

Cringely's stages of group development

model of group development

  • Cringely's model of group development
  • Commandos, Infantry, and Police
  • Pioneers, Settlers, and Town Planners


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Coding Horror (English)
1 reference
Commandos, Infantry, and Police (English)
As I was driving home, I found myself thinking about a favorite section of the book Accidental Empires, by longtime computer journalist Robert X. Cringely. [...] / In the chapter "On The Beach", Cringely talks about the three distinct groups of people that define the lifetime of a company: Commandos, Infantry, and Police: (English)
1 reference
Accidental Empires, Chapter 12 — On the Beach / Think of the growth of a company as a military operation, [...] / Whether invading countries or markets, the first wave of troops to see battle are the commandos. [...] / Grouping offshore as the commandos do their work is the second wave of soldiers, the infantry. [...] / What happens [...] These third-wave troops hate change. They aren’t troops at all but police. (English)
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Bits or pieces? (English)
Pioneers, Settlers and Town Planners
Commandos, Infantry and Police
1 reference
Bits or pieces On Pioneers, Settlers, Town Planners and Theft (English)
The concept of Pioneers, Settlers and Town Planners is a derivative of Robert X. Cringely's description of companies as Commandos, Infantry and Police as expressed in the delightful 1993 book - Accidental Empires. The first time I used this structure was around 2005-2006. (English)