Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Collection/National Gallery in Prague

instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & collection (P195) -> National Gallery Prague (Q1419555)

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item p:P195/ps:P195 wd:Q1419555 ; wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . }
image label description creator inception inventory number location genre main subject National Gallery Prague work ID
Madonna of Zbraslav painting by anonymous No/unknown value 13th century National Gallery Prague religious art
Votive Panel of Jan Očko of Vlašim painting by anonymous No/unknown value 130s O 84 convent of St Agnes of Bohemia religious art CZE:NG.O_84
Landscape with the Temple of Vesta in Tivoli painting by the circle of Adam Elsheimer No/unknown value 160s O 195 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_195
Roudnice Altarpiece painting by Anonymous No/unknown value O 1464 - O 1466 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_1464
Head of an Old Man painting after Rembrandt No/unknown value 17th century DO 4604 National Gallery Prague portrait
St George's Altar gothic altarpiece
Crucifixion painting by Rogier van der Weyden (copy) No/unknown value 140s
14th century
O 7226 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_7226
Portrait of a Young Lady painting by Anonym No/unknown value 01th century O 1420 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_1420
Jesus Christ and the woman taken in adultery Workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder No/unknown value 1537 DO 4211 National Gallery Prague religious art Jesus and the woman taken in adultery CZE:NG.DO_4211
A Young Lady at her Toilet painting by Frans van Mieris (I), now in National Gallery in Prague No/unknown value 16th century DO 4608 National Gallery Prague genre art
Vyšebrodská Madonna 1420 O 7071 National Gallery Prague religious art
Portrait of Prince Sigismund Casimir Vasa and his brother painting attributed to Peter Danckerts de Rij No/unknown value 1647 O 8675 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_8675
Madonna of Březnice 1396 VO 10390
O 8647
National Gallery Prague religious art
Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me painting by workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder No/unknown value 1550 DO 4238 National Gallery Prague religious art The Little Children CZE:NG.DO_4238
Votive Panel from Dubeček Czech gothic painted panel No/unknown value O 693 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_693
The Madonna of Rome painting by ca. 1350-1355) Anonymous (Prague No/unknown value O 1439 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1439
Our Lady of Sorrows painting by workshop of Lucas Cranach the Elder No/unknown value 150s O 528 convent of St Agnes of Bohemia religious art Our Lady of Sorrows CZE:NG.O_528
Venus and Adonis as lovers (Ovid, Met. 10:529-559) No/unknown value 1605 DO 4190 National Gallery Prague mythological painting Venus and Adonis
The Emmaus Crucifixion painting by unknown artist No/unknown value 1365 O 1252 Emmaus Monastery
convent of St Agnes of Bohemia
religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_1252
Lnáře Madonna painting by Anonymus No/unknown value 140s convent of St Agnes of Bohemia religious art
Virgin and Child / Vera Icon painting by 1430s) Anonymous (Bohemia No/unknown value O 1417 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1417
Madona z Deštné O 724 CZE:NG.O_724
Bust of a Man with Wavy Hair and a Jewish Hat 16th century DO 4179 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of a young lady holding a finger fern painting follower of Lucas Cranach (I) No/unknown value 1538 O 8668 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_8668
Frederick III the Wise (1463-1525), Elector of Saxony painting studio of Lucas Cranach (I) No/unknown value 1532 DO 4573 National Gallery Prague portrait Frederick III CZE:NG.DO_4573
The Annunciation painting by Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder or Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) No/unknown value 15th century DO 5350 National Gallery Prague religious art Annunciation CZE:NG.DO_5350
The Virgin and Child with Grapes in front of a Curtain Held by an Angel painting by Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder or Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder (National Gallery in Prague) No/unknown value 15th century
16th century
O 9321 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_9321
The Mass of St Gregory painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder - workshop 15th century DO 5359 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_5359
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine painting by Copy after Lucas Cranach the Elder (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) No/unknown value 1600 DO 4566 National Gallery Prague religious art mystic marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria CZE:NG.DO_4566
The Law and the Gospel painting by Copy after Lucas Cranach the Elder or Workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) 15th century O 9619 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_9619
The Beheading of St John the Baptist painting by Copy after Lucas Cranach the Elder (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) No/unknown value 16th century DO 5399 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_5399
Venus with Cupid Stealing Honey painting by Follower of Lucas Cranach the Elder (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) 15th millenium O 467 National Gallery Prague mythological painting Venus and Cupid
Ill-Matched Lovers painting by Copy after Lucas Cranach the Elder (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) DO 4324 National Gallery Prague allegory ill-matched couple
The Music Contest between Apollo and Pan painting by Gerrit van Honthorst - studio 1625 O 5261 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5261
Winter Landscape with Bird Table painting by Flemish School (1st quarter of the 17th century) No/unknown value 16th century O 13811 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13811
The Suicide of Cleopatra painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder - copy O 18136 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18136
Judgement of Paris painting by Hans von Aachen - copy O 10659 National Gallery Prague mythological painting CZE:NG.O_10659
Crucifixion painting by Hans von Aachen - pupil O 1355 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_1355
Dead Christ in the Tomb, Mourned by Two Angels painting by Hans von Aachen - pupil 1600 O 1277 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1277
Wooing painting by Frans I. van Mieris (copy) No/unknown value 17th millenium DO 4301 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4301
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Franz C. Reicher 1677 DO 5248 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the shepherds CZE:NG.DO_5248
Annunciation painting by Peter De Witte (called Candid - (copy)) DO 5348 National Gallery Prague religious art Annunciation CZE:NG.DO_5348
copy - Baptism of Christ painting by Hans Rottenhammer - copy, Jan I. Brueghel O 9581 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9581
Circus in the Snow painting by Otto Langer O 4367 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4367
Building the Tower of Babel painting by Flemish School (1st quarter of the 17th century) O 5421 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5421
Double Portrait of Iacob Seiida and His Wife Katharina painting by Austrian School (1602) No/unknown value 1602 O 12068 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12068
Portrait of Franz Anton von Troyer Giessbach, Baron of Treuenstein painting by Austrian School (1670) No/unknown value 1670 DO 5846 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_5846
Annunciation painting by Magnus Rüber 1674 O 13171 National Gallery Prague religious art Annunciation CZE:NG.O_13171
Portrait of Anton Fugger painting by Augsburg School of the first quarter of the 17th century No/unknown value O 10021 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_10021
Portrait of man with a Gold Medal of Lothar von Metternich painting by Geldorf Gortzius - copy 1609 O 12948 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12948
Artemisia Prepares to Drink the Ashes of Her Husband, Mausolus painting by Joseph Werner II - replica (?) O 9800 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9800
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Anonym No/unknown value 15th century DO 4624 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi CZE:NG.DO_4624
Venus and Cupid in a Picture Gallery /Allegory of Sight) painting by Jan I. van Kessel, Anonym O 8644 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8644
Portrait of a Man with a Carnation painting by Anonym No/unknown value 1525 DO 4133 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4133
The Feast of the Gods (Wedding Peleus and Thetis) painting by Jan I. Brueghel, Hendrick I van Balen O 16246 National Gallery Prague wedding of Peleus and Thetis CZE:NG.O_16246
Wedding Feast on a Village Green painting by Maerten van Cleve - Follower No/unknown value 16th millenium O 9818 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_9818
Noli Me Tangere painting by Piero della Francesca - Follower 14th century O 11989 National Gallery Prague religious art Noli me tangere CZE:NG.O_11989
Saint Helena Carrying the True Cross of Christ painting by Jan Salomon de Bray 16th century O 19138 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_19138
Hunter in Love painting by Godfried Schalcken - attributed O 463 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_463
Workshop - Portrait of a Woman painting by Bartholomäus Bruyn - the Elder No/unknown value 15th millenium DO 6326 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_6326
Workshop - Portrait of a Man painting by Bartholomäus Bruyn - the Elder No/unknown value 15th millenium DO 6327 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_6327
Portrait of a Girl painting by Fayium oasis – Egypt mid-4th century A. D. No/unknown value 04th century O 1781 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_1781
Madonna Aracoeli painting by Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece - workshop O 1457 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1457
SS Andrew, John the Evangelist and Peter painting by around 1340) Anonymous (Prague - Predella of Roudnice No/unknown value O 2715 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2715
Crucifixion from St Barbara painting by Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece - workshop O 577 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_577
Madonna from Krumlov painting by after 1450) Anonymous (Southern Bohemia No/unknown value O 698 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_698
Annunciation painting by ca. 1460) Anonymous (Bohemia No/unknown value O 17447 National Gallery Prague religious art Annunciation CZE:NG.O_17447
Panel with the Patron Saints of Bohemia - Ss Wenceslas, Vitus and Sigismund painting by Master of the Křivoklát Altarpiece - workshop O 1360 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1360
Seated Madonna painting by 1395) Anonymous (Prague - Epitaph of Jan of Jeřeň No/unknown value 1395 O 11676 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11676
The Altarpiece from Zátoň painting by after 1440) Anonymous (Bohemia No/unknown value O 8686 - O 8688 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8686
Visitation of the Virgin Mary painting by Master of the Carrying of the Cross from Vyšší Brod DO 4101 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4101
Lanna’s Madonna painting by ca. 1450) Anonymous (South Bohemia No/unknown value O 494 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_494
The Reininghaus Altarpiece painting by Anonymous - (Bohemia (around 1440)) O 1570 - O 1572 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1570
The Thun Altarpiece painting by Master of the St George Altarpiece - workshop O 1414 - O 1416 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1414
SS Bartholomew and Thomas painting by 1395) Anonymous (Prague - Epitaph of Jan of Jeřeň No/unknown value 1395 O 1268 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1268
The Visitation of the Virgin Mary called of Švamberk painting by after 1450) Anonymous (South Bohemia No/unknown value O 673 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_673
Enthroned Virgin and Child painting by beginning of the 1390s) Anonymous (Prague No/unknown value 130s O 17326 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17326
Lanna’s Virgin and Child on a Crescent Moon painting by ca. 1450) Anonymous (South Bohemia No/unknown value O 495 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_495
The Votive Altarpiece from Hýrov painting by 1430-1440) Anonymous (Bohemia No/unknown value 14th century O 1396 - O 1398 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1396
Triptych with the Virgin Enthroned Between St. Anthony the Great, St. John the Precursor, St. Jerome, and St. Bernardino of Siena painting by Venetian painter (active in the mid-15th century) O 5258 - O 5260 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5258
Altare portaile of Boletice painting by before 1450) Anonymous (South Bohemia No/unknown value O 17349 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17349
The Madonna and Child Enthroned painting by Master of the Pieta (also called Master of the Pieta Campana) O 11923 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_11923
Crucifixion painting by around 1460-1470) Anonymous (North-West Bohemia - Votive Panel of the Lord of Všechlapy No/unknown value O 1475 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_1475
The Crucifixion painting by Master of the Pieta (also called Master of the Pieta Campana) O 11915 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_11915
Thrénos painting by Anonym No/unknown value 15th century O 11938 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11938
Christ before Pilate painting by Anonym No/unknown value 14th century O 2815 National Gallery Prague religious art Pilate's court CZE:NG.O_2815
Sts Philip and Eligius painting by Anonym No/unknown value 15th century O 12370 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_12370
Portrait of a Man, Aged 62 (Husband of Dorothea Jörg) painting by Anonym No/unknown value 1524 O 720 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_720
The Lamentation of Christ painting by Dirk Bouts - follower No/unknown value 14th millenium O 458 National Gallery Prague religious art lamentation of Christ CZE:NG.O_458
The Virgin and Child in a Landscape painting by Anonym (Gossen van der Weyden?) No/unknown value 15th century DO 5388 National Gallery Prague religious art Madonna and Child CZE:NG.DO_5388
Achilles discovered among the daughters of Lycomedes 16th century National Gallery Prague
The annunciation of the Death of the Virgin 16th century National Gallery Prague religious art Annunciation of the death of the Virgin Mary
Het sterfbed van Maria No/unknown value 14th century National Gallery Prague religious art Death of the Virgin Mary
The Calydonian boar hunt 17th millenium 0 5507 National Gallery Prague mythological painting
Feeding the hungry painting circle of David Vinckboons (I) No/unknown value 16th century O 9410 National Gallery Prague genre art
Feast of the Gods: marriage of Neptune and Amphitrite 1600 O 16246 National Gallery Prague
The deposition painting related to Rogier van der Weyden, National Gallery (Prague, Czechia) No/unknown value 15th century DO 4100 National Gallery Prague religious art Descent from the Cross
Landscape with Venus, Bacchus and Ceres 16th century DO 4126 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Portrait of a man No/unknown value 1530 DO 4166 National Gallery Prague portrait man
Merry company drinking in an interior, with a jester sneaking in 1635 DO 4167 National Gallery Prague genre art
Landscape with Christ healing a blind man painting possibly Marten van Valckenborch (I) No/unknown value 15th century DO 4216 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Singing couple painting circle of Hendrick Bloemaert No/unknown value 16th century DO 4224 National Gallery Prague genre art
Ships off an oriental coast painting manner of Hendrik Vroom No/unknown value 17th millenium DO 4231 National Gallery Prague marine art
Flute player painting after Dirck van Baburen No/unknown value 16th century DO 4241 National Gallery Prague genre art
Bust of a man 16th millenium DO 4346 National Gallery Prague
Saint Jerome painting studio of Ambrosius Benson No/unknown value 15th century DO 4413 National Gallery Prague religious art Jerome
Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian No/unknown value 14th century DO 4885 National Gallery Prague religious art martyrdom of Saint Sebastian
Saint Jerome painting studio of Jan van Hemessen No/unknown value 15th century DO 4963 National Gallery Prague religious art Jerome
Lot and his daughters (Genesis 19: 30-38) 17th millenium DO 5054 National Gallery Prague religious art Lot and his daughters
Christ crowned with thorns painting after Aert Mijtens No/unknown value 16th century DO 5400 National Gallery Prague religious art Crowning with Thorns
Wooded landscape with Granida and Daifilo 16th century DO 5403 (Z 3281) National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Peasants making music (sense of hearing) painting after Adriaen van Ostade No/unknown value 16th century DO 6322 National Gallery Prague genre art
Still life of fruit on a marble ledge painting free after Abraham Mignon No/unknown value 17th millenium DO 4417 National Gallery Prague
Portrait of an older man with a short ruff painting after Adriaen Thomasz. Key No/unknown value 16th century O 10032 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of a young woman No/unknown value 1520 O 10057 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of a pilgrim journeying to the Holy Land painting after Quinten Massijs (I) No/unknown value 15th century O 10065 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of a musician No/unknown value 15th century O 10093 National Gallery Prague portrait
Madonna with a rose 15th century O 10147 National Gallery Prague religious art
Portrait of a 69-year-old man painting circle of Michiel van Mierevelt No/unknown value 16th century O 10452 National Gallery Prague portrait
Tax collectors painting after Marinus van Reymerswale No/unknown value 16th century O 10507 National Gallery Prague genre art
Interior of a guardroom with soldiers preparing to leave painting after Jacob Duck No/unknown value 16th century O 10547 National Gallery Prague genre art
The adoration of the Magi No/unknown value 1490 O 10554 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi
The crucifixion painting follower of Gillis Coignet (I) No/unknown value 17th millenium O 10574 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus
Charity painting after Lambert Lombard No/unknown value 15th century O 10603 National Gallery Prague allegory
Peasant and satyr No/unknown value 1600 O 10610 National Gallery Prague
Portrait of an officer in a cuirass 1616 O 10623 National Gallery Prague portrait
Adoration of the shepherds No/unknown value 16th century O 10625 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the shepherds
Portrait of Emerantia van Driel (1598-1660) painting after Paulus Lesire No/unknown value 16th century O 10637 National Gallery Prague portrait
Moses and Aaron before the Pharaoh No/unknown value 1700 O 10641 National Gallery Prague religious art
Madonna and Child No/unknown value 15th century O 10703 National Gallery Prague religious art Madonna and Child
Distinguished company in a park painting follower of Johann Wilhelm Baur No/unknown value 16th century O 11139 National Gallery Prague genre art
The death of the Virgin (the last prayer of the Virgin) painting follower of Meester van de legende van Oswald No/unknown value 14th century O 11149 National Gallery Prague religious art
Christ carrying the cross painting follower of Meester van de legende van Oswald No/unknown value 14th century O 11150 National Gallery Prague religious art Christ carrying the cross
Pentecost: the Holy Spirit descends upon the Virgin and the apostles 1500 O 11976 National Gallery Prague religious art
Portrait of an older man with book No/unknown value 160s O 11979 National Gallery Prague portrait
The adoration of the magi No/unknown value 15th century O 12008 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi
Virgin and Child painting possibly Pieter Coecke van Aelst (I) No/unknown value 15th century O 12080 National Gallery Prague religious art Madonna and Child
Angels glorifying Mary by making music painting studio of Thomas Willeboirts Bosschaert No/unknown value 16th century O 12269 National Gallery Prague religious art
Head of a bearded old man painting studio of Frans Floris (I) No/unknown value 15th century O 12475 National Gallery Prague
Bust of a woman in profile painting follower of Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem No/unknown value 16th millenium O 12669 National Gallery Prague portrait
Southern bay at sunset painting follower of Lieve Verschuier No/unknown value 18th century O 12947 National Gallery Prague
Landscape with Mary Magdalene in penitence painting studio of Cornelis van Poelenburch No/unknown value 16th century O 13401 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
The triumph of Justice over the seven deadly sins painting circle of Pieter Claeissens (I) No/unknown value 15th century O 13428 National Gallery Prague religious art
Peasant Woman with a Jug painting follower of Pieter Pietersz. (I) No/unknown value 15th century O 1403 National Gallery Prague genre art
Landschap met een overval op reizigers painting follower of Gillis Mostaert (I) No/unknown value 16th century O 14166 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Saint Jerome in his study painting after Joos van Cleve No/unknown value 15th century O 14452 National Gallery Prague religious art Jerome
Stilleven met artisjokken, vruchten en een tinnen kan painting follower of Osias Beert (I) No/unknown value 17th millenium O 1450 National Gallery Prague still life
Landscape with scenes of the temptation of saint Anthony painting studio of Herri met de Bles No/unknown value 15th century O 14809 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Saint Paul painting circle of Abraham Bloemaert No/unknown value 16th century O 16389 National Gallery Prague religious art Paul the Apostle
Still life with a goose and two partridges No/unknown value 16th century O 1664 National Gallery Prague
Saint Christopher 15th century O 17347 National Gallery Prague religious art Saint Christopher
Boslandschap met jager No/unknown value 1600 O 2299 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Cave with a hermit No/unknown value 16th century O 238 National Gallery Prague
Flowers in a glass vase painting after Daniël Seghers No/unknown value 16th century O 245 National Gallery Prague
Girl with grapes in a window painting after Gabriel Metsu No/unknown value 17th millenium O 2655 National Gallery Prague genre art
The suicide of Lucretia painting studio of Meester van het Heilig Bloed No/unknown value 15th century O 2685 National Gallery Prague history painting
Triumph of Death and The Last Judgement No/unknown value 15th century O 2830 National Gallery Prague religious art
Christ appearing to the virgin 14th century O 2851 National Gallery Prague religious art
Christ between the two malefactors, the 'coup de lance' painting after Peter Paul Rubens No/unknown value 17th millenium O 2874 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus
Ruïnengewelf (Colosseum?) met tekenaars 16th century O 333 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Group of vagabonds in front of a tent in a forest No/unknown value 17th century O 352 National Gallery Prague genre art
Landscape with the penitent Saint Jerome painting studio of Joachim Patinir No/unknown value 15th century O 456 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Barn interior with peasant company painting circle of Cornelis Saftleven No/unknown value 16th century O 51 National Gallery Prague genre art
Episodes from the story of David and Abigail )1 Samuel 25' painting after Hugo van der Goes No/unknown value 16th century O 5531 National Gallery Prague religious art David and Abigail
Kitchen scene with the road to Emmaus and the supper in Emmaus painting studio of Joachim Beuckelaer No/unknown value 1565 O 60 National Gallery Prague genre art
Christ in limbo painting follower of Jheronimus Bosch No/unknown value 16th century O 70 National Gallery Prague religious art Harrowing of Hell
Virgin and Child painting related to Dirk Bouts, National Gallery (Prague, Czechia) 15th century O 739 National Gallery Prague religious art Madonna and Child
The Holy Ghost descends upon Mary and the apostles (Pentecost) (interior), the ascension of Christ (interior); the Holy Kinship with three figures (exterior), the Holy Kinship with six figures (exterior) painting studio of Colijn de Coter No/unknown value 15th millenium O 7605 National Gallery Prague religious art
Guardroom with military paraphernalia painting after Willem Cornelisz. Duyster No/unknown value 16th century O 8004 National Gallery Prague genre art
Saint Jerome in his study No/unknown value 1541 O 8698 National Gallery Prague religious art Jerome
Portrait of Willem II van Oranje-Nassau (1626-1650) as a child painting after Anthony van Dyck No/unknown value 16th century O 8705 National Gallery Prague portrait
Fishwife in a window opening painting after Eglon van der Neer No/unknown value 16th century O 9081 National Gallery Prague genre art
Archer and woman No/unknown value 1615 O 9317 National Gallery Prague genre art
De parabel van de goede herder 1600 O 9692 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Cartouche decorated with flowers surrounding the infant Jesus and Saint John with a lamb 16th century O 5673 National Gallery Prague religious art
Virgin with Child 15th century VO 10401 National Gallery Prague religious art Madonna and Child
De aanbidding van de Wijzen No/unknown value 1525 VO 1197 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi
Portrait of a 46-year-old man painting after Cornelis Ketel No/unknown value 16th century VO 1364 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of an unknown man 16th century VO 1368 National Gallery Prague portrait man
Vechtende boeren bij het kaartspel 1622 VO 1371 National Gallery Prague
Landscape with different birds painting manner of/after Peeter Boel No/unknown value 1647 National Gallery Prague animal art
Venus and Cupid on Mount Eryx painting by Abraham Bloemaert Abraham Bloemaert 16th century DO 4258 National Gallery Prague
Saint Elijah of Egypt, the hermit painting by Abraham Bloemaert Abraham Bloemaert 16th century O 12667 National Gallery Prague religious art
The burning of Tamar being ordered, she shows the signet(-ring), bracelets and staff to Judah, who recognizes them as his(Genesis 38:25) painting by Abraham Godijn Abraham Godijn 1692 OV 374 National Gallery Prague religious art
Jael and Barak over the body of Sisera painting by Abraham Godijn Abraham Godijn 1698 religious art
Landscape with Meleager and Atalanta painting by Abraham Govaerts, Frans II. Francken Abraham Govaerts 16th century O 10453 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10453
Still Life with a Goblet of Wine, Fruit and Oysters painting by Abraham Mignon Abraham Mignon 1670 DO 4142 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.DO_4142
Stilleven met fruit, oesters en krulbeker op painting by Abraham van Beijeren Abraham van Beijeren 16th century O 7915 National Gallery Prague still life
Visstilleven met moot zalm en kabeljauw in mand en daarvoor een rog, krab en schollen op een tafel painting by Abraham van Beijeren Abraham van Beijeren 16th century O 2817; 77 (1961) National Gallery Prague still life
Visstilleven op strand met op de achtergrond een strandscène en een duindorp painting by Abraham van Beijeren Abraham van Beijeren 16th century O 1455 National Gallery Prague still life
A Story at Sea painting by Adolf Hoffmeister Adolf Hoffmeister 1931 O 15300 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15300
Bridge painting by Adolf Hoffmeister Adolf Hoffmeister 1922 O 9935 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9935
Lonely Landscape (Peasants´ Wedding) painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1858 O 9268 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_9268
Winter Night painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1857 O 3002 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3002
Deserted Landscape (Village Wedding) painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1858 O 4630 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4630
Motif from Pardubice painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1854 O 5198 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5198
Scenery with a Wooden Bridge painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1858 O 510 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_510
Summer Country with a Chapel painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1859 O 4989 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4989
Country in Central Bohemia (Scenery With a Stone Bridge) painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1855 O 4991 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4991
Czech Countryside painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1858 O 498 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_498
Country with Hunters painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1856 O 10247 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10247
Chapel in the Woods painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1859 O 17468 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17468
Forest Scenery (Hermitage) painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1856 O 4596 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4596
Summer Country With a Chapel, Study painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1859 O 4990 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4990
Landscape with a Castle painting by Adolf Kosárek Adolf Kosárek 1855 O 4764 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4764
The Anniversary painting by Adolf Wiesner Adolf Wiesner 1896 O 3162 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3162
Masquerade painting by Adolphe Monticelli Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli O 4848 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4848
Gallant Meeting in the Park painting by Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 18th century O 6428
Boerenerf met groente en gevogelte, rechts een man die uit het ventster leunt painting by Adriaen de Grijef Adriaen de Grijef 17th millenium O 216 National Gallery Prague still life
A Man with Jug and Pipe (Taste) painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 160s O 144 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_144
A Man feeling his Purse (Touch) painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 160s O 157 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_157
A Man with Crouching Dog (Smell) painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 160s O 158 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_158
Town Crier with Stick and Gong (Hearing) painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 160s O 182 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_182
Brawling Cardplayers painting by Adriaen van Ostade Adriaen van Ostade 16th century O 10140 National Gallery Prague interior view CZE:NG.O_10140
King Solomon is persuaded by his wives into idolatry painting by Adriaen van der Werff Adriaen van der Werff 1700 O-1104 Regional Gallery of Liberec
Sychrov Castle
mythological painting
Venus, Mars and Cupid painting by Adriaen van der Werff Adriaen van der Werff 1699 DO 4154 National Gallery Prague mythological painting CZE:NG.DO_4154
Venus and Adonis painting by Aegidius Sadeler Aegidius Sadeler 16th century O 1642 National Gallery Prague mythological painting CZE:NG.O_1642
