Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Provenance

For the sum of all paintings we track the provenance. The main properties we use for this are collection (P195), location (P276) & owned by (P127). exhibition history (P608) is also closely related. We use the qualifiers start time (P580) & end time (P582) or point in time (P585) to get a chronological overview. When multiple values exist, the most current one(s) are set to preferred rank. As always, we like our statements sourced. See also Wikidata:WikiProject Provenance.

The collection holder. This can be a museum like the Rijksmuseum (Q190804), a private collection or a named collection like Bavarian State Painting Collections (Q812285) or Jacques Goudstikker collection (Q2284748). Please don't create meta items or made up collections like "paintings in the Rijksmuseum". Should also have inventory number (P217) if that data is available. A painting can be in multiple collections at the same time for example when a painting is on loan. See also the collection property statistics.

The location(s) where the paintings has been. Can be broad and the same as the collection (for example Rijksmuseum (Q190804)) or as specific as a room (for example Nightwatch hall (Q25845794)). Only the most specific location should be added.

Who owned the painting. Often the same as the collection, but can also be different for example when it's a loan.

Time qualifiers


The qualifiers start time (P580) & end time (P582) or point in time (P585) are used to indicate when a statement is valid. You can change the precision if exact dates (or years) are not known.

Current values


Some paintings have a long history. Previous collection (P195), location (P276) & owned by (P127) are never removed or set to deprecated rank. Doing this is considered harmful and continuing this behavior is considered vandalism. Instead the most current values should be set to preferred rank. For location (P276) this will be one value (a painting can only be physically be in one location). For collection (P195) and owned by (P127) it's possible multiple values are current and all of these should be set to preferred. Only values that turned out to be incorrect can be set to deprecated with a reason for deprecation (collection report).



We currently have agreement on a consistent structure to document events and we use significant event (P793) for what we have. The main problem seems to be how to model the two parties in an event. For example at an auction the first party is sales (Q194189) and the second purchasing (Q1369832). When (if) agreement is reached, we should document it here. Query for most common significant events.



Of course all statements should be sourced. Catalog statements should also be added to support provenance.

Nazi plunder & World War II


A lot of paintings were looted before and during World War II. Big collections related to this are Führermuseum (Q475667), Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735), Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit (Q28045665), Musées Nationaux Récupération (Q19013512) & Kunstbesitz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Q111635246). Some of these collections are historic collections and should have some other collection set to preferred rank.

Collection Description Period Query
Führermuseum (Q475667) The Linz collection was the collection for the unrealized Führermuseum. Most of the paintings went to the Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735) ?
Munich Central Collecting Point (Q1053735) Central point where the art went and got distributed to the heirs and country collections. Some got stolen. ?
Stichting Nederlands Kunstbezit (Q28045665) Repatriated art for the Netherlands. Got replaced by Dienst Verspreide Rijkscollecties (Q28045660) 1945-1951
Jacques Goudstikker collection (Q2284748) Collection of Jacques Goudstikker with forced sale in 1940. Majority ended up in Collection Goudstikker heirs (Q28065304) ?-1940

See also
