançon Cathedral Christ on the cross Le Christ en croix 50
Madonna painting by Salvador Dalí Madonna and Child Add Salvador Dalí Metropolitan Museum of Art 1987.465 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1958 Madonna and Child Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Giovanni Antonio Capello Madonna and Child Add Giovanni Antonio Capello San Giuseppe church San Giuseppe church 1719 Virgin Mary
Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Sassoferrato Madonna and Child Add Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato Frans Hals Museum os I-307 Frans Hals Museum Madonna
Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Ivar Arosenius Madonna and Child Add Ivar Arosenius Nationalmuseum NMB 500 Nationalmuseum 1907 house Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Virginia Hendrickson Irvin Madonna and Child Add Virginia Hendrickson Irvin Metropolitan Museum of Art 1998.326.1 Metropolitan Museum of Art 1948 Virgin Mary Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Unknown Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Art Gallery of New South Wales 4517 Art Gallery of New South Wales Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Unidentified Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Smithsonian American Art Museum 1969.192.13 Smithsonian American Art Museum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting after a work by Anthony van Dyck Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO0380.I Groeningemuseum 1632 Virgin Mary Madonna
Madonna 30
Madonna painting after a work by Anthony van Dyck (Groeninge 0000.GRO0440.I) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO0440.I Groeningemuseum 1632 Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Brugge, tweede helft 16de eeuw Anonieme meester Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Groeningemuseum
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
0000.GRO1309.I Groeningemuseum 1551 Madonna
Madonna 30
Madonna painting by 19de eeuw Anonieme kunstenaar (Groeninge 0000.GRO1314.I) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO1314.I Groeningemuseum 1801 Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Antwerpen, eerste helft 16de eeuw Anonieme meester Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Groeningemuseum
Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC)
0000.GRO1363.I Groeningemuseum 1501 Madonna
Madonna 30
Madonna painting by 18de of 19de eeuw Anonieme meester Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Groeningemuseum 0000.GRO0677.I Groeningemuseum 1701 Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Louis Verbeeck Madonna and Child Add Louis Verbeeck Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee K000317 Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by R.B. Bourgillon Madonna and Child Add R.B. Bourgillon Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee K000010 Mu.ZEE - Kunstmuseum aan Zee Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Otto van Rees Madonna and Child Add Otto van Rees Centraal Museum 25715 Centraal Museum 1928 Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna 1916 painting by Bernard Toon Gits Madonna and Child Add Bernard Toon Gits Centraal Museum 28113 Centraal Museum 1916 Madonna
Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Ambrosius Benson, Flemish Art Collection Madonna and Child Add Ambrosius Benson Vlaamse Kunstcollectie (VKC) 1974.GRO0038.I Groeningemuseum 15th century Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by H.J. van Es Madonna and Child Add Henk van Es Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection SZ89988 depot RCE 1974 Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Stredoeurópsky maliar z 19. storočia Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Slovak National Gallery O 2408 Slovak National Gallery 1850 Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Pál Molnár-C. Madonna and Child Add Pál Molnar C. Hungarian National Gallery 81.3T Hungarian National Gallery 1930 Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by italiensk Ukjent kunstner Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design NG.M.00334a National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Bartholomäus Storer Madonna and Child Add Bartholomäus Storer Konstanz Minster 1626 Virgin Mary
Jakob Fugger
Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Adriaen Isenbrandt Madonna and Child Add Adriaen Isenbrandt Museo del Prado P002544 Museo del Prado 15th century flute
Virgin Mary
Christ Child
Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Cesare; Desubleo, Michele Masini Madonna and Child Add Hermitage Museum ГЭ-9349 Hermitage Museum 18th century Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by c Garofalo (Benvenuto Tisi) Madonna and Child Add Hermitage Museum ГЭ-2719 Hermitage Museum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by anonymous painter Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Smithsonian American Art Museum 1966.111.25 Smithsonian American Art Museum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by anonymous painter (Ringling SN566) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art SN566 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna Madonna and Child Add National Gallery of Modern Art ngma-04769 National Gallery of Modern Art Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Mieczysław Szczuka Madonna and Child Add Mieczyslaw Szcuka National Museum in Warsaw MPW 2297 MNW National Museum in Warsaw Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by nieznany malarz włoski Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.738 MNW National Museum in Warsaw Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Mario Toppi Madonna and Child Add Mario Toppi Hungarian National Gallery 500.B Hungarian National Gallery Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Menyhért Tóth Madonna and Child Add Menyhért Tóth Hungarian National Gallery FK8014 Hungarian National Gallery Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMDso 606) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NMDso 606 Nationalmuseum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMDsä 103) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NMDsä 103 Nationalmuseum 1874 Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMDsä 116) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NMDsä 116 Nationalmuseum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMDsä 229) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NMDsä 229 Nationalmuseum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMDsä 441) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NMDsä 441 Nationalmuseum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMDsä 465) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NMDsä 465 Nationalmuseum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Okänd (Nationalmuseum NMDsä 57) Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Nationalmuseum NMDsä 57 Nationalmuseum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Francesco Caroto Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point
No/unknown value
913/1 Munich Central Collecting Point
private collection
Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by .......painter Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
944/4 Munich Central Collecting Point
Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Marcello Fogolino Madonna and Child Add Marcello Fogolino Munich Central Collecting Point
No/unknown value
1099/14 Munich Central Collecting Point
private collection
Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Sassoferrato (MCCP 2279/1) Madonna and Child Add Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato Munich Central Collecting Point 2279/1 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Ambrosius Benson (MCCP 5302) Madonna and Child Add Ambrosius Benson Munich Central Collecting Point
Hermann Göring Collection
Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by 18th cent Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 14542/16 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Zanetti Dom. Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 16720 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by S...... zug. Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 17070 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Umbrish Sienesisch 15th cent. Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 22658 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by russia ? modern Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 24554 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by " Perugino " Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 25541 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by F. Dannhauer Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 27604 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Sassoferrato (copy after) Madonna and Child Add Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato Munich Central Collecting Point 30598 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by 18th cent. Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 41112 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by copy after 16th cent. Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 42796 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Flemish 16th cent. Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 42959 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Alter Meister Madonna and Child Add Munich Central Collecting Point 21177 Munich Central Collecting Point Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Bertholet Flémalle Madonna and Child Add Bertholet Flemalle Bonnefanten Museum 2000401 Bonnefanten Museum 16th century Virgin Mary
Christ Child
Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by anonymous painter Madonna and Child Add No/unknown value Bonnefanten Museum 1001212 Bonnefanten Museum 17th century Madonna Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Meester van de Straus Madonna Madonna and Child Add Master of the Straus Madonna Bonnefanten Museum
