Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Made from material missing paint

This is an overview of paintings that do have made from material (made from material (P186)) but are missing a made from material (P186) statement set to a type of paint (Q174219). You can help by adding the missing type of paint which is likely one of: oil paint (Q296955), tempera (Q175166), acrylic paint (Q207849) gouache paint (Q204330), watercolor paint (Q22915256). If the specific type of painting is unknown in all sources, you can use paint (Q174219). See also the made from material documentation, the top materials and made from material missing painting surface.

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item WHERE { ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213; wdt:P186 ?madestatement . FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P186/wdt:P279* wd:Q174219 } . # paint FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P186 wd:Q189085 } . # pastel FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?item wdt:P186/wdt:P279 wd:Q127418 } . # ink } LIMIT 800
image label description made from material creator inception collection inventory number described at URL
Paradiesgärtlein painting by the Upper Rhenish Master oak panel
mixed technique
Upper Rhenish Master 140s Städel Museum HM 54
Lucca Madonna painting by Jan van Eyck oak panel
mixed technique
Jan van Eyck 1437 Städel Museum 944
Donggwoldo Korean painting ink
No/unknown value 180s Korea University
Dong-A University
Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains historically significant Chinese landscape painting by Huang Gongwang (1269-1354) paper Huang Gongwang 1348 National Palace Museum
Zhejiang Provincial Museum
Saturn Devouring His Son painting by Francisco de Goya mixed technique
Francisco Goya 180s Museo del Prado P000763
Herrenberg Altarpiece altarpiece by Jerg Ratgeb at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, Germany color
mixed technique
fir panel
Jerg Ratgeb 1519 Staatsgalerie Stuttgart 1523 a-e
The Ancient of Days painting and series of works by William Blake ink
William Blake 1794 British Museum
Glasgow University Library
Library of Congress
Houghton Library
Fitzwilliam Museum
Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni portrait by Domenico Ghirlandaio, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza mixed media
Domenico Ghirlandaio 140s Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum 158 (1935.6)
Grave pinakes by Exekias black-figure style series of grave pinakes by the ancient Attic-Greek vase-painter Exekias ceramic Exekias -06th century Antikensammlung Berlin
National Archaeological Museum of Athens
F 1811
F 1812
F 1813
F 1814
F 1815
F 1816
F 1817
F 1818
F 1819
F 1820
F 1821
F 1822
F 1823
F 1824
F 1825
F 1826
Eight Elvises painting by Andy Warhol screen print
Andy Warhol 1963 No/unknown value
Altar frontal from La Seu d'Urgell or of The Apostles Romanesque painting Unai Simón
Ernesto Valverde
No/unknown value 1125 Athletic Club 015803-000
The Massacre of the Triumvirs painting by the School of Fontainebleau, attributed to Nicolò dell'Abbate canvas Niccolò dell'Abbate 1562 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Musée départemental de l'Oise
INV 45.6
RF 1945 12
The prophet David painting by Pietro Perugino wood Pietro Perugino
No/unknown value
15th century Nantes Museum of Arts
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
INV 117
Prophet Isaiah painting by Pietro Perugino wood No/unknown value 15th century Nantes Museum of Arts
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
INV 118
The Tennis Court Oath Unfinished painting by Jacques Louis David canvas
Jacques-Louis David 1791 Rubens Room in the Louvre MV 5841
Medici Madonna painting by Rogier van der Weyden mixed technique
Rogier van der Weyden 1460 Städel Museum 850
Nymphs and satyrs in a landscape painting by Cornelis Van Poelenburgh oil on copper Cornelius van Poelenburgh 1601 Musée des Augustins 71 2 14
Turin Satirical-Erotic Papyrus ancient Egyptian papyrus scroll-painting papyrus
-20th millenium Museo Egizio C. 2031
Saint Herculanus and Saint James the Great painting by Pietro Perugino wood Pietro Perugino 14th century Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
A 67
Crucifix (Cross No. 20) painting by Byzantine Master of the Crucifix of Pisa parchment
Byzantine Master of the Crucifix of Pisa 1210 National Museum of San Matteo
Desco da parto painting by Masaccio poplar panel Masaccio 15th century Gemäldegalerie 58C
Job painting by Fra Bartolomeo color
Fra Bartolomeo 1514 Galleria dell'Accademia
Hōryū-ji Kondō Hekiga cinnabar
red ocher
lead(II,IV) oxide
lead(II) oxide
06th century
Portrait of Filippino Lippi (?) painting by Tuscan school ceramic Filippino Lippi
No/unknown value
1485 Uffizi Gallery 1711
The Third-Class Carriage painting by Honoré Daumier in the National Gallery of Canada wood
Honoré Daumier 180s National Gallery of Canada 4633
Virgin of the Angels painting by Pere Serra panel Pere Serra 1385 Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya 003950-000
Fulfillment painting by Gustav Klimt cardboard Gustav Klimt 190s MAK - Museum of Applied Arts MAL 226-8
Polimnia painting by Francesco del Cossa poplar panel
No/unknown value 1460 Gemäldegalerie 115A
Adoration of the Magi painting by Paolo Uccello panel Paolo Uccello 1433 Museo diocesano di Santo Stefano al Ponte
Leda and the Swan painting after Leonardo da Vinci in Rome, probably by Cesare da Sesto wood Cesare da Sesto 1510 Galleria Borghese
Borghese Collection
Madonna of the Belt painting by Filippo Lippi color
Filippo Lippi 1456 Palazzo Pretorio Museum
Madonna della Madia painting by anonymous wood No/unknown value
Marriage of St. Catherine painting by Filippino Lippi panel Filippino Lippi 1503 Basilica of San Domenico
Messale di Barbara di Brandeburgo painting by Belbello da Pavia parchment Belbello da Pavia 1442 Museo diocesano Francesco Gonzaga
Pala Magrini painting by Filippino Lippi wood Filippino Lippi 1483 San Michele in Foro
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena painting by Fra Bartolomeo in the Palazzo Pitti, Florence panel Fra Bartolomeo 1512 Galleria Palatina
Grand Council Altarpiece painting by Fra Bartolomeo color
Fra Bartolomeo 1510 Museum of San Marco
Sant'Onofrio Altarpiece painting by Luca Signorelli panel Luca Signorelli 1484 Museo dell'Opera del Duomo
Procession in St. Mark's Square painting by Gentile Bellini canvas Gentile Bellini 140s Gallerie dell'Accademia 567
Portrait of the Nuremberg Painter Michael Wolgemut painting by Albrecht Dürer art of painting
lime panel
Albrecht Dürer 1516 Germanisches Nationalmuseum
Bavarian State Painting Collections
Portrait of Filippo Francesco d'Este, Marchese di Lanzo with his Dog painting by Anthony van Dyck color
Anthony van Dyck 1631 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_484
Portrait of a Young Woman with a (Red) Beret painting by Albrecht Dürer vellum
Albrecht Dürer 1507 Gemäldegalerie 557I
Portrait of an Old Man painting by Filippino Lippi ceramic Filippino Lippi 1485 Uffizi Gallery 00285576
Portrait of a young Venetian woman painting by Albrecht Dürer poplar wood Albrecht Dürer 1506 Gemäldegalerie 557G
Sacra Famiglia painting by Giuseppe Rapisardi color
Giuseppe Rapisardi 1841 Santissimo Crocifisso (Santa Maria di Licodia)
Christ the Redeemer painting by Andrea del Sarto wood Andrea del Sarto 1525 Santissima Annunziata
Saint Bernardino of Siena Between Two Angels painting by Andrea Mantegna mixed media
Andrea Mantegna 1469 Pinacoteca di Brera 188
Saint Jerome and a Donor painting by Piero della Francesca color
Piero della Francesca 1440 Gallerie dell'Accademia Cat.569
Samson and Delilah painting by Andrea Mantegna glue-size
Andrea Mantegna 1495 National Gallery NG1145
Madonna della Febbre painting by Donatello marble Donatello 1432 St. Peter's Basilica
Tersicore painting by Angelo Maccagnino panel Angelo Maccagnino 1460 Museo Poldi Pezzoli
Head of Christ painting by Leonardo da Vinci sanguine Leonardo da Vinci 1494 Pinacoteca di Brera
Man Holding a Book painting by Parmigianino poplar panel Parmigianino 1529 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_329
Zodiac calendar by Alphonse Mucha lithograph Alphonse Mucha 1896
Bunian Tu painting by Yan Liben silk Yan Liben 07th century The Palace Museum 新00119106
Madonna of the Catholic Monarchs painting by anonymous mixed technique
No/unknown value 140s Museo del Prado
Museo de la Trinidad
Rêveur poster by Mucha lithograph Alphonse Mucha 1897 No/unknown value
Autumn. Village road painting by Isaac Levitan canvas Isaac Levitan 1877 Tretyakov Gallery
The Dream of Saint Joseph painting by Daniele Crespi canvas Daniele Crespi 1620 Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_271
Fez painting by Frank Stella alkyd
Frank Stella 1964 Buffalo AKG Art Museum K1964:38
Cristo del Mármol canvas No/unknown value 16th century
La Négresse painting by Henri Matisse paper
Henri Matisse 1952 National Gallery of Art 1973.6.1
Lais of Corinth painting by Hans Holbein mixed media
lime panel
Hans Holbein the Younger 1526 Kunstmuseum Basel 322
Soldier! Soldier! painting by Moshe Gershuni mixed media
Moshe Gershuni 1981 The Phoenix Insurance Company
Sing Soldier 1981 painting by Moshe Gershuni mixed media
Moshe Gershuni 1981
Simchat Torah Flag An ornamental flag for children at Simchat Torah paper
Herkules and Omphale painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder in the Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum beech wood Lucas Cranach the Elder 1537 Herzog Anton Ulrich Museum GG25
Wise and Benevolent Women painting by Gu Kaizhi silk Gu Kaizhi 03th century The Palace Museum 新00147328
The Night Revels of Han Xizai painting by Gu Hongzhong silk Gu Hongzhong 090s The Palace Museum 新00147326
갑신십동년도 silk 1503 The Palace Museum 新00200389
Portrait of Yutog Yontan Gonpo painting by anonymous artist pigment
No/unknown value 17th century Rubin Museum of Art C2006.66.176
silk painting depicting a man riding a dragon silk painting silk No/unknown value -03th millenium Hunan Museum
Portrait of Winston Churchill painting by Graham Sutherland canvas Graham Sutherland 1954 No/unknown value
The Descent From The Cross painting by David Folley mixed media
David Folley 1996 No/unknown value
Virgin and Child with Saints Barbara and Catherine painting by Quentin Matsys glue tempera painting
Quinten Metsys 15th century National Gallery NG3664