Cattle with a Herder painting by Aelbert Cuyp Aelbert Cuyp 1650 O 169 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_169
Evening game of kolf in a Dutch village painting by Aert van der Neer Aert van der Neer 1649 O 123 Sternberg Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_123
Dutch Village by Sunrise painting by Aert van der Neer Aert van der Neer O 89 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_89
Marseille in Winter painting by Albert Marquet Albert Marquet 1916 O 10429 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10429
The bludgeoning of Saint Florian Oil painting by Albrecht Altdorfer Albrecht Altdorfer 15th century VO 10408 National Gallery Prague religious art
Feast of the Rosary painting by Albrecht Dürer in the National Gallery in Prag Albrecht Dürer 1506 O 1552 Sternberg Palace religious art CZE:NG.O_1552
Baptism of Christ painting by Alessandro Allori Alessandro Allori 1570 O 1645 National Gallery Prague religious art Baptism of Jesus CZE:NG.O_1645
Penitent St. Mary Magdalene in a Landscape painting by Alessandro Magnasco Alessandro Magnasco 1710 O 10006 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10006
St. Jerome in the Landscape painting by Alessandro Magnasco Alessandro Magnasco O 10007 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10007
Stilleven met vruchten, gevogelte en siervaatwerk painting by Alexander Adriaenssen Alexander Adriaenssen 1647 O 7317 National Gallery Prague still life
Still-Life with Oysters painting by Alexander Adriaenssen Alexander Adriaenssen 160s
The Algerian Motif painting by Alexandre Gabriel Decamps Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps O 5143 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5143
Still Life with a Tray and a Jug painting by Alfred Justitz Alfred Justitz 1921 O 3487 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3487
Still Life with a Watermelon painting by Alfred Justitz Alfred Justitz 1921 O 3488 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3488
Bathsheba painting by Alfred Justitz Alfred Justitz 1927 O 8482 National Gallery Prague religious art Bathsheba at her bath CZE:NG.O_8482
The Bridge at Sèvres painting by Alfred Sisley in the National Gallery, Prague Alfred Sisley 1877 O 3199 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3199
The Bourgogne Lock at Moret, Spring painting by Alfred Sisley Alfred Sisley 1882 O 9836 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9836
Norwegian landscape with a fjord painting by Allaert van Everdingen Allaert van Everdingen 16th century O 117 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Lake in the Mountains painting by Alois Bubák Alois Bubák 1855 O 6141 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6141
A Summer Afternoon in the Hills by the River Jizera painting by Alois Bubák Alois Bubák 1863 O 5414 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5414
The Hill Mužský (Male) near Mnichovo Hradiště painting by Alois Bubák Alois Bubák 1865 O 562 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_562
In the vicinity of Bezděz painting by Alois Bubák Alois Bubák 180s O 5023 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5023
Birch Trees painting by Alois Kalvoda Alois Kalvoda 1904 O 15170 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_15170
Alder Trees and Stream painting by Alois Kalvoda Alois Kalvoda 180s O 13878 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13878
Summer Day (Landscape with a Stream) painting by Alois Kalvoda Alois Kalvoda 1927 O 8588 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8588
Roman Cemetery painting by Alois Kirnig Alois Kirnig 1891 O 738 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_738
Motion painting by Alois Vitík Alois Vitík 190s O 11330 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11330
Growth (from cycle Prehistoric Flora) painting by Alois Vitík Alois Vitík 1966 O 12804 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12804
Sailor painting by Alois Wachsman Alois Wachsman 1921 O 17159 Trade Fair Palace genre art CZE:NG.O_17159
Shepherd painting by Alois Wachsman Alois Wachsman 1931 O 16091 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16091
Portrait of Josef Frič painting by Alois Wachsman Alois Wachsman 1919 O 12734 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12734
Figure on a Staircase (Woman) painting by Alois Wachsman Alois Wachsman 1930 O 14112 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14112
The Birth of Venus painting by Alois Wachsman Alois Wachsman 1921 O 9628 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9628
Murder painting by Alois Wachsman Alois Wachsman 1931 O 11315 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11315
Oedipus painting by Alois Wachsman Alois Wachsman 1931 O 15809 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15809
Portrait of Josephine Crane-Bradley as Slavia painting by Alphonse Mucha Alphonse Mucha 1908 O 3978 Trade Fair Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_3978
Czech Heart painting by Alfons Mucha Alphonse Mucha 1917 O 3641 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3641
Gismonda painting by Alfons Mucha Alphonse Mucha 1894 O 14503 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14503
The Crucifixion painting by Altichiero Altichiero 13th century O 11888 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_11888
From Brittany painting by Alén Diviš Alén Diviš 1930 O 13024 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13024
The Harvest painting by Amálie Mánesová Amalie Mánesová O 2842 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2842
Landscape with a Figure painting by Amálie Mánesová Amalie Mánesová 1843 O 16281 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16281
Peaches on a Tin Plate painting by Ambrosius Bosschaert (I) Ambrosius Bosschaert
Ambrosius Bosschaert II
1620 02825
O 2825
National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_2825
Archangel Michael fights against the Fallen Angel painting by Andrea Vaccaro Andrea Vaccaro O 14451 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14451
Large loaf of bread painting by Andrej Bělocvětov Andrej Bělocvětov 1955 O 14027 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14027
Montreuil-Sur-Mer painting by André Derain André Derain 1910 O 8032 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_8032
Seated Nude painting by André Derain André Derain 190s O 3211 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3211
Still Life with a Jug painting by André Derain André Derain 1913 O 3212 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3212
Landscape with Trees painting by André Derain André Derain 1925 O 4023 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4023
Still Life with Fruit painting by André Derain (CZE:NG.O_3213) André Derain 190s O 3213 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3213
Bathing painting by André Derain André Derain 1908 O 3458 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3458
Still Life with a Basket painting by André Derain André Derain 1914 O 3214 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3214
Cadaqués painting by André Derain André Derain 1910 O 8031 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8031
Landscape painting by André Lhote André Lhote O 11266 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11266
Venus Disarming Cupid painting by Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort Anthonie Blocklandt van Montfoort 1580 DO 4227 National Gallery Prague mythological painting Venus and Cupid CZE:NG.DO_4227
Abraham and Isaac painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1619 O 1780 National Gallery Prague religious art Binding of Isaac CZE:NG.O_1780
Saint Bruno praying painting by Anthony van Dyck Anthony van Dyck 1640 DO 4207 Sternberg Palace
National Gallery Prague
religious art CZE:NG.DO_4207
Kneeling Marsyas with a Flute painting by Anthony van Dyck - attributed Anthony van Dyck 160s DO 4206 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4206
Crucifixion painting by Antoine de Lonhy Antoine de Lonhy 1460 K 36880 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus
Mother and Child painting by Anton Bruder Anton Bruder 1927 O 4364 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4364
Village in March painting by Anton Bruder Anton Bruder 1932 O 4453 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4453
Twelfth Night painting by Antonín Gareis jun. Anton Gareis the Younger 1862 O 2923 National Gallery Prague genre art Twelfth Night CZE:NG.O_2923
Village Fair painting by Antonín Gareis j. Anton Gareis the Younger 1863 O 14937 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14937
Merry Company in a Military Camp painting by Anthoni Goubau Anton Goubau 16th century O 200 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_200
John the Evangelist on Patmos painting by Antonín Kern Anton Kern DO 5430 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5430
Virgin Mary with Four Saints painting by Antonín Kern Anton Kern DO 5429 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5429
Praying Virgin Mary painting by Anton Kern Anton Kern O 10039 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10039
Wounded Man painting by Anton Kolig Anton Kolig 1917 O 15737 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15737
Wooded landscape with hunters painting by Anton Mirou Anton Mirou 16th millenium DO 4168 (Z 492) National Gallery Prague
Architect and His Muse. Portrait of James Caulfield, Lord Charlemont painting by Anton Raphael Mengs Anton Raphael Mengs DO 4561 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4561
Gothic Ruins painting by Antonín Waldhauser Anton Waldhauser 18th century O 14899 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14899
The Judgement of Paris painting by Antonfrancesco di Giovanni dello Scheggia (?) Antonfrancesco dello Scheggia O 496 National Gallery Prague mythological painting CZE:NG.O_496
The Rape of Helen painting by Antonfrancesco di Giovanni dello Scheggia (?) Antonfrancesco dello Scheggia O 497 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_497
Roman Vagabond painting by Antonio Amorosi Antonio Amorosi 1710 O 2574 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_2574
Christ Entombed painting by Antonio Vivarini da Murano, Bartolomeo Vivarini Antonio Vivarini
Bartolomeo Vivarini
1451 O 11949 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11949
St Peter painting by Antonio Vivarini da Murano, Bartolomeo Vivarini Antonio Vivarini
Bartolomeo Vivarini
1451 O 8302 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_8302
Adam and Eve painting by Anton Heusler Antonius Heusler 1555
O 10009 National Gallery Prague religious art Fall of man CZE:NG.O_10009
View of Paris from Montmartre painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1887 O 4692 National Gallery Prague
From the Valley of the River Doubravka (Doubravka Scenery in Twilight) painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1886 O 4688 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4688
Landscape with the Seine painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1885 O 4713 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4713
The Chrudimka Valley painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1887 O 10266 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10266
The „Drowned“ Pond painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1887 O 5138 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5138
Spring at Fontainebleau painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1886 O 2939 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2939
From the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1882 O 4594 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4594
Trocadero in Paris painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1881 O 12953 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12953
Paris Seen From Montmartre painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1887 O 4692 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4692
By the Orleans Railway Line, variant painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 180s O 5169 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5169
The Seine near Puteaux painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1885 O 687 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_687
Sunset (Côte de la Gale) painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi O 5208 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5208
Countryside with a Quarry near Champigny (Landscape with a Broken-Down Wall) painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi O 12270 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12270
Gentilly-Arcueil painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1879 O 2981 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2981
Part of Troja near Prague painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi O 13613 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13613
The Kunčice Pond in the Iron Mountains painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1887 O 5172 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5172
Pit Outside Town (From the Vicinity of Paris) painting by Antonín Chittussi - A Sand Antonín Chittussi O 5187 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5187
Montmartre painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi O 6239 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6239
On the Railroad of Orléans I (variant) painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 180s O 5819 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5819
Still Life with Vegetables and Crayfish painting by Antonín Chittussi Antonín Chittussi 1887 O 9007 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9007
From St. John’s Week painting by Antonín Dvořák Antonín Dvořák 1854 O 798 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_798
Feast-Day painting by Antonín Dvořák Antonín Dvořák 1860 O 5136 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5136
Evening Silence painting by Antonín Hudeček Antonín Hudeček 1900 O 8411 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_8411
Psyche painting by Antonín Hudeček Antonín Hudeček 1901 O 15649 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15649
Stream in the Sunshine (Pool in the Woods) painting by Antonín Hudeček Antonín Hudeček 1894 O 8017 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8017
Mikuláš Koperník painting by Antonín Lhota Antonín Lhota 1856 National Gallery Prague history painting
PŘEMYSL OTAKAR II BRINGING CHRISTIANITY TO PAGAN PRUSSIANS painting by Antonín Lhota Antonín Lhota 1845 O 5231 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5231
Portrait of a Lady with a Letter painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek 1816 O 10814 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_10814
Portrait of the Sculptor Josef Malinský painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek 1818 O 4653 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4653
Portrait of the Composer V. J. Tomášek painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek O 795 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_795
Joseph II, from the Cycle of Kings painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek 18th century O 17408 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17408
Ferdinand the Good, from the Cycle of Kings painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek 18th century O 17411 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17411
Francis I, from the Cycle of Kings painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek 18th century O 17410 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17410
Leopold II, from the Cycle of Kings painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek 18th century O 17409 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17409
Portrait of Ludvík Ritter von Rittersberg painting by Antonín Machek Antonín Machek O 4683 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4683
Landscape with Kelso Abbey Ruins painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 1827 O 1254 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1254
Landscape with Kokořín and Křivoklát in Storm (Landscape in a Storm) painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 1834 O 11475 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11475
Landscape with the Belvedere painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 1830 O 6294 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6294
Křivoklát painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 1842 O 9511 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9511
Kokořín painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 1839 O 4844 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4844
Below the Ruins of Okoř Castle painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 1828 O 5014 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5014
Path painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 180s O 4736 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4736
A Rock Between Braník and Podolí painting by Antonín Mánes Antonín Mánes 1834 O 10969 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10969
Circus painting by Antonín Procházka Antonín Procházka 1907 O 9109 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9109
Village with a Church painting by Antonín Procházka Antonín Procházka 1931 O 13873 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13873
Composition painting by Antonín Procházka Antonín Procházka 1912 O 8345 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8345
Elizabeth Bridge painting by Antonín Slavíček Antonín Slavíček 1906 O 3077 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3077
Birch Mood painting by Antonín Slavíček Antonín Slavíček 1897 O 9148 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting
At Kameničky painting by Antonín Slavíček Antonín Slavíček 1904 O 17427 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17427
House in Kameničky painting by Antonín Slavíček Antonín Slavíček 1904 O 3181 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3181
Early Spring at Okoř Stream painting by Antonín Slavíček Antonín Slavíček 180s O 4016 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4016
View of Troja painting by Antonín Slavíček Antonín Slavíček 1908 O 3078 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3078
Kladno Ironworks painting by Antonín Slavíček Antonín Slavíček 1909 O 10432 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10432
Vertumnus, in the guise of an old woman, wooing Pomona painting attributed to Arent de Gelder Arent de Gelder 1700 O 112 National Gallery Prague mythological painting Vertumnus and Pomona CZE:NG.O_112
A Ballet Theme painting by Aristarkh Lentulov Aristarkh Lentulov 1912 O 13107 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13107
Pilgrim painting by Arnošt Hofbauer Arnošt Hofbauer 1905 O 3727 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3727
Portrait of a Lady (Ms Gr. Grundmann) painting by Arthur Ressel Artur Ressel 1927 O 4409 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4409
Christ on the Cross (a sketch for Christ’s Death) painting by August Brömse August Brömse O 4309 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4309
Descent from the Cross painting by August Brömse August Brömse O 4218 National Gallery Prague religious art Descent from the Cross CZE:NG.O_4218
Miraculous Picture painting by August Brömse August Brömse 1909 O 4101 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4101
Chack by a Frozen Lake. painting by August Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen National Gallery Prague
Winter Landscape with Ruins and a Chapel painting by August Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen O 11442 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11442
Moonlight Night painting by August Bedřich Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen O 16270 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16270
Footbridge in the Woods during a Storm painting by August Bedřich Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen O 1185 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1185
A Brook under Deciduous Trees painting by August Bedřich Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen O 16190 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16190
Winter Landscape painting by August Bedřich Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen O 12916 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12916
Lake in the Mountains painting by August Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen 180s DO 6358 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_6358
Alpine Lake painting by August Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen DO 6359 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_6359
Ice Rink (Winter Landscape) painting by August Bedřich Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen DO 5546 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5546
Mountain Country painting by August Bedřich Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen O 522 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_522
Mountain Valley with a Lake and Resting Pilgrims painting by August Bedřich Piepenhagen August Piepenhagen O 5388 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5388
Procession of Bacchantes painting by Augustin Roth August Roth 1913 O 4126 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4126
Woman at Her Toilette painting by Augustin Ságner Augustin Ságner O 10130 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10130
Crystals I. painting by Augustin Ságner Augustin Ságner O 10129 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10129
Count Franz de Paula Graf von Hartig and his wife Eleanore as Caritas Romana painting by Barbara Krafft Barbara Krafft 1797 O 9690 National Gallery Prague historiated portrait Roman Charity CZE:NG.O_9690
The ascension of Christ painting by Bartholomäus Bruyn (I) Bartholomaeus Bruyn the Elder 150s O 2875 National Gallery Prague religious art Ascension of Jesus
Portrait of an unknown man painting by Bartholomäus Sarburgh Bartholomeaus Sarburgh 1621 O 2957 National Gallery Prague portrait man
Portrait of an unknown woman painting by Bartholomäus Sarburgh Bartholomeaus Sarburgh 1621 O 2958 National Gallery Prague portrait
Epitaph of Goldsmith Nicolas Müller of Prague painting by Bartholomeus Spranger Bartholomeus Spranger 1592
O 1574 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait Mikuláš Müller CZE:NG.O_1574
The Suicide of Sophonisba painting by Bartholomaeus Spranger Bartholomeus Spranger 160s O 1593 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1593
Apotheosis of the Arts (Fame leading the Arts to Olympus) painting by Bartholomaeus Spranger Bartholomeus Spranger O 1166 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1166
St Wenceslas and St Vitus painting by Bartholomaeus Spranger Bartholomeus Spranger O 11160 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11160
St Sigismund and St Adalbert painting by Bartholomaeus Spranger Bartholomeus Spranger O 11159 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11159
Portrait of Zdenko Adalbert Popel, 1st Prince Lobkowicz (1568-1628) painting by Bartholomeus Spranger Bartholomeus Spranger 1600 VO 383 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of Anna du Pire as Granida painting by Bartholomeus van der Helst Bartholomeus van der Helst 1660 O 17487 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_17487
Self Portrait as Daifilo painting by Bartholomeus van der Helst Bartholomeus van der Helst 1660 O 9324 National Gallery Prague self-portrait Bartholomeus van der Helst CZE:NG.O_9324
Portrait of a Man with en Empty Wineglass painting by Bartholomeus van der Helst Bartholomeus van der Helst 1649 O 10730 National Gallery Prague
Frederik Muller & Co
portrait CZE:NG.O_10730
The Virgin and Child in a Landscape painting by Bartolomeo Montagna Bartolomeo Montagna 14th millenium O 11907 National Gallery Prague religious art Madonna and Child CZE:NG.O_11907
The Holy Family with Infant John the Baptist painting by Bartolomeo Schedoni Bartolomeo Schedoni O 11896 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11896
Bacchus and Ariadne painting by Giovanni Battista Pittoni (CZE:NG.O_10459) Battista Vicentino O 10459 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10459
The Sacrifice of Polyxena painting by Giovanni Battista Pittoni Battista Vicentino O 10461 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10461
Self-Portrait painting by Bedřich Feigl Bedřich Feigl 1907 O 9190 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9190
Sea Coast painting by Bedřich Feigl Bedřich Feigl 1908 O 12266 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12266
By the Brook painting by Bedřich Havránek Bedřich Havránek 1871 O 12501 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_12501
Helm’s Mills painting by Bedřich Havránek Bedřich Havránek 1853 O 4638 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4638
Near Rájec in Moravia painting by Bedřich Havránek Bedřich Havránek 1850 O 15419 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15419
Near Svitava in Moravia painting by Bedřich Havránek Bedřich Havránek 1857 O 2846 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_2846
A Jewish Cemetery in Open Country painting by Bedřich Havránek Bedřich Havránek O 13908 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13908
Forest in Choltice near Pardubice painting by Bedřich Havránek Bedřich Havránek 1853 O 2936 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_2936
Pierrot and an Acrobat painting by Bedřich Piskač Bedřich Piskač 1921 O 12402 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12402
Washerwoman painting by Bedřich Piskač Bedřich Piskač 1921 O 7980 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7980
Revenge of the Centaurs painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer 180s O 4646 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_4646
Fauns Fleeing before an Automobile painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer 1905 O 14941 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14941
Spring at the Seaside painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer O 645 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_645
Roman Tramway painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer 1905 O 12696 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12696
Twilight painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer O 14282 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14282
Landscape with a Cupid painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer O 5039 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5039
The Temple of Vesta in Rome painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer O 4563 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4563
The Last Greeting (At the End of the Day) painting by Beneš Knüpfer Beneš Knüpfer 1894 O 4595 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4595
The Virgin and Child with St Anne painting by Bernard van Orley Bernard van Orley 15th century O 59 National Gallery Prague religious art Virgin and Child with Saint Anne CZE:NG.O_59
Triptych with the Virgin Enthroned and Child, with Angels and Saints painting by Bernardo Daddi, Palais Sternberg Bernardo Daddi 1340 O 11960 – O 11962 Sternberg Palace CZE:NG.O_11960
Triptych of the Betrothal of St. Catherine Flanked with St. Bartholomew and St. Benedict? painting by Bernardo Daddi Bernardo Daddi O 11967 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11967
The Flagellation of Christ painting by Bernardo Zenale Bernardo Zenale O 12918 National Gallery Prague religious art Flagellation of Christ CZE:NG.O_12918
The Crucifixion Bernhard Strigel 1528 DO 2102 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.DO_2102
Bellow Vyšehrad painting by Bohdan Heřmanský Bohdan Heřmanský 1935 O 11053 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11053
Woman with Violets painting by Bohdan Heřmanský Bohdan Heřmanský 1938 O 8356 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8356
Saint Sebastian Cubist picture of Bohumil Kubišta (1912) Bohumil Kubišta 1912 O 3530 Trade Fair Palace religious art martyrdom of Saint Sebastian CZE:NG.O_3530
Promenade in the Riegr Gardens painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1908 O 8245 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8245
Still Life with Skull painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1912 O 12352 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_12352
Pierrot painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1911 O 8036 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_8036
Waterfall in the Alps painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1912 O 14388 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_14388
Smoker (Self-Portrait) painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1910 O 9363 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_9363
Meditation painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1915 O 9355 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_9355
Quarry in Braník painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 190s O 8344 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_8344
Still life with funnel painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1910 O 8604 National Gallery Prague
Coastal Cannons Fighting the Navy painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1915 O 3327 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3327
Sunset over the Adriatic painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 190s O 9198 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9198
Players painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1909 O 5913 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5913
Triple Portrait (Bedřich Feigl, Bohumil Kubišta, Artur Pittermann-Longen) painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1907 O 3988 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3988
Still Life with Funnel painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1910 O 8604 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8604
Women Bathing painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1911 O 3326 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3326
Village painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1911 O 8605 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8605
Kitchen Still Life (Still Life with Sugar Cone) painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1910 O 15951 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15951
Factory painting by Bohumil Kubišta Bohumil Kubišta 1908 O 13829 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13829
The umbrella maker’s family painting by Bohumír Matal Bohumír Matal 1947 O 9956 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9956
Sailing Boat near the Shore painting by Bonaventura Peeters the Elder Bonaventura Peeters the Elder 16th century O 9678 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9678
Three Sisters painting by Božena Jelínková-Jirásková Božena Jelínková-Jirásková 1930 O 15343 Trade Fair Palace genre art CZE:NG.O_15343
Café in Paris painting by Božena Vejrychová-Solarová Božena Vejrychová-Solarová O 12878 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12878
Eleonora of Toledo painting by Bronzino in the National Gallery in Prague Bronzino 1543 O 11971 National Gallery Prague portrait Eleanor of Toledo CZE:NG.O_11971
Portrait of Cosimo I de' Medici painting by Agnolo Bronzino (CZE:NG.O_14692) Bronzino 1560 O 14692 National Gallery Prague portrait Cosimo I de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany CZE:NG.O_14692
The Meeting of the King Gustav III of Sweden and the Pope Pius VI at the Museo Pio-Clementino in Rome on 1 January 1784 painting by Bénigne Gagneraux Bénigne Gagneraux 1786 O 9025 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9025
Pontoise painting by Camille Pissarro Camille Pissarro 1867 O 3197 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_3197
Peasant Woman and Child Returning from the Fields, Auvers-sur-Oise painting by Camille Pissarro Camille Pissarro 1881 O 12509 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_12509
