Wikidata:Wikidata Lexeme Forms/Ukrainian

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To add a new template:

Іменник (чоловічий рід)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
український іменник, чоловічий рід
The item ID of the language.
Ukrainian (Q8798)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
grammatical gender (P5185)masculine (Q499327)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:
Form 1
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [будинок].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 2
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це відноситься до [будинка].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 3
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [будинку].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 4
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [будинок].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 5
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я керую цим [будинком].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 6
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Воно знаходиться в [будинку].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 7
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [будинку].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 8
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [будинки].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 9
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це відноситься до [будинків].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 10
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [будинкам].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 11
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [будинки].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 12
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я керую цими [будинками].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 13
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Вони знаходиться в [будинках].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 14
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [будинки].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).

Іменник (жіночий рід)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
український іменник, жіночий рід
The item ID of the language.
Ukrainian (Q8798)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
grammatical gender (P5185)feminine (Q1775415)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:
Form 1
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [будівля].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 2
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це відноситься до [будівлі].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 3
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [будівлі].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 4
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [будівлю].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 5
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я керую цією [будівлею].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 6
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Воно знаходиться в [будівлі].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 7
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [будівле].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 8
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [будівлі].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 9
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це відноситься до [будівель].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 10
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [будівлям].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 11
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [будівлі].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 12
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я керую цими [будівлями].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 13
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Вони знаходиться в [будівлях].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 14
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [будівлі].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).

Іменник (середній рід)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
український іменник, середній рід
The item ID of the language.
Ukrainian (Q8798)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
grammatical gender (P5185)neuter (Q1775461)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:
Form 1
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [серце].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 2
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це відноситься до [серця].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 3
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [серцю].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 4
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [серце].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 5
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я живу із цим [серцем].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 6
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Воно знаходиться в [серці].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 7
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [серцю].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 8
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [серця].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 9
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це відноситься до [сердець].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 10
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [серцям].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 11
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [серця].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 12
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Кохання між цими [серцями].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 13
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Вони знаходиться в [серцях].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 14
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [серця].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).

Іменник (спільний рід)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
український іменник, спільний рід
The item ID of the language.
Ukrainian (Q8798)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
grammatical gender (P5185)common (Q30970922)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:
Form 1
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, чоловічий рід, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [професор].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 2
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, чоловічий рід, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це стосується [професора].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 3
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, чоловічий рід, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [професору].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 4
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, чоловічий рід, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [професора].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 5
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, чоловічий рід, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я знайомий з цим [професором].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 6
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, чоловічий рід, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Є щось особливе в цьому [професорі].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 7
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, чоловічий рід, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [професоре].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), masculine (Q499327), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 8
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, чоловічий рід, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [професори].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), masculine (Q499327), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 9
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, чоловічий рід, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це стосується [професорів].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), masculine (Q499327), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 10
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, чоловічий рід, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [професорам].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), masculine (Q499327), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 11
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, чоловічий рід, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [професорів].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), masculine (Q499327), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 12
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, чоловічий рід, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я знайомий з цими [професорами].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), masculine (Q499327), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 13
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, чоловічий рід, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Є щось особливе в цих [професорах].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), masculine (Q499327), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 14
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, чоловічий рід, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [професори].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), masculine (Q499327), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 15
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, жіночий рід, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [професорка].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), feminine (Q1775415), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 16
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, жіночий рід, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це стосується [професорки].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), feminine (Q1775415), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 17
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, жіночий рід, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [професорці].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), feminine (Q1775415), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 18
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, жіночий рід, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [професорку].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), feminine (Q1775415), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 19
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, жіночий рід, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я знайомий з цією [професоркою].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), feminine (Q1775415), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 20
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, жіночий рід, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Є щось особливе в цій [професорці].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), feminine (Q1775415), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 21
A label, which is used on the template page.
однина, жіночий рід, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [професорко].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
singular (Q110786), feminine (Q1775415), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 22
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, жіночий рід, називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [професорки].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), feminine (Q1775415), nominative case (Q131105)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 23
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, жіночий рід, родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це стосується [професорок].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), feminine (Q1775415), genitive case (Q146233)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 24
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, жіночий рід, давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це належить [професоркам].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), feminine (Q1775415), dative case (Q145599)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 25
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, жіночий рід, знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [професорок].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), feminine (Q1775415), accusative case (Q146078)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 26
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, жіночий рід, орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я знайомий з цими [професорками].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), feminine (Q1775415), instrumental case (Q192997)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 27
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, жіночий рід, місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Є щось особливе в цих [професорках].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), feminine (Q1775415), locative case (Q202142)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 28
A label, which is used on the template page.
множина, жіночий рід, кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [професорки].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
plural (Q146786), feminine (Q1775415), vocative case (Q185077)
A set of claims for the form (optional).

Іменник (pluralia tantum)


Each template has the following parts:

An identifier, which will be used in the URL for the template. Should be in English, all lowercase, and hyphenated.
A label, which will be used on the index page and as the heading of the template page.
український іменник, тільки множина (pluralia tantum)
The item ID of the language.
Ukrainian (Q8798)
The language code, which should match the Wikimedia language code (P424) of the language item.
The item ID of the lexical category.
noun (Q1084)
A set of claims for the lexeme (optional). Feel free to provide this using {{Statement}} or {{Claim}} and I’ll worry about bringing it into the JSON form the tool needs.
instance of (P31)plurale tantum (Q138246)
A set of forms. Each form has the following parts:
Form 1
A label, which is used on the template page.
називний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Це [ножиці].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
nominative case (Q131105), plural (Q146786) (optional)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 2
A label, which is used on the template page.
родовий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Ніде нема [ножиць].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
genitive case (Q146233), plural (Q146786) (optional)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 3
A label, which is used on the template page.
давальний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Віддати це [ножицям].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
dative case (Q145599), plural (Q146786) (optional)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 4
A label, which is used on the template page.
знахідний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я бачу [ножиці].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
accusative case (Q146078), plural (Q146786) (optional)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 5
A label, which is used on the template page.
орудний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Я користуюсь цими [ножицями].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
instrumental case (Q192997), plural (Q146786) (optional)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 6
A label, which is used on the template page.
місцевий відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Папір застряг в [ножицях].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
locative case (Q202142), plural (Q146786) (optional)
A set of claims for the form (optional).
Form 7
A label, which is used on the template page.
кличний відмінок
An example sentence, with the example form in brackets. The part in brackets will be replaced with an input field, with the part in brackets as placeholder. Try to find generic sentences that would apply to a variety of words.
Привіт, [ножиці].
A list of grammatical feature item IDs.
vocative case (Q185077), plural (Q146786) (optional)
A set of claims for the form (optional).