Wikidata talk:WikiProject Star Trek

Latest comment: 1 year ago by GreenReaper in topic WikidataCon 2021

Dates - in- or out-of-universe


Apologies for steamrolling a bit -- I'm taking a break to pose a question I didn't see an answer to on this project page or the fictional universe page. Regarding dates, such as "inception" (for ships) or DOB for characters ... what is the guidance about real-world vs. out-of-universe perspective? I plunged through and made a bunch of starship "inception" dates the year of first appearance, overwriting some "ship commission" dates. And then there are DOB fields used for characters ... should those instead be deleted and instead replaced with "first appearance" fields or "inception" date fields? Or something else? EEMIV (talk) 17:19, 30 June 2020 (UTC)Reply

Ah-HA! I've found the Narration WikiProjcet. Seeing some guidance there. It looks like, for characters for example, the answer to my question might be "yes, and," e.g. use the future-dated DOB field and and inception or other statement to anchor the real-world "birth" of the character, so to speak. EEMIV (talk) 18:08, 30 June 2020 (UTC)Reply
EEMIV in case where a fictional claim could be confused for actual fact, you can set it to Depricated. For instance 40 Eridani A (Q1052822) (an actual real world star) has the statement child astronomical body (P398) set to both Vulcan (Q1088708) and HD 26965 b (Q56670425). The former is set to deprecated with the qualifier reason for deprecated rank (P2241) to fictional speculation (Q63077779). The same could be applied to Data (Q22983) where inception (P571) could mean in-universe as well as real-world. Just an idea 🤷‍♂️ --Shisma (talk) 18:58, 30 June 2020 (UTC)Reply
Fabulous -- thank you! EEMIV (talk) 19:10, 30 June 2020 (UTC)Reply

Details on Database ID


As discussed in Database ID proposal, P7512 constructs the URL using the pattern$1. Nevertheless I noticed that databases on uses two different addresses.
For instance see:

so sometimes the /node/ notation is used with a numeric ID, in other cases /database_article/ is used with the short textual code.
Any idea what is the principle behind this? Any way to convert one into the other? If not, does it make sense to create another external ID to cover both kind of links? --Lucamauri (talk) 17:04, 22 January 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hello (
Shisma (talk) 13:50, 30 September 2018 (UTC) Nick (talk) LydiaPintscher (talk) Luca Mauri (talk) 2020-06-27 EEMIV (talk) 16:59, 30 June 2020 (UTC) DGtal (talk) GHA (talk) 11:00, 1 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
  Notified participants of WikiProject Star Trek) what do you say I insert a request for a new ID using the first link above? It looks like both are needed. Thanks for your input. --Lucamauri (talk) 13:43, 20 February 2021 (UTC)Reply
Lucamauri yes, i know what is going on. is based on Drupal (Q170855) where each bit of content (node) has a numeric id (node id), an can be reached via node\$id. You will find that redirects to a random news article from 2010. This was simply the first content created on this perticular installation of drupal. But because node/1234 is not very self explanatory, there is a drupal module that allows a Drupal maintainer to automatically create a number path aliases for each node. When migrated to its current iteration of Drupal, they imported existing aliases. But apparently they don't apply the alias scheme to new database entries. In short, I think this is a mistake that nobody at is aware of. We should maybe inform them 🤷--Shisma (talk) 15:24, 20 February 2021 (UTC)Reply
Thanks for the explanation. I opened a ticket (#09116736) to their assistance to inquiry about the issue. Let's see what they will answer and then let's decide how to proceed with the property. --Lucamauri (talk) 15:38, 4 April 2021 (UTC)Reply
Lucamauri have you received an answer from stdc? if not, I'd propose to change the format to (database_article\/[\d\w\-_]+|node\/\d+) and the formatter url to$1. I would also change existing records to fit the scheme. what do you think?--Shisma (talk) 16:56, 9 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
Shisma I pressured them as early as two weeks ago and they answered they are still looking into the issue and to please wait more time. While there is not solution yet, it does seems they are actually working on it because they answered pretty fast to my inquiry: I would have expected a quick "no" in case they didn't care about it. So I would say to wait again for a little while: I am still confident they can come up with a solution. I will keep you and the group posted. --Lucamauri (talk) 07:20, 11 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
Shisma I wrote to them again yesterday, but the usual answer came back. At this point I am not really sure they want to act on the problem, maybe your suggestion is the best course of action.
Shisma (talk) 13:50, 30 September 2018 (UTC) Nick (talk) LydiaPintscher (talk) Luca Mauri (talk) 2020-06-27 EEMIV (talk) 16:59, 30 June 2020 (UTC) DGtal (talk) GHA (talk) 11:00, 1 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
  Notified participants of WikiProject Star Trek What does other members think? Still wait for them or made the modification in the property? --Lucamauri (talk) 09:08, 10 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Lucamauri go ahad 🙂--Shisma (talk) 15:29, 10 August 2021 (UTC)Reply
Shisma Done with QS batch #62386 --Lucamauri (talk) 21:07, 22 August 2021 (UTC)Reply