Walking on a Mountain Path in Spring painting by Ma Yuan silk Ma Yuan 1190 National Palace Museum 故畫001289N000000013
Wolfeboro I painting by Frank Stella alkyd
epoxy resins
Frank Stella 1966 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art 78.54
Saint Vincent Panels, fourth panel painting by Nuno Gonçalves panel Nuno Gonçalves 1450
14th century
National Museum of Ancient Art
Saint Vincent Panels, fifth panel painting by Nuno Gonçalves panel Nuno Gonçalves 1450
14th century
National Museum of Ancient Art 1365 Pint
Saint Vincent Panels, second panel painting by Nuno Gonçalves panel Nuno Gonçalves 1450
14th century
National Museum of Ancient Art 1366 Pint
Playing Go under Double Screens painting by Zhou Wenju silk Zhou Wenju 09th century The Palace Museum 新00146475
Standing Screen painting by Nguyễn Gia Trí lacquer Nguyễn Gia Trí 1939 Vietnam National Museum of Fine Arts
The Mahasattva of Truc Lam Coming out from the Mountains painting by anonymous silk No/unknown value 1363 Liaoning Provincial Museum
Yituanheqi gongbi picture by Chenghua Emperor. paper Chenghua Emperor 14th century The Palace Museum 故00005022
Five Oxen Chinese painting paper
Han Huang The Palace Museum 新00087179
Mt. K'uang-lu painting by Jing Hao silk Jing Hao 0900 National Palace Museum
Emperor Xuanzong at Leisure silk The Palace Museum 故00006247
松島図屏風 painting by Tawaraya Sōtatsu folding screen Tawara Sōtatsu
Ogata Kōrin
16th century Freer Gallery of Art
Pine Trees couple of folding screens by Hasegawa Tōhaku wood
Hasegawa Tōhaku 16th century
Tokyo National Museum A10471
薬師寺吉祥天像 hemp textile 07th century Yakushi-ji
Yellow Fudō silk 08th century
Adoration of the Child Jesus painting by Stefan Lochner wood Stefan Lochner 1445 Bavarian State Painting Collections 13169
La chica del anillo painting by Ramon Martí Alsina drawing board Ramon Martí Alsina 1894 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 143
Bargello diptych left scene: Adoration of the Magi, right scene: Crucifixion of Christ panel 130s Bargello National Museum
Retrato de Andrés Quintana Roo painting by Pelegrí Clavé canvas Pelegrí Clavé 1851 Museo Nacional de San Carlos
Study for Index: The Studio at 3 Wesley Place painting by Art & Language paper
Art & Language 1982 Philippe Méaille Collection
Oratory watercolor by Taras Shevchenko sepia Taras Shevchenko 18th century
Matka Boża Staszkowska panel
Adoration of the Magi painting by Geertgen tot Sint Jans color
Geertgen tot Sint Jans 14th century National Gallery Prague HS 263
DO 31
Jesus Supports Saint Peter on the Water painting by Lluís Borrassà panel Lluís Borrassà 1411
Figura (Vayreda) painting by Joaquim Vayreda drawing board Joaquim Vayreda i Vila 1894 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1675
Interior de l'església de Sant Sebastià painting by Marià Fortuny drawing board Marià Fortuny Marsal 1867 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1661
Paisatge (Galwey) painting by Enrique Galwey drawing board Enric Galwey 19th century Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1692
Landscape painting by Baldomero Giménez drawing board Baldomero Galofre Jiménez 1871 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1645
Paisatge (Josep Berga) painting by Josep Berga i Boix cardboard Josep Berga i Boix 1902 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1632
Landscape painting by Ramon Martí Alsina cardboard Ramon Martí Alsina 1894 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1665
Paisatge painting by Joaquim Vayreda drawing board Joaquim Vayreda i Vila 1894 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1677
Paisatge (Rigalt) painting by Lluís Rigalt cardboard Lluís Rigalt 1894 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1657
Paisatge rural amb figures painting by Ramon Martí Alsina drawing board Ramon Martí Alsina 1894 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1650
Paisatge rural (Joaquim de Cabanyes) painting by Joaquim de Cabanyes i Ballester metal Joaquim de Cabanyes i Ballester 1847 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 8834
Washers painting by Joan Roig i Soler drawing board Joan Roig Soler 1885 Biblioteca Museu Víctor Balaguer 1682
Äneas, die Sibylle und Charon painting by Giuseppe Maria Crespi, gen. Lo Spagnuolo color
Giuseppe Maria Crespi 17th millenium Kunsthistorisches Museum GG_306
In V'unisch drawing by Taras Shevchenko sepia Taras Shevchenko 18th century
Agripas Street painting by Arie Aroch mixed media
Arie Aroch 1964 Israel Museum 202295
Salvation of demon Trinavarta painting by anonymous paper No/unknown value National Museum 49.19/29
Campus Panni Aurei (tabulae saeculi XVI) painting by Jakob Kate print 1775
Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore painting by Hans Holbein the Elder fir panel Hans Holbein the Elder 1499 Bavarian State Painting Collections 5335
Basilica San Pietro painting by Hans Burgkmair the Elder spruce Hans Burgkmair the Elder 1501 Bavarian State Painting Collections 5341
Basilicas San Lorenzo and San Sebastiano painting by a master L. F. spruce Master L. F. 1502 Bavarian State Painting Collections 5342
Basilica San Giovanni in Laterano painting by Hans Burgkmair the Elder fir panel Hans Burgkmair the Elder 1502 Bavarian State Painting Collections 5346
Basilica San Paolo fuori le mura painting by Hans Holbein the Elder wood Hans Holbein the Elder 1504 Bavarian State Painting Collections 5332
Basilica Santa Croce painting by Hans Burgkmair the Elder spruce Hans Burgkmair the Elder 1504 Bavarian State Painting Collections 5338
Painting of Lady Tjepu painting by anonymous painter limestone
clay earth pigment
No/unknown value 1390 Brooklyn Museum 65.197
Merrymaking Under the Cherry Blossoms painting by Kano Naganobu color
Kanō Naganobu 16th century Tokyo National Museum A-11530
Epang Palace painting by Yuan Jiang silk Yuan Jiang The Palace Museum 新00069011
Pure and Remote View of Streams and Mountains Chinese ink wash painting paper Xia Gui National Palace Museum
Travelers Among Mountains and Streams painting by Fan Kuan silk
Fan Kuan 1000 National Palace Museum 故畫000826
转战陕北 painting by Shi Lu ink Shi Lu 1959
The Vow of Louis XIII painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres canvas
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1824 Montauban Cathedral D.2013.1.1
Liuwang Tu 1943 painting by Jiang Zhaohe ink Jiang Zhaohe 1943 National Art Museum of China
Wind in Pines Among a Myriad Valleys painting by Li Tang silk
Li Tang 1124 National Palace Museum 故畫000896
Le Parement de Narbonne painting by Master of the Parement ink
Master of the Parement 1375 Department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre MI 1121
Holy Family painting by Domenico Beccafumi panel Domenico Beccafumi 1521 Bavarian State Painting Collections 1073
The Martyrdom of Saint Symphorian painting by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres canvas Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1834 Autun Cathedral
La Dormeuse de Naples painting by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres canvas Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres 1809 No/unknown value
서울 보문사 신중도 silk Eungseok Bomunsa
The Dead Christ Supported by an Angel painting by Antonello da Messina mixed technique
Antonello da Messina 140s Museo del Prado P003092
Kissing the Relic painting by Joaquín Sorolla canvas Joaquín Sorolla 1893 Bilbao Fine Arts Museum 69/228
Rudolf IV of Habsburg painting by anonymous parchment
No/unknown value 130s Dom Museum Wien L-II
Triptyque de Moulins painting by Jean Hey wood Jean Hey 140s Moulins Cathedral
The Crucifixion painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder at the Alte Pinakothek fir wood Lucas Cranach the Elder 1503 Alte Pinakothek, upper floor, gallery II 1416
Landscape with Cows and Camel painting by August Macke color
August Macke 1914 Kunsthaus Zürich
Dwelling in the Fu-chun Mountains painting by Huang Gongwang twill weave
Huang Gongwang 1338
National Palace Museum
The Remaining Mountain largest fragment of Huang Gongwang's scroll "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" ink
Huang Gongwang 13th century Zhejiang Provincial Museum
The Tree of Life painting by Gustav Klimt cardboard Gustav Klimt 1909 MAK - Museum of Applied Arts
荷花圖 painting by Zhang Daqian ink Chang Ta-chien
Portrait of Namjar silk, ink and colour painting, painters unknown ink
silk fabric
No/unknown value 1760 Royal Ontario Museum 925X84.4
Caesar Giving Cleopatra the Throne of Egypt painting by Pietro da Cortona canvas Pietro da Cortona 1637
16th century
Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon
Department of Paintings of the Louvre
A 53
Nagauta song Two handscrolls by Kano Sansetsu highlighted in the Chester Beatty Library collection silk
gold leaf
Kanō Sansetsu 160s Chester Beatty Library J 1158
Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia, and Holy Roman Empress painting by Jean-Etienne Liotard vitreous enamel
Jean-Étienne Liotard 1747 Rijksmuseum SK-A-239
Sibylle painting by Loch. Phaff ivory Johannes Emilius Phaff 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-649
Christus als man van smarten painting by Loch. Phaff ivory Johannes Emilius Phaff 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-650
Episode from the Four Days Battle at Sea, 11-14 June 1666, in the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-67) painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas Willem van de Velde the Elder 1668 Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SB 5823
Wapenkaart met de wapens van de zes kinderen van Jan van de Poll en Margaretha Rendorp en die van hun echtgenoten; en hun kwartierstaat met acht kwartieren painting by Gerrit de (Jr.) Broen parchment
Gerrit de Broen 1738 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1276
Portrait of a Man in 17th-century Clothing anonymous painting verre églomisé No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1332
Portrait of a Woman in 17th-century Clothing anonymous painting verre églomisé No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1333
Portret van een man in zeventiende-eeuwse kleding anonymous painting verre églomisé No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1334
Portrait of a Woman in 18th-century Clothing anonymous painting verre églomisé No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1335
The Battle of Dunkirk painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas
Willem van de Velde the Elder 1659 Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
