Wikidata talk:WikiProject Country subdivision/Items

Ideally, a lot of this page could be replaced by a query along the lines of:

SELECT ?country ?countryLabel ?item ?itemLabel ?level ?expected ?found ?samenumber
  SELECT ?item ?expected ?country ?level (COUNT(DISTINCT ?place) AS ?found) {
    ?item wdt:P279* ?acs ; wdt:P17 ?country.
    FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?country wdt:P576 [] }
    ?acs p:P279 [ ps:P279 wd:Q1799794 ; pq:P1545 ?level ] .
    OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P1114 ?expected }    
      ?place p:P31 ?placeStatement .
      ?placeStatement ps:P31 ?item.
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?placeStatement wdt:P582 [] }
  GROUP BY ?item ?expected ?country ?level
} AS %subdivisions
  include %subdivisions.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
  BIND(IF(?expected = ?found, "✓", "✘") AS ?samenumber).
ORDER BY ?countryLabel ?level DESC(?expected) ?itemLabel
Try it!

(via User:Nikki) --Oravrattas (talk) 14:12, 3 September 2021 (UTC)Reply

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