Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi

instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & collection (P195) -> Basilica of San Francesco d'Assisi (Q207486)

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P195 ?collectionstatement . ?collectionstatement ps:P195 wd:Q207486 . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . }
label description image creator inception inventory number described at URL
Miracle of Saint Peter painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Dormition painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Fragment of angels painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Vision of Angels at the Four Corners of the Earth painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Vision of the Throne painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Christ at the Apocalypse painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Vision of Saint John at Patmos painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Peter heals a lame man painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Fall of Simon Magus painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1277
Crucifixion of Peter painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1283
Martyrdom of Saint Paul painting by Cimabue
Cimabue 1283
Ascension painting by Giotto di Bondone, Assisi
Giotto 1291
Scenes from the New Testament: Lamentation painting by Giotto di Bondone
Giotto 1291
Joseph in the well fresco by Giotto di Bondone
Giotto 1291
Madonna with the laughing Child painting by Giotto di Bondone
Giotto 1291
St Peter painting by Giotto di Bondone
Giotto 1291
St Paul painting by Giotto di Bondone
Giotto 1291
Isaac Blessing Jacob painting by the Isaac's Master
Isaac Master 1291
End of automatically generated list.