The Battle of the Downs painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas Willem van de Velde the Elder 1659 Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
The Batlle of Livorno, 14 March 1653: episode from the First Anglo-Dutch War (1652-54) painting by Willem van de (I) Velde ink
Willem van de Velde the Elder 1654 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1364
The Battle of Terheide painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas Willem van de Velde the Elder 1657 Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Ships near a Harbor painting by Experiens Sillemans ink
Experiens Sillemans 1649 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1366
The unsuccessful English attack against the returning Dutch fleet in the harbor of Bergen, Norway, 12 August 1665: episode from the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-67) painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas Willem van de Velde the Elder 1669 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1384
The prince's yacht and the state yacht, presumably awaiting the arrival of Charles II of England near Moersdijk, 1660 painting by Willem van de (I) Velde ink
Willem van de Velde the Elder 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1385
Episode from the Battle of the Sound between the Dutch and Swedish fleets, 8 November 1658 painting by Willem van de (I) Velde ink
Willem van de Velde the Elder 1658 Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SB 5822
Seascape with Dutch men-of-war painting by Willem van de (I) Velde ink
Willem van de Velde the Elder 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1390
Portrait de Guillaume III (roi des Pays-Bas) painting by Pieter de Josselin de Jong earthenware Pieter de Josselin de Jong 1887 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1420
The shipyard of the Amsterdam admiralty painting by Ludolf Bakhuysen, Rijksmuseum ink
Ludolf Bakhuizen 16th century Rijksmuseum
Amsterdam Museum
SB 6405
Episode from the Battle of the Sound between the Dutch and Swedish fleets, 8 November 1658 painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas Willem van de Velde the Elder 1660 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1467
Departure of Spanish Occupation Troops from Breda, October 10, 1637 painting by Hendrick de Meijer wood Hendrick de Meijer 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1511
The prince's yacht and the sate yacht leaving Moerdijk with Charles II of England on board, 1660 painting by Willem van de (I) Velde ink
Willem van de Velde the Elder 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-1589
Portrait of Michiel Adriaansz. de Ruyter painting by Bernard Vaillant paper Bernard Vaillant 1695 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1659
Portrait of Willem II van Oranje- Nassau (1792-1849) painting by Louis Henri de Fontenay ivory Louis Henri de Fontenay 1840 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1959
Portrait of Jean Casimir de Brunet ( -1861) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1850 Rijksmuseum SK-A-1962
Portrait of Laurens de Witte van Citters (1781-1862) anonymous painting chalk
No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2082
Portret van een man anonymous painting silver No/unknown value 1655 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2085
Self-portrait painting by Hermanus Fock ivory Harmanus Fock 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-2120
the Diederichs family painting by Willem Grebner ivory Willem Grebner 1836 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2173
George Frederik Diederichs (1799–1862). Bookhandler of Amsterdam painting by Willem Grebner ivory Willem Grebner 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-2174
Portrait of Georg Albrecht Diederichs (1751-1816) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1810 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2175
Portrait of Maria Elisabeth Schreiber (1765-1822) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1810 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2176
Portrait of an unknown man anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 1775 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2177
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 1775 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2178
Vanitas Still Life with Books anonymous painting wood No/unknown value 1633 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2258
Self-portrait painting by Herman Wolters ivory Herman Wolters 1717 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2407
Portrait of Henrietta van Pee (1692-1741) painting by Herman Wolters ivory Herman Wolters 1719 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2408
Herman Wolters (1682-1756). husband of the painter painting by Henriëtte Wolters-van Pee ivory Henriette Wolters-van Pee 1726 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2409
Self-portrait painting by Henriëtte Wolters-van Pee ivory Henriette Wolters-van Pee 1732 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2410
View in the woods painting by Jan van der Heyden verre églomisé Jan van der Heyden 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-2511
Portret van prins Willem van Oranje, oudste zoon van koning Willem III painting by Nicolaas Pieneman paper Nicolaas Pieneman 1847-06-19 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2537
View of Hattem painting by Jan (1857-1941) Voerman paper Jan Voerman 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-2585
Roses in a glass bowl painting by Jan (1857-1941) Voerman paper Jan Voerman Rijksmuseum SK-A-2586
Maaiers painting by Jozef Israëls paper Jozef Israëls 15th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-2611
Portrait of the art collector Ferdinand Hart Nibbrig painting by Johan Henri Gustaaf Cohen Gosschalk paper Johan Cohen Gosschalk 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-2621
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2631
Portret van een man anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2632
Portrait of a woman anonymous 1805 painting ivory No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2633
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2634
Portrait of a Surinamese Girl anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1810 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2635
Portret van een jonge vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2636
Portraits of Surinamese girls anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2637
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-2638
Portret van een vrouw painting by Richard Collins ivory Richard Collins 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-2639
Portraits of Surinamese girls anonymous painting (Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, SK-A-2461) ivory No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2641
Portret van een man anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2642
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2643
Portret van een oude dame anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1810 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2644
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2645
Broche met silhouetportret van een vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2646
Portret van een man anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2647
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1805 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2648
Portrait of Catharina Theresia Weber ( -1847) painting possibly by Hendrik van Overklift ivory No/unknown value 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-2673
Herderin painting by Jean François Millet paper Francisque Millet Rijksmuseum SK-A-2712
Delden, weg in het bos painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel paper Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2743
Schetsen painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel paper Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2744
Schetsen painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel paper Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2745
Omstreken van Hilversum painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel paper Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2746
Portefeuille met standaard met tekeningen painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel paper Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2747
Afhangende tak met witte rozen painting by Margaretha Roosenboom paper Margaretha Roosenboom Rijksmuseum SK-A-2748
Hilversum, donkere heide painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel chalk Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2750
Schetsen painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel chalk Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2751
Doorwerth, landschap met bomen painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel pencil Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2758
Lauterbrunnenthal, huis in de bergen painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel pencil Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2761
Wintergezicht painting by Johannes Gijsbert Vogel paper Johannes Gijsbert Vogel Rijksmuseum SK-A-2763
Portret van een Indische prins anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-2809
Jacob, Willem en Matthijs Maris painting by Willem Maris paper Willem Maris Rijksmuseum SK-A-2811
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1700 Rijksmuseum SK-A-2812
Portrait of Wilhelmina van Pruisen (1751-1820) painting by Johannes (I) Hari ivory Johannes Hari 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-2817
Aan de plassen painting by Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch paper Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch Rijksmuseum SK-A-2944
Bridge over a canal in Venice painting by Willem Witsen pencil
Willem Witsen 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-2947
View of Dinant painting by Geo Poggenbeek canvas Geo Poggenbeek 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-2998
Les voeux du Paon anonymous painting pencil
No/unknown value Rijksmuseum SK-A-3042
Livre d'heures à l'usage de Paris anonymous painting pencil
Meister der Münchner Legenda Aurea
Talbot Master
Rijksmuseum SK-A-3043
