Wikidata:WikiProject sum of all paintings/Top religious figures by number of religious paintings

This is an overview of the top religious figures by number of religious paintings of the sum of all paintings. See also:

This list is periodically updated by a bot. Manual changes to the list will be removed on the next update!

WDQS | PetScan | TABernacle | Find images | Recent changes | Query: SELECT ?item (COUNT(?item) as ?count) WHERE { ?painting wdt:P31 wd:Q3305213 . ?painting wdt:P136* wd:Q2864737. ?painting wdt:P180 ?item . ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q5. OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P18 ?pic. } } GROUP BY ?item HAVING (?count > 2) ORDER BY DESC(?count)
image religious figure Number of painting items
Jesus 8458
Salome 1020
Catherine of Alexandria 998
Jerome 675
Sebastian 648
Saint Peter 576
Francis of Assisi 442
Paul the Apostle 380
John the Evangelist 310
Saint George 292
Saint Barbara 258
Anthony the Great 238
Saint Cecilia 202
Augustine of Hippo 192
Anthony of Padua 136
Saint Dominic 131
Stephen 126
Saint Christopher 120
Mark the Evangelist 116
Saint Nicholas 103
Luke the Evangelist 86
Peter of Verona 84
Matthew the Apostle 82
Saint Ursula 80
Catherine of Siena 79
Agnes of Rome 78
Louis of Toulouse 76
Roch 70
Saint Lucy 70
Margaret the Virgin 63
Thomas the Apostle 61
Saint Veronica 54
Dorothea of Caesarea 51
Martin of Tours 50
Lawrence of Rome 46
Ambrose 46
Louis IX of France 46
Vincent of Saragossa 46
Bernardino of Siena 45
Benedict of Nursia 44
Saint Maurice 44
Pontius Pilatus 41
The Buddha 41
Gregory I 40
Agatha of Sicily 39
Bernard of Clairvaux 38
Saint Apollonia 37
Thomas Aquinas 36
Helena Augusta 34
Bonaventure 34
John of Patmos 34
Irene of Rome 30
Clare of Assisi 27
Simon the Pharisee 27
Brother Leo 26
Saint Rosalia 24
Ignatius of Loyola 24
Nicholas of Tolentino 22
Monica of Hippo 22
Didacus of Alcalá 22
Thomas of Villanova 21
Scholastica 21
Joan of Arc 20
Cosmas 20
Teresa of Ávila 20
Penitent Thief 18
Denis 18
Elizabeth of Hungary 18
Charles Borromeo 18
Genevieve 18
Martin Luther 17
Paul of Thebes 17
Onuphrius 16
Saint Florian 16
Francisco 16
Vitus 15
Damian 15
Blaise of Sebaste 15
Herod Antipas 15
Francis Xavier 15
Saint Walpurga 15
Ildephonsus of Toledo 14
Mary of Egypt 14
Vincent de Paul 14
Peter Nolasco 12
Joseph Calasanz 12
Saint Cajetan 12
Zenobius of Florence 11
Vincent Ferrer 11
Philip the Evangelist 11
Basil of Caesarea 11
John Calvin 11
Eligius 11
Odile of Alsace 11
Philipp Melanchthon 10
Rose of Lima 10
James the Less 10
Constantine the Great 10
Elizabeth of Aragon 10
Longinus 10
Saint Giles 10
Mammes of Caesarea 10
Casilda of Toledo 9
Bruno of Cologne 9
Jan Hus 9
John Wycliffe 9
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor 9
Isidore the Laborer 8
Praxedes 8
Barnabas 8
Paul I 8
Eulalia of Mérida 8
Justina of Padua 8
John Chrysostom 8
Saint Bavo 8
Paula of Rome 8
Hubertus 8
Philip Neri 8
John of Nepomuk 8
Acisclus 8
Peter of Alcantara 8
Bridget of Sweden 8
Caiaphas 7
Jacek Malczewski 7
Romuald 7
Julian the Hospitaller 6
Leonard of Noblac 6
Ananias of Damascus 6
John of Capistrano 6
Augustus 6
John of Matha 6
Hyacinth of Poland 6
Gertrude of Nivelles 6
Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia 6
Ludmila of Bohemia 6
Sigismund of Burgundy 6
Judoc 6
Norbert of Xanten 6
Aloysius Gonzaga 6
Ivo of Kermartin 6
Germanus of Auxerre 6
Engratia 6
Christina of Bolsena 6
Crispinian 6
Saint Spyridon 6
Athanasius of Alexandria 5
Albert of Mainz 5
Charlemagne 5
Theodosius I 5
Herod the Great 5
Clement I 5
Ferdinand III of León 5
Francis de Sales 5
Ismail 5
Minias of Florence 4
Hugh of Châteauneuf 4
Margaret of Cortona 4
Albrecht Dürer 4
Rufina 4
Lorenzo de' Medici 4
Simon Magus 4
Donatien de Reims 4
James of the Marches 4
Petronius of Bologna 4
John of God 4
Hilarion 4
Saint Martha 4
Hippolytus 4
Saint Valentine 4
Peter Thomas 4
Demetrius of Thessaloniki 4
Urban II 4
Giuliana Puricelli 4
Juan de Ribera 4
Hermenegild 4
Felix of Valois 4
Adrian of Nicomedia 4
Alexander Nevsky 4
Juliana of Nicomedia 4
Galgano Guidotti 4
Heraclius 4
Princess Élisabeth of France 4
Theotonius 4
Victoria 4
Joan, Princess of Portugal 4
Saint Rita of Cascia 4
Gerard of Csanád 4
Bernard of Menthon 4
Rembrandt 3
Caravaggio 3
Maximilian I 3
Charles V 3
Amerigo Vespucci 3
Oswald of Northumbria 3
Dante Alighieri 3
Sixtus II 3
Ahaz 3
Carino of Balsamo 3
Fillide Melandroni 3
Donatus of Arezzo 3
Justus Jonas 3
Fridianus 3
Virgil 3
Liberius 3
Rose of Viterbo 3
Justa 3
Godelina 3
Philip Benizi de Damiani 3
Albert of Trapani 3
Woman of Shunem 3
Herod II 3
Cyriacus 3
Stanislaus Kostka 3
Livinus 3
Dacianus 3
Ulrich of Augsburg 3
Pius V 3
Saint Casimir 3
Zeno of Verona 3
William of Maleval 3
Saint Protasius 3
Barbara Palmer, 1st Duchess of Cleveland 3
Esbjörn Larsson 3
Agnes of Assisi 3
Gregory of Nazianzus 3
Agnes of Montepulciano 3
Habakkuk 3
Francis Borgia, 4th Duke of Gandía 3
Conrad of Constance 3
Henry IV of France 3
End of automatically generated list.