publication date (P577)


Yesterday, I updated Wikidata:WikiProject Star Trek/Episodes/TOS to use P577 instead of date of first performance (P1191). The later should only be used for live performances, but at some point this was somewhat mixed up for tv season. At some point most were converted to use P577, but I noticed today, when updating Wikidata:WikiProject_Movies/lists/TV_episodes/two-part, that a few Star Trek episodes still use P1191. If you don't mind I will convert them. --- Jura 20:10, 15 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

I don't Shisma (talk) 05:43, 16 April 2021 (UTC)Reply

WikidataCon 2021



Shisma (talk) 13:50, 30 September 2018 (UTC) Nick (talk) LydiaPintscher (talk) Luca Mauri (talk) 2020-06-27 EEMIV (talk) 16:59, 30 June 2020 (UTC) DGtal (talk) GHA (talk) 11:00, 1 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

  Notified participants of WikiProject Star Trek, as you might have heard, submissions are open for WikidataCon 2021. I was wondering if it makes sense we propose a session to explain something we have done regarding Star Trek in Wikidata. Since there is a specific Wikibase session, I was also thinking about presenting something about my project DataTrek and the integration with Wikidata. What do you think? Do we have something interesting to say to the world? --Lucamauri (talk) 06:47, 3 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Lucamauri i'd be interested in your presentation about DataTrek. What would you propose to have a session about besides that? --Shisma (talk) 12:44, 10 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Lucamauri As co-curator of the Wikibase track, I was already looking at DataTrek as a prominent community-oriented Wikibase that might be mentioned as an example for others, and think it'd be great to have at least a lightning talk on it, perhaps touching on your use of Wikidata as well. I could see a pared-down version of your SMWCon presentation, similar to this blog post, focused on the technical matters, or maybe a more general session on the integration of Wikibase into your project? Time is now short to submit a proposal, so I would urge you to submit soon, but there is still a couple of weeks to finalize your presentation. Let's connect on Telegram and have a chat about it? GreenReaper (talk) 19:45, 17 October 2021 (UTC)Reply
Just for the records: the session finally took place as a lighting talk. It is summarized together with the other presentation in the List of sessions page.
Slides are availble on Commons and the notes for the session are trascripted onto an Etherpad. Lucamauri (talk) 08:08, 15 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Lucamauri was it recorded? --Shisma (talk) 17:40, 15 November 2021 (UTC)Reply
Shisma: Yes, and they eventually put it up. GreenReaper (talk) 09:11, 12 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

Klingon writing support

Shisma (talk) 13:50, 30 September 2018 (UTC) Nick (talk) LydiaPintscher (talk) Luca Mauri (talk) 2020-06-27 EEMIV (talk) 16:59, 30 June 2020 (UTC) DGtal (talk) GHA (talk) 11:00, 1 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

  Notified participants of WikiProject Star Trek

The lexeme tlhIngan wo'/  (L34909)

Since we have our first episode with a klingon title (Wej Duj (Q96868343)) written in actual klingon letters. We also have 41 lexemes and they all have klingon writing in them. If you want to be able to actually see them you need a custom font.