Portret van een man painting by Adrianus de Visser copper Adrianus de Visser 1795 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3058
Portrait of Suzanna de Roth (1789-1822) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1820 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3063
Pieter de Riemer (1769-1831). Professor in de ontleed- en verloskunde, consulent chirurgijn van koning Willem I painting by Johannes (I) Hari ivory Johannes Hari 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3102
Ships after a battle painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas Willem van de Velde the Elder 1653 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3117
Turks leger voor Jeruzalem painting by Marius Bauer paper Marius Bauer 19th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3150
Op de uitkijk painting by Jozef Israëls paper Jozef Israëls Rijksmuseum SK-A-3172
Vrouw met wieg painting by Albert Neuhuys paper Albert Neuhuys Rijksmuseum SK-A-3187
Oude huizen aan het water painting by Willem Witsen paper Willem Witsen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3193
Gezicht op Caïro painting by Marius Bauer paper Marius Bauer Rijksmuseum SK-A-3197
Huizen bij een kerk painting by Gerrit Haverkamp paper Gerrit Haverkamp Rijksmuseum SK-A-3200
De zaaier painting by Matthijs Maris paper Matthijs Maris Rijksmuseum SK-A-3202
Portrait of the Maris brothers painting by Willem Maris paper Willem Maris Rijksmuseum SK-A-3203
Studienköpfe painting by Adolf Friedrich Erdmann Menzel paper Adolph von Menzel Rijksmuseum SK-A-3204
Thames Embankment painting by Willem Witsen paper Willem Witsen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3206
Wachtende cabs painting by Willem Witsen paper Willem Witsen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3207
Oude huizen in de sneeuw painting by Willem Witsen paper Willem Witsen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3208
Poort in Dordrecht painting by Willem Witsen paper Willem Witsen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3209
Aardappelrooister painting by Willem Witsen paper Willem Witsen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3210
10 Etsen painting by Willem Witsen paper Willem Witsen Rijksmuseum SK-A-3211
Spiegel in gesneden Louis XV lijst anonymous painting mirror No/unknown value Rijksmuseum SK-A-3234
The judgement of Paris painting by Meester van de Vrouwelijke Halffiguren wood Master of the Female Half-Lengths 1532 Rijksmuseum
Willem Jacob Verkouteren (1779-1861), in het uniform van de Garde d'Honneur van Delft painting by Leonardus Temminck ivory Leonardus Temminck 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3272
View of a town painting by Matthijs Maris paper Matthijs Maris 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-3275
De zanderij painting by Willem de Zwart paper Willem de Zwart 19th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3369
De veemarkt painting by Willem de Zwart paper Willem de Zwart 19th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3370
Wachtend rijtuig in een park painting by Willem de Zwart paper Willem de Zwart 19th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3371
Winterlandschap painting by Willem de Zwart paper Willem de Zwart 19th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3372
Virgin and Child painting by Pordenone canvas No/unknown value 15th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3414
Krijgslieden voor een Oosterse stad painting by Marius Bauer paper Marius Bauer 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3624
Slave trader painting by Marius Bauer paper Marius Bauer 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3625
Gezicht in de kathedraal te Sevilla painting by Marius Bauer paper Marius Bauer 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3626
Binnenplaats van een burcht te Caïro painting by Marius Bauer paper Marius Bauer Rijksmuseum SK-A-3628
Duinlandschap painting by Théophile de Bock paper Théophile de Bock 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3634
Stadspleintje painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3638
Interieur van een boerendeel bij Hilversum painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3639
Gezicht op het oxaal van de Sint-Janskathedraal te 's-Hertogenbosch painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom 1851 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3643
Interieur van de kerk te Hattem painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom 1851 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3644
Interieur van de kerk te Oosthuizen painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom Rijksmuseum SK-A-3647
Trapportaal painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3649
Binnenplaats van het Heilige Geesthofje aan de Palviljoensgracht in Den Haag painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3651
Southern aisle of the Great Church at The Hague painting by Johannes Bosboom paper Johannes Bosboom 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3653
Interior of Saint Bavo Church in Haarlem painting by Johannes Bosboom paper
Johannes Bosboom 1851 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3654
Water pond with reeds, with a farm in the background painting by Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël paper Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël Rijksmuseum SK-A-3661
The Pawn Shop (Mountain of Mercy) painting by Matthijs Maris pencil
Matthijs Maris 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3687
Bosquet drawing by Anton Mauve paper
Anton Mauve 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3698
Homme avec un attelage de bœufs painting by Constant Troyon paper Constant Troyon Rijksmuseum SK-A-3715
Jacobus Hendrikus Maris (1837-99), schilder painting by Jan Veth paper Jan Veth Rijksmuseum SK-A-3716
Gezicht op een binnenplaats vanuit het atelier van de kunstenaar in de Kazernestraat te Den Haag painting by Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch paper Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch Rijksmuseum SK-A-3718
Gezicht op een kade painting by Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch paper Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch Rijksmuseum SK-A-3719
Gezicht op een binnenplaats vanuit het atelier van de kunstenaar in de Kazernestraat te Den Haag painting by Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch paper Johan Hendrik Weissenbruch Rijksmuseum SK-A-3720
Jozef Israels in seinem Atelier drawing by Isaac Israels,Rijksmuseum paper Isaac Israëls Rijksmuseum SK-A-3728
Self-portrait with injured foot painting by Jozef Israëls paper Jozef Israëls 1898 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3733
Arent van der Waeyen painting by Jean Baptiste Perroneau canvas Jean-Baptiste Perronneau 1763 Rijksmuseum SK-A-3747
Portrait of Gerrit Jan van Houten (1774- ) painting by Joseph Boze ivory Joseph Boze 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3869
Maria Cornelia Pull (~1809) painting by Joseph Boze ivory Joseph Boze 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3870
Portrait of Maria Cornelia Pull ( -1809) painting by Joseph Boze ivory Joseph Boze 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-3871
Portrait of a Woman miniature attributed to Jacob Christof Le Blon (Rijksmuseum SK-A-3873) ivory Jacob Christoph Le Blon 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3873
Portrait of a Woman miniature attributed Jacob Christof Le Blon (Rijksmuseum SK-A-3874) ivory Jacob Christoph Le Blon 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-3874
Virgin and Child painting by Lorenzo Monaco canvas Lorenzo Monaco 13th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4005
Frederik Adrian (1804-74), graaf van Limburg Stirum of Thomas Henry (1804-42), graaf van Limburg Stirum painting by Johannes (I) Hari ivory Johannes Hari 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4030
Portrait of Christoffel Bernhard Julius von Schwartz (1676-1754), heer van Ansen en Glinthuis painting by Rosalba Giovanni Carriera, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam ivory Rosalba Carriera 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4032
Portrait of Roedolph van Olden (1752-1828) painting by Leonardus Temminck ivory Leonardus Temminck 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4072
Frederica Carolina van Brandenburg (1735-91). Dochter van hertog Franz Josias van Saksen Coburg Saalfeld anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4107
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4108
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4109
Portret van een oude en een jonge vrouw painting by Johns parchment Johns 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4110
Still Life with Flowers and Fruit painting by Willem van Leen verre églomisé Willem van Leen 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4111
Exchange of Fire on the Vaartse Rijn near Jutphaas painting by Jonas Zeuner verre églomisé Jonas Zeuner 1787 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4117
Portrait of a man on ivory painting by Edme Quenedey ivory Edme Quenedey des Ricets 1787 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4206
Portret van een man anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4211
Portret van een man, misschien een lid van de familie Collot d'Escury of van Rappard painting by Joseph Marinkelle ivory Joseph Marinkelle 1768 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4224
View of the Town of Vreeland on the Vecht River painting by Jonas Zeuner vitreous enamel
verre églomisé
Jonas Zeuner 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4230
Willem George Frederik (1774-1799) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4238
Salome with the head of St John the Baptist painting by Lucas van Leyden verre églomisé Lucas van Leyden 15th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4260
Shepherdess with Sheep painting by Leendert Overbeek vitreous enamel
verre églomisé
Leendert Overbeek 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4266
Shepherd at a Farmstead painting by Leendert Overbeek vitreous enamel
verre églomisé
Leendert Overbeek 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4267
"Council of War aboard 'The Seven Provinces' the Flagship of Michiel Adriaensz de Ruyter, 10 June 1666, preceding the Four Days' Battle painting by Willem van de (I) Velde canvas Willem van de Velde the Elder 1666 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4289
