Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Creator/Bonifazio Veronese

instance of (P31) -> painting (Q3305213) & creator (P170) -> Bonifazio Veronese (Q744747)

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WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?item wdt:P170 wd:Q744747 . MINUS { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q15727816 } }
image label collection inventory number location catalog code owned by inception RKDimages ID Joconde work ID Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID (deprecated) Art UK artwork ID
God the Father over the Piazza San Marco Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.942 Gallerie dell'Accademia 1540s
The Holy Family with Sts. Francis, Anthony, Magdalene, John the Baptist and Elizabeth Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 119
MR 367
Salle des États, Louvre Louis XIV of France 1530s 000PE024760
Madonna and Child with Saints Walters Art Museum 37.579 Walters Art Museum 1540s
The Legend of the Infant Servius Tullius Metropolitan Museum of Art 32.100.78 Metropolitan Museum of Art Michael Friedsam 16th century
Madonna and Child with Saints Metropolitan Museum of Art 1995.536 Metropolitan Museum of Art 173 Harriet Loyd Lindsay 16th century
The Holy Family with Mary Magdalen, St. Francis and Donor Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco 48.4 Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
The finding of Moses: Moses brought before Pharoah's ... Art Gallery of New South Wales 1149 Art Gallery of New South Wales
Christ Addressing the People Smithsonian American Art Museum 1956.11.12 Smithsonian American Art Museum 2nd millennium
Woman Holding Two Tablets (the Cumaean Sibyl?) Museum of Fine Arts Boston 01.6215 Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Rest on the Flight into Egypt Hermitage Museum ГЭ-27 Hermitage Museum 1530
Madonna and Child with St Catherine, St John the Baptist, St Dorotea and St Anthony the Abbot Hermitage Museum ГЭ-39 Hermitage Museum 1520s
Portrait of a Young Man Hermitage Museum ГЭ-93 Hermitage Museum 16th century
Christ and the Adulteress National Museum in Warsaw M.Ob.2191
M.Ob.2191 MNW
National Museum in Warsaw 16th century
The Holy Family with Tobias and the Angel, Saint Dorothy, Giovannino, and the Miracle of the Corn beyond National Museum of Western Art P.2005-0004 National Museum of Western Art 1500s
The Madonna and Child with Saints National Gallery NG1202 National Gallery 1530 the-madonna-and-child-with-saints-james-the-greater-jerome-the-infant-baptist-and-catherine-of-alexandria-115714
The Adoration of the Shepherds Museo del Prado P000269 Museo del Prado
Royal Palace of Madrid
Ferdinand VII of Spain 1523
The Last Supper National Galleries Scotland NG 9 Scottish National Gallery 94 16th century the-last-supper-210812
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt National Galleries Scotland NGL 001.94 Scottish National Gallery
Salome with the head of John the Baptist Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_2600 Kunsthistorisches Museum 1530
Triumph der Liebe Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_1517 Kunsthistorisches Museum 16th century
Triumph der Keuschheit Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_1521 Kunsthistorisches Museum 16th century
The Two Holy Families with Saint Roch (or James), Tobias and Raphael, and a Shepherd Royal Collection RCIN 405732 Royal Collection 16th century
Christ at the well Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit
Instituut Collectie Nederland
Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands Art Collection
NK1539 Führermuseum 16th century 44089
A Female Martyr Mauritshuis 344 Mauritshuis 1545
Rest on the Flight into Egypt Art Gallery of South Australia 0.1376 Art Gallery of South Australia 1520s
Adoration of the Magi Palazzo Rosso PR0082 Palazzo Rosso
Maria mit dem Kinde, dem Johannesknaben und einem Stifter (Umkreis) Bavarian State Painting Collections 6338 Bavarian State Painting Collections 2nd millennium
Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist Slovak National Gallery O 1772 Slovak National Gallery 1520
The Trial of Moses Fitzwilliam Museum PD.40-1992 Fitzwilliam Museum the-trial-of-moses-5702
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 92 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Winter Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 1041 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Summer Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 1040 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Autumn Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 1070 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Spring Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 1069 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Madonna and Child with Saint Dorothy Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 81 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
Saints Louis of Toulouse and Andrew Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 4226 Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 16th century
The Adoration of the Kings National Trust 486220 Petworth House 16th century the-adoration-of-the-kings-219730
The Adoration of the Shepherds 55 Charles Sedelmeyer
The Holy Family surrounded by Saints Nivaagaard Museum 0006NMK Nivaagaard Museum Johannes Hage
Prince Wilhelm Malte II of Putbus
The Adoration of the Shepherds Nivaagaard Museum 0007NMK Nivaagaard Museum
The Adoration of the Magi National Gallery of Ireland NGI.1072 National Gallery of Ireland