The Gardens at Le Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise painting by Camille Pissarro Camille Pissarro 1880 O 3198 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_3198
Boar Hunt painting by Karl Andreas Ruthart Carl Borromäus Andreas Ruthart O 13716 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13716
Tiger and Lioness Fighting for Prey painting by Karl Andreas Ruthart Carl Borromäus Andreas Ruthart O 8727 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8727
Outside the House (Artist's House on the Hohe Warte Hill, Vienna) painting by Carl Moll Carl Moll O 11263 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11263
The Path to the Church painting by Carl Spitzweg Carl Spitzweg 1862
O 805 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_805
Mountain Hike painting by Carl Spitzweg Carl Spitzweg 1870 O 804 Trade Fair Palace genre art CZE:NG.O_804
Angelica and Medoro painting by Carletto Caliari Carlo Caliari 1590 DO 4369 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4369
Portrait of Count Franz Anton Berka of Dubá painting by Carlo Maratta Carlo Maratta 1670 DO 4268 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4268
Northern Sea in the Moonlight painting by Caspar David Friedrich Caspar David Friedrich 180s O 8669 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting
marine art
Marina painting by Charles Hoguet Charles Hoguet 1870 National Gallery Prague marine art
landscape painting
The Deposition of Christ from the Cross painting by Charles Le Brun Charles Le Brun 160s O 56 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_56
St. Francis of Paula painting by Charles Mellin Charles Mellin DO 5208 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5208
Kérity le Vareck painting by Charles-Francois Daubigny Charles-François Daubigny 1867 O 4780 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4780
Landscape with a Footbridge at Moonlight painting by Charlotte Piepenhagen Charlotte Piepenhagen-Mohr O 6325 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6325
The Motif from Tyrol (Waterfall, By the Mountain Stream) painting by Charlotte Piepenhagen Charlotte Piepenhagen-Mohr 1879 O 813 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_813
Pierot, Girl and a Harlequin (Three Masks) painting by Charlotte Schroetter-Radnitz Charlotte Schrötter-Radnitz 1927 O 4392 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4392
Stag Hunt I painting by Christian Hilfgott Brand Christian Hilfgott Brand O 354 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_354
Wooded Landscape with a Sitting Shepherd painting by Christian Hilfgott Brand Christian Hilfgott Brand O 229 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_229
Winter landscape with skaters painting by Christian Hilfgott Brand Christian Hilfgott Brand 17th century O 287 National Gallery Prague
Columbus Discovers the Shores of America painting by Christian Ruben Christian Ruben 1846 O 12494 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12494
Hermit painting by Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich DO 4336 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4336
Young Couple and a Skeleton (Vanitas) painting by Christoph Gertner Christoph Gertner O 14811 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14811
Mill on the rock painting by Christoph Ludwig Agricola Christoph Ludwig Agricola 17th century DO 4330 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4330
Turkish Burial in a Landscape painting by Christoph Ludwig Agricola Christoph Ludwig Agricola 17th century DO 4331 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4331
Landscape with Orientals Taking a Rest painting by Christoph Ludwig Agricola Christoph Ludwig Agricola 17th century O 351 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_351
Castle Courtyard I painting by Christoph Seckel Christoph Seckel 17th century National Gallery Prague capriccio
Castle Courtyard II painting by Christoph Seckel Christoph Seckel 17th century National Gallery Prague capriccio
Self-Portrait? painting by Christopher Paudiss - Portrait of a Young Man Christopher Paudiß 1661 DO 4145 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4127
Saint Jerome painting by Christopher Paudiss Christopher Paudiß 1660 49 National Gallery Prague religious art Jerome
Portrait of a young man with outstretched hand painting by Christopher Paudiss Christopher Paudiß 1661 DO 4127 (Z 451) National Gallery Prague portrait
Ladies in Flowers painting by Claude Monet Claude Monet 1875 O 3196 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3196
Orchard in Bloom painting by Claude Monet Claude Monet 1879 O 9835 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9835
Bagpiper and audience in front of a peasant house painting by Cornelis Dusart Cornelis Dusart 1686 O 136 National Gallery Prague genre art
Mary with the Christ-child and two saints painting by Cornelis Engebrechtsz. Cornelis Engebrechtsz. 15th century National Gallery Prague religious art
Village Tavern with Fiddler painting by Cornelis Pietersz. Bega Cornelis Pietersz Bega O 18850 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18850
Animal Allegory painting by Cornelis Saftleven Cornelis Saftleven 1629 O 7834 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7834
View of a town by night, with a woman selling fruit and a number of children painting by Cornelis Snellinck Cornelis Snellinck 1650 O 8632 National Gallery Prague genre art
Flower Still-Life painting by Cornelis de Heem Cornelis de Heem 16th century National Gallery Prague floral painting
Bloemen in een glazen vaas op een natuurstenen tafel painting by Cornelis de Heem Cornelis de Heem 1670 Richard Green Fine Paintings still life
The conversion of St Paul (Acts 9:3-4) painting by Cornelis Cornelisz. van Haarlem Cornelis van Haarlem 160s O 8704 National Gallery Prague religious art
Rocky landscape with a trumpet player Cornelius van Poelenburgh 16th century O 2558 National Gallery Prague
The Crucifixion with the Virgin Mary, St. John the Baptist and Two Martyrs painting by Christoforo Moretti (?) Cristoforo Moretti O 11951 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11951
Pig Slaughter painting by Cyprián Majerník Cyprián Majerník 1933 O 8353 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8353
Portrait of Ludmilla Magdalena of Oppersdorf painting by Daniel Schultz Daniel Schultz 1659 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of Frantisek Karel Liebsteinsky of Kolowrat painting by Daniel Schultz Daniel Schultz 1659 National Gallery Prague portrait
Flowers in a glass vase painting by Daniel Seghers Daniel Seghers 1640 DO 4135 National Gallery Prague floral painting CZE:NG.DO_4135
Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem painting by David Kindt David Kindt 1643 O 2557 National Gallery Prague religious art triumphal entry into Jerusalem CZE:NG.O_2557
Philemon and Baucis Hosting Jupiter and Mercury painting by David lll. Ryckaert - attributed David Ryckaert III O 120 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_120
Two Peasants (Smoker and Drinker) painting by David Teniers (II) David Teniers the Younger 1690 National Gallery Prague
Rocky Landscape with Pilgrims painting by David Teniers the Younger David Teniers the Younger 17th century O 11136 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11136
Merra-Making in Front of Front of a Cottage (Reconciliation between Netherlandish Peasants and Spanish Soldiers) painting by David Vinckboons David Vinckboons O 1115 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1115
Hawks attacking chicken and a duck; to the right two rabbits painting attributed to David de Coninck David de Coninck 16th millenium O 12477 National Gallery Prague animal art
The Madonna painting by Defendente Ferrari Defendente Ferrari 15th century O 11924 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11924
A Merry Musical Company painting by Dirck Hals Dirck Hals 160s O 10162 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_10162
A Merry Musical Company painting by Dirck Hals (CZE:NG.DO_4621) Dirck Hals 16th century DO 4621 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4621
Allegory onm the reign of Emperor Rudolf II painting by Dirk de Quade van Ravesteyn Dirck de Quade van Ravesteyn 1603 O 786 National Gallery Prague allegory
The Interior of a Palace painting by Dirck van Delen Dirck van Delen 16th century O 15689 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_15689
Christ on the Mount of Olives painting by Domenico Fetti Domenico Fetti DO 5356 National Gallery Prague religious art Agony in the Garden CZE:NG.DO_5356
Navštívení P. Marie painting by Domenico Panetti Domenico Panetti 16th century National Gallery Prague religious art Visitation
Portrait of Aminata T. painting by Dorota Sadovská Dorota Sadovská 2004 O 18171 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_18171
Portrait of Lorenzo Pagans painting by Edgar Degas Edgar Degas 1882 O 14126 National Gallery Prague portrait Lorenzo Pagans CZE:NG.O_14126
Before the Storm painting by Eduard Ameseder Eduard Ameseder 1905 O 4058 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4058
Dance on the Shore painting by Edvard Munch at the National Gallery Prague Edvard Munch 190s O 3349 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_3349
Seashore near Lübeck painting by Edvard Munch Edvard Munch 1907 O 4251 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_4251
Porch of a Farmhouse painting by Egbert van der Poel Egbert van der Poel O 24 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_24
Tragedy painting by Egon Adler Egon Adler 1920 O 9931 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9931
Pregnant woman and the death (Mother and Death) painting by Egon Schiele Egon Schiele 1911 O 4396 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4396
Seated Woman with Bent Knees 1917 drawing by Egon Schiele Egon Schiele 1917 K 17864 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.K_17864
Weiblicher Akt (1917) painting by Egon Schiele Egon Schiele 1917 National Gallery Prague
Still Life with Flowers painting by Egon Schiele Egon Schiele 1911 O 10118 Trade Fair Palace still life CZE:NG.O_10118
Dead City painting by Egon Schiele at the National Gallery Prague Egon Schiele 1911 O 10119 Trade Fair Palace cityscape Český Krumlov CZE:NG.O_10119
Christ in Prayer painting by Doménikos Theotokópulos (called El Greco) El Greco 150s O 11879 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_11879
Nursing Madonna painting by Elisabetta Sirani Elisabetta Sirani 1663 O 14800 National Gallery Prague religious art Nursing Madonna CZE:NG.O_14800
Civilization painting by Emanuel Famíra Emanuel Famíra 1927 O 13262 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13262
Cain painting by Emanuel Krescenc Liška Emanuel Krescenc Liška 1885 O 1181 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1181
Christ on Mount Olive (Thy Will Be Done!) painting by Emanuel Krescenc Liška Emanuel Krescenc Liška 1886 O 5416 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5416
Michelangelo’s dream painting by Emanuel Krescenc Liška Emanuel Krescenc Liška 1891 O 5165 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5165
Dostoevsky Reader painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1907 O 3190 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3190
Still Life with a Head painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1934 O 3461 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3461
Still Life with Rolls painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1926 O 3301 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3301
Self-Portrait with a Cigarette (Self-Portrait I) painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1908 O 8042 National Gallery Prague self-portrait Emil Filla CZE:NG.O_8042
Night of Love painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1907 O 3849 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3849
Salome painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 190s O 9645 National Gallery Prague religious art Salome CZE:NG.O_9645
Red Ace painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1908 O 8035 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8035
Female Head painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1933 O 11496 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11496
Child by the Forest painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1907 O 13237 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13237
Still Life with a Mandolin painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1933 O 16365 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16365
Woman with a Bull’s Head painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1930 O 12644 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12644
Head painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1933 O 8246 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_8246
Still Life with a Wild Boar Head and a Grouse painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1927 O 3296 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3296
Lying Nude painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1935 O 12158 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12158
Dancer painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1914 O 11489 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11489
After the Bath painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1930 O 11492 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11492
Morning painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1911 O 8033 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8033
Tray with a Mandolin painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1931 O 9226 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9226
Utěšitel painting by Emil Filla Emil Filla 1911 O 8124
Kriemhild’s Accusation (Kriemhild accuses Gunther and Hager of murdering her husband Siegfried) painting by Emil Lauffer Emil Lauffer 1879 O 505 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_505
A Chinese Woman painting by Emil Orlík Emil Orlík 1912 O 4154 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4154
Model painting by Emil Orlík Emil Orlík 1904 O 4051 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4051
Sunday painting by Emil Orlik Emil Orlík 1903 O 4069 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4069
Madonna with umbrella painting by Andrej Nemeš Endre Nemes 1938 O 13005 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13005
Painter in His Studio painting by Andrej Nemeš Endre Nemes 1938 O 13575 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13575
Caesar’s Triumph painting by Erasmus Quellinus II Erasmus Quellinus II
Peter Paul Rubens
16th century O 10013 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10013
Caesar’s Triumph painting by Erasmus II. Quellinus, Peter Paul Rubens Erasmus Quellinus II
Peter Paul Rubens
O 10012 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10012
Vase of Flowers painting by Ernest Stuven Ernst Stuven 16th millenium O 132 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_132
Spring Landscape painting by Erwin Müller Erwin Müller 1925 O 4369 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4369
Landscape with Ancient Round Temple painting by Esaias van de Velde Esaias van de Velde 1624 O 1481 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1481
Ice Skaters in front of a City Gate painting by Esaias van de Velde Esaias van de Velde O 1358 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1358
Still Life with a Teapot painting by Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková Ester Šimerová-Martinčeková 1931 O 10972 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10972
Composititon with Birds and Oriental Riders (An Oriental Fairy-Tale) painting by Eugen von Kahler Eugen von Kahler O 4252 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4252
Mother and Child painting by Eugéne Carriére Eugène Carrière O 13518 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13518
Rider Attacked by a Jaguar painting by Eugéne Delacroix Eugène Delacroix 1855 O 4774 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4774
Tiger and Lion painting by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix 1850 O 4775 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4775
Portrait of Frédéric Villot painting by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix 1832 O 4776 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4776
Count Palatiano in Suliot Costume painting by Eugène Delacroix Eugène Delacroix 1826 O 11446 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11446
Christ Mourned by Angels painting by Felice Brusasorzi (actual name Felice Riccio) Felice Riccio O 13848 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13848
Cemetery with Cypress Trees painting by Ferdinand Engelmüller Ferdinand Frantisek Engelmüller 1918 O 14767 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14767
Grief (part of a triptych) painting by Ferdinand Engelmüller Ferdinand Frantisek Engelmüller 1897 O 15788 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15788
Ease (part of a triptych) painting by Ferdinand Engelmüller Ferdinand Frantisek Engelmüller 1897 O 15789 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15789
Desire (part of a triptych) painting by Ferdinand Engelmüller Ferdinand Frantisek Engelmüller 1897 O 15787 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15787
Children received their breakfast painting by Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller 1859 O 12502 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12502
Place de Justice in Paris painting by Ferdinand Michl Ferdinand Michl 1904 O 4050 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4050
Tatra Mountains painting by Ferdyš Duša Ferdiš Duša O 13724 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13724
Two Lovers in the Landscape painting by Fernand Léger Fernand Léger 1952 O 11728 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11728
Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by Francesco Albani Francesco Albani 1640 O 10627 National Gallery Prague religious art rest on the flight into Egypt CZE:NG.O_10627
Palace Courtyard painting by Francesco Guardi Francesco Guardi 17th century O 5600 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5600
Portrait of Don Miguel De Lardizábal painting by Francisco de Goya Francisco Goya 1815 O 1577 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait Miguel de Lardizábal CZE:NG.O_1577
Study of the Head of a Young Woman in White painting by Frans Floris de Vriend Frans Floris I 15th century DO 4300 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4300
Achilles Recognized among the Daughters of King Lycomedes painting by Frans Francken the Younger Frans Francken the Younger 1625 O 10451 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10451
The Feast of Esther painting by Frans ll. Francken Frans Francken the Younger DO 4201 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4201
Portrait of Jasper Schade van Westrum painting by Frans Hals Frans Hals 1645 O 638 Sternberg Palace portrait Jasper Schade van Westrum CZE:NG.O_638
Still life with monkeys painting by Frans Snyders Frans Snyders 16th century O 128 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_128
Peasant on the Way to Market painting by Frans Snyders Frans Snyders 1650 O 9327 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_9327
Cartouche versierd met bloemen en vruchten rond een voorstelling van een sater en een putto painting by Frans van Everbroeck Frans van Everbroeck 16th century O 2893 National Gallery Prague still life
Landscape painting by František Foltýn František Foltýn 1922 O 16029 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16029
Picture painting by František Foltýn František Foltýn 1933 O 11243 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11243
Composition painting by František Foltýn František Foltýn 1938 O 11346 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11346
Composition painting by František Foltýn (CZE:NG.O_14473) František Foltýn 1932 O 14473 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14473
Machines painting by František Gross František Gross 190s O 13609 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13609
The Doge of Venice or What Has Grown out of the Cup painting by František Gross František Gross 1936 O 12433 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12433
Studio of photographer Hák painting by František Gross František Gross 1942 O 12903 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12903
Figure painting by František Gross František Gross 1964 O 14548 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14548
Garden of Eden painting by František Gross František Gross 1943 O 12702 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12702
Rymáň painting by František Gross František Gross 1938 O 15461 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15461
Crucifixion painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1936 O 12443 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_12443
Pharaoh’s Dancers painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1932 O 12147 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12147
Departure for Cythera painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1938 O 11327 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11327
Oppressive Afternoon painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1938 O 11234 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11234
Street in the rain painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1943 O 13011 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13011
Organ in the Mountains painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1936 O 12149 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12149
Head of a Sleeper painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1934 O 12148 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12148
Spectre of the Civil War (Pilgrim) painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1937 O 14582 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14582
Railway Station with a Windmill painting by František Hudeček František Hudeček 1941 O 12163 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12163
Mythological scene painting by František Jakub František Jakub 1910 O 14837 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14837
Landscape in June painting by František Janoušek František Janoušek 1934 O 15301 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15301
Landscape with Nests painting by František Janoušek František Janoušek 1936 O 3537 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3537
The Air of Home painting by František Kaván František Kaván 1895 O 4022 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_4022
Flowing away painting by František Kaván František Kaván 1896 O 2413 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2413
The Clouds Viewed from the Native House painting by František Kaván František Kaván 1894 O 12776 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12776
Železné Mountains Viewed from the Zlatý Stream in Třemošnice painting by František Kaván František Kaván 1895 O 3188 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3188
A Piece of Meadow in Spring painting by František Kaván František Kaván 1895 O 3321 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3321
Amorpha, Fugue in Two Colours painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1912 O 5942 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_5942
Money painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1899 O 17459 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_17459
Ballad (Joys of Life) painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1901 O 17323 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_17323
Cosmis Spring I painting by František Kupka František Kupka 190s O 17454 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_17454
The Way of Silence (Sphinxes) painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1903 O 17429 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17429
Other Shore (Bank of the Marne) painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1895 O 17324 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17324
Abstract Painting painting by František Kupka František Kupka 190s O 3827 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3827
Piano Keys. Lake painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1909 O 3790 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3790
Babylon painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1906 O 17325 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17325
Creation painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 3837 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3837
Self-Portrait painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1905 O 17453 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17453
Upward Thrust II. painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1923 O 5944 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5944
Colossus of Rhodes painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1906 O 17456 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17456
Cosmic Spring II painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 3820 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3820
Diagonal Planes painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1931 O 3824 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3824
The Circular and Rectilinear painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1937 O 3826 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3826
Solo of a Brown Line painting by František Kupka František Kupka 190s O 3825 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3825
Autumn Sun painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1906 O 3835 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3835
The Energic II painting by František Kupka František Kupka 190s O 3823 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3823
Self-Portrait painting by František Kupka (CZE:NG.O_3809) František Kupka 1910 O 3809 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3809
Gallien's girl (Gallien's taste) painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 3836 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3836
Vertical Planes III painting by František Kupka František Kupka 190s O 3819 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3819
Blue Ribbed Arches II. painting by František Kupka František Kupka 190s O 3828 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3828
Eudia painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1933 O 3832 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3832
Tale of Pistils and Stamens I. painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 11163 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11163
Machines painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 17457 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17457
Lines, Planes, Depths III. painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 11164 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11164
Colour Planes, Winter Reminiscences painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 17458 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17458
Family Portrait painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1910 O 3821 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3821
Moving Blues II. painting by František Kupka František Kupka O 5943 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5943
Series C VI. painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 3831 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3831
Portrait of Artist’s Wife II painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1905 O 17322 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_17322
Synthesis painting by František Kupka František Kupka 190s O 3838 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3838
Vertical and Diagonal Planes painting by František Kupka (CZE:NG.O_3822) František Kupka 19th century O 3822 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3822
Gigolettes ( The Pavement Princesses ) painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 3830 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3830
Insistent White Line painting by František Kupka František Kupka 19th century O 17455 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17455
Diagonal Planes I. painting by František Kupka František Kupka 1923 O 3829 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3829
Ballad-Joys (Epona ballad) painting by Frantz Kupka František Kupka 1901 O 1822 National Gallery Prague animal art
Nocturne painting by František Matoušek František Matoušek 1934 O 16169 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16169
Landscape painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1935 O 3515 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3515
Island II painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1936 O 15957 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15957
Composition painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1930 O 15901 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15901
Three Sisters painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1922 O 3885 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3885
Semi-Nude painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1930 O 11551 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11551
Landscape painting by František Muzika (CZE:NG.O_16813) František Muzika 1922 O 16813 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16813
Still Life with a Shell painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1927 O 3886 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3886
Still Life with a Napkin painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1928 O 11550 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11550
Still Life with a Drapery painting by František Muzika František Muzika 1928 O 8483 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8483
St Wenceslas and St Ludmila during the Mass painting by František Tkadlík František Tkadlík 1837 O 4797 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_4797
Enyo (Napoleon's Epilogue) painting by František Tkadlík František Tkadlík 1825 O 2627 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2627
The Flood painting by František Tkadlík František Tkadlík 1826 O 5131 National Gallery Prague religious art Genesis flood narrative CZE:NG.O_5131
Portrait of Otakar Count Czernin painting by František Tkadlík František Tkadlík 1823 O 2722 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2722
Female Nude in a Landscape painting by František Vojáček František Vojáček 1937 O 15606 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15606
Building a Footbridge by a Ruin painting by František Xaver Procházka František Xaver Procházka 1806 O 2613 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2613
Mountainous Country With a Tree and Hermits painting by František Xaver Procházka František Xaver Procházka O 5222 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5222
Cemetery in the Mountains (Fantastic Landscape) painting by František Xaver Procházka František Xaver Procházka 1806 O 5204 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5204
Oldřich and Božena painting by František Ženíšek František Ženíšek 1884 O 2859 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2859
Study of the First Curtain, destroyed by fire, of the National Theatre in Prague painting by František Ženíšek František Ženíšek 1880 O 10795 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10795
Portrait painting by František Ženíšek - Self František Ženíšek 1886 O 10794 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10794
Strawberries, Study painting by František Ženíšek František Ženíšek 1903 O 5049 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5049
The Legacy of Libuše and Přemysl, the Ploughman painting by František Ženíšek František Ženíšek 1891 O 4617 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4617
Portrait of Josef Šebestián Daubek painting by František Ženíšek František Ženíšek 1878 O 12594 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12594