Portrait of Christiaan V van Denemarken (1646-1699) painting by Benoît Arlaud cardboard Benoît Arlaud 1706 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4295
Portrait of Edward VI Tudor (1537-1553), koning van Engeland anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4297
Portret van een man anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 1710 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4429
Portrait of Frederik Hendrik van Oranje- Nassau (1584-1647) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4431
Portrait of a man anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 1635 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4433
Willem II (1626-50), prins van Oranje anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4434
Portrait of Willem II van Oranje- Nassau (1626-1650) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4435
Portrait of Amalia van Solms -Braunfels (1602-1675) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4437
William III painting by Richard Gibson cardboard Richard Gibson 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4438
Portrait of Hendrik Casimir II (1657-96), ruler of Nassau-Dietz painting by Marie Duchatel cardboard Marie Duchatel 1690 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4439
Portrait of John William Friso, Prince of Orange painting by Jacob Christof Le Blon ivory Jacob Christoph Le Blon 1710 Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portrait of Johan Willem Friso van Oranje- Nassau (1687-1711) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 1710 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4441
Portrait of mogelijk Willem IV van Oranje- Nassau (1711-1751) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 1715 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4442
Portrait of Willem IV van Oranje- Nassau (1711-1751) painting by Jean-Etienne Liotard ivory Jean-Étienne Liotard 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4443
Portrait of Willem IV van Oranje- Nassau (1711-1751) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1750 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4444
Willem IV (1711-51), prins van Oranje Nassau anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1750 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4445
Anna Hanover (1709-59). Wife of Prince William IV painting by Gerrit Kamphuysen ivory Gerrit Kamphuysen 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4446
Portrait of Carolina van Oranje- Nassau (1743-1787) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4448
Portrait of a girl painting by Antonie Joseph Helant ivory Anthonie Joseph Helant 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4449
Portrait of Willem V van Oranje- Nassau (1748-1806) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1780 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4450
Willem V (1748-1806), prins van Oranje-Nassau anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1780 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4451
Portrait of waarschijnlijk Wilhelmina van Pruisen (1751-1820) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 170s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4452
Portrait of Wilhelmina van Pruisen (1751-1820), wife to prince William V of Orange anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1770 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4453
Portrait of Willem V van Oranje-Nassau (1748-1806) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1780 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4454
Portrait og King Willem I (1772-1843) as a child anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 170s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4455
Portrait of Frederica Louise Wilhelmina van Oranje- Nassau (1770-1819) anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 170s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4456
Portrait of Frederik van Oranje-Nassau (1774-1799) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1790 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4457
Portret van een man, vermoedelijk Don Louis de Haro (1598-1661), minister en gunsteling van Philips IV van Spanje anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1650 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4459
Behind-Glass Painting with Calligraphed Saying: The Blood of Jesus Christ the Son of God Purifies us from all Sin painting by Johann G. M vitreous enamel
verre églomisé
Johann G. M 1678 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4460
Portret van een man anonymous painting verre églomisé No/unknown value 1595 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4484
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 1665 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4427
Johan Willem Friso (1687-1711). Prins van Oranje-Nassau anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 1710 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4428
Anna van Hannover (1709-59). wife of Prince Willem IV painting by Philip van Dijk nacre Philip van Dijk 1735 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4430
Portrait of James I Stuart (1566-1625) painting by Arnold van Bronckorst cardboard Arnold Bronckorst 15th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4302
Willem II (1626-1650). Prince of Orange painting by Alexander Cooper cardboard Alexander Cooper 160s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4303
Portrait of Elizabeth, widow of Frederick V of the Palatinate painting by Alexander Cooper cardboard Alexander Cooper 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4304
George Gordon (died 1649), 2nd marquess of Huntley painting by Samuel Cooper parchment Samuel Cooper 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4305
Portrait d'une femme painting by Samuel Cooper parchment Samuel Cooper 1643 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4306
Portrait of Charles II Stuart (1630-1685) painting by Samuel Cooper parchment Samuel Cooper 1665 Rijksmuseum
Frances Teresa Stuart (1647-1702), hertogin van Richmond en Lennox, in travestie painting by Samuel Cooper parchment Samuel Cooper 1666 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4308
Henrietta, hertogin van Orléans painting by Samuel Cooper cardboard Samuel Cooper 1670 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4309
Portrait of James Stuart (1661-1667) anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4310
Portrait of Charles II Stuart (1630-1685) anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portrait of Mary II Stuart (1662-1695) painting by Richard Gibson cardboard Richard Gibson 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4312
Portrait of Henriette Amalia van Anhalt-Dessau (1666-1726), wife of Hendrik Casimir II, ruler of Nassau-Dietz painting by Marie Duchatel cardboard Marie Duchatel 1689 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4313
Portrait of Elisabeth of the Palatinate painting by Alexander Cooper cardboard Alexander Cooper 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4314
Henriette Marie (1626–51) of Paltz, daughter of Frederick V, King of Bohemia, nicknamed the 'Winter King'. painting by Alexander Cooper cardboard Alexander Cooper 16th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
James II (1633-1701), the future King of England, as a young man painting by Louis du (I) Guernier cardboard Louis du Guernier 1656 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4316
James II (1633-1701), the future King of England, at a young age painting by Louis du (I) Guernier cardboard Louis du Guernier 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4317
William IV (1711-51), Prince of Orange-Nassau painting by Gerrit Kamphuysen ivory Gerrit Kamphuysen 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4318
Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand (1735-1806), Duke of Brunswick-Luneburg painting by Gerrit Kamphuysen ivory Gerrit Kamphuysen 1763 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4319
Portrait of Louis XVI de Bourbon (1754-1793) painting by Joseph Boze ivory No/unknown value 17th millenium Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portrait of James I Stuart (1566-1625) painting by Lawrence Hilliard cardboard Laurence Hilliard 16th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox painting by Nicholas Hilliard cardboard
Nicholas Hilliard 1575 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4323
Double portrait of Willem III of Orange and Mary Stuart II painting by Peter Hoadly cardboard Peter Hoadly 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4324
Portrait of Charles I, king of England painting by John Hoskins cardboard John Hoskins 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4325
Portrait of Henriette Maria (1609-1669), wife of Charles I of England painting by John Hoskins parchment John Hoskins 1632 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4326
Portrait of Henriëtte Maria of France (1609-1669), wife of Charles I of England painting by John Hoskins cardboard John Hoskins 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4327
Portrait of Henriëtte Maria (1609-1669), wife of Charles I of England painting by John Hoskins cardboard John Hoskins 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4328
Portret van een man painting by Joseph (II) Jackson ivory No/unknown value 1819 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4330
Frederika Sophia Wilhelmina (1751-1820), prinses van Pruisen. Echtgenote van prins Willem V painting by Georg Lamprecht ivory Georg Lamprecht 1780 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4332
Family portrait of stadtholder Willem V (1748-1806), Wilhelmina van Pruisen (1751-1820) and their three children painting by Pieter Lesage ivory Pieter le Sage 1779 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4335
Portret van Pieter van Bleiswijk (1724-90), raadpensionaris van Holland painting by Jean-Etienne Liotard cardboard Jean-Étienne Liotard 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4336
Portrait d'un garçon de quinze ans painting by Gerrit Lundens silver Gerrit Lundens 1650 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4337
Portrait of a 50-year-old Woman painting by Gerrit Lundens silver Gerrit Lundens 1650 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4338