Isaac Blessing Jacob National Gallery of Ireland NGI.1128 National Gallery of Ireland
Allegory of Dawn John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art SN70 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art 16th century
Ceres John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art SN69 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
Allegory of Night John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art SN71 John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art 16th century
Madonna with Three Saints and John Vanderbilt Museum of Art 1979.0657P
Vanderbilt Museum of Art 1530
The Adoration of the Shepherds Birmingham Museums Trust 1955P101 Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery 16th century the-adoration-of-the-shepherds-33172
The Continence of Scipio Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P26n5 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Isabella Stewart Gardner 1540s
The Story of Antiochus and Stratonica Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P26s3 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Isabella Stewart Gardner 16th century
Virgin and Child in a Landscape Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum P26w8 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Isabella Stewart Gardner 1520s
Angelica and Medoro
Holy Family in a Landscape Princeton University Art Museum y1990-68 Princeton University Art Museum 16th century
Joseph Lowered into the Well Princeton University Art Museum y1935-48 Princeton University Art Museum
Zwei Amoretten (Gegenstück zu 160) Gemäldegalerie 159 Gemäldegalerie 08101515
Drei Amorettten (Gegenstück zu 159) Gemäldegalerie 160 Gemäldegalerie 08101516
Die Heimsuchung Mariae Gemäldegalerie 164 Gemäldegalerie
Die Anbetung der Hirten Gemäldegalerie 168 Gemäldegalerie 08101518
Die Anbetung der Könige Gemäldegalerie 171 Gemäldegalerie 08101519
Die Beschneidung Christi Gemäldegalerie 172 Gemäldegalerie
Allegorie von Krieg und Frieden Gemäldegalerie 176 Gemäldegalerie 08101517
Die Ehebrecherin vor Christus Gemäldegalerie 200 Gemäldegalerie 1552 08101951
Die Astronomie / Die Architektur Gemäldegalerie 321 Gemäldegalerie 02557309
Anbetung der Hirten Gemäldegalerie I.63 Gemäldegalerie
Das Gastmahl der Dido Gemäldegalerie B.141 Gemäldegalerie 02557308
Ein junger Mann mit Laute bekränzt eine junge Frau Gemäldegalerie S.10 Gemäldegalerie 16th century
Jüngling mit Laubgewinde in den Händen und junge Frau mit Blätterkranz im Schoß Gemäldegalerie S.11 Gemäldegalerie 16th century
Portrait of a Lady Führermuseum
Munich Central Collecting Point
Munich Central Collecting Point
Der Besuch der Königin von Saba bei König Salomo Gallerie dell'Accademia 936 Gallerie dell'Accademia 1550s
The Holy Family with the Young John the Baptist and Saint Catherine of Alexandria Dundee Art Galleries and Museums 15-1945 16th century the-holy-family-with-the-young-john-the-baptist-and-saint-catherine-of-alexandria-92186
Gemini 16th century gemini-48224
Virgo 16th century virgo-48221
Leo 16th century leo-48222
Aquarius 16th century aquarius-48226
Pisces 16th century pisces-48227
Libra 16th century libra-48225
Taurus 16th century taurus-48223
Aries 16th century aries-48220
The Holy Family, with Saint Catherine, the Infant Saint John, and Saint Mark Christ Church JBS 85 Christ Church the-holy-family-with-saint-catherine-the-infant-saint-john-and-saint-mark-229283
The Virgin and Child Christ Church JBS 86 Christ Church the-virgin-and-child-230825
Judith with the Head of Holofernes Ascott House 1535141 Ascott House judith-with-the-head-of-holofernes-216781
Abraham Refrained from Sacrificing Isaac Ascott House 1535141 Ascott House abraham-refrained-from-sacrificing-isaac-216782
The Judgement of Solomon Ashmolean Museum WA1958.57.1 Ashmolean Museum the-judgement-of-solomon-141715
The Trial of Moses Ashmolean Museum WA1946.270 Ashmolean Museum the-trial-of-moses-141714
Moses brought before Pharaoh's Daughter Ashmolean Museum WA1936.170 Ashmolean Museum moses-brought-before-pharaohs-daughter-141713
Virgin and Child with Saints Elizabeth, John the Baptist, Margaret, Anthony Abbot and Jerome Walker Art Gallery WAG 2762 Walker Art Gallery virgin-and-child-with-saints-elizabeth-john-the-baptist-margaret-anthony-abbot-and-jerome-97690
Adoration of the Magi Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.295
L'Annonciation - Bonifacio De' Pitati Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.917
Die Verkündigung des Herrn (Engel) Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.943
The Redeemer and the apostles Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.309 1528
Judgment of Solomon Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.295 1533
The massacre of the innocents Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.319 16th century
Madonna with Child and Saint John the Baptist, between Saints Omobono and Barbara Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.1305 Gallerie dell'Accademia 1533
St. Mark presents his standard to Venice Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.1289 1530s
Holy family in a landscape with saints Grand ducal collection, Oldenburg Augusteum
Frederik Muller & Co
Peter II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg
Frederick Augustus II, Grand Duke of Oldenburg
Rest on the Flight into Egypt Wawel Castle 7964 16th century
Jesus in the House of Simon the Pharisean, by Bonifacio de' Pitati Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium 280 Old Masters Museum 16th century
The rich man and Lazarus Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.291 1540
End of automatically generated list.