Portrait of Mrs. Fričová painting by František Ženíšek František Ženíšek 1890 O 2918 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2918
Landscape with a Fish Market and a Sea Bay painting by Franz Anton Hartmann Franz Anton Hartmann O 6120 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6120
Allegory of a Noble’s Education painting by Franz Anton Maulbertsch Franz Anton Maulbertsch 1755 O 13897 Sternberg Palace CZE:NG.O_13897
Resting Hunter Knight Leopold Gundaker von Suttner painting by Franz Anton Palko Franz Anton Palko 1754 DO 4837 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4837
Company in the park painting by Franz Christoph Janneck Franz Christoph Janneck 1744 O 10539 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10539
Under the Beech Tree painting by Frans Courtens Franz Courtens 1892 O 702 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_702
The Sermon of Saint Bernardino of Sienna painting by Franz Joachim Beich Franz Joachim Beich DO 5332 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5332
The Sermon of John the Baptist painting by Franz Joachim Beich Franz Joachim Beich DO 5331 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5331
Faun and Nymph (Teasing) painting by Franz von Stuck Franz Stuck 1892 O 15492 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15492
Dead snipe in a landscape painting by Franz Theodor Dallinger Franz Theodor Dallinger 1753 O 7222 National Gallery Prague
Rooster and Hen painting by Franz Werner Tamm Franz Werner Tamm 1712 O 10464 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10464
Turkeycock painting by Franz Werner Tamm Franz Werner Tamm 1713 O 10465 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10465
Still Life with Flowers and a Bird's Nest painting by Franz Xaver Petter Franz Xaver Petter 18th century O 17127 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17127
Dead Body of St John of Nepomuk in the Vtava River painting by Franz Karl Palko Franz Xavier Karl Palko O 563 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_563
Dead fox painting by Franz de Hamilton Franz de Hamilton 16th millenium DO 4316 National Gallery Prague still life
Small Town with a Church painting by Franz de Paula Ferg Franz de Paula Ferg O 1684 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1684
Landscape with Dancing Peasants painting by Franz de Paula Ferg Franz de Paula Ferg O 1683 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1683
Laban Searching for His Idols painting by Francois Boucher François Boucher DO 4626 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4626
Woman with a Cat painting by František Z. Eberl François Zdenek Eberl O 3357 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3357
Underground Railway painting by Luigi Loir François-Joseph Luigi Loir 1899 O 1108 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1108
Een brandende stad painting by Frederik van Valckenborch Frederik van Valckenborch 1607 DO 4199 National Gallery Prague genre art
Diana and Actaeon in a Landscape painting by Friedrich Christoph Steinhammer Friedrich Christoph Steinhammer 1615 DO 4138 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4138
Invalids in a Wine Cellar painting by Friedrich Friedländer Friedrich Friedländer O 1119 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1119
Conversion of Saint Paul painting by Friedrich Sustris Friedrich Sustris O 11733 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11733
Company around the Table painting by Fritz Kausek Fritz Kausek 1927 O 4372 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4372
Still Life painting by Fritz Kausek Fritz Kausek 1919 O 4205 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4205
Jesus’ Sermon on the Lake painting by Fritz von Uhde Fritz von Uhde 180s O 2399 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2399
A Woman conversing with a Maid painting by Caspar Netscher / Gabriel Metsu Gabriel Metsu
Caspar Netscher
1664 Nostitz Palace genre art
Woman Selling Fish painting by Gabriel Metsu Gabriel Metsu 160s O 125 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_125
The Seeress of Prevorst painting by Gabriel Max Gabriel von Max 1892 O 689 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_689
Saint Julia (Martyr on the Cross) painting by Gabriel von Max Gabriel von Max 1865 O 17493 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17493
Judas painting by Gabriel von Max Gabriel von Max 1875 O 4045 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4045
The Landscape with Shepherds painting by Gaspard Dughet (called Poussin) Gaspard Dughet DO 4158 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4158
Allegory with Apollo, Chronos and four Continents painting by Gaspare Diziani Gaspare Diziani O 12662 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12662
Souper (Late Dinner) painting by Gaston La Touche Gaston La Touche 1890 O 1106 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1106
Adoration of the Magi painting by Geertgen tot Sint Jans Geertgen tot Sint Jans 14th century HS 263
DO 31
National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi
The Annunciation: Mary painting by Geertgen tot Sint Jans Geertgen tot Sint Jans 14th century DO 14 National Gallery Prague religious art
The Annunciation: the angel Gabriel painting by Geertgen tot Sint Jans Geertgen tot Sint Jans 14th century DO 15 National Gallery Prague religious art
Niche with Fruit and Flowers painting by Georg Flegel Georg Flegel 1610 O 1451 Sternberg Palace still life CZE:NG.O_1451
Breakfast with an egg painting by Georg Flegel Georg Flegel 1630 O 1275 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_1275
Still Life with Fruit and Crayfish painting by Georg Flegel Georg Flegel O 1404 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1404
Violin and Clarinet painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque 1912 O 8029 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_8029
Still Life with Guitar painting by Georges Braque (CZE:NG.O_3209) Georges Braque 1921 O 3209 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3209
Still Life with a Guitar painting by Georges Braque (CZE:NG.O_3216) Georges Braque 1921 O 3216 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3216
Violin, Glass and Knife painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque 190s O 8030 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8030
Still Life with a Grape painting by Georges Braque Georges Braque 1922 O 3215 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3215
Motiv aus Hamburg painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1906 O 13321 National Gallery Prague
Landschaft im Schnee - Hamburg painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1906 O 4067 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Výjev z parku - Zoologická zahrada v Hamburku painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1907 O 13693 National Gallery Prague
Beim Essen painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1908 O 4190 National Gallery Prague
Mädchen mit verschränkten Armen painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1910 National Gallery Prague
Landschaft painting by Georges Kars, 1910 Georges Kars 1910 O 11261 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Verpacken der Zitronen auf Mallorca painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1912 O 10944 National Gallery Prague
Self-Portrait painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1913 O 10946 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10946
Portrait of Otto Gutfreund painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1913 O 15296 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_15296
Česající se žena painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1912 National Gallery Prague
Stilleben mit Kanne und grünem Glas painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1914 O 14784 National Gallery Prague
Drei Akte in Landschaft - Urteil des Paris painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1919 O 14327 National Gallery Prague
Akte (Bethlehemitischer Kindermord – Raub der Sabinerinnen) painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1919 O 14786 National Gallery Prague
Studie zum Bild Rettung des kleinen Moses – Töchter des Pharaos painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1921 O 14944 National Gallery Prague
Woman with a Parrot painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1926 O 4350 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4350
White House painting by Georges Kars Georges Kars 1933 O 9923 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9923
Sunday on the Periphery painting by Jiří Kars Georges Kars 1920 O 12797 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12797
Wrapping Lemons painting by Jiří Kars Georges Kars 1912 O 10944 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10944
Self-Portrait painting by Jiří Kars Georges Kars 1930 O 14785 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14785
The „Maria“ at Honfleur painting by Georges Seurat Georges Seurat 1886 O 3205 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3205
Christ and the woman taken in adultery: 'Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her' (John 8:7) painting by Gerard Hoet (I) Gerard Hoet 16th millenium O 10082 National Gallery Prague religious art
'Give therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s' (Matthew 22:20) painting by Gerard Hoet (I) Gerard Hoet 16th millenium O 10086 National Gallery Prague religious art
Portrait of Willem Marienburg II painting by Gerard ter Borch Gerard ter Borch 1661 O 640 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_640
Portrait of Geertruid Marienburg (née Assink, Pendant to inv. no. O 640) painting by Gerard ter Borch Gerard ter Borch 1661 O 639 portrait CZE:NG.O_639
David Promises Bathsheba that Solomon will be his Successor painting by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout Gerbrand van den Eeckhout 1646 O 11684 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_11684
The meeting of Rebekah and Eliezer at the well painting by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout Gerbrand van den Eeckhout 160s O 199 National Gallery Prague religious art
Scholar smoking a Pipe in his Study (Rembrandt's father) painting by Gerard Dou Gerrit Dou 1635 Nostitz Palace genre art
Young Lady on a Balcony painting by Gerard Dou Gerrit Dou 1664 O 650 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_650
Schipbreuk voor een rotsachtige kust painting by Gerrit van der Steur Gerrit van der Steur 17th millenium DO 4161 National Gallery Prague marine art
Winter Landscape with the Woodcutters painting by Gysbrechts Leytens Gijsbrecht Leytens DO 4314 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4314
Market in Small Town painting by Gillis Mostaert Gillis Mostaert 1579 DO 4237 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4237
Restless Dancer painting by Gino Severini Gino Severini 1911 O 7978 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_7978
Old Woman with Pearls and Letter (Vanitas) painting by Giovanni Battista Langetti Giovan Battista Langetti 1663 O 9719 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9719
The Way to Calvary painting by Giovanni Agostino da Lodi Giovanni Agostino da Lodi DO 5393 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5393
St. Joseph with the Child painting by Giambattista Piazzetta Giovanni Battista Piazzetta 1729 O 10655 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10655
St. Mary Magdalene painting by Giambattista Piazzetta Giovanni Battista Piazzetta 170s O 12759 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_12759
The Virgin Mary appears to Saint Francis painting by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato 1685 O 11895 Schwarzenberg Palace religious art CZE:NG.O_11895
Bust of an Old Man painting by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 170s DO 4628 Sternberg Palace CZE:NG.DO_4628
St John at Patmos painting by Giovani Francesco Caroto Giovanni Francesco Caroto O 1394 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1394
Venus with Nymphs Mourning over the Dead Adonis painting by Giulio Carpioni Giulio Carpioni DO 4202 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4202
The Funeral of Adonis painting by Giulio Carpioni Giulio Carpioni DO 4203 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4203
Virgin Mary with a child, little John the Baptist and an angel painting by Giulio Cesare Procaccini Giulio Cesare Procaccini O 8300 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8300
Sleeping Venus and Cupid painting by Godfried Schalcken Godfried Schalcken 1675 National Gallery Prague
Nostitz Palace
mythological painting
Venus with Cupid, Bacchus and Ceres painting by Godfried Schalcken Godfried Schalcken 1675 DO 4315 National Gallery Prague
Nostitz Palace
mythological painting CZE:NG.DO_4315
Man eating Ham painting by Godfried Schalcken Godfried Schalcken 1673 DO 4574 National Gallery Prague genre art
Sleeping Venus with Cupid painting by Godfried Schalcken Godfried Schalcken DO 4140 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4140
Still Life with Dead Birds and Fruit painting by Gotftfried Libalt Gottfried Libalt 1643 DO 4976 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4976
Still Life with a Dead Hare painting by Gotftfried Libalt Gottfried Libalt 1643 DO 4975 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4975
Road to a Village painting by Grigorij Musatov Grigorij Musatov 1931 O 8479 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8479
Forest landscape with a rider on a gray painting by Guillam Du Bois Guillam Dubois 16th century O 154 National Gallery Prague
The Virgin painting by Gustav Klimt Gustav Klimt 1913 O 4152 Trade Fair Palace religious art Virgin Mary CZE:NG.O_4152
Water Castle painting by Gustav Klimt Gustav Klimt 190s O 4103 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4103
Young Ladies on the bank of the Seine – fragment of a painting (Woman with Flowers on Her Hat) painting by Gustave Courbet Gustave Courbet 1857 O 4783 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4783
Forest Cave painting by Gustave Courbet Gustave Courbet 1865 O 773 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_773
On the Meadow painting by Gustav Mallý Gustáv Mallý 1935 O 2992 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2992
Sisters painting by Gustav Mallý Gustáv Mallý 1933 O 2993 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2993
Beheading of St Dorothea painting by Hans Baldung Hans Baldung Grien 1516 O 8697 National Gallery Prague religious art Dorothea of Caesarea CZE:NG.O_8697
The Mocking of Christ painting by Hans Hoffmann Hans Hoffmann 15th century DO 4185 National Gallery Prague religious art Crowning with Thorns CZE:NG.DO_4185
Right Wing of the Hohenburg Altarpiece painting by Hans Holbein st. Hans Holbein the Elder O 41 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_41
Left Wing of the Hohenburg Altarpiece painting by Hans Holbein st. Hans Holbein the Elder O 40 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_40
On the Seashore painting by Hanuš Knöchel Hans Knoechl 1879 O 8672 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8672
Agony in the Garden painting by Hans Raphon Hans Raphon 1499 National Gallery Prague religious art Agony in the Garden
Last Supper painting by Hans Raphon Hans Raphon 1499 National Gallery Prague religious art Last Supper
Christ, Carrying the Cross, meets Veronica painting by Hans Raphon Hans Raphon 1499 National Gallery Prague religious art Christ carrying the cross
Christ in Limbo painting by Hans Raphon Hans Raphon 1499 National Gallery Prague religious art Harrowing of Hell
The Resurrection painting by Hans Raphon Hans Raphon 1499 National Gallery Prague religious art Resurrection of Jesus
Man of Sorrows painting by Hans Raphon Hans Raphon 1499 National Gallery Prague religious art Man of Sorrows
Descent of the Holy Spirit painting by Hans Raphon Hans Raphon 1499 O 11577 National Gallery Prague religious art Pentecost CZE:NG.O_11577
Parisienne painting by Hans Thuma Hans Thuma 1925 O 19124 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_19124
Hercules on Olympus painting by Hans van Coninxloo (I) Hans Van Coninxloo O 1662 National Gallery Prague
Sick Alexander the Great and his Physician Philippos painting by Hans Wertinger Hans Wertinger 1517 O 492 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_492
Portrait of Painter Josef Heintz painting by Hans von Aachen Hans von Aachen 1590 DO 4326 National Gallery Prague portrait Joseph Heintz the Elder CZE:NG.DO_4326
The Suicide of Lucretia painting by Hans von Aachen Hans von Aachen 1601 O 17169 Schwarzenberg Palace history painting suicide of Lucretia CZE:NG.O_17169
Water Gnome painting by Hanuš Schwaiger Hanuš Schwaiger 1886 O 17348 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17348
Holy Roman Emperor Leopold II painting by Heinrich Füger Heinrich Füger 17th century O 11974 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_11974
Penitent King David painting by Hendrick Bloemaert Hendrick Bloemaert 1633 O 1647 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_1647
The Sculpture Garden of Cardinal Cesi painting by Hendrick van Cleve III Hendrick van Cleve III 1584 O 1748 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_1748
King Solomon is persuaded by his wives into idolatry painting by Hendrick Pot Hendrik Gerritsz Pot 1650 O-1661 Regional Gallery of Liberec
Sychrov Castle
National Gallery Prague
religious art Solomon
Joaquina painting by Henri Matisse Henri Matisse 1911 O 3222 Trade Fair Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_3222
Myself: Portrait – Landscape painting by Henri Rousseau Henri Rousseau 1890 O 3221 Trade Fair Palace self-portrait Henri Rousseau CZE:NG.O_3221
At the Moulin Rouge: Two women waltzing painting by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1892 O 3200 Trade Fair Palace genre art CZE:NG.O_3200
Portrait of Mother (variation II) painting by Herbert G. Masaryk Herbert Masaryk 1912 O 13719 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_13719
Portrait of Dr. Hahn painting by Herbert Seemann Herbert Seemann O 4382 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4382
Mountainous landscape with a river in the depths painting by Herman Saftleven Herman Saftleven 16th century O 209 National Gallery Prague
Landscape with a Foundry painting by Herri met de Bles Herri met de Bles 15th century
O 68 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_68
Family on the Barricades painting by Honoré Daumier Honoré Daumier 1848 O 4782 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_4782
The Burden (Laundress) painting by Honoré Daumier Honoré Daumier 1853 O 4787 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4787
Summer Day painting by Hugo Boettinger Hugo Boettinger 1926 O 3311 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3311
Tennengebirge near Salzburg painting by Hugo Ullik Hugo Ullik 1877 O 13435 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13435
A View of Trosky painting by Hugo Ullik Hugo Ullik 1873 O 10176 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10176
Zvířetice painting by Hugo Ullik Hugo Ullik 1872 O 14441 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14441
Hagar and Ishmael with the Angel in the Wilderness painting by Ignaz Raab Ignác Raab O 12684 National Gallery Prague religious art Banishment of Hagar and Ishmael CZE:NG.O_12684
Self-Portrait painting by Ilya Repin Ilya Repin 1915 O 7951 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_7951
Delt va veygadikya Ilya Repin 1867 National Gallery Prague portrait Tatiana Repina
Family painting by Imro Weiner-Král Imro Weiner-Kráľ 1937 O 13364 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13364
The Turkish Central Courtyard Iosif Shkolnik 1917 O 10127 National Gallery Prague
The Black Sea (Marina) painting by Ivan Konstantinovič Ajvazovskij Ivan Aivazovsky 1882 O 5477 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5477
Abraham and Isaak painting by Ivan Sobotka Ivan Sobotka 1954 O 18240 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18240
Request painting by Ivan Sobotka Ivan Sobotka 1999 O 18829 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18829
Joachim painting by Ivan Sobotka Ivan Sobotka 1968 O 18132 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18132
Still-life with cock, hens, duck and woodstocks painting by J. Bouttats J. Bouttats 1703 O 7564 National Gallery Prague still life
Still-life with fish, crabs and mussels painting by J. Bouttats J. Bouttats 17th millenium O 7369 National Gallery Prague still life
The Sibirjak Song painting by Jacek Malczewski Jacek Malczewski 1907 O 14143 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14143
Women painting by Jakub Bauernfreund Jacob Bornfriend 1937 O 13550 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13550
Woman with a Painting painting by Jakub Bauernfreund Jacob Bornfriend 1936 O 9235 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9235
soldiers in a guardroom with a woman painting by Jacob Duck (1600-1660) Jacob Duck 1625 1972
DO 5933
O 10622
Munich Central Collecting Point
National Gallery Prague
genre art CZE:NG.O_10622
Study of an old man with clasped hands painting by Jacob Jordaens Jacob Jordaens 1621 O 2814 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2814
Vase of Flowers painting by Jacob Marell Jacob Marrel 1645 DO 4243 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4243
Drinking soldier and woman with a man fallen asleep painting by Jacob Ochtervelt Jacob Ochtervelt 16th century DO 274
O 8789
National Gallery Prague genre art
Still life with Grapes and Walnut painting by Jacob Fopsen van Es Jacob van Es 16th century O 197 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_197
Grapes with a Walnut painting by Jacob van Es Jacob van Es 16th century O 197
Interior with spinning old woman and lovers painting attributed to Jacob van Loo Jacob van Loo 16th century O 11133 National Gallery Prague
Path between Trees painting by Jacob van Ruisdael Jacob van Ruisdael O 1377 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1377
Wooded Landscape with Stream painting by Jacob Isaacksz. van Ruisdael Jacob van Ruisdael DO 4156 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4156
Schepen op onrustig water met rechts in de voorgrond een golfbreker painting by Jacob van Ruisdael Jacob van Ruisdael 16th century 488 (1955) National Gallery Prague marine art
Portrait of an Old Man painting by Jacopo da Ponte (called Bassano) Jacopo Bassano 15th century DO 4299 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4299
Annunciation to the Shepherds painting by Jacopo Bassano (Jacopo da Ponte) Jacopo Bassano 1575 O 9026 National Gallery Prague religious art annunciation to the shepherds CZE:NG.O_9026
Visitation painting by Jacopo da Montagnana Jacopo da Montagnana 1448 O 11902 National Gallery Prague religious art Visitation CZE:NG.O_11902
Bathing painting by Jakub Obrovský Jakub Obrovský O 9729 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9729
Evening Street painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 1906 O 4606 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4606
Murder in the House painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 1890 O 5736 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_5736
All Souls' Day painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 1888 O 5735 National Gallery Prague All Souls' Day CZE:NG.O_5735
Snow painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 1899 O 4598 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4598
By the Girl's Bed painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 1909 O 12995 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12995
Gloomy Journey painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 1886 O 591 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_591
Early Evening at Hradčany painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 19th century O 13999 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13999
Winter Evening in Town painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 19th century DO 6392 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_6392
Canal with Ship painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 19th century O 15694 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15694
Evening (Seated Old Woman in an Interior) painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 1897 O 18028 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18028
Early Evening painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 18th century O 11614 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11614
Honeymoon (On the Waterfront) painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 190s O 11107 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11107
Symbolic Scene painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder O 14683 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14683
Lady with a Dog painting by Jakub Schikaneder Jakub Schikaneder 190s O 11108 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11108
Portrait of a Boy painting by James Ensor James Ensor 1906 O 9281 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9281
Peasants carousing in a tavern painting by Jan Molenaer (II) Jan Molenaer (II) 16th century O 1646 National Gallery Prague genre art
Trompe-l'oeil of a woodpecker against a wooden wall painting by Jan Antonín Vocásek Jan Antonín Vocásek 1740 717 National Gallery Prague
Ford between High Cliffs painting by Jan Asselijn Jan Asselijn 16th century O 2555 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2555
The Erection of the Cross (big) painting by Jan Autengruber Jan Autengruber 190s O 18130 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18130
Still Life with weaponry in a landscape, in the background a cavalry skirmish Jan Baptist Tijssens the Younger 16th millenium O 16 National Gallery Prague still life
Still Life with weaponry in a landscape, in the background a cavalry skirmish painting by Jan Baptist Tijssens (II) Jan Baptist Tijssens the Younger 16th millenium O 16 National Gallery Prague still life
Flower bouquet in an earthenware pot painting by Jan Brueghel I Jan Brueghel the Elder 1625 O 1607 National Gallery Prague floral painting
The Landscape with Diana and Actaeon painting by Jan I. Brueghel, Hendrick de Clerck I. Jan Brueghel the Elder
Hendrick de Clerck
DO 4130 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4130
Winter Landscape with Bird Trap painting by Jan I. Brueghel Jan Brueghel the Elder O 10143 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10143
Summer Landspace painting by Jan I. Brueghel Jan Brueghel the Elder O 10144 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10144
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Jan II. Brueghel Jan Brueghel the Younger DO 4162 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi CZE:NG.DO_4162
Portrait of a Lady with a Fan painting by Benjamin Cuyp/Jan Daemen Cool Jan Daemen Cool
Benjamin Gerritsz Cuyp
1636 O 675 National Gallery Prague portrait
Still-Life with Fruits painting by Jan Davidsz de Heem Jan Davidsz. de Heem 1652 O 1376 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_1376
Still LIfe with a Skull - Vanitas painting by Jan Davidsz. de Heem Jan Davidsz. de Heem 1652 DO 5048 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5048
Lady od the Roses painting by Jan Dědina Jan Dědina 19th millenium O 16205 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16205
Hond bewaakt een buit van gevogelte; links een opgerold vogelnet painting by Joannes Fijt Jan Fyt 16th century O 2872 National Gallery Prague still life
Jachtbuit van gevogelte in een landschap painting by Joannes Fijt Jan Fyt 16th century O 7919 National Gallery Prague still life
Saint Luke painting the Virgin painting by Jan Gossaert Jan Gossaert 1520 O 8765 Sternberg Palace religious art Saint Luke painting the Virgin
Portrait of a Lady with a Bonnet painting by Jan Jakub Quirin Jahn Jan Jahn 1785 O 2845 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2845
Laid Table with Cheese, Fruit and a Passglass painting by Jan Jansz. den Uyl Jan Jansz den Uyl 1632 O 2728 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_2728
Still life with smoking requisites painting by Jan Jansz van de Velde Jan Jansz van de Velde 1647 O 1392 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_1392
Bouquet in a Mannerist Vase painting by Johann Caspar Hirschely Jan Kašpar Hirschely O 17228 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17228
Still life with oysters and a crayfish painting by Jan Kašpar Hirschely Jan Kašpar Hirschely O 552 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_552
Deucalion painting by Jan Kotík Jan Kotik 1960 O 9345 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_9345
At the tram painting by Jan Kotík Jan Kotik 1943 O 16123 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16123
Head of a king painting by Jan Kotík Jan Kotik 1959 O 17592 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17592
The Assumption painting by Johann Christoph Liška Jan Kryštof Liška 1696 O 10103 Schwarzenberg Palace religious art Assumption of Mary CZE:NG.O_10103
Pieta with the Patron Saints of Bohemia painting by Johann Christoph Liška Jan Kryštof Liška O 631 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_631
Selfportrait painting by Jan Kupecký Jan Kupecký 1711 O 2657 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait
Jan Kupecký CZE:NG.O_2657
Portrait of Hedwig Franciska Wussin painting by Jan Kupecký Jan Kupecký 1716 O 1276 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_1276
Portrait of Karl Bruni painting by Jan Kupecký Jan Kupecký 1709 O 2727 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_2727
Portrait of Michael Kreisinger of Eckersfeld in His Youth painting by Johann Kupezky Jan Kupecký O 17451 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_17451
Portrait of Ludemille Magdalene von Gotter née Happe painting by Jan Kupecký Jan Kupecký 1725 O 11683 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_11683
Allegory of Painting painting by Johann Kupezky Jan Kupecký O 2999 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2999
Self-portrait of Kupezky as a pilgrim painting by Johann Kupezky Jan Kupecký 1700 1100 National Gallery Prague
Self-Portrait of Kupetzky with pipe painting by Johann Kupezky Jan Kupecký 170s O 11682 National Gallery Prague
Portrait of Michael Kreisinger von Eckersfeld at an advanced age painting by Johann Kupezky Jan Kupecký 17th century VO 2126 National Gallery Prague portrait
De vijf zintuigen painting by Jan Miense Molenaer Jan Miense Molenaer 16th century DO 4328 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4328
Peasants' repast painting by Jan Miense Molenaer Jan Miense Molenaer 16th century O 5532 National Gallery Prague genre art
Portrait of a 48-year-old man painting by Jan Mostaert Jan Mostaert 150s O 7256 National Gallery Prague portrait
Soldiers playing backgammon, smoking and drinking in an interior painting by Jan Olis Jan Olis 1645 O 12942 National Gallery Prague genre art
Portrait of a Young Man with a Lute painting by Jan Petr Molitor Jan Petr Molitor 1741 O 11399 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_11399
Portrait of Wenzel Count Morzin painting by Johann Peter Molitor Jan Petr Molitor 1736 O 9677 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9677
Black Lake painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler 1904 O 2618 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_2618
Adam and Eve painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler 1908 O 3192 Trade Fair Palace religious art Fall of man CZE:NG.O_3192
Kiss painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler 1895 O 3272 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3272
Painting from a Large Series painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler 1902 O 3322 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3322
Bathers IV. painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler 1912 O 3176 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3176
Bathing I painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler 1912 O 3165 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3165
Self-Portrait painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler 190s O 5709 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5709