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
1003586 Bonnefanten Museum 13th century Virgin Mary
Christ Child
Madonna and Child
Madonna en kind
Madonna painting by Giuseppe Sorgiani (c.1889–1952), Manx Museum Madonna and Child Add Giuseppe Sorgiani Manx Museum 2004-0030 Manx Museum 1942 Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Fiona Robertson (b.1963), Glasgow Museums Resource Centre (GMRC) Madonna and Child Add Glasgow Museums Resource Centre 3686 Glasgow Museums Resource Centre 1989 Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by A. Ross, Museum of Croydon Madonna and Child Add Museum of Croydon M/1993/910 Museum of Croydon Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Ray Howard-Jones (1903–1996), National Museum Wales, National Museum Cardiff Madonna and Child Add Ray Howard-Jones National Museum Cardiff NMW A 9491 National Museum Cardiff Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by John Downton (1906–1991), Bolton Museum and Art Gallery Madonna and Child Add John Downton Bolton Museum BOLMG:1998.324 Bolton Museum Madonna Madonna 27
Madonna painting by Taddeo di Bartolo Madonna and Child Add Taddeo di Bartolo 13th millenium Virgin Mary
Christ Child
Madonna 30
Madonna painting by Meester van de Sint Joris Codex Madonna and Child Add Master of the Codex of Saint George 1340 Madonna
Madonna 30
Madonna and Child painting by Antoniazzo Romano (Cortana) Madonna and Child Add Antoniazzo Romano Etruscan Academy Museum of the City of Cortona Madonna and Child Madonna and Child
Madonna of the Book
Madonna and Child
Madonna mit Kind
Madonna and Child painting by Bartolomeo della Gatta Madonna and Child Add Bartolomeo della Gatta Etruscan Academy Museum of the City of Cortona 15th century Madonna and Child Madonna and Child
Madonna of the Book
Madonna and Child
Madonna mit Kind
Marie-Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add 1752 Mary Magdalene Marie-Madeleine 23
Marie-Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Mary Magdalene Marie-Madeleine 23
Presentation of Jesus Christ at the Temple painting by Andrea Pozzo (1642–1709) and workshop Presentation of Jesus at the Temple Add Tridentine Diocesan Museum 1708 Presentation at the Temple Présentation de Jésus au Temple 19
Sacrifice of Isaac painting in Palazzo Bianco, Genoa, Italy, by Giuseppe Vermiglio Binding of Isaac Add Giuseppe Vermiglio Palazzo Bianco Palazzo Bianco Sacrifice of Isaac Sacrifice of Isaac
Sacrificio di Isacco
Saint André Andrew the Apostle Add Apostle Saint Andrew Saint André 23
Saint André Andrew the Apostle Add 1729 Apostle Saint Andrew Saint André 23
Saint André Andrew the Apostle Add Apostle Saint Andrew Saint André 23
Saint André Andrew the Apostle Add Apostle Saint Andrew Saint André 23
Saint André Andrew the Apostle Add Apostle Saint Andrew Saint André 23
Saint André Andrew the Apostle Add Église Saint-André de Lescheroux Apostle Saint Andrew Saint André 23
Saint André Andrew the Apostle Add Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Jean-sur-Reyssouze Apostle Saint Andrew Saint André 23
Saint Antoine Anthony the Great Add Église Saint-Denis de Valensole 1824 Saint Anthony Abbot Saint Antoine 21
Saint Antoine Anthony the Great Add Saint Anthony Abbot Saint Antoine 21
Saint Antoine Anthony the Great Add Saint Anthony Abbot Saint Antoine 21
Saint Antoine Anthony the Great Add Église Saint-Laurent de Curciat-Dongalon 1886 Saint Anthony Abbot Saint Antoine 21
Saint Augustin Augustine of Hippo Add Saint Augustine Saint Augustin 37
Saint Christophe Saint Christopher Add Saint Christopher Saint Christophe 19
Saint George painting by unknown painter Saint George and the Dragon Add No/unknown value icon collection of Sweden National Museum
NMI 59 Nationalmuseum 16th century Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by unknown painter (NMI 217) Saint George and the Dragon Add No/unknown value icon collection of Sweden National Museum
NMI 217 Nationalmuseum 18th century Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by Meester van de Antwerpse Triptiek van Maria Saint George and the Dragon Add Master of the Virgin with Saint Michael Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 563 Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp 14th century Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by Salvador Dalí Saint George and the Dragon Add Salvador Dalí No/unknown value 1942 Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by Domenichino (1581–1641) (circle of), The Bowes Museum Saint George and the Dragon Add Domenichino Bowes Museum B.M.62 Bowes Museum Saint George Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by Solomon Joseph Solomon (1860–1927), Royal Academy of Arts Saint George and the Dragon Add Solomon Joseph Solomon Royal Academy of Arts 03/1311 Royal Academy of Arts 1906 Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by Georgian School, Wellcome Collection Saint George and the Dragon Add No/unknown value Wellcome Collection 46027i Wellcome Collection Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by Anson (possibly), The Box, Plymouth Saint George and the Dragon Add The Box PLYMG.1917.350 The Box Saint George Saint George 17