Portrait of Georg Wilhelm painting by Jean Michelin cardboard Jean Michelin 1674 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4339
Willem V (1748-1806), prins van Oranje-Nassau, als kind painting by Robert Mussard parchment Robert Mussard 1751 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4340
Portrait of Wilhelmina van Pruisen (1751-1820) painting by Robert Mussard parchment Robert Mussard 1768 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4341
Wilhelmina Carolina (Carolina; 1743-87), prinses van Oranje-Nassau, dochter van Willem IV en zuster van Willem V, als kind painting by Robert Mussard cardboard Robert Mussard Rijksmuseum SK-A-4342
Portrait of Willem V van Oranje- Nassau (1748-1806) painting by Robert Mussard parchment Robert Mussard 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4343
Arabella Stuart painting by Isaac Oliver parchment Isaac Oliver 15th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4344
Ludovic Stuart (1574-1623/1624) painting by Isaac Oliver parchment Isaac Oliver 15th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4345
Portrait d'une femme painting by Isaac Oliver parchment Isaac Oliver 15th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4346
Portret van een vrouw in maskeradekleding als Flora painting by Isaac Oliver parchment Isaac Oliver 15th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4347
Karel Stuart (1600-49), prins van Wales. De latere koning Karel I van Engeland painting by Peter Oliver parchment Peter Oliver 1621 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4348
Portrait of Frederick V of the Palatinate painting by Peter Oliver cardboard Peter Oliver 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4349
Portrait of Charles I Stuart (1600-1649) painting by Peter Oliver cardboard Peter Oliver 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4350
Portrait of Henry Frederick Stuart (1594-1612) or of George Villiers (1592-1628) painting by Peter Oliver cardboard Peter Oliver 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4351
George Villiers (1592-1628), hertog van Buckingham painting by Peter Oliver cardboard Peter Oliver 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4352
Portrait of a man with a sculpture of a head of Silenus in his hand painting by Louis van der Bruggen cardboard Louis van der Bruggen
Peter Oliver
16th century Rijksmuseum
Portrait of Wilhelmina van Pruisen (1751-1820) painting by Loch. Phaff ivory Johannes Emilius Phaff 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4360
Portrait of Prince Willem George Frederik painting by Henrik Ploetz cotton Henrik Plötz 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4361
Jan Carel Josephus van Speijk (1802-31), Naval officer. painting by Joannes Antonius Augustinus Pluckx ivory Joannes Antonius Augustinus Pluckx 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4362
Jozef en de vrouw van Potifar painting by Felice Ramelli ivory Padre Felice Ramelli 1726 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4363
Madonna op de maansikkel painting by Felice Ramelli ivory Padre Felice Ramelli 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4364
Portrait of the painter Anthony van Dyck painting by Christian (I) Richter cardboard Christian Richter 1711 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4365
Frederica Louisa Wilhelmina (1770-1819). Prinses van Oranje-Nassau. Daughter of Willem V & Wilhelmina van Pruisen painting by De Saint-Ligié ivory De Saint-Ligié 1783 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4366
Portrait of a man painting by Johan Michaël Schmidt Crans cardboard Johan Michaël Schmidt Crans 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4367
Portrait of Prince Willem IV (1711-51) painting by Maria Machteld van Sypesteyn ivory Maria Machteld van Sypesteyn 1748 Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portrait of Prince Charles Stuart of Wales painting by Nathaniel Thach cardboard Nathaniel Thach 160s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4369
Portrait of Willem I van Oranje- Nassau (1772-1843) painting by Pieter Lesage ivory Pieter le Sage 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4372
Portrait of Frederik van Oranje- Nassau (1774-1799) painting by Pieter Lesage ivory Pieter le Sage 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4373
Portrait of Frederica Louise Wilhelmina van Oranje- Nassau (1770-1819) painting by Pieter Lesage ivory Pieter le Sage 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4374
Portrait of Christiaan V van Denemarken (1646-1699) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 17th millenium Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portret van een man en een vrouw (keerzijde) vermoedelijk Willem Frederik Markgraaf van Brandenburg-Anspach (1686-1723) en zijn vrouw Christiane Charlotte van Württemberg (1694-1723) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4379
Portret van een vrouw, vermoedelijk Christiane Charlotte van Württemberg (1694-1729) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4380
Portret van een vrouw, vermoedelijk Christiane Charlotte van Württemberg (1694-1729) anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4381
Portret van een vrouw anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4382
Portret van een vorst anonymous painting copper No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4383
Portret van een man, vermoedelijk Frederik II (1712-86) de Grote, koning van Pruisen anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4386
Portrait of an Austrian officer anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4387
Portrait of Alexander I Romanov (1777-1825) painting by Domenico Bossi ivory Johann Dominik Bossi 18th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portrait of Frans I van Habsburg (1768-1835), emperor of Austria anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 18th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portrait of James I Stuart (1566-1625) anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Maria Stuart (1542-87), koningin van Schotland anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4391
Henry Stewart (1546-67), Lord Darnley. Echtgenoot van Maria Stuart anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4393
Portret van een man anonymous painting copper No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4395
Frederick Louis (1707-51), prins van Wales. Zoon van koning George II anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Anna van Hannover (1709-59). Sister to Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales, and wife of Prins Willem IV. anonymous painting after Bernard Accama vitreous enamel
No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4398
George III (1738-1820), koning van Engeland anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4399
Portret van een meisje, vermoedelijk een dochter van George II, koning van Engeland anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4400
Portret van een meisje, vermoedelijk een dochter van George II, koning van Engeland anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4401
Portrait of Frederick Lewis van Hannover (1707-1751) anonymous painting vitreous enamel
No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4402
Louise van Savoye (1467-1531/32), hertogin van Angoulême, moeder van Frans I anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4404
Portrait of Henri II King of France (1518-1559) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Portrait of Juan van Habsburg (1547-1578) anonymous painting copper No/unknown value 15th century Rijksmuseum
Nederlandsch Museum voor Geschiedenis en Kunst
Hendrik I van Lotharingen (1550-88), hertog van Guise anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 15th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4407
Portret van een jonge vrouw, mogelijk Marguerite van Valois (1553-1615), dochter van Hendrik II anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4408
Marie, markiezin van Sévigné (1626-96) anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4410
Christina (1616-62), koningin van Zweden anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value Rijksmuseum SK-A-4411
Hortense Mancini (1639-1715), hertogin van Mazarin anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value Rijksmuseum SK-A-4412
Kop van een oude man anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4414
Kop van een oude man anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4415
Kop van een oude man anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4416
Hertenjacht anonymous painting cardboard No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4417
Een jonge vrouw die een krijgsman afleidt terwijl een van haar kinderen hem berooft painting by Carl Gustav Klingstedt parchment Carl Gustav Klingstedt 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4418
Portret van een jonge vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4419
Portret van een dame anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4420
Portret van een jonge vrouw anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4421
Double portrait of an unknown couple anonymous painting silver No/unknown value 1645 Rijksmuseum
Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen (1735-1819). Vice-admiraal, buitengewoon maarschalk der Hollandse zeemacht anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1810 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4658
Jonge vrouw in klederdracht anonymous painting paper No/unknown value 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4683
Portrait of possibly R.T. van Kruissen painting by Simon Schaasberg parchment Simon Schaasberg 170s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4728
Portret van een man uit de familie Bentinck anonymous painting parchment No/unknown value 1800 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4729
Jonkvrouw Johanna Cornelia Mollerus (1792-1844) painting by Louis Marie Autissier ivory Louis-Marie Autissier 1808 Rijksmuseum
Het Loo Palace
Portrait of a woman painting by Gijsbertus Johannus van den Berg ivory Gijsbertus Johannus van den Berg 1798 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4782
Portrait of a six-year-old Boy of the Bus Family painting by Joseph Boze ivory Joseph Boze 1811 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4783
Portrait of a man painting by Daniël Bruyninx ivory Daniël Bruyninx 1761 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4784