Academic male nude painting by Jan Preisler Jan Preisler
De gelijkenis van de werkers van het elfde uur (Matteüs 20:1-16) painting by Jan Pynas Jan Pynas 1622 National Gallery Prague religious art
Weeping Bride painting by Jan Sanders van Hemessen Jan Sanders van Hemessen 1540 O 1576 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_1576
Suburb houses painting by Jan Smetana Jan Smetana 1942 O 15147 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15147
The Physician writes a Prescription for a Young Woman painting by Jan Steen Jan Steen 1660 DO 4598 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4598
Nocturnal Serenade painting by Jan Steen Jan Steen 1660 O 253 National Gallery Prague genre art
A Scholar in his Study painting by Jan Steen Jan Steen 1660 DO 4151 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4151
The Serenade painting by Jan Steen Jan Steen O 253 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_253
Allegorie van de vergankelijkheid painting attributed to Jan Swart van Groningen Jan Swart van Groningen 15th century VO 1376 National Gallery Prague allegory
Portrait of a Lady with a child painting by Jan Verkolje (Prague) Jan Verkolje
Eglon van der Neer
1675 O 9500 National Gallery Prague portrait
Cleopatra II Jan Zrzavý painting Jan Zrzavý 1942
O 13050 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_13050
Antichrist painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1909 O 17167 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_17167
Lady in the Loge painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1918 O 13425 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_13425
Melancholy II painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1920 O 13556 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13556
The Last Supper I. painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1913 O 8350 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8350
The Valley of Sorrow painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1908 O 14354 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14354
Culm Banks in Ostrava painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1933 O 17168 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17168
Still Life with Lilies of the Valley painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1913 O 11241 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11241
Suffering painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1916 O 9245 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9245
Christ and John painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1928 O 11129 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11129
Munich painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1939 O 15241 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15241
Flowers on the Window (Still Life with Glass) painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1907 O 14366 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14366
Camaret I painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1926 O 11571 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11571
Port in Brittany (Ploumanac'h) painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1930 O 9370 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9370
Moulin Rouge painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1930 O 13236 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13236
Landscape with a Tree painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1916 O 13903 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13903
Sea Wall (Digue on the Île de Seine) painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1935 O 14959 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14959
Little Square in Kermeur painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1929 O 13515 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13515
Sleeping Boats II painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1935 O 3533 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3533
Breton Port painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1948 O 9208 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9208
Self-portrait I painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1908 O 14380 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14380
Cross on the Coast painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 190s O 14376 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14376
Hideaway on the Île de Sein painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1936 O 16926 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16926
Brittany painting by Jan Zrzavý Jan Zrzavý 1935 O 19012 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_19012
Portrait of a Girl painting by Jan de Bray Jan de Bray 1650 O 1113 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_1113
Portrait of a widow with fan and gloves painting by Jan de Braij Jan de Bray 1679 O 10493 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of a mother with two children and a trumpeter painting by Jan van Bijlert Jan van Bijlert 16th century O 5423 National Gallery Prague portrait
Peasant House in the Sand Dunes painting by Jan van Goyen Jan van Goyen 1631 O 2821 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_2821
Watchtowers in an Estuary painting by Jan van Goyen Jan van Goyen 1646 DO 4157 National Gallery Prague
Nostitz Palace
landscape painting CZE:NG.DO_4157
Storm over a Fishing Harbour painting by Jan van Goyen Jan van Goyen 1642 DO 4132 National Gallery Prague
Nostitz Palace
landscape painting CZE:NG.DO_4132
Waterfall in a mountain landscape painting by Jan van Kessel (1641-1680) Jan van Kessel 16th century DO 4620 National Gallery Prague
Coast with fish painting by Jan van Kessel the Elder Jan van Kessel the Elder 1663 O 10468 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10468
Vissen op het strand; links in de duinen een kerk painting by Jan van Kessel (I) Jan van Kessel the Elder 1663 DO 6246 National Gallery Prague still life
Portrait of an 80-Year-Old Woman painting by Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn Jan van Ravesteyn 1641 O 9506 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9506
Veronica and the Angels with Arma Christi painting by Jan van Ravesteyn Jan van Ravesteyn DO 5351 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5351
Portrait of Nicolaas Cromhout painting by Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn Jan van Ravesteyn 160s O 18146 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_18146
Boulevard des Italiens painting by Jan Šafařík Jan Šafařík 1914 O 16938 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16938
The eternal movement painting by Jan Špála Jan Špála 1956 O 18835 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18835
View from the train at night painting by Jan Špála Jan Špála 1960 O 18834 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18834
Sisters painting by Janko Alexy Janko Alexy 1936 O 12805 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12805
Horses on the Coast painting by Jaroslav Honzík Jaroslav Honzík 190s O 3738 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3738
Still Life with a Tray painting by Jaroslav Král Jaroslav Král 1935 O 12712 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12712
Women at Rest painting by Jaroslav Král Jaroslav Král 1929 O 13459 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13459
Visiting the Dead painting by Jaroslav Panuška Jaroslav Panuška 1897 O 15140 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_15140
Water Goblin painting by Jaroslav Panuška Jaroslav Panuška 1896 O 18987 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18987
Dalmatian wedding painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1877 O 2308 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2308
A wounded Montenegrin painting by Jaroslav Cermak Jaroslav Čermák 1874 O 4032 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4032
Captives (Captive Montenegrin Women) painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1870 O 2617 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2617
Kidnapping of a Montenegrin Woman, replica painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1865 O 794 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_794
Montenegrin Madonna painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1865 O 17470 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17470
Golgotha painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák O 2614 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_2614
Shore painting by Jaroslav Čermák - A Young Breton Woman by the Sea Jaroslav Čermák 1876 DO 6365 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_6365
Souvenirs of Roscoff (Still-Life with Fish) painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1873 O 17472 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17472
Shore near Roscoff painting by Jaroslav Čermák - Life on the Sea Jaroslav Čermák O 17469 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17469
Montenegrin Women in a Harem painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1877 O 4628 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4628
Beggars (The Family of Beggars) painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1852 O 754 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_754
Hussites Defending a Pass painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1857 O 5091 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5091
Portrait of Josef Navrátil painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 180s O 19141 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_19141
A Young Breton painting by Jaroslav Čermák Jaroslav Čermák 1869 O 15208 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15208
Young Shepherd among the Rocks (Forest of Fontainebleau) painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1842 O 4778 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4778
Farmstead in the Forest painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1873 O 4777 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4777
By the River painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot O 12510 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12510
The Memory of Riva painting by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot O 4833 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4833
Young girl painting by Jean Baptiste Greuze Jean-Baptiste Greuze O 73 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_73
Portrait of a Young Sculptor painting by Jean-Baptiste Santerre Jean-Baptiste Santerre O 102 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_102
Still Life with a Lizard and Flowers painting by Jenny Salmová Jenny Salm-Reifferscheid 1826 O 1192 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1192
Wintry Self-Portrait painting by Jindřich Prucha Jindřich Prucha 190s O 7702 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_7702
Spring Thaw painting by Jindřich Prucha Jindřich Prucha 190s O 7728 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7728
From My Diary painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1933 O 3500 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3500
Puppetteer painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1921 O 12094 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12094
Country Graveyard painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1925 O 15161 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15161
Roots painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1934 O 11560 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11560
Acacia Trees painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1931 O 9632 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9632
Japanese Garden painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1923 O 14740 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14740
Landscape painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1923 O 12188 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12188
Cave painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1926 O 13210 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13210
Woman Carrying a Jug painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1923 O 14701 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14701
Three Madmen painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1921 O 7982 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7982
Landscape with Houses painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1923 O 8611 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8611
Landscape with a Bridge painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1921 O 7990 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7990
A Letter painting by Jindřich Štyrský Jindřich Štyrský 1934 O 9633 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9633
The Corridor painting by Jitka Válová Jitka Válová 1967 O 11652 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11652
X painting by Jiří David Jiří David 1987 O 17090 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17090
Wiev from the Window painting by Jiří Jelínek Jiří Jelínek 1923 O 15817 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15817
Composition painting by Jiří Jelínek Jiří Jelínek 1932 O 11619 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11619
A Grey Painting painting by Jiří Jelínek Jiří Jelínek 1930 O 8472 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8472
Night painting by Jiří Krejčí Jiří Krejčí 1936 O 15146 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15146
Probably a portrait of the painter Joachim Luhn (c.1640-1717) and his family painting by Joachim Luhn Joachim Luhn 17th century O 10606 National Gallery Prague
Composition (Painting) painting by Joan Miró at the National Gallery Prague Joan Miró 1933 O 8339 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_8339
Tyrolean Landscape with a Shepherd painting by J.C. Dahl Johan Christian Dahl 1824 O 8719 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_8719
Resting Hare painting by Johann Adalbert Angermayer Johann Adalbert Angermayer 1732 DO 4853 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4853
Still Life with a Carp’s Head painting by Johann Adalbert Angermayer Johann Adalbert Angermayer DO 5416 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5416
Still Life with a Pike painting by Johann Adalbert Angermayer Johann Adalbert Angermayer DO 5417 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5417
Still Life with a Jewell Box and a Medallion painting by Johann Adalbert Angermayer Johann Adalbert Angermayer 1708 O 18016 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18016
Kitchen still life with flowers, fruits, dead birds and a parrot painting by Johann Adalbert Angermeyer Johann Adalbert Angermayer 1705 National Gallery Prague genre art
Bouquet in a glass vase in a niche painting by Johann Adalbert Angermeyer Johann Adalbert Angermayer 1719 National Gallery Prague
Capriccio with the Church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice painting by Johann Anton Eismann Johann Anton Eismann O 9551 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9551
Herd in Ruins painting by Johann Anton Eismann Johann Anton Eismann O 9552 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9552
Deposition of Christ painting by Johann Wenzel Bergl Johann Baptist Wenzel Bergl 1760 O 1703 National Gallery Prague religious art Descent from the Cross CZE:NG.O_1703
Saint Sebastian painting by Johann Carl Loth (CZE:NG.DO_4358) Johann Carl Loth DO 4358 National Gallery Prague religious art martyrdom of Saint Sebastian CZE:NG.DO_4358
Landscape with Děvín Castle at the Outfall of the Morava into the Danube painting by Johann Christian Brand Johann Christian Brand O 223 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_223
Coastal Landscape painting by Johann Christian Klengel Johann Christian Klengel 1787 O 240 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_240
River Running through a Town painting by Johann Christian Vollerdt Johann Christian Vollerdt O 13715 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13715
Diana and Actaeon painting by Joannes Felpacher Johann Felpacher 1639 DO 4291 National Gallery Prague mythological painting
Hilly Landscape with Wayfarers painting by Johann Franz Ermels Johann Franz Ermels 1666 O 1152 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1152
Portrait of a Woman painting by Johann Friedrich August Tischbein Johann Friedrich August Tischbein 1796 O 2348 National Gallery Prague portrait woman CZE:NG.O_2348
St Luke Painting the Madonna painting by Jan Jiří Heinsch Johann Georg Heinsch O 1262 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1262
Musical Company in the Salon painting by Johann Georg Platzer Johann Georg Platzer O 91 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_91
David Meeting Abigail painting by Johann Georg Platzer Johann Georg Platzer 17th century O 12968 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12968
Company in the Castle Park painting by Johann Georg Platzer Johann Georg Platzer O 92 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_92
The Return of Jephthah of Gilead painting by Johann Georg Platzer Johann Georg Platzer 17th century O 12969 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12969
Landscape with a Resting Herd painting by Johann Heinrich Roos Johann Heinrich Roos 1665 O 138 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_138
Landscape with a Herd at a Watering Place painting by Johann Heinrich Roos Johann Heinrich Roos 1666 O 149 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_149
Resting Herd in a Landscape with Ruins painting by Johann Heinrich Roos Johann Heinrich Roos 1681 O 10669 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10669
Herd in a Ruin painting by Johann Heinrich Roos Johann Heinrich Roos 1672 O 1692 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1692
Fall of Phaëthon painting by Johann Heiss Johann Heiss 1678 DO 4285 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4285
Allegory of Earth (Landscape with the Encounter of Christ with Mary and Martha) painting by Jan Jakub Hartmann Johann Jakob Hartmann O 18772 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18772
Allegory of Water (Landscape with Christ's Miraculous Draught of Fish) painting by Jan Jakub Hartmann Johann Jakob Hartmann O 18771 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18771
Death of Seneca painting by Johann Michael Rottmayr Johann Michael Rottmayr 1692 O 9664 Sternberg Palace CZE:NG.O_9664
Sea and Ground Battles painting by Johann Philipp Lemke Johann Philipp Lemke O 44 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_44
Vestal Claudia Quinta painting by Johann Rudolf Bys Johann Rudolf Byss 1692 O 11977 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11977
Penelope and Her Suitors painting by Jan Rudolf Bys Johann Rudolf Byss 1692 O 11978 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11978
Birds in the Wild I. painting by Johann Rudolf Bys Johann Rudolf Byss 1704 O 2616 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2616
Birds in the Wild ll. painting by Johann Rudolf Bys Johann Rudolf Byss 1705 O 2621 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2621
Dead hare with a French horn painting by Johann Rudolf Bys Johann Rudolf Byss 17th millenium DO 4159 National Gallery Prague still life
Diana and Callisto painting by Johann Spillenberger Johann Spillenberger 1676 DO 4292 National Gallery Prague mythological painting CZE:NG.DO_4292
Portrait of a Man facing left painting by Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck 1639 DO 4194 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4194
Dice players in front of a wall with view into a landscape painting by Johannes Lingelbach Johannes Lingelbach 16th century O 10685 National Gallery Prague genre art
Italian ruins with a cart driving through a gate near a chapel painting by Johannes van der Bent Johannes van der Bent 16th century O 1737 National Gallery Prague
Landscape with the Temptation of Christ painting by Joos de Momper (II) Joos de Momper the Younger 1630 DO 4188 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.DO_4188
Village at Full Moon painting by Joos de Momper Joos de Momper the Younger 160s O 36 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_36
Mountainous landscape with hermits painting by Joos de Momper (II) Joos de Momper the Younger 16th millenium O 117 National Gallery Prague
Travellers passing through a village in winter Joos de Momper the Younger
Jan Brueghel the Elder
1620 O 8269 National Gallery Prague
Triptych with the Adoration of the Magi painting by Joos van Cleve Joos van Cleve 1520 Prague Castle Picture Gallery religious art adoration of the Magi
Monna Vanna Nuda painting by Joos van Cleve Joos van Cleve 150s O 9316 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9316
De aanbidding van de Wijzen Joos van Cleve 1520 DO 28 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi
Village fair with numerous carousing peasants painting by Joost Cornelisz. Droochsloot Joost Cornelisz Droochsloot 1628 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Cartouche with children portraits in a garland painting by Joris van Son Joris van Son
Erasmus Quellinus II
1657 O 1700 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1700
St. Wenceslas Receives His Education in Tetín painting by Josef Hellich Josef Hellich 1840 O 9683 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9683
Josephine painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1855 O 16236 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16236
Seamstress painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 180s O 3000 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3000
A Village Church painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes O 5191 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5191
Portrait of Louisa Bělská painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1857 O 2686 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2686
Meeting of Petrarch and Laura in Avignon in the Year 1327 painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes O 5760 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5760
A Chapel at Gmunden painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1842 O 5224 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5224
Near the Cottage painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes O 3001 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3001
While Reading painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes O 12689 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12689
The Říp Landscape painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1863 O 2924 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2924
Portrait of Johanna Baroness Kotz painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1866 O 5083 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_5083
The Final Moments of Lucas van Leyden painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1843 O 5223 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5223
Portrait of Anna Náprstková painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes O 12693 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12693
In the Moonlight painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 180s O 610 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_610
The Elbe River Landscape painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1863 O 2925 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2925
On a Trip III painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1851 O 5759 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5759
Evening in the Mountains after Sunset painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 180s O 4886 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4886
Sunset in the Mountains painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1840 O 4883 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4883
Forest Stream Rapids painting by Josef Mánes Josef Mánes 1848 O 4915 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4915
Waterfall of the Mumlava River in the Giant Mountains painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 180s O 10217 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10217
Still-Life with Oranges painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 13913 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13913
Fox Hunt painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 2653 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2653
„Trdlovec“ (Paté) painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 5103 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5103
Boiled Lobster painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 5101 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5101
Large Mountain Scenery painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 10196 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10196
Village Waterfall painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 624 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_624
Quinces painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 1853 O 5177 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5177
Othello and Desdemona painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 4759 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4759
Melon Cut in Half painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 5100 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5100
Plums with a Twig painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 1856 O 5176 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5176
Lady with a Veil painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 4664 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4664
Mountain Valley near Zillertal painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 1853 O 10222 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10222
Peaches painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 5105 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5105
Men around the Table painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 14443 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14443
Green Melon painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 180s O 5179 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5179
In Chlumecký’s Wine-Cellar painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 2547 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2547
Outside the Lottery painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 4751 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4751
Plums painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 180s O 5180 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5180
The Singer Henrietta Grosserová as Norma, study painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 1847 O 4999 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4999
Young Mother With Child painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil O 4663 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4663
Mount Matten in the Swiss Alps painting by Josef Navrátil Josef Navrátil 1843 O 4940 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4940
Ruins with a Fountain painting by Josef Platzer Josef Platzer O 2956 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2956
Evening in May painting by Josef Schusser Josef Schusser 1897 O 3387 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3387
The Death of Saint Ludmila painting by Josef Tulka Josef Tulka 1873 O 5000 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5000
Pan the God painting by Josef Váchal Josef Váchal 1909 O 12645 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12645
Founding of the Monastery in Louka painting by Josef Winterhalter ml. Josef Winterhalder der Jüngere O 16241 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16241
Alexander the Great Outside Jerusalem painting by Josef Winterhalter ml. Josef Winterhalder der Jüngere O 16240 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16240
African King painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1920 O 10441 Trade Fair Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_10441
Head painting by Josef Čapek (O 11667) Josef Čapek 190s O 11667 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11667
Mr. Myself painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1920 National Gallery Prague self-portrait
Accordion Player painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1913 O 3776 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3776
Sailor painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1917 O 11245 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11245
Fire painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1938 O 10773 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10773
Fire painting by Josef Čapek (CZE:NG.O_10771) Josef Čapek 1938 O 10771 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10771
Children in the Garden painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1928 O 3451 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3451
Fire painting by Josef Čapek (CZE:NG.O_10768) Josef Čapek 1938 O 10768 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10768
Fire painting by Josef Čapek (CZE:NG.O_10749) Josef Čapek 1938 O 10749 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10749
Fire painting by Josef Čapek (CZE:NG.O_10757) Josef Čapek 1938 O 10757 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10757
Mother and Child painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1915 O 9211 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9211
Fire painting by Josef Čapek (CZE:NG.O_10762) Josef Čapek 1938 O 10762 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10762
House by the River painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1913 O 13837 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13837
Fire painting by Josef Čapek (CZE:NG.O_10759) Josef Čapek 1938 O 10759 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10759
Fire painting by Josef Čapek (CZE:NG.O_10747) Josef Čapek 1938 O 10747 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10747
Head painting by Josef Čapek (O 11246) Josef Čapek 190s O 11246 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11246
Crows painting by Josef Čapek Josef Čapek 1934 O 3483 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3483
Lady in a Loge painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1935 O 14243 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14243
Landscape with a Torso painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1932 O 13864 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13864
Marvellous Afternoon painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1932 O 15472 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15472
Balloon painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1926 O 12978 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12978
Portrait of Nadine Germain painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1922 O 12974 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12974
The Sun of Different Worlds painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1936 O 13398 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13398
Prisoner painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1926 O 12977 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12977
Portrait of Jiří Voskovec painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1912 O 14429 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_14429
Portrait of Louise Denise Germain and Nadine Šímová painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1922 O 12975 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12975
Clouds painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1931 O 16620 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16620
Landscape near Yebles painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1929 O 15172 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15172
Landscape painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1930 O 8398 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8398