Saint George painting by Pedro Nisart Saint George and the Dragon Add 14th century Saint George Saint George 17
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Pierre Parrocel Cathedral of Our Lady of Strasbourg 1744 Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Eusèbe d'Auxerre Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Chazelet Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Martin de Jouars-Pontchartrain Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Gervais de Pontpoint Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Denis de Valensole Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Martin Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add 1852 Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs de Valréas Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Saint-Martin Church Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Pancrace de Cormoz Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Saint-Jean-sur-Reyssouze 1826 Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Martin de Saint-Martin-en-Bresse Saint John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste 65
Saint Laurent Lawrence of Rome Add Saint Lawrence Saint Laurent 17
Saint Laurent Lawrence of Rome Add Église Saint-Laurent de Curciat-Dongalon 1887 Saint Lawrence Saint Laurent 17
Saint Mary Magdalene painting by Cosimo Rosselli, Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille Mary Magdalene Add Cosimo Rosselli Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille P 786 Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille Saint Mary Magdalene Saint Mary Magdalene 33
Saint Paul Paul the Apostle Add Saint Paul Saint Paul 26
Saint Paul Paul the Apostle Add Saint Paul Saint Paul 26
Saint Paul Paul the Apostle Add Saint Paul Saint Paul 26
Saint Paul Paul the Apostle Add Saint Paul Saint Paul 26
Saint Paul Paul the Apostle Add Église de la Conversion-de-Saint-Paul de Changy 1730 Saint Paul Saint Paul 26
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add Archepiscopal Complex of Rouen St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add 1776 St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add Église Saint-Pierre d'Avezé 1818 St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add Collégiale Saint-Pierre de Gerberoy St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add Collégiale Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Milly-la-Forêt St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Pierre Saint Peter Add Église Saint-Pierre de Pouilly St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
Saint Sebastian lost painting by Jusepe de Ribera, Gemäldegalerie Berlin martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Jusepe de Ribera Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 405B Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 160s Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian 90
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Coutances Cathedral Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Hôpital Saint-Charles Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
chapelle Saint-Sébastien de Gréoux-les-Bains Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Saint Sébastien martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
1700 Saint Sebastian
Saint Sebastian
Saint Sébastien 70
Sainte Barbe Saint Barbara Add Église Saint-Martin de Neuville-sur-Ain Saint Barbara Sainte Barbe 16
Sainte Catherine Catherine of Alexandria Add Église Saint-Sébastien de Narbonne Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine 25
Sainte Catherine Catherine of Alexandria Add Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine 25
Sainte Catherine Catherine of Alexandria Add Église Saint-Nizier Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine 25
Sainte Catherine Catherine of Alexandria Add Saint John the Baptist church of Saint-Jean-sur-Veyle 1860 Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine 25
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie Catherine of Alexandria Add Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie 36
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie Catherine of Alexandria Add Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie 36
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie Catherine of Alexandria Add Église Saint-Michel de La Turbie Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie 36
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie Catherine of Alexandria Add Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie 36
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie Catherine of Alexandria Add 1755 Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie 36
