

Florence Winter

pseudonymous American trans man who visited the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft around 1902, seeking genital surgery, but was ultimately daunted by the surgery

  • Winter Florence


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Florence Winter (English)
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Winter left Europe at the outbreak of World War II and returned to Chicago, where she lived again as a lesbian. (English)
Belegt ist der Fall von „Florence Winter" (unaufgelöstes Pseudonym),die zu jener Zeit von Chicago aus nach Berlin fuhr, um „Lösungen für ihre Probleme bezüglich der Homosexualität und des Transvestitismus" zu finden. „Winter" wollte als Mann leben, schreckte jedoch vor der operativen Geschlechtsangleichung zurück, und als der Zweite Weltkrieg ausbrach, kehrte sie nach Chicago zurück, um fortan als lesbische Frau weiterzuleben. (German)
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Florence Winter (pseudonym), female-to-male, went to Berlin, probably in the 1920s, “to find solutions to her problems of homosexuality and transvestism.” In Chicago she had felt “isolated from her kind,” but in Berlin she found others like herself through her association with Hirschfeld’s institute. According to a friend who recorded her story in a letter, Hirschfeld himself agreed to arrange her sex-change surgery. “However, when he warned her that after the operations she would not be either a man or a woman, she backed out.” Perhaps Hirschfeld meant that Winter would not have reproductive capacities, or perhaps he referred to the inability of surgeons to create a functioning penis. In any case, after living for “a long time” as a man, Winter left Europe at the outbreak of World War II and returned to Chicago, where she lived again as a lesbian. (English)
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