Portrait of Adriena Voskovcová painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 190s O 14428 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_14428
Sea painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1935 O 10970 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10970
Memory of the Landscape I Have Never Seen painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1936 O 8341 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8341
Portrait of Berenice Abbott painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1928 O 9637 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9637
Pool in Šárka Valley painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1935 O 12182 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12182
Portrait of Nadine Germain painting by Josef Šíma (CZE:NG.O_12979) Josef Šíma 1922 O 12979 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12979
The Threat of the Horizon painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1935 O 15712 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15712
Joinville painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1923 O 12976 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12976
From Marseille painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1923 O 12639 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12639
Portrait of Helfert Siblings painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1919 O 14484 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_14484
Café Parnasse painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1923 O 11272 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11272
Reminiscence of Illiad painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1934 O 8522 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8522
Spanish Landscape (Blue Landscape, Spanish Monastery) painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1924 O 8041 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8041
Landscape painting by Josef Šíma (CZE:NG.O_12872) Josef Šíma 1931 O 12872 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_12872
Self-Portrait painting by Josef Šíma Josef Šíma 1908 O 14763 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14763
Landscape painting by Josef Šíma (CZE:NG.O_3816) Josef Šíma 1932 O 3816 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3816
Landscape painting by Josef Šíma (CZE:NG.O_19082) Josef Šíma O 19082 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_19082
Arminius after the Battle at the Teutonburg Forest painting by Josef Bergler jun. Joseph Bergler the Younger 1809 O 71 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_71
Portrait of General Ludwig Vogelsang painting by Josef Bergler jun. Joseph Bergler the Younger 1809 O 5162 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_5162
Torso painting by Josef Istler Joseph Istler 1946 O 11250 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11250
Peter Perez Burdett and his First Wife Hannah painting by Joseph Wright of Derby Joseph Wright of Derby 1765 DO 4289 Sternberg Palace CZE:NG.DO_4289
The Sorrowing Jews painting by Josef von Führich Joseph von Führich 1837 DO 4298 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4298
Moravian Slovak Madonna (Moravian Song) painting by Joža Uprka Joža Uprka 1902 O 3919 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3919
Ecce Homo painting by Juan de Flandes Juan de Flandes 14th century O 459 National Gallery Prague religious art Ecce Homo CZE:NG.O_459
Roscoff in Brittany painting by Julie Mezerová-Winterová Julie Winterová-Mezerová 1929 O 13039 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13039
Šumava Virgin Forest in the Storm painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák 180s O 809 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_809
Beech Forest painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák O 5019 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5019
Early Morning Song painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák O 6318 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6318
Landscape With a Swamp painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák O 4645 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4645
Autumn in the Woods (Gathering Brushwood) painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák 1889 O 4788 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4788
Autumn Evening painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák 1888 O 582 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_582
Swamp in a Forest painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák O 5199 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5199
The Rest under Trees painting by Julius Mařák Julius Mařák O 15128 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15128
Swamp Flowers painting by Julius Pfeiffer Julius Pfeiffer O 4211 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4211
Saint Jerome painting by Jusepe de Ribera at National Gallery Prague Jusepe de Ribera 1646 DO 4374 Schwarzenberg Palace religious art Jerome CZE:NG.DO_4374
Portrait of Jindřich Chalupecký painting by Kamil Lhoták Kamil Lhoták 1946 O 12719 Trade Fair Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_12719
Railway station painting by Kamil Lhoták Kamil Lhoták O 15434 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15434
Baseball player painting by Kamil Lhoták Kamil Lhoták 1947 O 15463 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15463
Ambulance painting by Karel Holan Karel Holan 1923 O 9173 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9173
Baptism of Prince Bořivoj painting by Karel Javůrek Karel Javůrek 1858 O 14685 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14685
Accident at the Building Site painting by Karel Myslbek Karel Myslbek 1909 O 5364 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_5364
Q123144096 painting by Karel Myslbek Karel Myslbek 1908 O 3152
Night, from the cycle Four different moments of the day painting by Karel Postl Karel Postl O 4962 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4962
Noon, from the cycle Four different moments of the day painting by Karel Postl Karel Postl O 4959 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4959
Morning, from the cycle Four different moments of the day painting by Karel Postl Karel Postl O 4961 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4961
Evening, from the cycle Four different moments of the day painting by Karel Postl Karel Postl O 4960 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4960
Snowy Owl painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1862 O 4957 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4957
Portrait of the Blacksmith Jech painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1860 O 4762 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4762
Still-Life with Onions and Partridges painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1861 O 4740 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4740
Self-Portrait painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1868 O 4660 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_4660
Portrait of the Artist’s Wife painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1860 O 4701 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4701
The Family of the Woodcarver Vorlíček painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně O 4799 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4799
Still-Life with Pheasants (Pheasants) painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1861 O 4793 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4793
Portrait of Barbora Wiesnerová painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1858 O 2737 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2737
The Thurn-Taxis Family Ice-Skating painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1858 O 4657 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4657
Le Bois de Boulogne painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1857 O 4662 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4662
In the Valley (Landscape) painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1857 O 4658 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4658
Purkyně´s Children painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1868 O 4679 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4679
Before the Storm (Clouds) painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1866 O 4659 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4659
Portrait of Jan Szalatnay’s Family painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1858 O 12202 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_12202
Morning Hour (Window) painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1862 O 4964 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4964
Portrait of Emilie Bubeníčková painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně O 4739 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4739
Portrait of Ema Křikavová painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1858 O 5193 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_5193
A Bull in the Bog painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1857 O 4661 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4661
Portrait of Karel Wiesner painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1858 O 2654 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2654
Portrait of Leopold Křikava painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1858 O 5194 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_5194
Self-Portrait with a Palette and a Brush painting by Karel Purkyně Karel Purkyně 1856 O 17485 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17485
At the shop window painting by Karel Souček Karel Souček 190s O 6624 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6624
Hradčany Motif painting by Karel Teige Karel Teige 1920 O 15818 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15818
Portrait of Oluf Parsberg (1590-1661), member of the state counsel painting attributed to Karel van Mander (III) Karel van Mander III 160s Frederiksborg Palace portrait
Portrait of King Christian IV (1577-1648), king of Denmark painting by Karel van Mander (III) Karel van Mander III 160s Frederiksborg Palace portrait
Portrait of Flemming Ulfeldt (1607-1657) painting by Karel van Mander (III) Karel van Mander III 160s Frederiksborg Palace portrait
Portrait of Laurids Ulfeldt (1605-1659), governor painting by Karel van Mander (III) Karel van Mander III 1655 Frederiksborg Palace portrait
Portrait of art and book collector Laurids Ulfeldt (1605–1659) painting by Karel van Mander (III) Karel van Mander III 1655 Frederiksborg Palace portrait
The Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Karel van Mander (CZE:NG.O_1343) Karel van Mander the Elder 1596 O 1343 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the shepherds CZE:NG.O_1343
The Adoration of the Shepherds 1596 painting by Karel van Mander the Elder Karel van Mander the Elder 1596 O 1343 religious art adoration of the shepherds
Lovers painting by Karel Černý Karel Černý 1943 O 16855 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16855
The black bouquet painting by Karel Černý Karel Černý 1943 O 16856 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16856
Zvěstování (Škréta) painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 160s O 17338 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_17338
Portrait of the Gem-Cutter Dionysius Miseroni and His Family painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1653 O 560 National Gallery Prague group portrait CZE:NG.O_560
Portrait of the so-called Mathematician with his Wife painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 160s O 21 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait man CZE:NG.O_21
Franz Anton Hovora Count Berka of Dubá and Lipá and Aloisia Ludovica Anna de Montecuccoli as Paris and Helena painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1670 DO 4250 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of the Maltese Knight Bernard de Witte painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1651 O 2652 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2652
Portrait of a Miniature Painter painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta O 34 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_34
The Birth of Saint Wenceslas painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1640 O 18924 Schwarzenberg Palace mythological painting CZE:NG.O_18924
Saint Charles Borromeo Visiting Plague-Stricken in Milan painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1647 O 2579 Schwarzenberg Palace religious art CZE:NG.O_2579
Portrait of Ignác Jetřich Vitanovský of Vlčkovice painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1669 RK 159/417 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait Ignác Jetřich Vitanovský z Vlčkovic
St Martin Sharing His Cloak with a Beggar painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1650 O 18930 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18930
Holy Family with St Catherine and St Barbara painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta O 1346 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1346
Portrait of Humprecht Johann Count Czernin of Chudenice (1628-1682) painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 16th century O 19123 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of a man with blond hair painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 16th century O 10 National Gallery Prague portrait
Portrait of Maria Maximiliana von Sternberg (1641 - 1665) painting by Karel Škréta Karel Škréta 1665 VO 54 National Gallery Prague portrait
Bildnis eines älteren Herrn (sogenannter Bramberger von Bramburg) Karel Škréta 1640 O 103 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait man
Portrait of a Painter Karel Škréta 160s O 104 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait man
Pieta painting by Karel Šlenger Karel Šlenger 1978 O 18845 National Gallery Prague religious art Pietà CZE:NG.O_18845
Landscape from Brittany painting by Karel Špillar Karel Špillar 1907 O 16007 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16007
In a Café painting by Karel Špillar Karel Špillar 1904 O 5283 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5283
At an Exhibition in Paris painting by Karel Špillar Karel Špillar 1906 O 6492 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6492
Boy with a Ball painting by Karl Hofer Karl Hofer 1925 O 4400 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4400
The Destruction of Sodom painting by Carlo Krattner Karl Krattner 1920 O 4385 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4385
Moses Brings the Ten Commandments painting by Karl Krattner Karl Krattner O 4352 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4352
Christ on the Mount of Olives painting by Karl Krattner Karl Krattner 1908 O 4092 National Gallery Prague religious art Agony in the Garden CZE:NG.O_4092
Flowers in a Vase painting by Karl May Karl May 1923 O 4338 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4338
Village Square painting by Karl Schmidt-Rottluff Karl Schmidt-Rottluff 1920 O 4245 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4245
Female Nude painting by Kees van Dongen Kees van Dongen 190s O 11402 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11402
Hvar painting by Kurt Hallegger Kurt Hallegger 1932 O 4418 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4418
Velegrandobrodružství painting by Karel Saudek Kája Saudek 1964 O 18933 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18933
Still Life with Gloves painting by Leo Fitz Leo Fitz 1931 O 4428 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4428
Will o the Wisp painting by Lev Lerch Leo Lerch 1888 O 1195 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1195
The Raising of Lazarus (John 11: 43-44) painting by Leonaert Bramer Leonaert Bramer 16th century DO 4322 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_4322
Figures in an interior around a cauldron that perhaps contains a potion for rejuvenation painting attributed to Leonaert Bramer Leonaert Bramer 16th century O 10541 National Gallery Prague genre art
Tramps painting by Lev Šimák Lev Šimák 1933 O 13225 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13225
Black Sergeants painting by Lev Šimák Lev Šimák 1929 O 16932 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16932
Still life with flower painting by Libor Fára Libor Fára 1957 O 17482 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17482
Still life painting by Libor Fára Libor Fára 1957 O 17481 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17481
The Triumph of Federico II Gonzaga painting by Lorenzo Costa Lorenzo Costa 1522 O 8274 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8274
Lamentation of Christ painting by Lorenzo Monaco (born Piero di Giovanni) Lorenzo Monaco 1408 O 11911 National Gallery Prague religious art lamentation of Christ CZE:NG.O_11911
Village Kermess painting by Louis de Caullery, Jan I. Brueghel Louis de Caullery
Jan Brueghel the Elder
16th millenium DO 4163 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4163
Romantic Landscape with Castle Ruins painting by Louisa Piepenhagenová Louise Piepenhagen 180s O 15751 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_15751
Self-Portrait with a Glass painting by Lovis Corinth Lovis Corinth 1907 O 14782 National Gallery Prague self-portrait
Odysseus Fighting with the Beggar painting by Lovis Corinth Lovis Corinth 1903 O 4238 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4238
Still Life with Flowers and an Envelope painting by Lovis Corinth Lovis Corinth 1922 O 4239 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4239
St. Sebastian painting by Luca Giordano Luca Giordano O 2721 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2721
Triptych with the Descent from the Cross/Decsent from the Cross/Christ Surrounded by the Symbols and Instruments of His Passion painting by Luca di Tommè Luca di Tommè O 11952 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11952
Adam and Eve painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder in the National Gallery in Prague Lucas Cranach the Elder 1538 DO 5380 National Gallery Prague religious art Fall of man CZE:NG.DO_5380
Law and Grace painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder in the National Gallery in Prague Lucas Cranach the Elder 1529 O 10732 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_10732
Saint Christina painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder, detail from the Prague altar Lucas Cranach the Elder 1520 O 17435 Sternberg Palace religious art CZE:NG.O_17435
Ill-Matched Lovers painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder Lucas Cranach the Elder 1530 O 455 Sternberg Palace
National Gallery Prague
genre art
ill-matched couple CZE:NG.O_455
Christ Child Blessing painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder Lucas Cranach the Elder 1520 DO 6574 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_6574
Portrait of a Man, Aged 44 painting by Lucas Cranach the Younger (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) Lucas Cranach the Younger 1566 DO 4146 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4146
Portrait of a Woman, Aged 38 painting by Lucas Cranach the Younger (Národní galerie v Praze (National Gallery in Prague)) Lucas Cranach the Younger 1566 DO 4127 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4145
Ill-matched Couple (Old Fool) painting by Lucas Cranach (copy) Lucas Cranach the Younger DO 4323 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4323
Christus en de Kanaänitische vrouw painting by Lucas Gassel Lucas Gassel 1550 VO 1367 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Soldiers drinking in an inn in the presence of a landlady painting by Ludolf de Jongh Ludolf de Jongh 160s National Gallery Prague genre art
St. Vitus Cathedral painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl 1814 O 1208 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1208
Interior of St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl O 14687 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14687
Interior of a Fictitious Ancient Temple with a Burnt Offering to Apollo painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl O 14654 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14654
Vladislav Hall painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl DO 1549 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_1549
Wine-Cellar in a Cistercian Monastery painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl O 11307 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11307
In Front of an Ancient Palace painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl 1816 O 6315 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6315
The Ruin of a Temple painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl 1820 O 5798 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5798
In an Ancient Palace painting by Ludvík Kohl Ludvík Kohl 1816 O 6316 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6316
In Roses painting by Ludvík Kuba Ludvík Kuba 1906 O 3054 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3054
Tempel der Minerva Medica in Rom painting by Ludwig Richter Ludwig Richter 1830
Egg market in Prague painting by Luděk Marold Luděk Marold 1888 O 586 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_586
Dáma na pařížském bulváru painting of Luděk Marold Luděk Marold 18th century National Gallery Prague
Reader painting by Luděk Marold Luděk Marold 1892 O 4637 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4637
Man Sitting in a Café painting by Luděk Marold Luděk Marold O 8268 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8268
Telegram painting by Luise Max-Ehrler Luise Max-Ehrler 1894 O 745 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_745
Self-Portrait painting by Léon Bonnat Léon Bonnat 1896 O 11720 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11720
Village with a Church painting by L. Richet Léon Richet O 1732 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1732
Venus and Cupid in Vulcan´s Forge painting by Maerten van Heemskerck Maarten van Heemskerck 1536 DO 4290 Schwarzenberg Palace mythological painting CZE:NG.DO_4290
The Circus painting by Marc Chagall Marc Chagall 1927 O 3397 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3397
Girls in a Landscape painting by Marie Laurencin Marie Laurencin O 11270 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11270
To Market painting by Martin Benka Martin Benka 1932 O 3438 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3438
On the Road painting by Martin Benka Martin Benka 1926 O 8415 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8415
Old Man with a Document (Quack) painting by Martin Dichtl Martin Dichtl 1670 DO 4576 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4576
Old Woman with Eye Glasses and a Coin painting by Martin Dichtl Martin Dichtl 1670 DO 4373 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4373
Rock Summit painting by Martin von Molitor Martin von Molitor O 330 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_330
Alexander Cutting the Gordian Knot painting by Martino Altomonte Martino Altomonte 1709 O 1329 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1329
Judith with the head of Holofernes painting by Master IW Master IW 1525 O 626
DO 1055
O 7265
Strahov Monastery religious art Judith and Holofernes
Madonna with Child painting by Master IW or workshop Lucas Cranach the Elder Master IW
No/unknown value
1525 DO 4186 National Gallery Prague religious art Madonna and Child CZE:NG.DO_4186
Altarpiece of St Barbara in the Cistercian Monastery in Osek [left wing]: St Peter [recto], St Roche [verso] painting by Master IW (Národní galerie v Praze, Anežský klášter (National Gallery in Prague, Convent of St Agnes)) Master IW DO 5427
DO 5426 - DO 5428
National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_5427
Altarpiece of St Barbara in the Cistercian Monastery in Osek [central panel]: Beheading of St Barbara painting by Workshop Master IW (Národní galerie v Praze, Anežský klášter (National Gallery in Prague, Convent of St Agnes)) Master IW DO 5426
DO 5426 - DO 5428
National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_5426
Altarpiece of St Barbara in the Cistercian Monastery in Osek [right wing]: St Paul [recto], St Sebastian [verso] painting by Master IW (Národní galerie v Praze, Anežský klášter (National Gallery in Prague, Convent of St Agnes)) Master IW DO 5428
DO 5426 - DO 5428
National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_5428
Saint Christopher painting by the Master of Frankfurt Master of Frankfurt 150s O 2684 National Gallery Prague religious art Saint Christopher CZE:NG.O_2684
The coronation of the Virgin painting by Meester van Grossgmain Master of Großgmain 14th century VO 657/2000 National Gallery Prague religious art Coronation of the Virgin
Nativity painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 13th century 808
O 6787
Munich Central Collecting Point
National Gallery Prague
religious art Nativity of Jesus CZE:NG.O_6787
Annunciation painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 801
O 6786
Munich Central Collecting Point
convent of St Agnes of Bohemia
religious art Annunciation
Adoration of the magi painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 802
O 6788
Munich Central Collecting Point
convent of St Agnes of Bohemia
religious art adoration of the Magi
Descent of the Holy Ghost painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 804
O 6794
Munich Central Collecting Point
convent of St Agnes of Bohemia
religious art Pentecost
Crucification painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 1350 806
O 6790
Munich Central Collecting Point
convent of St Agnes of Bohemia
religious art Crucifixion of Jesus
Resurrection of Jesus painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 1350 807
O 6792
Munich Central Collecting Point
convent of St Agnes of Bohemia
religious art Resurrection of Jesus
The Three Marys at the Tomb
Ascension of Christ painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 1350 809
O 6793
Munich Central Collecting Point
National Gallery Prague
religious art Ascension of Jesus
Christ on the Mount of Olives painting of Hohenfurther cycle by Master of Hohenfurth Master of Vyšší Brod 803
O 6789
Munich Central Collecting Point
National Gallery Prague
religious art Agony in the Garden
Beheading of saint Barbara painting attributed to Meester van de epitaaf van Florian Wink Master of Winkler's Epitaph 15th millenium DO 4414 National Gallery Prague religious art
Well of Life, the Epitaph for Jan Clemenssoen painting by Master of the Well of Life Master of the Fountain of Life 1511 DO 4131 National Gallery Prague allegory CZE:NG.DO_4131
Portrait of an Elderly Man Holding a Tally Stick painting by Master of the Legend of Magdalen Master of the Legend of the Magdalene 15th century DO 4170 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4170
Madonna with Child painting by Master of the Madonna of Neuhaus Master of the Madonna of Neuhaus 140s convent of St Agnes of Bohemia religious art Madonna and Child
Death of the Virgin (The Last Prayer of the Virgin) painting by Meester van het Pollinger Paneel Master of the Polling Panels 14th century O 1405 National Gallery Prague religious art
Crucifixion from Nové Sady painting by the Master of the Rajhrad Altarpiece Master of the Rajhrad Altarpiece 1440 O 1584 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_1584
Christ Descending into Limbo painting by The Master of the Straus Madonna Master of the Straus Madonna O 11886 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11886
The Entry of Heraclitus into Jerusalem painting by The Master of the Straus Madonna Master of the Straus Madonna O 11884 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11884
Madonna of Roudnice painting by Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece 13th century O 7102 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_7102
The apostles James, Bartholomew and Philip painting by Meester van Wittingau Master of the Třeboň Altarpiece 1380 O 477 National Gallery Prague religious art
Adoration of the Shepherds painting by Matthäus Gundelach Matthäus Gundelach DO 4577 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the shepherds CZE:NG.DO_4577
Suburban Street painting by Maurice Valadon Utrillo Maurice Utrillo O 3398 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3398
Landscape with Poplars painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck 1914 O 3356 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3356
Still Life with Red Eggs painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck O 13427 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13427
Street in a Small Town painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck O 3562 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3562
Village Road (French Village) painting by Maurice de Vlaminck Maurice de Vlaminck 1914 O 9622 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9622
Weissensee near Lermoos in Tyrol painting by Max Haushofer Max Haushofer 1863 O 593 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_593
Morning at Chiemsee painting by Max Haushofer Max Haushofer 1853 O 5157 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5157
A Square in Munich painting by Max Horb Max Horb 1907 O 4394 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4394
Evening painting by Max Klinger Max Klinger 1879 O 9492 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9492
House in the garden (Dům v zahradě) painting by Max Liebermann 1923 Max Liebermann 1923 O 4286 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4286
Dr. Max Linde painting by Max Liebermann Max Liebermann 1897 O 4237 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4237
Portrait of Friedrich Oppenheimer’s Brother painting by Max Oppenheimer Max Oppenheimer 1909 O 13892 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_13892
Bridge near Lebo painting by Max Hermann Pechstein Max Pechstein 1922 O 4243 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4243
Adam and Eve painting by Max Pietschmann Max Pietschmann 1894 O 1173 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_1173
Port (Bridge) painting by Max Slevogt Max Slevogt 1905 O 4422 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4422
The Poor Country painting by Max Švabinský Max Švabinský 1900 O 16459 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16459
Splynutí duší painting by Max Švabinský (small) Max Švabinský 1896 O 3318 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3318
In the Land of Peace painting by Max Švabinský Max Švabinský 1922 O 3229 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3229
Yellow Parasol (the first sketch) painting by Max Švabinský Max Švabinský 1908 O 3224 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3224
Times Square painting by Maxim Kopf Maxim Kopf 1924 O 4343 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4343
Pilgrim painting by Maxim Kopf Maxim Kopf 1920 O 4210 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4210
Vision painting by Maxim Kopf Maxim Kopf 1920 O 11613 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11613
Surgery painting by Maximilian Oppenheimer Maximilian Oppenheimer 1912 O 4153 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4153
Still Life with Fruit, Vegetables and Musical Instruments painting by Maximilián Pfeiler Maximilian Pfeiler 16th century DO 4980 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.DO_4980
Still Life with Fruit, Vegetables and Fountain painting by Maximilián Pfeiler Maximilian Pfeiler 16th century DO 4981 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.DO_4981
Still life of fruits and a bowl with lobster painting by Maximilian Pfeiler Maximilian Pfeiler 160s VO 11069 National Gallery Prague still life
Still life of fruits and a bowl with loysters painting by Maximilian Pfeiler Maximilian Pfeiler 160s VO 11070 National Gallery Prague still life
The End of All Things - Finis painting by Maximilian Pirner from 1887 Maximilian Pirner 1887 O 4642 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4642
Homo homini lupus painting/watercolor by Max Pirner Maximilian Pirner DK 2231 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DK_2231