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie Catherine of Alexandria Add Église Saint-Hilaire de Semur-en-Brionnais Saint Catherine Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie 36
Sainte Cécile Saint Cecilia Add St. Cecilia Sainte Cécile 32
Sainte Cécile Saint Cecilia Add St. Cecilia Sainte Cécile 32
Sainte Cécile Saint Cecilia Add Église Saint-Michel de Lagrasse 1814 St. Cecilia Sainte Cécile 32
Sainte Cécile Saint Cecilia Add Montauban Cathedral 1876 St. Cecilia Sainte Cécile 32
Sainte Cécile Saint Cecilia Add St. Cecilia Sainte Cécile 32
Sainte Cécile Saint Cecilia Add St. Cecilia Sainte Cécile 32
Sainte Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Sainte Madeleine Sainte Madeleine 29
Sainte Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Sainte Madeleine Sainte Madeleine 29
Sainte Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Église Saint-Thibault de Joigny Sainte Madeleine Sainte Madeleine 29
Sainte Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Saint Peter church of Dreux Sainte Madeleine Sainte Madeleine 29
Sainte Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Église de la Nativité-de-Notre-Dame de Chazot 1726 Sainte Madeleine Sainte Madeleine 29
Sainte Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Sainte Madeleine Sainte Madeleine 29
Sainte Marie-Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Saint Mary Magdalen Sainte Marie-Madeleine 24
Sainte Marie-Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Saint Mary Magdalen Sainte Marie-Madeleine 24
Sainte Marie-Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Saint Mary Magdalen Sainte Marie-Madeleine 24
Sainte Marie-Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Église de la Madeleine Saint Mary Magdalen Sainte Marie-Madeleine 24
Sainte Marie-Madeleine Mary Magdalene Add Saint Mary Magdalen Sainte Marie-Madeleine 24
Salome painting by János Vaszary Salome Add János Vaszary Hungarian National Gallery 58.174T Hungarian National Gallery Salome Salome 39
St. John the Evangelist and St. Anthony of Padua part of a painting by Paolo Veneziano John the Evangelist Add Paolo Veneziano Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Campana collection
MI 396 ter
Campana 314
Room 709 1354 Anthony of Padua
John the Apostle
Order of Friars Minor
Saint John the Evangelist San Juan Evangelista 20
St. John the baptist painting by Ambrogio Borgognone (1453–) and workshop John the Baptist Add Ambrogio Bergognone
No/unknown value
Speed Art Museum 1480 Saint John the Baptist Johannes der Täufer 58
Suzanne et les vieillards Susanna and the Elders Add Hôpital de Chalon-sur-Saône Susanna and the Elders Suzanne et les vieillards 63
Tableau de Saint-Pierre, église Saint-Martin de Bey Saint Peter Add Église Saint-Martin de Bey St. Peter Saint Pierre 63
The Assumption of the Virgin painting by Andrés de Rubira Assumption of Mary Add Andrés de Rubira No/unknown value 17th century The Assumption of the Virgin The Assumption of the Virgin 76
The Education of the Virgin Mary painting by Taddeo Mazzi Education of Virgin Mary Add Villa La Quiete 1725 The Education of the Virgin L'Éducation de la Vierge 16
The Finding of Moses painting by Anton Kern Finding of Moses Add Anton Kern Metropolitan Museum of Art 2004.290 The Finding of Moses The Finding of Moses 57
The Holy Family with a Goldfinch painting by Pieter Coecke van Aelst Holy Family Add Pieter Coecke van Aelst Epiarte Collection 1200 15th century The Holy Family Heilige Familie 72
The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian painting by Master of the Sebastian Diptych martyrdom of Saint Sebastian Add Gemäldegalerie, Berlin 1510 The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian 21
The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine historical monument painting (PM27001932) located in Chéronvilliers (Eure, France) mystic marriage of Saint Catherine Add Église Saint-Pierre le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine 28
The Mystical Marriage of Saint Catherine historical monument painting (PM06003113), Sainte-Marie-de-l'Assomption church, Peille (Alpes-Maritimes, France) mystic marriage of Saint Catherine Add Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Peille le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine 28
The Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple of Jerusalem painting by Alfonso Boschi presentation of Mary Add Alfonso Boschi 16th century Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple La Présentation de la Vierge au Temple 16
The Supper at Emmaus oil on canvas painted in the 17th century by the Flemish painter Matthias Stom Supper at Emmaus Add Matthias Stom église Saint-Nicolas de Mortagne-du-Nord 17th century The Supper at Emmaus The Supper at Emmaus 53
Verkündigung des Herrn painting by anonymous Annunciation Add No/unknown value Santi Michele Arcangelo e Lorenzo 16th century Virgin Mary The Annunciation Verkündigung des Herrn 18
Vierge à l'Enfant et saint Jean-Baptiste Madonna and Child Add The Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist Vierge à l'Enfant et saint Jean-Baptiste 18
