Wikidata:WikidataCon 2021/Contribute/Community awards

WikidataCon 2021 | A sustainable future for Wikidata | Online conference | 29-30-31 October 2021



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Community awards

Wikidata's ninth birthday

The Wikidata ecosystem is a huge galaxy of exciting content, tools, projects, powered by the communities as well as organizations working with the software and the data. For seven years, people are gathering, starting projects, developing tools, improving the editors' workflows, filling various gaps, working all together to give more people more access to more knowledge.

In the frame of the WikidataCon 2021, we are organizing the WikidataCon community awards, to celebrate the work of people and groups involved in Wikidata, and highlight some projects nominated by the community. The nomination phase is now closed and the results will be announced at the conference.

From September 21st to October 12th, people were able to nominate one or several Wikidata-related projects that they liked, that are useful for you or for the community. This project can be for example: a community gathering or other initiative that led to great results (WikiProject, event, editathon…), a tool (gadget, script, external tool…) or any other action that led to improving Wikidata’s data, the workflow of its editors or the outreach.

The nomination process is taking place publicly and collaboratively on this talk page. After October 12th, the awards committee will select a few projects that particularly caught their attention, and will present them during the Wikidata community awards ceremony taking place during the first day of the WikidataCon. The awards committee is composed of TiagoLubiana, VStocco (WMB) and Harmonia Amanda. Coordination: Lea Lacroix (WMDE) and EAzzellini (WMB).

How to participate


Nominate a project


The nomination phase is now closed. You can still help by improving the descriptions of the projects and adding more details on this talk page.

Add more information about a project


The nomination process is taking place publicly and collaboratively on this talk page. This means that people are nominating projects together and can contribute to improve the description of the projects together.

Feel free to have a look at the existing nominations to add more information if you have some, and to fill in the fields that the proposer may have left blank.



Our categories for WikidataCon 2021 were selected to highlight some facets of the efforts that make Wikidata thrive. This year’s categories merge two different views: contributions to the growth of Wikidata, and contributions from Wikidata to the larger goals of humanity.

Editing & Data Quality
Projects that have contributed to the quality and or breadth of Wikidata, e.g. by improving the way items are modelled or facilitating edits.
Using & Querying data
Projects that have used the data on Wikidata to provide information to end users, using Wikidata as a source of knowledge.
Community building
Projects that have made an special effort to build a healthy and connected community of users.
Wikimedia integration
Projects that shape how Wikidata serves and benefits from other Wikimedia projects.
Projects that shape how Wikidata serves and benefits from projects outside the Wikimedia organization.
Data Literacy
Projects that contributed the most for making Wikidata-editing accessible to more people.
Projects that made notable work towards the decentralization of Wikidata and connection with different languages.

On top of the categories mentioned above, we wanted to be inspired from the Sustainable Development Goals to reflect on how the work we do on Wikidata impacts the world. Each of the categories reflects some Sustainable Development Goals and projects might fall under one or more of the subcategories. Even if you think the link of the project with the goal is light, it is okay. Don’t be afraid to make long range connections. For information about each category, take a look at each of the Sustainable Development Goals and see where your project/tool/event could fit.

Basic social needs
Based on Goals (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being and (4) Quality Education
Gender equality
Based on Goal 5) Gender Equality
Sustainable institutions
Based on Goals (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) en:Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reducing Inequality, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production and (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
Sustainable environment
Based on Goals (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water and (15) Life On Land



The winners of the Wikidata community awards 2021 will be announced during the WikidataCon 2021. The ceremony will be livestreamed. More information to be added.

See also
