

The Amity-Place Abortion Case

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The Amity-Place Abortion Case (English)
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9 September 1868Gregorian
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The Amity-Place Abortion Case. The investigation into the circumstances attendant on the death of Susannah Lattin, in Dr. H. D. Grindle's Lying in Asylum, at No. 6 Amity-place, was concluded yesterday at the Mercer street. Police Station, by Coroner Rollins. In the course of the investigation, Dr. John C. Harrison of No. 177 Bleeker street, testified that Susannah called on him for medical treatment; she mentioned that she had led a young man to believe that she was enceinte by him, and asked witness not to undeceive him, as he would probably marry her; she mentioned that the young man had given her $50 to have an operation performed; Susannah was accompanied by a woman of the town on this occasion … "We find that Susannah Lattin came to her death by metro-peritonitis, the result of child birth, at the establishment of Dr. Grindle. No. 6 Amity-place. We further censure Dr. Grindle for the irregular manner of conducting its business, relative to taking in women to confine; and also to his method of adopting the children so delivered, we further recommend the Legislature to so enact a law whereby all such establishments shall be under the supervision and control of the Board of Health, or so other recognized authority; we further condemn the practice of any regular medical college recognizing students connected to such establishments." (English)
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