Fairies by the Brook painting by Max Pirner Maximilian Pirner 1895 O 5071 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5071
Somnambulant painting by Max Pirner Maximilian Pirner 1878 O 13893 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13893
Diogenes painting by Max Pirner Maximilian Pirner 1893 O 5069 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5069
Death painting by Max Pirner Maximilian Pirner 18th century O 4731 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4731
Fragment of a Painting from the Triptych Life, Love, Hatred and Death painting by Max Pirner Maximilian Pirner 18th century O 4820 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4820
Self-Portrait painting by Max Pirner Maximilian Pirner 1890 O 4832 National Gallery Prague self-portrait CZE:NG.O_4832
St. Vitus Madonna painting by Meister der Madonna von St. Veit Meister der Madonna von St. Veit 1420 O 8777
HS 03.699
Saint Paul and Silas in Prison painting by Michael Václav Halbax Michael Václav Halbax 1700 O 2303 Schwarzenberg Palace CZE:NG.O_2303
Saint Jerome and the Angel of Judgement painting by Michael Leopold Willmann Michael Willmann 1664 O 1249 Schwarzenberg Palace CZE:NG.O_1249
The Martyrdom of SS Philip and James painting by Michael Leopold Willmann Michael Willmann O 2881 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2881
Fourteen Holy Assistants painting by Michael Leopold Willmann Michael Willmann O 1454 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1454
Christ Ministered and Borne by Angels painting by Michael Leopold Willmann Michael Willmann 16th century DO 4360 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_4360
The Release of Andromeda painting by Michael Leopold Willmann Michael Willmann O 1412 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1412
Christ healing the paralytic at Capernaum painting by Michael Willmann Michael Willmann 160s National Gallery Prague religious art
Child, birch ant the block of flats painting by Michal Singer Michal Singer 2004 O 18782 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18782
St John the Evangelist on Patmos painting by Michiel Coxie Michiel Coxie 1540
15th century
National Gallery Prague religious art Saint John on the island of Patmos
St John the Evangelist painting by Michiel Coxie (I) Michiel Coxie 15th century National Gallery Prague religious art John the Evangelist
St Luke painting by Michiel Coxie (I) Michiel Coxie 15th century National Gallery Prague religious art
The Martydom of St Luke painting by Michiel Coxie (I) Michiel Coxie 15th century
National Gallery Prague religious art
Saint John's vision on Patmos and the martyrdom painting by Michiel Coxie (I) Michiel Coxie 15th century VO1260 National Gallery Prague religious art
Hussite Camp painting by Mikoláš Aleš Mikoláš Aleš 1877 O 4975 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4975
The Raven of Karlštejn painting by Mikoláš Aleš Mikoláš Aleš 1882 O 5056 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5056
At the Grave of a Fighter of the Lord painting by Mikoláš Aleš Mikoláš Aleš 1877 O 5401 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5401
Uhlans in the Snow painting by Mikoláš Aleš Mikoláš Aleš 1882 O 2659 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2659
An Uhlan and a Peasant painting by Mikoláš Aleš Mikoláš Aleš 1879 O 4719 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4719
Begegnung Georgs von Podibrad mit Matthias Corvinus Mikoláš Aleš 1878 O 4732 history painting
Uprchlíci v lese painting by Mikoláš Aleš Mikoláš Aleš 180s O 4732
By a Cradle painting by Mikoláš Galanda Mikuláš Galanda 1929 O 8474 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8474
Zobrazení pohledu na hladového svatého I painting by Mikuláš Medek Mikuláš Medek 1966 National Gallery Prague
The Great Meal painting by Mikuláš Medek Mikuláš Medek 190s O 11059 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11059
Child in a Blue Dress painting by Milada Marešová Milada Marešová 1932 O 12886 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_12886
Widow painting by Milada Marešová Milada Marešová 1930 O 12851 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12851
Double-Portrait painting by Milada Marešová Milada Marešová 1923 O 12854 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12854
A Small Boat painting by Milada Marešová Milada Marešová 1936 O 12850 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12850
Don´t worry be happy painting by Milan Kunc Milan Kunc 1997 O 18774 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18774
Fishermen painting by Miloslav Holý Miloslav Holý 1924 O 11643 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11643
Balcony painting by Miloš Jiránek Miloš Jiránek 1908 O 3248 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3248
Reader painting by Miloš Jiránek Miloš Jiránek 1908 O 3756 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3756
Showers in a Prague Sokol I painting by Miloš Jiránek Miloš Jiránek 190s O 5711 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5711
On the Football Field of S. K. Slavie at Letná (Football V) painting by Miloš Jiránek Miloš Jiránek 190s O 8945 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8945
Forest Landscape painting by Narcisse Virgilio Diaz de la Peña Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1854 O 4847 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4847
Forest Still Life painting by Narcisse Virgilio Diaz de la Peňa Narcisse Virgilio Díaz O 4846 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4846
In the Park painting by Hubert Robert Niccolò dell'Abbate 1783 DO 5026 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5026
Triptych with the Virgin and Child Enthroned/ The Virgin and Child on the Throne between Sts John the Baptist, Catherine and Two Angels/Christ Blessing painting by Niccolo Buonaccorso Niccolò di Buonaccorso O 11916 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.O_11916
Portrait of a Lady painting by Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy (CZE:NG.DO_4251) Nicolaes Eliaszoon Pickenoy DO 4251 National Gallery Prague portrait woman CZE:NG.DO_4251
Portrait of a Fifteen-Year-Old Young Lady painting by Nicolaes Eliasz Pickenoy Nicolaes Eliaszoon Pickenoy 1626 O 29 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_29
Portrait of a Gentleman painting by Nicolaes Eliasz. Pickenoy Nicolaes Eliaszoon Pickenoy DO 4252 National Gallery Prague portrait man CZE:NG.DO_4252
Still Life on a Table painting by Nicolaes Gillis Nicolaes Gillis 1614 O 1478 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1478
Portrait of a Woman painting by Nicolaes Maes (Prague) Nicolaes Maes 1675 National Gallery Prague portrait woman
Jupiter as a Youth painting by Nicolaes Berchem Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 1650 DO 4567 National Gallery Prague mythological painting
Portrait of a young woman painting by Nicolas de Neufchâtel Nicolas Neufchatel 150s DO 4204 (Z 531) National Gallery Prague portrait
Young Man Presenting a Rose to a Young Woman painting by Nicolaes Verkolje Nikolaas Verkolje 17th millenium DO 4568 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.DO_4568
Diana Getting out of Bath painting by Nicolaus Knüpfer Nikolaus Knüpfer 1645 DO 4152 National Gallery Prague mythological painting CZE:NG.DO_4152
Lady on a Swing – Gallant Scene in the Park I painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund 1760 O 339 Schwarzenberg Palace CZE:NG.O_339
Roman Ruin painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund O 281 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_281
Sculptors Studio painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund O 265 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_265
Painter’s Studio (Visit to a Studio) painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund O 266 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_266
Landscape with Shepherds by a Lake I painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund O 7223 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7223
Landscape with Shepherds by a Lake Il painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund O 7645 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7645
Dancer of a Minuet painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund 1760 O 349 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_349
Self Portrait painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund 1750 O 233 National Gallery Prague portrait
Spanish harbour with a smoking blackamoor painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund 17th century O 291 National Gallery Prague
Dancing travellers in a landscape painting by Norbert Grund Norbert Grund 17th century O 357/1843 National Gallery Prague genre art
Still life with Oysters painting by Osias Beert Osias Beert O 2730 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2730
Charles Bridge in Prague painting by Oskar Kokoschka Oskar Kokoschka 1934 O 4459 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_4459
The Red Egg painting by Oskar Kokoschka Oskar Kokoschka O 7242 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7242
Prague from Kramář’s Villa painting by Oskar Kokoschka Oskar Kokoschka 190s O 12271 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12271
Portrait of Poet Albert Ehrenstein painting by Oskar Kokoschka Oskar Kokoschka 1914 O 4405 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4405
Three Girls painting by Oswald Voh Oswald Voh O 4371 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_4371
Landscape in Provence (Saint Saturnin d’Apt) painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín 1923 O 3399 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3399
Still Life with Fruit painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín 1921 O 3194 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3194
Seated Nude painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín 1926 O 3400 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3400
Shepherd painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín 1922 O 3195 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3195
Montmartre painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín 190s O 8357 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8357
Moulin de la Galette painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín 190s O 8372 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8372
Still Life with Apples and a Jug painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín O 8342 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8342
View of a Village in Southern France painting by Otakar Kubín (Coubine) Otakar Kubín O 9219 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9219
Mountain Lake in the Giant Mountains painting by Otakar Lebeda Otakar Lebeda 1896 O 3765 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3765
Podzim painting by Otakar Lebeda Otakar Lebeda 1898 O 13990 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13990
Summer Landscape painting by Otakar Lebeda Otakar Lebeda 180s O 11430 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11430
Spruce Forest painting by Otakar Marvánek Otakar Marvánek O 1542 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1542
Mill painting by Otakar Marvánek Otakar Marvánek O 15814 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15814
Sailor painting by Otakar Mrkvička Otakar Mrkvička 1921 O 15816 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15816
Night Walkers painting by Otakar Mrkvička Otakar Mrkvička O 13477 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13477
Sea painting by Otakar Nejedlý Otakar Nejedlý 1908 O 13328 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13328
Fishing painting by Otakar Nejedlý Otakar Nejedlý 1909 O 10521 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10521
From the Street painting by Otakar Nejedlý Otakar Nejedlý 1914 O 3134 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3134
Harbour in Toulon painting by Othon Friesz Othon Friesz 1933 O 8282 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8282
Diana Hunting painting by Ottmar Elliger Ottomar Elliger III 16th century O 14807 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14807
Self-portrait painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1907 O 2006 National Gallery Prague self-portrait
pop art
Pablo Picasso CZE:NG.O_8021
Violin Glass Pipe Inkwell painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1912 O 8027 Trade Fair Palace still life CZE:NG.O_8027
Still Life with Goblet painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1922 O 3219 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3219
Seated Nude painting by Pablo Picasso at the National Gallery Prague Pablo Picasso 1906 O 3220 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3220
Woman painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1907 O 8022 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8022
Landscape with Bridge painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1909 O 3218 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3218
Naked Woman painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1908 O 8023 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_8023
Woman with a Guitar by the Piano painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1911 O 8024 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8024
The Port of Cadaqués painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1910 O 9107 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9107
Woman Playing the Guitar painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1911 O 8025 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8025
Woman in an Armchair painting by Pablo Picasso (CZE:NG.O_6623) Pablo Picasso 1910 O 6623 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6623
Pork Cutlet painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1912 O 16054 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16054
Clarinet painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1911 O 8026 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8026
Cascet, Cup, Apple and Glass painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1909 O 9106 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9106
Boxer painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1912 O 8028 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8028
Mandolin and a Glass of Pernod painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1911 O 14818 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14818
Standing Woman painting by Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso 1921 O 3217 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3217
Cavalry Skirmish near Water painting by Palamedes Palamedesz. (called Stevaerts) Palamedes Palamedesz. 1636 O 11930 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11930
Portrait of Young Man painting by Paolo Morando called Cavazzola Paolo Morando Cavazzola O 464 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_464
Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples painting by Paolo Veronese Paolo Veronese 1584 National Gallery Prague
St Bartholomew painting by Paolo da Visso Paolo da Visso 1481 O 12010 Sternberg Palace religious art Bartholomew the Apostle CZE:NG.O_12010
St John the Baptist painting by Paolo di Visso Paolo da Visso 1481 O 12009 Sternberg Palace religious art John the Baptist CZE:NG.O_12009
Holy Conversation painting by Pasqualino di Niccolò Pasqualino di Niccolò 1502 O 8753 Schwarzenberg Palace religious art sacra conversazione CZE:NG.O_8753
Rest on the Flight into Egypt painting by Paul Bril, Hans Rottenhammer Paul Bril
Hans Rottenhammer
O 2630 National Gallery Prague religious art rest on the flight into Egypt CZE:NG.O_2630
Maison et ferme du Jas de Bouffan (House in Aix) painting by Paul Cézanne Paul Cézanne 1887 O 3203 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_3203
Portrait of Joachim Gasquet painting by Paul Cézanne Paul Cézanne 1896 O 3202 National Gallery Prague portrait Joachim Gasquet CZE:NG.O_3202
Fruit painting by Paul Cézanne Paul Cézanne 18th century O 3204 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3204
Escape painting by Paul Gauguin Paul Gauguin 1902 O 3206 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_3206
Bonjour Monsieur Gauguin painting by Paul Gauguin located at National Gallery in Prague Paul Gauguin 1889 O 3553 Trade Fair Palace genre art
The Judgement of Paris painting by Paul Gauguin Paul Gauguin 1902 O 3207 Trade Fair Palace mythological painting Judgement of Paris CZE:NG.O_3207
Tropical Forrest painting by Paul Klee Paul Klee 1915 O 15516 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_15516
L’Hirondelle Steamer on the Seine painting by Paul Signac Paul Signac 1901 O 18969 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_18969
Christ on the Mount of Olives painting by Paul Troger (CZE:NG.DO_5357) Paul Troger DO 5357 National Gallery Prague religious art Agony in the Garden CZE:NG.DO_5357
Saint Jerome painting by Paul Troger Paul Troger O 11131 National Gallery Prague religious art Jerome CZE:NG.O_11131
The dread painting by Pavel Brázda Pavel Brázda 190s O 18854 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18854
The Crucifixion painting by Pieter de Kempener Pedro de Campaña 15th century O 9004 National Gallery Prague religious art Crucifixion of Jesus CZE:NG.O_9004
Self-Portrait with Her Father painting by Pepa Mařáková Pepa Mařáková 1896 O 3591 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3591
Vase of Flowers painting by Peter Binoit Peter Binoit 1613 O 1463 National Gallery Prague floral painting CZE:NG.O_1463
Raising of Jairus’ Daughter from the Dead painting by Peter De Witte (Candid) Peter Candid O 10652 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10652
Mystical Marriage of St Catherine of Alexandria painting by Peter de Witte (called Peter Candid) Peter Candid O 708 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_708
Expulsion from the Garden of Eden painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens 1620 O 10443 National Gallery Prague religious art Fall of man CZE:NG.O_10443
Martyrdom of Saint Thomas painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens 160s O 7597 Sternberg Palace religious art CZE:NG.O_7597
Portrait of Marchese Ambrogio Spinola painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens 1625
O 9688 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9688
Saint Augustine painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens 160s O 7598 National Gallery Prague religious art Augustine of Hippo CZE:NG.O_7598
Woman with a snake (Hygeia or Cleopatra) painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens 1615 2126
National Gallery Prague
Munich Central Collecting Point
mythological painting
The annunciation of the Death of the Virgin painting by Rubens (Prague) Peter Paul Rubens 1612 O 9433 National Gallery Prague religious art Annunciation of the death of the Virgin Mary
Head of a bearded man looking left painting by Rubens (Prague) Peter Paul Rubens 160s DO 4377 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.DO_4377
Job seated on a dunghill between his wife and his three friends (Job 1-42), after 1613 painting by Peter Paul Rubens (Prague) Peter Paul Rubens
Gerard Seghers
1640 O 302 National Gallery Prague religious art Job
Visitation of Virgin Mary painting by Peter Paul Rubens Peter Paul Rubens 160s DO 4602 National Gallery Prague religious art CZE:NG.DO_4602
Self-portrait painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl 1725 O 17424 National Gallery Prague self-portrait CZE:NG.O_17424
The Return of the Prodigal Son painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl 1710 O 17337 National Gallery Prague religious art Parable of the Prodigal Son CZE:NG.O_17337
Portrait of a Mining Official painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl 1728 O 49 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_49
Simeon with the Infant Jesus painting by Peter Brandl Petr Brandl 1730 O 578 Schwarzenberg Palace religious art CZE:NG.O_578
Self Portrait, so-called Lobkowicz painting by Peter Brandl Petr Brandl 1697 O 18923 Schwarzenberg Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_18923
Lot and His Daughters painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl O 12683 National Gallery Prague religious art Lot and his daughters CZE:NG.O_12683
Bust of a Discoursing Apostle painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl O 12889 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12889
Portrait of a Nobleman in a Blue Cloak painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl O 1281 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_1281
The head of an old man painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl O 1278 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1278
Allegory of Sculpture (Sculptura) painting by Petr Brandl Petr Brandl 1716 O 2738 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2738
The Penitent Magdalene painting by Petr Jan Brandl Petr Brandl O 19134 National Gallery Prague religious art Penitent Magdalene CZE:NG.O_19134
Fleeing Peasants (An Episode from the thirty-year war) painting by Petr Maixner Petr Maixner 1860 O 17157 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17157
Expulsion painting by Petr Nikl Petr Nikl 1991 O 17294 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_17294
Shepherd with a Herd of Sheep and Goats painting by Philipp Peter Roos Philipp Peter Roos O 8710 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8710
Horse and Goats Grazing painting by Philipp Peter Roos Philipp Peter Roos O 9573 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9573
Ravine with a Stream, a Shepherd and His Herd painting by Philipp Peter Roos Philipp Peter Roos O 11390 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11390
Three Horses in a Meadow painting by Philips Wouwerman Philips Wouwerman 160s O 168 National Gallery Prague genre art
landscape painting
Portrait of a Young Man painting by Pierre Mignard Pierre II Mignard 1654 O 1670 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_1670
Autumn Study painting by Pierre-Cécile Puvis de Chavannes Pierre Puvis de Chavannes O 4785 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4785
Lovers painting by Auguste Renoir Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1875 O 3201 Trade Fair Palace portrait CZE:NG.O_3201
Jachtstilleven met kat painting attributed to Peeter Boel Pieter Boel 16th century 258 National Gallery Prague still life
The Hay Harvest (early summer June/July) painting by Pieter Brueghel the Elder Pieter Brueghel the Elder 1565 Lobkowicz Palace genre art
The Adoration of the Magi painting by Pieter ll. Brueghel Pieter Brueghel the Younger 15th century O 42 National Gallery Prague religious art adoration of the Magi CZE:NG.O_42
The Stream painting by Pieter ll. Brueghel Pieter Brueghel the Younger O 78 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_78
The River painting by Pieter ll. Brueghel Pieter Brueghel the Younger O 79 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_79
Mouth of the River painting by Pieter ll. Brueghel Pieter Brueghel the Younger O 80 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_80
The Source painting by Pieter ll. Brueghel Pieter Brueghel the Younger O 77 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_77
Winter Landscape with Bird Trap painting by Pieter Brueghel II Pieter Brueghel the Younger 16th century O 67 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_67
Two Men tying Branches painting by Pieter II. Brueghel, National Gallery Prague Pieter Brueghel the Younger O 10010 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10010
Flemish Village Green painting by Pieter II. Brueghel Pieter Brueghel the Younger 16th century DO 4137 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.DO_4137
Rückkehr vom Jahrmarkt painting by Pieter Brueghel (II) Pieter Brueghel the Younger 160s O 5422 National Gallery Prague
Still life with beer, wine, brazier and pipe painting by Pieter Claesz Pieter Claesz 1646 O 1409 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_1409
Still life with barrel, fishing net and fish painting by Pieter Claesz Pieter Claesz 1660 O 2355 National Gallery Prague still life
Still life with rummer, bread and duck painting by Pieter Claesz Pieter Claesz 1643 DO 6457 National Gallery Prague still life
A Merry Company Playing Tric-Trac painting by Pieter Codde Pieter Codde 160s O 2565 National Gallery Prague genre art CZE:NG.O_2565
Miniature Portrait of a Young Man painting by Pieter Cornelisz van Slingelandt Pieter Cornelisz van Slingelandt O 5675 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5675
The adoration of the kings painting by Pieter Lastman Pieter Lastman 1608 DO 4563 Hermitage Museum
National Gallery Prague
religious art adoration of the Magi CZE:NG.DO_4563
Wijdschip, sloep en andere vaartuigen op een woelige zee painting by Pieter Mulier (I) Pieter Mulier the Elder 16th century National Gallery Prague marine art
Schepen op woelig water met op de voorgrond een roeiboot painting by Pieter Mulier (I) Pieter Mulier the Elder 16th century 413 National Gallery Prague marine art
An officer and a young woman smoking in a guardroom painting by Pieter Potter Pieter Symonsz Potter 1631 499 National Gallery Prague genre art
A Party of Gamblers and Smokers painting by Pieter de Bloot Pieter de Bloot O 173 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_173
Flat Landscape painting by Pieter de Bloot Pieter de Bloot DO 4333 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4333
Country Road with Resting Pilgrims painting by Pieter de Molijn Pieter de Molijn 1628 DO 4196 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4196
Rest in front a Country House painting by Pieter de Molijn Pieter de Molijn O 172 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_172
Hilly landscape with walkers and travelers on the way painting by Pieter de Molijn Pieter de Molijn 1653 O 151 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Landschap met reizigers op een weg langs boerderijen painting by Pieter de Molijn Pieter de Molijn 16th century O 17222 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
Still Life with Pike and Perch painting by Pieter de Putter Pieter de Putter 16th century O 10656 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_10656
Fantasiepaleis met het de bevrijding van Petrus (Handelingen 12:7-8) painting by Pieter van Bronckhorst Pieter van Bronckhorst 1644 O 11305 National Gallery Prague architectural painting
Old woman spinning in a peasant's interior, with a still life of dishes painting by Pieter van den Bosch (1604-1649) Pieter van den Bosch 1650 O 10447 National Gallery Prague still life
Saint Martyr painting by Pietro Lorenzetti Pietro Lorenzetti DO 5014 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5014
Saint Anthony the Hermit painting by Pietro Lorenzetti Pietro Lorenzetti 1330 DO 5015 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5015
Sleeping painting by Pravoslav Kotík Pravoslav Kotík 1925 O 3405 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3405
Bakers painting by Pravoslav Kotík Pravoslav Kotík 1926 O 7960 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7960
Periphery painting by Pravoslav Kotík Pravoslav Kotík 1925 O 7824 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7824
A Peasant Girl in front of a Mirror painting by Quido Manes Quido Mánes 1872 O 4629 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4629
Curious Messenger painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1857 O 841 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_841
Jeweller painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1861 O 2733 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2733
Old Bachelor painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1863 National Gallery Prague genre art
Student (Reader) painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1860 National Gallery Prague
Girl with Turkeys painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1874 O 10241 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10241
A Sleeping Watchman (Young Watchman) painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1862 O 450 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_450
Christian Exercise in the Domažlice Region painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1869 O 2755 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2755
Village Children at Play painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes O 12599 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12599
Kien Long, Chinese Emperor, Writing an Eulogy on Tea painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1858 O 4852 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4852
Grandma’s and Grandpa’s Visit painting by Quido Mánes Quido Mánes 1871 O 4651 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4651
Triptych with the Madonna dell´Umilta, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Catherine and St. Lucy painting by Quirizio da Murano Quirizio di Giovanni da Murano O 11885 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11885
Triptych with the Madonna dell’Umilta, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Catherine and St. Lucy painting by Quirizio da Murano Quirizio di Giovanni da Murano O 11881 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11881
Triptych with the Madonna dell’Umilta, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Catherine and St. Lucy painting by Quirizio da Murano (CZE:NG.O_11880) Quirizio di Giovanni da Murano O 11880 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11880
Festoon of Flowers and Fruit painting by Rachel Ruysch, National gallery Prag Rachel Ruysch 1682 O 2870 National Gallery Prague floral painting CZE:NG.O_2870
Forest recess with flowers painting by Rachel Ruysch Rachel Ruysch 1686 VO 130/2002
O 8778
National Gallery Prague
Still Life with Sea in the Background painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy 1925 O 3518 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3518
In the Harbour painting by Raoul Dufy Raoul Dufy 190s O 13426 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13426
A Scholar in His Study painting by Rembrandt Rembrandt 1634 DO 4288 Sternberg Palace genre art scholar CZE:NG.DO_4288
Portrait of a Japanese Female painting by Richard Fremund Richard Fremund 1956 O 13938 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_13938
Old Woman painting by Richard Müller Richard Müller 1905 O 4056 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4056
Landscape with Bathing Girls painting by Richard Schroetter Richard Schroetter 1925 O 4303 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4303
Portrait of Charlotte R. painting by Richard Schroetter Richard Schroetter 1929 O 4387 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4387
Nocturne painting by Macaulay Stevenson Robert Macaulay Stevenson 1893 O 716 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_716
The Paradise painting by Roelant Savery Roelant Savery 1618 DO 4245 National Gallery Prague religious art Fall of man CZE:NG.DO_4245
Landscape with Birds painting by Roelandt Savery Roelant Savery 1622 DO 4246 Sternberg Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.DO_4246
Orpheus Playing the Harp painting by Roelandt Savery Roelant Savery 1625 O 1265 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1265
Stag Hunt painting by Roelandt Savery Roelant Savery 160s O 1655 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1655
Woodland Stream painting by Roelant Savery Roelant Savery 1610 O 611 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_611
Boar hunting Roelant Savery 16th century O 2581 National Gallery Prague landscape painting
The Flood painting by Romulo Cincinnato Romulo Cincinato 1555 DO 4595 National Gallery Prague religious art Genesis flood narrative CZE:NG.DO_4595
Fighting with a Monster painting by Rudolf Jettmar Rudolf Jettmar 1903 O 4038 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4038
Dragons and Beasts (Fighting the Monster) painting by Rudolf Jettmar Rudolf Jettmar 1902 O 4044 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4044
Dragons and Beasts (Dragon and Girls) painting by Rudolf Jettmar Rudolf Jettmar 190s O 4039 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4039