Visitation Visitation Add The Visitation Visitation 24
Visitation Visitation Add Église de l'Assomption de Montcenis The Visitation Visitation 24
Visitation Visitation Add Hôpital de Marcigny The Visitation Visitation 24
Visitation painting by Maurice Denis (1870–1943) Visitation Add Maurice Denis Hermitage Museum 1894 Visitation
The Visitation
De visitatie
l'Ascension Ascension of Jesus Add l'Ascension l'Ascension 25
l'Ascension Ascension of Jesus Add l'Ascension l'Ascension 25
l'Ascension Ascension of Jesus Add l'Ascension l'Ascension 25
l'Ascension Ascension of Jesus Add l'Ascension l'Ascension 25
l'Assomption de la Vierge Assumption of Mary Add église Saint-Georges de Mézières-en-Vexin l'Assomption de la Vierge l'Assomption de la Vierge 73
la Circoncision circumcision of Jesus Add la Circoncision la Circoncision 19
la Descente de Croix Descent from the Cross Add la Descente de Croix la Descente de Croix 99
la Descente de Croix Descent from the Cross Add la Descente de Croix la Descente de Croix 99
la Pentecôte Pentecost Add la Pentecôte la Pentecôte 19
la Pentecôte Pentecost Add église Saint-Geniès-de-Rome de Cesseras la Pentecôte la Pentecôte 19
la Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add la Résurrection la Résurrection 53
la Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add la Résurrection la Résurrection 53
la Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add la Résurrection la Résurrection 53
la Résurrection Resurrection of Jesus Add 1729 la Résurrection la Résurrection 53
la Visitation Visitation Add Église Notre-Dame de Bar-le-Duc la Visitation la Visitation 48
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add église Notre-Dame-des-Grâces d'Arpajon-sur-Cère le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add abbatiale Saint-Sauveur d'Aniane le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Chapelle des Pénitents de Donzenac le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Église Saint-Amand de Saint-Amand le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add église Saint-Martin de Saint-Martin-Terressus le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Église Saint-Augustin de Rilhac-Rancon le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Church of St. Pierre du Queyroix le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add 1687 le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Église de l'Assomption-de-la-Très-Sainte-Vierge de Bellac le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Nancy Cathedral le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add 1717 le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Église Saint-Géminien de Vielmur-sur-Agout le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Église Saint-Crépin de Château-Thierry le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add Église Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption de Peille le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Baptême du Christ Baptism of Jesus Add le Baptême du Christ le Baptême du Christ 78
le Couronnement de la Vierge Coronation of the Virgin Add le Couronnement de la Vierge le Couronnement de la Vierge 22
le Couronnement de la Vierge Coronation of the Virgin Add le Couronnement de la Vierge le Couronnement de la Vierge 22
le Couronnement de la Vierge Coronation of the Virgin Add Saint-Médard de Brunoy church 1949 le Couronnement de la Vierge le Couronnement de la Vierge 22
le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine mystic marriage of Saint Catherine Add Église Notre-Dame de Pontoise le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine le Mariage mystique de sainte Catherine 28
religions scene ? two men and a sick one painting by Januarius Zick (1730-1797) parable of the Good Samaritan Add Januarius Zick Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Munich Central Collecting Point
1755 The good samaritan Der barmherzige Samariter 22
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Pierre-ès-Liens de Bassignac-le-Haut saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add église Saint-Julien de Saint-Julien-le-Châtel saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add église Saint-Oradour de Lupersat 1673 saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add église Saint-Martial de Manot saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add église du Saint-Esprit des Guibertes saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jean-Baptiste John the Baptist Add Église Saint-Pierre de Villieu 1876 saint Jean-Baptiste saint Jean-Baptiste 25
saint Jérôme Jerome Add Église Saint-Antoine de Saint-Rambert-en-Bugey saint Jérôme saint Jérôme 22
saint Jérôme Jerome Add Église Notre-Dame-de l'Assomption de Treffort saint Jérôme saint Jérôme 22
saint Pierre Saint Peter Add saint Pierre saint Pierre 21
saint Pierre Saint Peter Add saint Pierre saint Pierre 21
saint Pierre Saint Peter Add Église Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul de Chazey-sur-Ain saint Pierre saint Pierre 21
End of automatically generated list.