Portret van een vrouw painting by Daniël Bruyninx ivory Daniël Bruyninx 1764 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4785
Portret van een vrouw painting by Daniël Bruyninx ivory Daniël Bruyninx 1776 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4786
Portret van een man painting by Daniël Bruyninx ivory Daniël Bruyninx 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4787
Portrait of a woman painting by Joseph Charles de Haen ivory Joseph Charles de Haen 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4789
Portrait of a man painting by Johan Coenraad Hamburger ivory Johan Coenraad Hamburger 1843 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4790
Portrait d'une femme painting by Jan Lodewijk Jonxis ivory Jan Lodewijk Jonxis 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4792
Portret van een man painting by Joseph Marinkelle ivory Joseph Marinkelle 1755 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4793
Portret van een man painting by Joseph Marinkelle pencil
Joseph Marinkelle 1761 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4794
Portret van een vrouw painting by Joseph Marinkelle ivory Joseph Marinkelle 1774 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4795
Portret van een meisje met een 'valhoedje' painting by Joseph Marinkelle pencil
Joseph Marinkelle 1778 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4796
Portret van een 73-jarige man painting by Joseph Marinkelle ivory Joseph Marinkelle 1782 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4798
Silhouet van een vrouw painting by John Miers plaster John Miers 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4799
Mr. Willem Boreel (1744-1796), magistrate of Amsterdam painting by Jean Baptiste Perroneau ivory Jean-Baptiste Perronneau 17th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4801
Porträt einer Frau painting by George Nikolaus Ritter ivory George Nikolaus Ritter Rijksmuseum SK-A-4803
Portrait eines kranken Mädchens im Bett liegend painting by George Nikolaus Ritter ivory George Nikolaus Ritter 180s Rijksmuseum SK-A-4804
Portret van een man painting by Pieter Serwouters pencil
Pieter Serwouters 16th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4805
Portret van een vrouw met een parelcollier painting by Leonardus Temminck ivory Leonardus Temminck 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4806
Portret van een vrouw met een zwarte sjaal painting by Leonardus Temminck ivory Leonardus Temminck 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4807
Portrait of a man, signed "LT" and marked "JHB" painting by Leonardus Temminck ivory Leonardus Temminck 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4808
Portret van een predikant anonymous painting ivory No/unknown value 1725 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4812
Silhouet portret van een man in officiersuniform painting by August Forberger verre églomisé August Forberger 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4814
Silhouet portret van een vrouw met neepjesmuts painting by August Forberger verre églomisé August Forberger 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4815
silhouette portrait of Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington anonymous painting glass No/unknown value 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4816
Silhouet portret van een man anonymous painting glass No/unknown value 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4817
Cadets Lined up in front of the Het Zeerecht Building in Amsterdam painting by Jonas Zeuner verre églomisé Jonas Zeuner 1796 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4819
Self-portrait painting by Balthasar Denner, Rijksmuseum ivory Balthasar Denner 1738 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4835
Porträt der Frau des Künstlers Esther Winter painting by Balthasar Denner ivory Balthasar Denner 1738 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4836
Carel Hendrik Ver Huell (1764-1845), Vice-admiraal van de Bataafse vloot en Minister van Marine van de Bataafse Republiek, getooid met het officierskruis van het Legioen van Eer, hem verleend in 1804 painting by Louis Marie Sicard ivory Louis Marie Sicard 1804 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4858
Portret van een dame met waaier painting by Daniël Bruyninx parchment Daniël Bruyninx 1758 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4880
Portrait of an unknown man painting by Alexandre De Latour ivory Alexandre De Latour 18th century Rijksmuseum SK-A-4891
Portret van een onbekende man painting by Hendrik Willem Caspari ivory Hendrik Willem Caspari 18th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-A-4895
Portrait of Johannes Wesenhagen (1743-1803) painting by Antoine Maucourt ivory Antoine Maucourt 1781 Rijksmuseum SK-A-4900
The Dutch herring fleet painting by Pieter Vogelaer pencil
Pieter Vogelaer 16th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-C-524
Houses along a River painting by Jonas Zeuner verre églomisé Jonas Zeuner 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-C-1531
Mill along a River painting by Jonas Zeuner verre églomisé Jonas Zeuner 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-C-1532
The Jan Roodenpoortstoren, Amsterdam painting by Jonas Zeuner verre églomisé Jonas Zeuner 17th millenium Rijksmuseum SK-C-1534
The Holy Trinity painting by Maarten van Heemskerck verre églomisé Maarten van Heemskerck 15th century Rijksmuseum
Royal Dutch Antiquarian Society
Ericus Fridericus Alberti (1724-88). Luthers predikant te Amsterdam, wijzend op de tekst Johannes 1, vers 17 painting by Jonas Zeuner vitreous enamel
verre églomisé
Jonas Zeuner 1771 Rijksmuseum SK-C-1569
Portrait of Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn painting by Jan Lievens Drugs
Jan Lievens 1628 Rijksmuseum SK-C-1598
Raphaël rectifiant la pose de son modèle painting by Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard canvas Alexandre-Évariste Fragonard 1820 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Villa Fragonard
D 1959.1.1
RF 1959-20
RF 1959 20
Old Woman Telling the Tale of Psyche painting by Martin Didier Pape vitreous enamel
Martin Didier Pape 1580 Museum of Fine Arts of Lyon L 464
Wolf Hunting painting by Alexandre-François Desportes canvas Alexandre-François Desportes 1725 Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes INV 819.1.1
Bouquet d'anémones blanches painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 190s Musée d'Orsay RF 1977 383
chambre mortuaire de Gambetta painting by Jean-Charles Cazin canvas Jean-Charles Cazin 1883 Musée d'Orsay RF 507
Charles Hayem painting by Jules-Élie Delaunay canvas Jules-Élie Delaunay 1865 Musée d'Orsay RF 1137
Chez Maurice Denis à Saint-Germain-en-Laye painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 190s Musée d'Orsay RF 2001 12
Coin du parc, Amfreville painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 190s Musée d'Orsay RF 1977 380
Daphnis and Chloé painting by François-Louis Français canvas François-Louis Français 1872 Musée d'Orsay RF 86
Femme nue debout vue de dos au bord d'un lac painting by Jean-Jacques Henner wood Jean-Jacques Henner Musée d'Orsay RF 3072
Floréal painting by Louis-Joseph-Raphaël Collin canvas Raphaël Collin 1886 Musée d'Orsay RF 468
La Chapelle du château de Versailles painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 190s Musée d'Orsay RF 1947 33
La Forêt vierge painting by Alphonse Osbert canvas Alphonse Osbert 1900 Musée d'Orsay RF 1992 344
Frachtkahn am Kai in Hamburg painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 1913 Musée d'Orsay RF 1977 378
Le Déjeuner de la Reine painting by Eugène Isabey canvas Eugène Isabey Musée d'Orsay RF 1841
Le Peignoir painting by Pierre Bonnard textile Pierre Bonnard 180s Musée d'Orsay RF 1977 68
Der Hafen in grauem Wetter painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 1908 Musée d'Orsay RF 1977 379
AM 2381
Square Berlioz painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 1915 Musée d'Orsay AM 2632
Le Vieil arbre painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 190s Musée d'Orsay
Musée d'Allard
AM 2385
Lilacs painting by Édouard Vuillard glue tempera painting
Édouard Vuillard 180s Musée d'Orsay RF 2009 3
Lisbeth souriant painting by Eugène Carrière canvas Eugène Carrière 180s Musée d'Orsay RF 3104
Königliche Hochzeit painting by Eugène Isabey wood Eugène Isabey 1866 Musée d'Orsay
Château de Compiègne
RF 1844
Nain avec un chien painting by Thomas Couture wood Thomas Couture Musée d'Orsay RF 1964 15
Nature morte aux œufs sur le plat painting by Amand Gautier wood Amand Gautier 180s Musée d'Orsay
Baron Gérard Museum
PRO RF 1964 14
Rain over the city painting by Takeuchi Seihō ink
Takeuchi Seihō Musée d'Orsay RF 1980 172
Portrait de Madame David Colaço Osorio, née Amélie Mosenthal painting by Jean-Jacques Henner canvas Jean-Jacques Henner 1874 Musée d'Orsay RF 2664
Portrait de Madame David Colaço-Osorio, née Amélie Mosenthal painting by Jean-Jacques Henner canvas Jean-Jacques Henner 1886 Musée d'Orsay RF 2663
Sœur en méditation painting by Amand Gautier wood Amand Gautier 180s Musée d'Orsay
Baron Gérard Museum
PRO RF 1964 15
Terrain de culture en Flandres painting by Jean-Charles Cazin canvas Jean-Charles Cazin 1894 Musée d'Orsay RF 890
Tête de jeune femme painting by Thomas Couture canvas Thomas Couture Musée d'Orsay RF 1964 16
Still Life painting by Floris Gerritsz van Schooten panel Floris van Schooten 1640 Frans Hals Museum os I-309
De Heer heeft gegeven, de Heer heeft genomen painting by Christoffel Bisschop color
Christoffel Bisschop 18th century Amsterdam Museum
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
SA 129
Morning lecture painting by Hendrik Jacobus Scholten color
Hendrik Jacobus Scholten 18th millenium Amsterdam Museum SA 156
Visit to Artis painting by Louis-Charles Bombled color
Louis Bombled 1882 Amsterdam Museum SA 1698
Vaas met rozen painting by Julius Jacobus van de Sande Bakhuyzen color
Julius van de Sande Bakhuyzen 1871 Amsterdam Museum SA 1905
Marker meisje painting by Willem Steelink color
Willem Steelink 1886 Amsterdam Museum SA 1925
Interior decorated in Chinese style painting by Coen Metzelaar color
Coen Metzelaar 18th century Amsterdam Museum SA 1324
Meisje met waterbloemen painting by Anna C.F. Wijthoff color
Anna Wijthoff 1887 Amsterdam Museum SA 1537
Fruit Still Life painting by Blaise-Alexandre Desgoffe color
Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe 1857 Amsterdam Museum SA 1002
Parlour of the WIllet-Holthouysen couple in Le Vésinet painting by Coen Metzelaar color
Coen Metzelaar 1880 Amsterdam Museum SA 2058
The Studio at the Willet-Holthuysens’ Villa in Le Vésinet painting by Coen Metzelaar color
Coen Metzelaar 1880 Amsterdam Museum SA 1906
Witte Poedel painting by anonymous cardboard No/unknown value 1895 Amsterdam Museum SA 3153
Burgerweesmeisje met kerkboek painting by Nicolaas van der Waay color
Nicolaas van der Waay 19th millenium Amsterdam Museum SA 21237
Reguliersplein (thans Thorbeckeplein) in 1869, met op de achtergrond de Botermarkt (thans Rembrandtplein) painting by Andries Scheerboom color
Andries Scheerboom 1869 Amsterdam Museum SA 22620
Sugar factory Berlijn on the Lauriergracht painting by Johan Diderik Cornelis Veltens color
Johan Diderik Cornelis Veltens 18th century Amsterdam Museum SA 1763
Een schilder voor zijn ezel toont een schilderij aan een meisje painting by Florent Willems color
Florent Willems 1852 Amsterdam Museum SA 1598
Herengracht met huis Willet Holthuijsen painting by Kasparus Karsen color
Kaspar Karsen 18th century Amsterdam Museum SA 1613
Bernard Palissy In His Workshop painting by Joseph Nicolas Robert-Fleury color
Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury 1843 Amsterdam Museum SA 1577
The first Steamboat on the IJ painting by Nicolaas Baur color
Nicolaas Baur 18th century Amsterdam Museum SA 26004
Zuivelmarkt aan de Prins Hendrikkade painting by Pierre Tetar van Elven color
Pierre Tetar van Elven 1881 Amsterdam Museum SA 32412
Portrait of Pieter van der Morsch painting by Frans Hals, Carnegie Museum of Art canvas Frans Hals 1616 Carnegie Museum of Art 61.42.2
St. Francis and six stories from his life painting by Giunta Pisano wood Giunta Pisano 1250 National Museum of San Matteo
Oudezijds Voorburgwal met toegang tot het Prinsenhof painting by Pierre Tetar van Elven color
Pierre Tetar van Elven 1850 Amsterdam Museum SA 40913
De bouw van twee gashouders van de Hollandsche Gazfabriek aan de Schans painting by Cornelis Springer color
Cornelis Springer 1847 Amsterdam Museum SA 866
River view with a castle among trees painting by Barend Cornelis Koekkoek color
Barend Cornelis Koekkoek 1845 Amsterdam Museum SA 1796
Farmstead painting by Johannes Wernardus Bilders color
Johannes Warnardus Bilders 19th millenium Amsterdam Museum SA 266
Landscape with mill painting by Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël color
Paul Joseph Constantin Gabriël 18th millenium Amsterdam Museum SA 193
De Willemssluis te Buiksloot painting by I. Steffens color
I. Steffens 1834 Amsterdam Museum SA 2387
Ship stranded at Scheveningen painting by Andreas Schelfhout color
Andreas Schelfhout 1837 Amsterdam Museum SA 1797
Seeländische Strömung bei ruhigem Wetter painting by Andreas Schelfhout, Amsterdam-Museum color
Andreas Schelfhout 18th century Amsterdam Museum SA 1312
Evening bell from mist-shrouded temple painting by Muqi Fachang ink
Muqi 13th century Hatakeyama Memorial Museum of Fine Art
Li Bo in Stroll painting by Liang Kai ink
Liang Kai 13th century Tokyo National Museum TA-164
Portrait of Abraham Willet (1825-1888) painting by Johann Georg Schwartze color
Johan Georg Schwartze 1853 Amsterdam Museum SA 1636
Anno 1629. De buit van de zilvervloot wordt met plundering bedreigd painting by Charles Rochussen color
Charles Rochussen 1855 Amsterdam Museum SA 1642
Anatomical lesson of Dr. Nicolaas Tulp (after Rembrandt) painting by Charles van Beveren color
Charles Van Beveren 18th century Amsterdam Museum SA 1692
Akt mit Katze painting by Amedeo Modigliani, Museo Soumaya charcoal Amedeo Modigliani 1910 Museo Soumaya
Ninety-nine Horses work by Cai Guo-Qiang paper
gold leaf
Cai Guo-Qiang 2011 Mathaf
The Luncheon painting by Henry Varnum Poor canvas Henry Varnum Poor 1913 Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery
Erosion and Dust painting by John Steuart Curry canvas John Steuart Curry 1937 Birger Sandzén Memorial Gallery
Agemachi (Trefoil Knots), Tale of Genji: Chapter 47 Japanese painting ink
gold leaf
No/unknown value 1620 Birmingham Museum of Art 2003.29.3
The family of the Valley at the foot of the Virgin of Loreto canvas 1768 Museo Soumaya
Crossing Bridge in Snow painting by Qian Hui'an ink
Qian Hui'an 1879 Birmingham Museum of Art 2001.202.1
Domestic Scene painting by unknown Korean artist ink
No/unknown value 1900 Birmingham Museum of Art 1999.123
Flin Flon VI painting by Frank Stella polymer
Frank Stella 1970 Birmingham Museum of Art 1971.81
Girl painting by Qian Hui'an ink
Qian Hui'an Birmingham Museum of Art 2001.202.2
Girl painting by Qian Hui'an (2001.202.3) ink
Qian Hui'an 1879 Birmingham Museum of Art 2001.202.3
Frederick I, King of Sweden painting by Martin van Meytens the younger vitreous enamel Martin van Meytens 170s Nationalmuseum NMB 1570
Партрэт Грызельды Сапегі painting by anonymous canvas No/unknown value 1630 Belarusian National Arts Museum ЗЖ-103
Embracing Couple with Marbleised Background painting by Andy Warhol paper
Andy Warhol 1952 Tate AR00241
Lady painting by Ju Lian ink
Chu Lien Birmingham Museum of Art 1988.82.114
Count Joachim Godske Moltke painting by Cornelius Höyer charcoal
chalk stick
Cornelius Hoeyer Nationalmuseum NMB 2376
Two Dragons in Clouds painting by Kanō Hōgai paper
Kanō Hōgai 1885 Philadelphia Museum of Art 1940-41-1
Mume ga e (A Branch of Plum), Tale of Genji: Chapter 32 painting by unknown Japanese artist ink
No/unknown value 1620 Birmingham Museum of Art 2003.29.2
God the Father painting by Fra Angelico wood
Fra Angelico 1425 Department of Paintings of the Louvre
Fondation de France
DL 1973-22
DL 1973 22
Robed Man in an Archway painting by Robert Walter Weir sepia
Robert Walter Weir 1840 Birmingham Museum of Art AFI29.2006
St. Louis of Toulouse painting by Antonio Vivarini gold
Antonio Vivarini 140s Department of Paintings of the Louvre INV 872
Madonna of Humility painting by Niccolò di Buonaccorso poplar panel Niccolò di Buonaccorso 13th century Department of Paintings of the Louvre RF 1976-7
RF 1976 7
St Marc the Evangelist painting by Pierre-Louis Cretey canvas Louis Cretey Nationalmuseum NM 243
See You at the UpStairs Lounge, from “Remember the UpStairs Lounge” painting by Skylar Fein latex
Skylar Fein 2009 Birmingham Museum of Art 2009.1
The Pure Land of Amitabha painting by unknown Chinese artist polychromy
gold leaf
No/unknown value 1450 Birmingham Museum of Art 1987.34.1-.2
Gustav IV Adolf (1778-1837), king of Sweden, married to Fredrika Dorotea Vilhelmina of Baden and probably Georg Jonas von Wright (1754-1800), first valet, colonel, married to lady of the bedchamber c painting by Carl Fredrik von Breda canvas Carl Frederik von Breda 1784 National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
NMGrh 1541
Three in the Garden painting by unknown Chinese artist ink
No/unknown value 170s Birmingham Museum of Art 20
Katarina II, 1729-1796, kejsarinna av Ryssland prinsessa av Anhalt-Zerbst painting by unknown painter canvas No/unknown value 1776 National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
NMGrh 663
Johan Adolf Krebs painting by unknown painter canvas No/unknown value National Portrait Gallery of Sweden
NMGrh 769
Wakamurasaki (Lavender), Tale of Genji: Chapter 5 painting by unknown Japanese artist ink
No/unknown value 1620 Birmingham Museum of Art 2003.29.1
The Sleep painting by David Alfaro Siqueiros Duco
David Alfaro Siqueiros 1939 Arizona State University Art Museum 1951.064.000
Mrs Charlotta Pilo, née Desmarées painting by Carl Gustav Pilo wax
Carl Gustaf Pilo 1756 Nationalmuseum NM 2850
Rocky ravine in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains painting by Caspar David Friedrich petroleum
Caspar David Friedrich 1822 Belvedere 2589
Preacher among Roman Ruins painting by Giovanni Paolo Panini canvas Giovanni Paolo Panini 17th century Department of Paintings of the Louvre
INV 411
MR 373
City Picture Mü painting by Gerhard Richter canvas
Deutsche Amphibolin-Werke SE
Gerhard Richter 1968 Dallas Museum of Art 2002.18
Acarya Bhavaviveka Converts a Nonbeliever to Buddhism anonymous painting textile No/unknown value 17th century Philadelphia Museum of Art 1959-156-1
Aizen Myōō anonymous painting gold
No/unknown value 13th century Philadelphia Museum of Art 1960-7-1
The King governs by himself, 1661 painting by Charles Le Brun canvas Charles Le Brun 1681 Palace of Versailles INV 2925
The Crucifixion of Christ 14th-century painting by the Master of Vyšší Brod wood
Meister der Kaufmannschen Kreuzigung 1340 Gemäldegalerie Identnummer: 1833
Crucifixion retable from Soest anonymous painting, Gemäldegalerie oak panel
No/unknown value 1240 Gemäldegalerie 1216A
Carrying a Zither while Searching for Plum Blossoms anonymous painting ink
No/unknown value 15th century Freer Gallery of Art F1919.125
Searching for Plum Blossoms in the Snow anonymous painting ink
No/unknown value 1525 Freer Gallery of Art F1916.32
Page from the Ishiyama-gire (dispersed volumes of the Anthology of the Thirty-Six Poets) Poet: Ki no Tsurayuki anonymous painting ink
Fujiwara no Sadanobu 12th century Freer Gallery of Art F1969.4
Nirvana of the Buddha anonymous painting ink
No/unknown value 14th century Freer Gallery of Art F1970.30
Sheep and Goat A painting by Zhao Mengfu ink
Zhao Mengfu 1300 Freer Gallery of Art F1931.4
View through a Baroque Colonnade into a Garden painting by Canaletto pencil
Canaletto 170s Albertina 1921
Figure of the Royal Magnificence, Immortality and Progress in the Fine Arts painting by René-Antoine Houasse plaster René-Antoine Houasse 1683 Museum of the History of France
Palace of Versailles
INV 5374
Coving, the Nef of Louis XIV painting by René-Antoine Houasse plaster René-Antoine Houasse 1683 Museum of the History of France
Palace of Versailles
Anthony and Cleopatra painting by René-Antoine Houasse plaster René-Antoine Houasse 1680 Museum of the History of France MV 8874
Maria with child and two donors painting by Gentile Bellini in the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin canvas Gentile Bellini 1460 Gemäldegalerie 1180
The Divine Eros Defeats the Earthly Eros painting by Giovanni Baglione canvas Giovanni Baglione 1602 Gemäldegalerie
Da’ud Receives a Robe of Honor from Mun’im Khan from an Akbarnama painting by Hiranand gold
Hiranand 1600 Freer Gallery of Art F1952.31
Thunder God painting by Katsushika Hokusai ink
Katsushika Hokusai 1847 Freer Gallery of Art
Katsushika Hokusai
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