

Enigma Tales

Book by Una McCormack

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Series: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Relaunch (American English)
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Una McCormack
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27 June 2017
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FIRST LOOK at DS9: Enigma Tales Cover (English)
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine -- Enigma Tales will run 368 pages. It will be available as a mass market paperback, eBook and audio download on June 27, priced at $7.99 (U.S.)/$10.99 (Canada). (English)
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T’Rena tasted the tea. “Not unpleasant.” “Mostly harmless,” said Garak. She looked up at him calmly. “I beg your pardon?” “It’s a quotation from a human classic,” said Garak. Rather a flippant one. He tried to get a grip on himself. (English)
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The day wore on. Lang paced her room. She felt trapped, frightened, like a creature stuck in a maze, an experiment of someone else’s devising, or a character from the human author Kafka. (English)
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“The summers are better than they used to be,” he said. “The soil reclamation work up in the mountains is really starting to have an effect. Ten years ago—it felt like we were in darkness the whole summer. And masks were hard to come by.” Dante’s Inferno. Pulaski shook her head. (English)
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“I’d like to know how he made it through the end of the Dominion War.” “The Fire,” said Alden. “That’s what they call it here. The Fire.” (English)
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I remember Julian Bashir when I first saw him on Deep Space 9.” He smiled in fond memory. “You would’ve laughed! He was hopelessly out of his depth. So young. So awkward. Always said the wrong thing. But so full of hope. And some of that . . . some of that transferred itself to me. I would not have survived my exile with­out Julian Bashir. I mean that. I would’ve died ­without Julian Bashir.” (English)
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Even my private quarters, despite my efforts, have a rather impersonal air, as if my presence there is temporary—a kind of exile, one might say, from my real life. Sometimes I feel about these rooms much as I did my quarters on Deep Space 9. (English)
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I once said to someone that I had spent too much of my life in small rooms and seedy alleyways. Now that I think about it, I would also add industrial estates. There is something about these places—with buildings often unmanned for large periods of time and toward the edge of cities—that draws people like me to them. For good reason. They offer concealment. They offer hideaways. I seem to have seen the inside of a lot of these kinds of places.I definitely joined the wrong intelligence agency. (English)
4 October 2016
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All True, Especially the Lies—Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Cardassia (English)
And I still don’t feel these stories are done. Every so often, I hear a polite clearing of the throat behind me, a gentle tap on my shoulder, and I hear Garak murmur “Now, my dear, where did we leave matters…?”And round we go again, for Cardassia. (English)

