

Harmanus B. Duryea (1815-1884) obituary

obituary in The Brooklyn Daily Eagle

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General H. B. Duryea. (English)
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28 August 1884Gregorian
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The death of General H. B. Duryea, an old and well known citizen of this city, took place on Tuesday afternoon at his country residence, on the Shrewburg River. (English)
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General Duryea was born in Newtown, Long Island, in 1815, and was therefore on the verge of the allotted three score and ten when he died. His father was Cornelius Duryea, who was a successful hardware merchant, his place of business having been in Front street, in this city. The deceased after receiving a classical training in a school in New York City, entered the law office of a Mr. Clarke, who subsequently became a Judge of the New York Supreme Court. He next became connected in a clerical capacity with the Hon. Judge Greenwood, now of this city, who then kept an office in Hanover street, on the other side of the river. After several months service with the latter he left the Judge's employment and repaired to Orange County for a short period, to recruit his health, which had become impaired. In 1837 he returned to this city, and entered into a legal partnership with Joshua M. Van Cott. In the following year Judge Greenwood changed the field of his practice to this city and shortly afterward took the deceased into partnership with him which continued till 1849 when their legal relationship was dissolved on the best of terms owing to the election of Mr. Greenwood to the City Judgeship of this city. During this period General Duryea became connected by marriage with the Bowne family, who, as owners of the Maine street Ferry, had amassed a large fortune. He also served in the State Legislature and as the District Attorney of this county. (English)
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