Storm (Fighting Riders) painting by Rudolf Jettmar Rudolf Jettmar 1906 O 4099 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4099
In front of the Mirror painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1926 O 3276 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3276
Woman at Her Toilette painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1928 O 14918 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14918
Nana painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1918 O 3389 Trade Fair Palace nude CZE:NG.O_3389
Portrait of the Artist’s Wife painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1928 O 14916 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_14916
Lying Dancer painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1918 O 3855 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3855
Girl Combing her Hair painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1922 O 12353 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12353
Nude (A Girl Bending Down) painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1923 O 9201 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9201
Resting Boats painting by Rudolf Kremlička Rudolf Kremlička 1931 O 8480 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8480
Tyn Church with Krocín’s Fountain painting by Rudolf von Alt Rudolf von Alt 1843 O 12002 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12002
The Annunciation to the Virgin painting by Salomon de Bray Salomon de Bray 1641 O 1648 National Gallery Prague religious art Annunciation CZE:NG.O_1648
The Horse Market in Valkenburg painting by Salomon van Ruysdael Salomon van Ruysdael 1643 O 2819 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2819
Assumption of the Virgin Mary painting by Sebastiano Ricci Sebastiano Ricci 170s O 18926 National Gallery Prague religious art Assumption of Mary CZE:NG.O_18926
Bacchus and Ariadne painting by Sebastiano Ricci (CZE:NG.O_14422) Sebastiano Ricci O 14422 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14422
The Temptation of Christ painting by Sebastiano Ricci Sebastiano Ricci O 1336 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1336
The Madonna wth the Veil painting by Sebastiano del Piombo Sebastiano del Piombo 1525 A 1076 National Gallery Prague religious art
Still Life with a Golden Goblet and Roses painting by Simon Luttichuys Simon Luttichuys 1649 National Gallery Prague still life
Suicide of Lucrece painting by Simon Vouet Simon Vouet 1625 O 14162 Sternberg Palace CZE:NG.O_14162
Allegory of the Four Seasons and Human Ages painting by Simon de Vos Simon de Vos 1635 DO 4139 National Gallery Prague allegory CZE:NG.DO_4139
Allegory of the four seasons painting by Simon de Vos Simon de Vos 1635 allegory
Olives painting by Sláva Tonderová-Zátková Sláva Tonderová-Zátková 1935 O 3529 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3529
Self-Portrait painting by Sláva Tonderová-Zátková Sláva Tonderová-Zátková 1924 O 14500 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14500
Boats in Cassis painting by Sláva Tonderová-Zátková Sláva Tonderová-Zátková 1929 O 7963 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7963
The Old Man and Death painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1863 O 2328 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2328
Workers at Montmartre painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1858 O 9980 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9980
Children Playing at Kampa (Children at Kampa, Prague Urchins) painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1854 O 1111 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1111
At the Studio painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1854 O 5050 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5050
A Fisherman’s Cottage painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1867 O 8002 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8002
Self-Portrait painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1853 O 9989 National Gallery Prague self-portrait CZE:NG.O_9989
Still-Life painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas O 5200 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.O_5200
Vine painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 180s O 9987 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9987
Shepherdess from Marlotte painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1857 O 9981 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9981
Interior of a Farmhouse with a Girl painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1867 O 2548 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2548
Portrait of Anton Springer painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1853 O 9985 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9985
Portrait of Adrienne Pinkas painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1862 O 9986 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9986
Portrait of Jean B. Beau painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1861 O 9984 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_9984
View of Vaux-de-Cernay painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 18th century O 6246 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6246
Montmartre painting by Hippolyt Soběslav Pinkas Soběslav Pinkas 1856 O 12670 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12670
Flowers in front of a Window painting by Suzanne Valadon Suzanne Valadon 1930 O 3468 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3468
Procris and Caephalus painting by Sébastien Bourdon Sébastien Bourdon 16th century DO 5378 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5378
Ancient Landscape with Archers painting by Sébastien Bourdon Sébastien Bourdon DO 4845 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4845
A portrait of a Man painting by Sébastien Bourdon Sébastien Bourdon DO 5050 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_5050
The Coronation of the Virgin Mary with the Apostles painting by Taddeo di Bartolo Taddeo di Bartolo O 9680 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9680
St. Francis of Assisi painting by Antonio di Giovanni d’Enrico called Tanzio da Varallo Tanzio da Varallo DO 4302 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4302
Les Grandes Boulevardes painting by František Tavík Šimon Tavík František Šimon 1911 O 3239 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3239
Bohumil Kafka in His Studio painting by František Tavík Šimon Tavík František Šimon 1902 O 14994 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14994
Quadrille excentrique painting by František Tavík Šimon Tavík František Šimon 1904 O 7210 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7210
Symphony painting by František Tavík Šimon Tavík František Šimon 1902 O 3701 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3701
Saint Catherine painting by Theodoric of Prague Theodoric of Prague 1360 National Gallery Prague religious art Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Karel Veliký painting by Theodoric of Prague Theodoric of Prague 1360 National Gallery Prague religious art
Luke the Evangelist Christian religious painting by Theodoric of Prague Theodoric of Prague 1360 National Gallery Prague religious art
Matthew the Apostle painting by Theodoric of Prague Theodoric of Prague 1360 National Gallery Prague religious art Matthew the Apostle
St Gregory Theodoric of Prague 1370
Landscape after a Storm painting by Theodore Rousseau Théodore Rousseau 1835 O 4818 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_4818
Stone Bridge near Meudon painting by Theodore Rousseau Théodore Rousseau 1834 O 4753 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4753
Fishing Village painting by Théodore Rousseau Théodore Rousseau 1831 O 4779 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4779
Portrait of Karel Škréta painting by Tiberio Tinelli Tiberio Tinelli 1635 O 3 portrait
Water painting by Tobias Pock Tobias Pock 1680 O 320 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_320
Self Portrait with His Family painting by Tobias Pock Tobias Pock 16th century O 17229 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17229
Air painting by Tobias Pock Tobias Pock 1680 O 316 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_316
Earth painting by Tobias Pock Tobias Pock 1680 O 317 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_317
Fire painting by Tobias Pock Tobias Pock 1680 O 319 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_319
Horror painting by Toyen Toyen 1937 O 11564 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11564
Shells painting by Toyen Toyen 1928 O 8621 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8621
Handshake painting by Toyen Toyen 1934 O 11563 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11563
Swamp painting by Toyen Toyen 1931 O 11368 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11368
Still Life with Fish and Red Wine painting by Toyen Toyen 1922 O 11566 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11566
Summer painting by Toyen Toyen 1931 O 11562 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11562
Three Dancing Girls painting by Toyen Toyen 1925 O 13354 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_13354
Fjords painting by Toyen Toyen 1928 O 3788 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3788
Slide painting by Toyen Toyen 1926 O 11561 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11561
Voice of the Forest painting by Toyen Toyen 1934 O 9229 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9229
Sleepy Territory painting by Toyen Toyen 1937 O 11565 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11565
Morning Encounter painting by Toyen Toyen 1937 O 9634 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9634
The Old Mill in Giverny painting by Václav Radimský Vaclav Radimsky 1899 O 826 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_826
Winter in Normandy painting by Václav Radimský Vaclav Radimsky 1902 O 5730 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5730
Fisherman painting by Vasilij Petrovič Vereščagin Vasily Vereshchagin O 10799 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10799
Thursday at Stromovka painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius 1865 O 10242 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_10242
Rubble Carriers painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius O 2696 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2696
A Fair at Hvězda, study painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius 1861 O 10245 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10245
Horse Testing in Paris painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius 1867 O 17479 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17479
Place de la Concorde in Paris, study painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius 1866 O 17480 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17480
In front of a Shop (Window) painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius 1866 O 5243 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5243
A Track at Cernay-la-Ville painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius 1865 O 4227 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4227
John the Blind in the Battle at Crécy painting by Viktor Barvitius Viktor Barvitius 1860 O 5005 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5005
Centaur and Dryad painting by Viktor Oliva Viktor Oliva O 16681 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16681
Fading Ideal painting by Viktor Oliva Viktor Oliva O 4609 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4609
The Diary of an adolescent VII. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16901 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16901
The Diary of an adolescent V. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16899 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16899
The Diary of an adolescent III. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16897 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16897
The Diary of an adolescent I. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16895 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16895
The Diary of an adolescent II. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16896 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16896
The Diary of an adolescent VIII. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16902 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16902
The Diary of an adolescent VI. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16900 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16900
The Diary of an adolescent IV. painting by Viktor Pivovarov Viktor Pivovarov 190s O 16898 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16898
Schubert's “Unfinished” painting by Viktor Stretti Viktor Stretti 1904 O 5925 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5925
Moulin Rouge at Night painting by Viktor Stretti Viktor Stretti 1899 O 13122 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13122
Tram no. 4 painting by Vincenc Beneš Vincenc Beneš 1911 O 10132 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10132
Stone Pine Forest on Rab painting by Vincenc Beneš Vincenc Beneš 1931 O 3393 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3393
Vyšehrad painting by Vincenc Beneš Vincenc Beneš 1910 O 7996 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7996
Military Funeral painting by Vincenc Beneš Vincenc Beneš 1915 O 9171 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9171
Dancer painting by Vincenc Beneš Vincenc Beneš 1912 O 14816 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14816
Susanna Bathing painting by Vincenc Beneš Vincenc Beneš 190s O 8038 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8038
Behind the Mill in Písek painting by Vincenc Beneš Vincenc Beneš 1928 O 9941 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9941
Susanna and the elders painting by Vincent Sellaer Vincent Sellaer 15th century O 2838 National Gallery Prague religious art Susanna and the Elders
Green Wheat Field with Cypress painting by Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh 1889-06 O 3208 Trade Fair Palace landscape painting CZE:NG.O_3208
Long-term work in Kladno painting by Vladimír Boudník Vladimír Boudník 1950 O 13071 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13071
Ondulating cylinder painting by Vladislav Mirvald Vladislav Mirvald 1980 O 18264 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18264
Our Forefathers painting by Vlaho Bukovac Vlaho Bukovac 1908 O 11685 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_11685
Letna in 1922 painting by Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová 1926 O 12809 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12809
Melancholy painting by Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová 190s O 12812 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12812
Kateřinky (A Nightmare) painting by Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová 1926 O 12808 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12808
Vašek Zikánů painting by Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová Vlasta Vostřebalová-Fischerová 190s O 12806 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_12806
Village with a Stream painting by Vlastimil Rada Vlastimil Rada 1927 O 16862 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16862
Shepherd painting by Vlastislav Hofman Vlastislav Hofman 1920 O 8288 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8288
Conscripts painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1888 O 1314 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_1314
Woodcutters (Flirting Manservant) painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1903 O 9734 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9734
Emptying the Ash painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1887 O 15668 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15668
Study of a Seated Male Nude painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1889 O 14406 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14406
Study for the painting From the Streets of Prague (Dustmen) painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1887 O 14398 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14398
Grazing (Rural Idyll) painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1890 O 5074 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5074
Man from Podskalí (Boatman) painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1903 O 16377 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16377
Jarov Court near Závist (Shepherdess with Goats) painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1889 O 14402 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14402
Fiddlers painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1898 O 5787 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5787
Study of a Seated Female Model painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1889 O 14403 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14403
Illustrative Teaching (Child with Toys and Little Dog) painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk O 4560 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4560
Goose Girl painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1890 O 5061 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5061
Peter Parler Received by Charles IV painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1885 O 15126 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_15126
Visiting the Studio painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk O 14399 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14399
Study of an Oriental Woman with Harp painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1890 O 14404 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14404
Party at a Table, study painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 18th century O 14396 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14396
Study of a Seated Arab painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 18th century O 14405 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14405
Grazing (Rural Idyll), study painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1890 O 14401 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14401
Sketch from the Street painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1887 O 14397 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14397
Rural Garden painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1890 O 14393 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14393
Noon, study for a painting to decorate the dining room of Bohumil Bondy painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk 1888 O 14394 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14394
Noon, study for a painting to decorate the dining room of Bohumil Bondy painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk (CZE:NG.O_14395) Vojtěch Bartoněk 1888 O 14395 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14395
From the Marketplace in Prague, study painting by Vojtěch Bartoněk Vojtěch Bartoněk O 4648 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4648
The Judgement of Paris painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1892 O 5092 National Gallery Prague mythological painting Judgement of Paris
Company in the Country painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1889 DO 2007 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_2007
Winter, Study for a painting intended for the National Theatre in Prague painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1901 O 2735 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2735
Portrait of a Lady with a Fan painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1891 O 17478 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_17478
Lady in a Pink Dress painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1880 O 5036 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_5036
Portrait of the Artist’s Mother painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1883 O 4947 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4947
Portrait of Leopold Katz painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1913 O 5038 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_5038
A View from the Paris Studio painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1891 O 2974 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2974
Portrait of Josef Hlávka painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1894 O 4625 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4625
Portrait of T. G. Masaryk painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1919 O 5501 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_5501
Mrs Hrušová with Daughters (Family Portrait) painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1890 O 4986 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4986
Portrait of Zdena Hlávková painting by Vojtěch Hynais Vojtěch Hynais 1894 O 17492 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_17492
Spiders painting by Vojtěch Preissig Vojtěch Preissig 1936 O 17428 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17428
Diana Bathing painting by Vratislav H. Brunner Vratislav Hugo Brunner 1911 O 9354 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9354
Bathing painting by Václav Bartovský Václav Bartovský 1942 O 9015 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9015
Café painting by Václav Bartovský Václav Bartovský 1947 O 11354 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11354
Parted Form painting by Václav Boštík Václav Boštík 1941 O 12319 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_12319
Structure of field painting by Václav Boštík Václav Boštík 1967 O 11694 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11694
Large grooving painting by Václav Boštík Václav Boštík 1978 O 16799 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16799
Goose Girl painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík 180s O 684 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_684
Jiří of Poděbrady Elected King of Bohemia, study painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík 1897 O 10802 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10802
Tu, Felix Austria, nube! study painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík 1897 O 4652 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4652
Portrait of a Lady with Greyhound painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík 180s O 2628 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_2628
Ballad Singer painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík 1882 O 17353 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_17353
Family Scene painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík 1886 O 14895 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14895
Julie Šamberková as Messalina painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík 1876 O 4677 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4677
Cutting Grass painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík O 10262 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10262
Portrait of Josef Václav Myslbek painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík O 4853 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_4853
Portrait of a Lady Reading painting by Václav Brožík Václav Brožík O 5771 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_5771
Man at the Table painting by Václav Hejna Václav Hejna 1938 O 11350 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11350
Desperate (In the Waiting Room of Dr. Schauer) painting by Václav Hejna Václav Hejna 190s O 11536 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11536
Waiting Room of Dr. Schauer painting by Václav Hejna Václav Hejna 1938 O 9942 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9942
Girl in a Night Café painting by Václav Hejna Václav Hejna 1937 O 9958 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9958
Portrait of a Lady painting by Václav Mánes Václav Mánes 1850 O 8019 National Gallery Prague portrait woman CZE:NG.O_8019
Autumn painting by Václav Rabas Václav Rabas 1923 O 14250 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_14250
Krušovice Fields painting by Václav Rabas Václav Rabas 1926 O 3280 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3280
Family Trip painting by Václav Rabas Václav Rabas 1922 O 9733 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9733
The last things painting by Václav Tikal Václav Tikal 1941 O 10438 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_10438
A Black Woman painting by Václav Vojtěch Novák Václav Vojtěch Novák 1926 O 8291 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8291
Prokopské údolí painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 1913 K 38996 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.K_38996
Vltava near Červená painting by Václav Špála - By the River Václav Špála 1927 O 11273 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_11273
Self-Portrait painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 1908 O 3482 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3482
Landscape in Dalmatia painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 1913 O 8599 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8599
Three Washerwomen painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 1913 O 9019 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9019
Eve with an Apple painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 190s O 7979 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7979
Bathers painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 190s O 8348 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8348
Hungarian Landscape painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 1918 O 7850 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7850
A Road on Lopud painting by Václav Špála Václav Špála 1915 O 8598 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8598
Festival of Spring painting by Vítězslav Karel Mašek Vítězslav Karel Mašek 1889 O 16479 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16479
Spring painting by Vítězslav Karel Mašek Vítězslav Karel Mašek 1888 O 16811 Trade Fair Palace nude CZE:NG.O_16811
Woman - Lizard Painting by Karel Vítězslav Mašek Vítězslav Karel Mašek 180s O 13687 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_13687
Landscape with Birches painting by Wilhelm Franz Jäger Wenzel Franz Jäger 1902 O 4035 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4035
Crystal Castle in the Sea painting by Wenzel Hablik Wenzel Hablik 1914 O 4302 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4302
Portrait of the Artist's Wife Anna Veronica, neé Hertzog painting by Wenzel Lorenz Reiner Wenzel Lorenz Reiner 1725 O 546 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_546
Self Portrait painting by Wenzel Lorenz Reiner Wenzel Lorenz Reiner 1725 O 545 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_545
Orpheus with Animals in a Landscape painting by Wenzel Lorenz Reiner Wenzel Lorenz Reiner 17th century DO 4286 Schwarzenberg Palace mythological painting CZE:NG.DO_4286
Lanscape with a Waterfall and Fishermen painting by Wenzel Lorenz Reiner Wenzel Lorenz Reiner O 18927 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18927
Birds in a Landscape with a Decoy painting by Wenzel Lorenz Reiner Wenzel Lorenz Reiner DO 4281 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.DO_4281
SS Augustine and Thomas Aquinas above the Personification of the Council of Trent painting by Wenzel Lorenz Reiner Wenzel Lorenz Reiner O 18875 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18875
Destruction of Harmful Book and Heavenly Protection of the Good Books painting by Wenzel Lorenz Reiner Wenzel Lorenz Reiner 1743 O 2608 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_2608
Pradleny u potoka painting by Wilhelm Riedel Wilhelm Riedel 1866 O 4277 National Gallery Prague
On the River painting by Wilhelm Riedel Wilhelm Riedel O 4257 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4257
Shipwreck painting by Wilhelm Riedel Wilhelm Riedel 1873 O 4256 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4256
Forum Romanum (Roman Ruins) painting by Wilhelm Riedel Wilhelm Riedel 180s O 4260 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4260
Landscape with Ruins in the Rhön Mountains (Rhön, Landscape with Ruins in Mittelgebirge) painting by Wilhelm Riedel Wilhelm Riedel 1860 O 4383 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4383
The Verdict painting by Wilhelm Thöny Wilhelm Thöny O 4362 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4362
The Annunciation fragment of a painting by Willem Drost Willem Drost 1650 O 1331 Schwarzenberg Palace
National Gallery Prague
religious art Annunciation CZE:NG.O_1331
Still Life with Glass Goblets and a Lemon painting by Willem Kalf Willem Kalf 1659 DO 4596 National Gallery Prague still life CZE:NG.DO_4596
Parable of the Talents painting by Willem de Poorter Willem de Poorter 1634 National Gallery Prague
Shepherds in Campagne painting by Willem II. van Nieulandt Willem van Nieulandt II 1617 O 9769 National Gallery Prague landscape painting CZE:NG.O_9769
Three Friends painting by Vilém-Willi Nowak Willi Nowak 19th century O 4253 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4253
Man with a Horse painting by Vilém-Willi Nowak Willi Nowak 1929 O 4397 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_4397
Factory painting by Vilém-Willi Nowak Willi Nowak 1906 O 6216 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_6216
A Quiet Valley at Roztoky painting by Zdenka Braunerová Zdenka Braunerová 1886 O 5278 Trade Fair Palace CZE:NG.O_5278
Samois after the Rain painting by Zdenka Braunerová Zdenka Braunerová 1887 O 9749 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9749
A Quiet Valley at Roztoky painting by Zdenka Braunerová (CZE:NG.O_3373) Zdenka Braunerová 180s O 3373 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3373
Untitled painting by Zdeněk Macek Zdeněk Macek O 18153 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18153
Untitled painting by Zdeněk Macek (CZE:NG.O_18722) Zdeněk Macek O 18722 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_18722
Cows painting by Zdenek Rykr Zdeněk Rykr 1936 O 16541 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16541
Windy Landscape with Railway Tracks painting by Zdenek Rykr Zdeněk Rykr 1931 O 16531 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16531
From the Countryside (Farming Tools I) painting by Zdenek Rykr Zdeněk Rykr 1936 O 16542 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16542
Windy Landscape with Houses painting by Zdenek Rykr Zdeněk Rykr 1931 O 16532 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16532
Village Scene (A Villager with a Cow) painting by Zdenek Rykr Zdeněk Rykr 1936 O 16547 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16547
Mallorcan Landscape painting by Zdenek Rykr Zdeněk Rykr 1932 O 16538 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16538
Mallorcan Landscape painting by Zdenek Rykr (CZE:NG.O_16537) Zdeněk Rykr 1932 O 16537 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16537
Lament painting by Zdenek Rykr - Composition Zdeněk Rykr 1938 O 16562 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_16562
Me in 1920 painting by Zdenka Burghauserová Zdeňka Burghauserová 1924 O 9123 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_9123
Shipwrecked painting by Zdenka Burghauserová Zdeňka Burghauserová 1923 O 7856 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_7856
Samson and Delilah (Judges 16: 4-20) - cpy after Adriaen van der Werff painting by Pieter van der Werff der Werff 17th millenium DO 4155 National Gallery Prague religious art Samson and Delilah CZE:NG.DO_4155
Portrait of Antonio Proust painting by Édouard Manet Édouard Manet 180s O 11659 National Gallery Prague portrait CZE:NG.O_11659
Expulsion from Paradise painting by Ľudovít Fulla Ľudovít Fulla 1932 O 3439 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_3439
Circus painting by Ľudovít Fulla Ľudovít Fulla 1930 O 8473 National Gallery Prague CZE:NG.O_8473

∑ 1786 items.

End of automatically generated list.