

positive regulation of Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex assembly

Any process that activates or increases the frequency, rate or extent of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex assembly.

  • upregulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex formation
  • positive regulation of ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex formation
  • up-regulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex assembly
  • upregulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex assembly
  • upregulation of ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • up-regulation of Atg1p signalling complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • positive regulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex formation
  • up regulation of ATG1 kinase complex assembly
  • upregulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex assembly
  • positive regulation of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex formation
  • upregulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex assembly
  • up regulation of ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • positive regulation of ATG1 kinase complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • upregulation of Atg1p signalling complex formation
  • upregulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex assembly
  • positive regulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex assembly
  • up regulation of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex formation
  • positive regulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex formation
  • GO:1905866
  • up regulation of ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • up-regulation of ATG1 kinase complex formation
  • up-regulation of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex assembly
  • up regulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • up regulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex assembly
  • positive regulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex assembly
  • upregulation of Atg1p signalling complex assembly
  • positive regulation of ATG1 kinase complex formation
  • upregulation of ATG1 kinase complex formation
  • positive regulation of Atg1p signalling complex assembly
  • upregulation of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex assembly
  • positive regulation of Atg1p signalling complex formation
  • positive regulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex assembly
  • upregulation of ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex formation
  • up regulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex formation
  • up-regulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • upregulation of ATG1 kinase complex assembly
  • up regulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex formation
  • upregulation of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex formation
  • up regulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex assembly
  • up regulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • up-regulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • up regulation of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex assembly
  • up regulation of Atg1p signalling complex formation
  • up regulation of ATG1 kinase complex formation
  • up-regulation of Atg1p signalling complex formation
  • positive regulation of ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • positive regulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • up regulation of ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ATG1/ULK1 kinase complex formation
  • up regulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex formation
  • upregulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex formation
  • positive regulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex assembly
  • up-regulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex formation
  • upregulation of ATG1/ULK1 signaling complex formation
  • upregulation of ULK1-ATG13-RB1CC1 complex formation
  • up-regulation of ATG1 kinase complex assembly
  • positive regulation of ATG1-ATG13 complex formation
  • up regulation of Atg1p signalling complex assembly


