

Anders Örbom (1675-1740) biography

Karl XII's officerare


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Örbom, Anders, född 1675 9/5 i Örebro: trumpetare vid Livregementets till häst 1691; korporal därstädes 1701 12/6; kvartermästare därstädes 1702 1/3; sekund kornett därstädes 1703 29/12; premiär kornett därstädes 1704 14/12; sekundl löjtnant därstädes 1706 8/2; premiär löjtnant därstädes 1708 7/2; fången 1709 1/7 vid Perevolotjna; hemkom 1722; ryttmästaren karaktär 1724 16/5 med rang från 1723 26/6 och placering vid Jämtlands kavalleri kompani; ryttmästaren därstädes 1727 25/8; död 1744 25/5 på Rödön i Jämtland; (Deltog i fälttåget på) Seland, Pitzur, Klissow, Holofzin, Pultusk, Reusch-Lemberg, Fraustadt, Lakowitz, Poltava: sårad i ansiktet, hade kulan kvarsittande i huvudet. - Gift 1719 5/9 i Solikamsk med Anna Elisabeth von Rohr (A 15), född 1701 22/1, dotter av överstelöjtnant Joachim von Rohr och Catharina Charlotta Klingenberg. Hade 6 söner, därav 5 blevo officerare vid Jämtlands regemente. (Swedish)
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Anders Örbom was born on May 9, 1675 in Örebro, Sweden. He started his military career as the bugler in the Livregementet cavalry in 1691 at age 16. He was promoted to a corporal on June 12, 1701; quartermaster on March 1, 1702; second cornet on December 29, 1703; first cornet on December 14, 1704; second lieutenant on February 8, 1706; and first lieutenant on February 7, 1708. He was taken prisoner on July 1, 1709 during the Surrender at Perevolochna following the Battle of Poltava at Perevolotjna. He was allowed to go back to his home in 1722. He was promoted to cavalry master on May 16, 1724, and then promoted to cavalry master with rank on June 26, 1723. He was transferred to the Jämtlands Regiment and became the the cavalry master there on August 25, 1727. He died on May 25, 1744 in Rödön in Jämtland. He participated in the following battles: the Battle of Humlebæk (1700) on Zealand, Battle of Petschora (1701), Battle of Klissow (1702), Battle of Pułtusk (1703), Battle of Lemberg (1704), Battle of Fraustadt (1706), Battle of Lakowitz (1706), Battle of Holowczyn (1708), and the Battle of Poltava (1709). During the Battle of Poltava he was shot in the face. On September 5, 1719 in Solikamsk, he married Anna Elisabeth von Rohr. She was born on January 22, 1701, the daughter of Joachim von Rohr and Catharina Charlotta Klingenberg. He had six sons, of which five became officers in the Jämtlands regiment. (English)
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