I have made a css file that gives you that. If you want to be able to see it, too you can include the following line:

 @import url(""); /* [[User:Shisma/pIqaD.css]] */

in your common.css.

! 😅 --Shisma (talk) 13:00, 10 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Hi, Shisma, thanks for the invitation. While I generally welcome the usage of Klingon letters, I wonder what the purpose is of having those 41 lexems in the wikidata? Anyway, this leads a to a much larger problem: There is no standard in coding Klingon letters, so this might turn into not usable information, or even be rejected by whoever manage this. But maybe somebody is reading this and can assist: The Unicode people are willing to include Klingon letters into their system, but have a big respect to CBS. So all we need to get this working in a proper way is to find the right person at the legal department of CBS, which is willing to write an official statement which just says "We do not object that Unicode includes the Klingon alphabet in their system and call it Klingon alphabet" or something similar to that. -- Lieven (talk) 10:07, 14 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

I wonder what the purpose is of having those 41 lexems in the wikidata?

Well, the goal is not having 41 lexemes. The goal is having them all! 😅 Wikidata collects lexicographical data about most languages, including klingon. Complete with definitions, example sentences, pronunciation audio and much more. This data can then be used to e.g. generate a dictionary, enable developers to create language learning or machine translation software. You can learn more about it at Wikidata:Lexicographical data. That's why your contributions might most valuable for this project.

There is no standard in coding Klingon letters, so this might turn into not usable information, or even be rejected by whoever manage this.

Yes, I see your problem. Klingon is currently the PUA but I guess that's ok. And Wikidata is not where this problem can be solved. It would be already helpful if we had all the words in Okrand notation (Q56743290). Transliteration can be performed automatically later. – Shisma (talk) 11:36, 14 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

Star Trek Technologies — Lexemes Party



Shisma (talk) 13:50, 30 September 2018 (UTC) Nick (talk) LydiaPintscher (talk) Luca Mauri (talk) 2020-06-27 EEMIV (talk) 16:59, 30 June 2020 (UTC) DGtal (talk) GHA (talk) 11:00, 1 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

  Notified participants of WikiProject Star Trek

I've opened Star Trek Technologies — Lexemes Party. It's a tool to help assemble vocabulary on specific topics.

How can you contribute?
create lexemes for the things in the table in your favorite language and connect them to the wikidata item using item for this sense (P5137)
warp drive (L618030) · Warp-Antrieb (L618035)

Party on! 🥳 --Shisma (talk) 10:01, 1 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

@Lucamauri:: I saw you completed the task first 🎉. I couldn't find a literary reference for Assimilation chamber (Q3383632) (which is definitely the oddball in the list 😅) and so I gave up on that. I hope you found it informative. If you need help with something let me know. Any idea what the next challenge could be about? My idea was Demonyms for the following peoples:

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel WHERE {
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q73756872 .
  FILTER(?item !=  wd:Q924827)
  ?article schema:about ?item.
  ?article schema:isPartOf <> .
Try it!

--Shisma (talk) 18:01, 15 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

New Lexemes Party: Demonyms

Shisma (talk) 13:50, 30 September 2018 (UTC) Nick (talk) LydiaPintscher (talk) Luca Mauri (talk) 2020-06-27 EEMIV (talk) 16:59, 30 June 2020 (UTC) DGtal (talk) GHA (talk) 11:00, 1 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

  Notified participants of WikiProject Star Trek

so here's the new Lexeme challenge:

Add lexemes in your favorite language! As an example I've added Kzin (L619137). Have fun! – Shisma (talk) 16:08, 20 November 2021 (UTC)Reply

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